Why is the front page of Reddit always littered with anti capitalism, anti Trump, leftist rhetoric?

6  2017-11-16 by [deleted]



$$$ astroturfing

Was going to post a reply, but you pretty much covered it.

Most of the world is way to the left of Hillary Clinton.


Yeah, in the UK she would be more to the right than the conservative party leader.

They could run through a wheat field together laughing at the poor

Now now, that's a bit too extreme...only wild folk do that.

do you think people outside US really care about Trump? yeah, they read news, and may have negative opinion about Trump, but would they be so interested in never-Trump hysteria?

I'm not American and my post history is pretty anti trump/ Murdoch./ Brexit. So that's why I wrote the comment.

Found Brit here? I understand (and respect) your strong opinion about Brexit, and may be Murdoch. But why anti-Trump? I mean, I'm for example interested in events in Catalonia, but tbh not care much which side would prevail.

I'm anti Hillary as well. I think most of the world was hoping maybe Bernie might have a shot. With Trump it seems another war is inevitable and more money will go to the rich and US politics will move even further right.

hmmmm, not sure about "most of the world". People who experienced life under communist regimes would never want another socialist.

They wouldn't want someone as far right as hillary either

You make absolutely no sense to be essentially anti-globalist, but also be anti Brexit.

As a Brit living in Australia I enjoy the freedom to move and live anywhere in the EU or Nz. but that will go. I lost about $30k so far from Brexit because the pound has crashed. I would prefer the UK to be closer to the EU than the US. Fixing the EU from within is better than trying to fix it from the outside.

And that kind of narcissism and selfishness is exactly why EU countries grew stagnant, and why they are in the state they are in.

Oh you can move a LITTLE LESS freely between countries, oh no. How about the sovereignty of that nation? Is that more important than vacationing and business for consumer goods?

Are you serious. Seems like your trolling.

Squeaky wheel whines loudest.

I don't know anyone who...

I guess there is no arguing with that, I mean the people you know intimately enough to know how they feel about these kinds of things are in fact so numerous and so diverse in their opinions and beliefs as to cover all possible variations. It therefore must be a conspiracy because you personally don't know anyone fitting those beliefs.

I think the largest portion of this sites user base is 20 somethings, and the largest population centers in the country (LA, NYC) all lean pretty left when it comes to the younger generation. it doesnt surprise me when I see stuff like latestagecapitalism on the front page anymore because it seems like everyone who uses this site went to UC Berkeley lol

I like late stage capitalism. It's funny and it's always good to have a reality check not swinging too far into one direction . Occasionally the sub is hijacked by anti-trump agenda but the other stuff is good.

Yes this. Go to any zero tolerance high school or any college and witness the massive brainwashing and zombification into the safespace, SJW, snowflake, virtue signaling alt-left resulting in what we see in r/politics and r/all takeovers

weird user name. everyone knows its ok to be white. look at congress, every president but one, country clubs, ceo's, etc

why do you feel its important to point out that it is acceptable to be white? do you feel like white people are oppressed?

Dunno if you are unaware but it's a reference to a 4chan thing.

i see it on twitter too, when i dive into the depths of white nationalists and friends of richard spencer

Rofl you got offended by the saying "it's okay to be white" and then brought up nationalism and racism. An innocent saying and you found a way to be offended by it...

was i offended?

dont bother, this is like the entire depth of the meme. they say "its ok to be white," and then some random person is like, "huh, that's an odd thing to say" and then they sit back and scream "LOL YOU STUPID LIBTARD YOURE SO TRIGGERED LOL"

wow we're dealing with an intelligence we cant hope to understand

People say it because of idiots like ypu, getting offended by every little thing.

Probably just a account he doesn't care too much about, like me.

why do you feel its important to point out that it is acceptable to be white?

Because there is a movement of people saying it's not ok

do you feel like white people are oppressed?


Because it's owned by a media conglomerate, and they're still covering for and trying to empower the money and people that were behind the "left" and HRC in the last election.

capitalists are funding anti capitalist sentiment?

Marxists are funding anti-capitalist sentiment. FTFY.

holy shit marxists are running the conglomerates? do they not see the irony?!

They don't!! They think they're capitalists!!

Correct the Record/Share Blue spent millions to spam anti-Trump shit.

I think a lot of people looking for virtual brownie points too. Makes them sleep better at night knowing they contributed to the echo chamber and got tons of up votes/approval. In real life hopefully they are less black/white and realize there is levels to this shit.

