Okay, i am freaked out, really freaked out. This Pakistani guy just started working where i work, 'coincidentally' his desk is opposite mine. And i'm now convinced the microphones on my handheld devices are being accessed and listened to

0  2017-11-16 by [deleted]



How about GPS coordinates, both you and co-worker are sharing the same physical space.

Yeah thats a good theroy but i dont have location services on my phone, plus all my traffic runs through vpn

That works so long as there are no backdoors into your devices

i realised that the alter account has never been in the same space though only my main, which isnt linked

Yeah, your phones are next to each other all day.

How does facebook know that?

All the apps on your phone tract your location and browsing data. They share the data with each other. Basically as soon as you run a major app or use a website, like reddit or facebook, they know who you are. Its very hard to prevent this - i dont even try.

from above - Yeah thats a good theroy but i dont have location services on my phone, plus all my traffic runs through vpn

Interesting. Well, maybe its something deeper. Dont use facebook on your phone though.

Phones talk to each other by broadcasting sounds in a frequency humans can't hear.

TVs also do the same with phones.

Ever use the same Wi-Fi network?

i realised that the alter account has never been in the same space though only my main, which isnt linked

delete ur fb app

Ive been considering it for sometime, i just find it useful as a free cloud storage for photos, i just make them private and you can upload as many as you want free

Just delete your app not for the account find another way to upload photos not through the app. Save photos else where. I've noticed this tread before. It's based on GPS location. It's not "them" looking at you. Your nobody, it's a happen stance because of the app. Not everything is big brother. Go outside breath real air.

Have you seen this? Facebook deny's this fact but it is definitely true. Multiple similar videos are online as well as countless story's. Just check out some of the comments in this thread, after the top couple shills of course. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/79i4cj/youtube_user_demonstrating_how_facebook_listens/

As far as your co worker goes, you could just be paranoid.

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Im definitely not paranoid, im just shocked. Even though we do give them persmission when signing the privacy policy. Surely this massive influx of voice operated devices isnt 'to make your life easier' . Look at alexis by amazon, how pointless is that thing!

Did you friend him on your real account?

Did you two exchange phone numbers?

No and No, theres been no contact other than in person

Cookies/ip address.

It’s like you’ve put on two different uniforms at the same McDonald’s.

Would go to the FBI


If you're scared or fear for your wellbeing There are people there and their job is to help you .

Yea does this asap do not pass go do not collect $200

If you have ur job listed on fb and he does to it will give him as an add friend option or if u have mutual friends from work

"Its [fb account] not linked to any email i use or any phone or account etc."

Is that possible??? to create a fb without email or mobile phone #?

Listen to this.


FB has many ways to track you. I've heard they track over 56000 specific metrics on individual behaviors, which allows them to make links via things like session cookies, gps, url refers, the infamous Facebook hidden pixel that most sites incorporate into their sites.

Also, you say you use a VPN, that's good, but unless you are browsing your Facebook alt account on a fresh browser install on a fresh device , & you never access anything related to your other FB identity on this device, you are easily fingerprinted & they know how to connect the dots.

Imagine you cleared your cookies, connected via VPN, but did not clear the directory that holds your favicons to sites. You can be fingerprinted via your favicons if they match your other identity when it logged into FB.

That's just one of many ways they track you. My guess is you haven't covered your tracks as well as you think.

That works so long as there are no backdoors into your devices