I talked to a woman who claims to be Q Anon.

0  2017-11-15 by [deleted]



I don't know about Taylor Swift.

Same. I mean I'm biased since I can't stand the bitch, but still.

Agreed, idk about this post or the recent Q-anon post but I have yet to see the muffin man.

Interesting thread, but the woman in the photo has crazy eyes IMO. I think she might believe what she is saying and still be false. But who knows. Maybe she's legit.

Yeah. I'm not trying to make everyone think she's legit. I'm just putting it out there for consideration.

The photo is a pic of Donaltella Versace.

Oh. So crazy eyes confirmed.

Nah dude. I think he mean the photo Kate posted on her twitter of herself.

I'm telling you again, your Kate's ID is a pic of Donatella Versace.

No no no! That's the picture I use on my youtube and twitter! Her picture is the snowflake.

This is the pic being referred to

No, the picture of Donatella Versace is my avatar on twitter. Her avatar is the snowflake.

Tremendous larp, TREMENDOUS.


Extreme larping.


Larp confirmed.

I'm not throwing it out as a LARP just yet. There's a chance it could be real, but this woman believes she's a part of it when she's really not. But still, LARP is a possibility.

How many divisions do Rosanne Barr and Taylor Swift bring to the offensive?

Bad vibes, man. Narcissistic bad vibes.

I'm getting mentally ill vibes.

Try to not give her any personal information and ease away slowly. If she thinks you're a source of attention, awe, or praise she will not let go easily.

Will do. I don't think I'm going to initiate any more conversation.

These people aren't even trying anymore, posts like this belong in r/fiction.

so i looked into her twitters and all i can find is her talking to herself .... like WAAAAY beyond what i think a person would be willing to do. i'm starting to be of the opinion that kate in an AI... look at the way she talks to you... some of it is almost child like... the weird way she types is called leet speak. and stems from anons screwing with sniffer bots.

It's a possibility. But there's also the videos she posted of a real woman. And the photos she had of "herself." She changed her profile picture before I started taking screenshots, but it was of the woman in the pinned tweet.

There's also a chance that she's severely mentally ill as well.

I'd say that's a roger on the mentally ill thing.

"A lot of us are in 5d now. i don't know if you realize it, but pretty much, the truth is being downloaded into you."


Yeeeeah gonna say she's a loonie. There's plenty out there.

Remember that old youtube channel of the schizophrenic girl who would accost postal and construction workers because they were "stalking" her?

Wow, I don't think I ever saw that channel. A while back I happened across a channel by a guy who had 100's of videos of him talking about license plates. He'd write down every plate number he saw, then make videos letting everyone know they weren't fooling him, and that he'd figured out their code. Strange stuff.

It's likely schizophrenia. A close friend of mine had it growing up and when he wasn't taking his pills he'd always think that things like billboards or or ads were trying to give him secret messages.

well i mean technically, that is true.

What sub are you talking to? Haaa...

Yup. That's the YT account that started following me a couple days ago. I just find it weird and a bit alarming that she claims I liked one of her posts (when I didn't) and that's how she found me, meanwhile I'm starting to get into this Q Anon stuff. It's just perfect timing.

Yup. This lady is nucking futs. She doesn't type at all like Q either. But she's in 5d so we probably just don't get it.

Ask yourself this.

In today's world where anonymity steps such as TOR and Tails can easily be defeated by the NSA and CIA, why would a supposed government insider who says the situation is bad enough to where they apparently need to sprinkle in disinfo and be vague be posting on 4chan where they can be easily traced? Why not the darknet? Or Wikileaks? Or a media network, MSM or not?

Because, and stay with me here, 4chan users loves to troll people en masse.

It's a possibility. In this woman's case, mental illness may be a large factor as well.

That's what I was thinking

umm, you do know that 4chan is one of the few crossover points between the darknet and the opennet right

Yes, but they aren't posting to the darknet are they? Not even to infinity either which is even more of a bridge.

i was working on the assumption that q and MeGA were posting FROM the darknet using TOR or Tails to 4chan... at least thats how i would do it.

LARP-O-Meter says......


Funny, when I was reading the link, it 'blanked 'out?

From what I've read, it's hard to confirm, she could be real. . . 4chan is interesting & entertaining, but who the hell knows how much is larp? Q's 'crumbs' can be tiring at times, after a while it's just, cut to the chase, already.

What do you mean blanked out?

The entire time I was talking to her she was insisting I make the connections myself and I was coming very close to telling her off. Why the fuck couldn't she spell it the fuck out?

As I was reading; it went 'blank'.

Note: I've been banned from conspiracy b/c I asked a question in my post about the Trump admin.

Can I get a link to that video she mentions?

Part 1 and Part 2. Haven't watched them yet. No clue what they're about.

Thanks! So far I've learned that she had a surgery, while she was knocked out someone stole her furniture business, so she called the FBI. Then she moved to a rural area for her own safety, because Hillary was going to have her killed. Somehow Trump's Secret Service officers get involved, and they protect her, even though she can't see them. She sends the invisible Secret Service agents hidden notes by tweeting out photos that contain messages that can't be seen unless the contrast is adjusted. Her experience with secret messages makes it easy for her to decipher Q's hidden messages.

This lady really needs to see a doctor. She definitely believes every word she's saying, imho. It's very interesting to me to see the human mind work this way.

I for the hell of it I asked her about Tactical Fake Arm Guy from Trump's inauguration (he's an inside joke between me and my fiance) and she said while she's never come face to face with him, she thought he was a robot. AI none the less. Says he's much more robotic than any Secret Service agent she's ever seen.

She's really into this. I kind of hope it's all an elaborate hoax because I feel bad for her.

So she claims to be the original Q Anon? Sure. Uh huh.

Definitely crazy person or larp. LinkedIn page confirms it.

Ooohhhh I didn't see her linkedin

ya gots to be clever ;)


Not going to doxx anyone - even if crazy or a bot.

That's cool.