Don't you know all cool people are full blown communists now. Or atleast think that if you don't believe healthcare is a right you are a monster person. Check out late stage capitalism for some real mental gymnastics.

Most other 1st world countries have some type of universal healthcare, it a not a crazy notion that those people don't view our health care system negatively

Another Bernie sanders supporter I assume

You remind me of a Mark Twain quote:

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.

It's a shame more people can't afford to travel.

That quote is bs by the way.

I've spent over 15 years outside of the USA, and I'm far more "racist" and "narrow-minded" by the establishment's standards than I was growing up.


Thanks man!

Friends don't let friends look up crime statistics.

Different people have different experiences. I don't know you or your story, but obviously travel didn't have that effect on you. But you can't say it's not true for other people just because it's not true for you.

I grew up as a white, upper middle class male in the southern US, the supposed hotbed of racism, but I was taught (and I truly believed) that all races are the same.

That belief withered quickly when I actually encountered and lived among people from different ethnic and national backgrounds.

Some races, nations, and cultures are WAY better than others. I don't believe "whites" (whatever that is) are the best race by the way.

You definitely are racist and prejudiced in general if you think you can judge a race, nation, or culture based on the limited experiences you had with individuals from each of these groups.

That's exactly the opposite of the case - I've actually lived among other cultures and had extensive experiences with thousands of people. It's more than enough to make generalizations.

Yeah but that's what they are, generalizations. This is literally what it means to be prejudiced.

Nope. You can generalize to predict what you will LIKELY find in a given population but still treat individuals as individuals.

i live in New york, immigrant from France.

but ok

Where do you live? Most of the younger generations (Reddit's main demographic) are pretty solidly to the left, as a result of growing up during the forever war and skyrocketing inequality.

Skyrocketing inequality?

income inequality

Eh I believe more that younger people lean left until they have to pay taxes and realize that people make their own choices and the system isn't what is keeping people down.

Except that for many of us "the system" does keep us down long into adulthood.


How so? Do you have any experience with "the system?" I do, both working within it and having to be a part of it. Welfare and assistance programs are designed to keep you in them. For example, my family receives $240 dollars a month in SNAP benefits. (Food stamps) It helps, but its not nearly enough for a family of six. Now if I manage to pick up overtime, or work an extra job and make $100 extra dollars for the month they then take that out of my assistance for the next month. Now if I had a higher paying job and was pulling in extra income every month I can understand that, but the way it currently is I have almost no way to catch up or pay off debts. You're given just enough help to not starve to death... most of the time.

Maybe you shouldn't have a family of six if you're on welfare. Nobody forced you to have six kids without an income to support it. But yes just blame the "system" instead of your personal choices.

"You're given just enough help to not starve to death... most of the time."

And have enough money for the internet and whatever device you're using to access it.

I don't feel sorry for you literally at all.

Don't need your sympathy. Don't want it either. Never blamed the system, I have made my own choices. But being in the system makes life harder than it already is. I'm grateful for the assistance, but getting out from underneath it is prohibitive. Part of "the system" is that too many jobs don't pay a fair wage. I have a ba and and associates degree. And yet, i'm making 12 bucks and hour in a hospital, with 50k is student debt. This is part of the problem, you have to go to school to get a decent job. School is expensive So you get loans. You get done and still can't find a decent paying job, so hello debt.

Second, we don't always "choose" how many children we have, or the size of our family. Parents become ill and have to move in with kids. Homes are lost. Birth control fails sometimes. There's many possibilities. And if you think you are going to shame me for having 4 wonderful, smart, and compassionate children then you can go take a leap.

Third, i'm on the internet at work non my break. Most people on assistance already work and pay into the system. And even if I were at home, internet in my area ranges from 50-60 bucks a month. That's not a lot of money when ones trying to be upwardly mobile, not to mention that having the internet is a necessity for most peoples work and school.

Lastly, I feel sorry for you, as you obviously have no empathy for anyone who's not in the same situation as you. So you can, literally, go screw yourself.

if you arent poor you can easily afford to go to school, which allows you to stay out of poverty. The system seems to be setup in a rich get richer system, which makes sense since guess who writes the laws and designs the systems???

I don't have empathy not because you're in different position than me but because you've obviously made choices that you have to live with and now you're costing everybody else by being on welfare.

If those jobs don't pay a "fair" wage then don't work there. There is nobody forcing anybody to work for any amount that they don't think is fair.

What did you get your degree in?

the system incentivizes having kids

you seem to have no experience with that which you are so disgusted by. the welfare system is set up very poorly

its pretty much universally agreed by (intelligent) people that the welfare system is failing and needs to be revamped for exactly the reason you are stating: it disincentivizes hard work and earning. I dont know if it was designed this way on purpose (dont attribute to malice that which can be sufficiently explained by incompetence) as I think well intentioned people wrote it, but it is def not working. Im in favor of a basic income replacing all of these welfare programs with no penalty for earning

And wealth inequality, though the two are obviously related.

Because reddit is most populated by lib citydwellers killing time in their cubicles wishing for free shit someone else pays for.

And all the top subs and old defaults / large subs. Are all moderated by people who also moderate the anti-trump subs.


wishing for free shit someone else pays for

i'm almost positive you won't care or listen to me, but this is a wild characterization of socialism and stems entirely for pro-capitalist propaganda.

I'll just remind you that, since sept 11 2001, we have spent, on average, 700 MILLION dollars.... per day on our military.

And yet, capitalist propagandists will laugh our faces when we suggest that healthcare and university should be taxpayer subsidized.

Just think about that for a minute, please.

And the best thing about it - it works. In scotland if any of my family members get sick, I know they will be looked after well. And they have been. The idea of “long waiting lists” and “bad care” is a total fallacy. If anything - it’s government cuts in the uk that are stifling the NHS’ productivity. The right are trying to destroy the truly great thing we have in this country. And if u ask anyone about how they feel “paying for free shit for someone else” in the case of the NHS they will be more than happy too.

Private healthcare even still exists if u really want it.

I get to go to university for nothing. Receive financial support during it and can leave with my degree - hopefully catapulting myself into the job market with a good career lined up for me. Then I can pay my taxes to help others maintain the same level of health and opportunities in their life. It truly is wonderful!

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google and Youtube are part of TPTB and they are pushing their agenda.

It’s literally just because outside of the US, The EU and UK are all left leaning. Even our right wing politicians are further left than the likes of Hillary Clinton. Always makes me laugh that people believe there’s an “agenda” being pushed. When it’s probably just that right wing politics has done nothing but ruin country’s over here.

I don't know anyone personally in real life who shares these beliefs

That's a real shame. Probably why it's so easy for you to dehumanize them.

But don't worry, there are literally millions of us (socialist here).

You don't have a right to other people's shit. I hope you can realize that someday.

uhhh, that's actually exactly why I'm a socialist, because I don't like capitalist corporate overlords stealing the profit of my labor.

it's so sad that the capitalist propaganda has worked this well.

i don't want "free shit that someone else pays for", I want a society where workers are compensated fairly, and where instead of spending literally trillions of dollars to go wage endless pointless wars for decades on end, we instead spend a FRACTION of that money to gasp help people have medicine and a decent education!

That still isn't the definition of socialism dumbass

well, if you can't discuss socialism without calling someone names almost immediately, i'm fairly certain that you are too close-minded to ever really change your opinion about anything.

have a good one, my dude.

and BTW, the "definition" socialism is highly debated, even by those on the left.

but most would agree on a basic definition of, "a system where workers control the means of production and are entitled to the profits of their labor."

pretty crazy and radical, huh? =\

Yeah, it's working great in Venezuela, huh?

intellectually lazy reply.

do you think venezuela is what i described?

Please name a successful example. I'll wait.

this system worked really well in Soviet Union

what are you talking about? this system was never implemented in the USSR.

and what economic system was implemented in USSR? And was used for 70 years?

Take a look around you and realize that everything that afforded you the opportunity to type that message from your Mac in your likely A/c room was brought to you by capitalism. The free market wins every time.

We do spend a shit load on medicine and education. https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2012/05/14/152671813/50-years-of-government-spending-in-1-graph

Just hope you realize someday you don't have a right to other people's shit.

Actually, workers made your Mac, and the shareholders steal the value from them. It is the capitalists who wants a free ride.

Right and they're paid for what they do.

If they were paid fairly for what they do ,net profit for the company would be zero and wages would be adjusted upwards accordingly. But in a capitalist system the people who provide no added value get the most out of it just because they are good at a numbers game.

If they're not paid fairly they have the choice to work somewhere else. Nobody is forcing anybody to work somewhere.

You conveniently ignore the fact that in a capitalist economy there are exactly zero places that pay workers fair value for their labor due to the profit motive. Profit=exploitation.

So people without capital can either starve or be exploited by the owners of capital. Great system you got there.

It actually is a great system we have here.

Poor people are fat nowadays in our country. Think about that shit.

Just hope you realize someday you don't have a right to other people's shit.

you keep invalidating everything you're saying but ending with this tired and lazy piece of propaganda. shame really.

It's not lazy propaganda. What's lazy is saying you have a right to other people's shit because you're too lazy to make it yourself.

What's lazy is saying you have a right to other people's shit because you're too lazy to make it yourself.

I never siad this or implied this in any way, which is why it's a lazy form of propaganda.

honestly, i'd give it a 3/10. doesn't hold up to even basic scrutiny or critical thought. points for dogwhistling to others in your ideological camp, though.

Sure bud.

i'm honestly surprised you didn't reply with that same line you keep repeating.

That's good man. Just hope you realize someday that you don't have a right to other people's shit.

alright, well it's been fun attempting to have a real conversation with you, but you've made it clear at this point you aren't interested in rational discourse.

i am now blocking you.

i just hope you realize someday that you don't have a right to other people's shit.

i just hope you realize someday that you don't have a right to other people's shit.

Hey you're getting it now!

stay off my roads, don't use my parks, don't send your kids to my schools.....

I think 5he front page of Reddit accurately reflects what most people I know think. Its kind of chicken and egg though since they think what Reddit tells them to.

Reddit is the online MSM.

If liberals want their views to dominate, they have to control the media.

If you find truly free media, you'll find extreme right-wing stuff. Check out 4chan or full chan.

Never noticed on Reddit, but I purposely avoid those kind of pages that are controlled by company staff. The trending page on YouTube, the moments on Twitter, and the news on Google I avoid as much as possible. I only pay attention to what I follow and read the news from whatever sources I trust. I know they want to shove their views down my throat and I'm not with it.

I wouldn't say there's a lot of anti-capitalist other than what comes from r/latestagecapitalism. Sadly most of it is true, capitalism, more specifically corporate/crony capitalism, is causing many of the problems around the world. It's not really capitalism's fault as people will take advantage which ever system put in front of them. 🤷

Anti-Trump is pretty obvious seeing as he's a useless piece of shit.

"Leftist" because many of the other major countries using reddit are a bit more liberal that good ol' US. I totally under being conservative, I personally hold many conservative beliefs, but I prefer the separation of church and state, not hating gay people, women's rights... Etc. Some of GOP's stances are straight up archaic.

'Cause once you succeed in capitalism, there's no other way to go up then promote socialism for everyone else.

No idea. I turned off the front page a week after I created this account. I don't want to hear the lunatic ravings of a 20 year old dipshit who has completed their first semester of college.

pretty much yep the same

I don't want to hear the lunatic ravings of a 20 year old dipshit who has completed their first semester of college.

If they are both a lunatic and a dipshit, maybe you should applaud them for making it into and completing a semester of college? Or you could admit you are just spitting nonsense.

Why the hell would I applaud that? Do you think it requires some special intellect to complete a semester at college? Are you an idiot?

no, but you are.

Do you think it requires some special intellect to complete a semester at college?

No, but I would imagine its quite an accomplishment for someone that is a "lunatic" and a "dipshit"

Riiight! Only sane people can pass a class about Queer Theory and Remedial Math! You heard it here first folks! No crazy person has ever graduated from college! I mean shit, did you graduate from college? Because you are the definition of a dipshit thus proving my point.

Only sane people can pass a class

You said crazy and stupid. How can you not remember what you wrote? Do you really think a college is giving out credits for remedial math?

Because you are the definition of a dipshit thus proving my point.

How am I the definition of a dipshit? Why are you so anti social? Does it make you happy to insult strangers? Is this what you do to fill that gaping hole in your life?

Removed. Rule 10.

Well done. You have discovered you live in a bubble.

Also not just Americans use reddit.

You need to get out and meet more people then...

take notice how op doesn't answer or respond to anything.

take notice of the concept of sleep

You know somebody with these beliefs, they just don't talk to you about them. Probably because you call their beliefs rhetoric and propaganda. You seem pretty closed minded, its hard to talk to people like you about politics.

because capitalism and trump are garbage?

opposed to socialism and (the alternative?)

Capitalism is an elephant in the room which keeps getting bigger as the wealth inequality gap continues to grow. What makes you suspicious about anti capitalism posts?

Because thats whats upvoted. Thats what people agree with.

Most other 1st world countries have some type of universal healthcare, it a not a crazy notion that those people don't view our health care system negatively