So did Judge Moore also sign Nelson's divorce papers after attempting to rape her years earlier? I mean, what are the odds? What a load of bullshit fake news for the far-left.

0  2017-11-16 by Yogurt__BOY


You guys are getting delusional.

Who are these guys? You are here or do you think you live in another dimension to the rest of us?

How odd.

By "you guys" I simply meant those who are still defending Moore.

Defending someone against actual made up lies.

Roy Moore deserves a public apology

Roy Moore has sown division in this country ever since he started abusing his office back in the early 2000s. The fact that he's been exposed as an enormous hypocrite comes as no surprise. He should be the one apologizing. Instead, he's likely to win a seat in the US Senate and legitimize all of his bullshit.

The fact that he's been exposed

When did this happen?

Only the delusional idiots over on /r/politics think this to be true.

It happened when the deluge of women came out and publicly identified themselves as his victims and then a bunch of people from Gadsden told us about Roy Moore's "shopping habits".

r/politics is quite a hive mind, but in this case it's all true

Which bit is true?

And also based on the voting on this post, 55% of the people here, too. So. Yeah.

Roy Moore == Pizzagate

You can take your false equivalency and get right the fuck out of here.

Roy Moore is a fucking creep. I want to throw up everything i look at his picture

Regardless, this pales in comparison to pizzagate.

8 accusers vs 0 accusers.

1 pedo defender vs everybody

You're literally comparing two different scenarios involving pedophiles, so that tactic is probably one you should think about for a while before you put it into practice.

Pizzagate is actually a restaurant in Alabama that Roy Moore was banned from for creeping on teens

Don't let political bias influence you. You can't agree that there is a lot of circumstantial evidence against this guy? Guilty until proven sure, but it's not looking good for him.

Q: How are cowboy hats and hemmoroids alike ? A: Sooner or later, every asshole gets one.

Fuck Roy Moore. He is a creep and a hypocrite hiding behind a veil of Christianity.

Holy shit, dude, you are pushing this hard in this sub. Take knee for a moment and contemplate if this is really the hill you want to die on. You are proudly and diligently running interference for a pedophile, and a politician no less. Take some stock of your life and consider if this is really the role you want to play in this world.

I'm not going to call you a shill, because I don't think you are. I have a suspicion you are doing this entirely on your own volition, out of blind allegiance to a group you're not even a part of. It's rather sad that divisive party politics has turned people into loyal foot soldiers for a party that, by and large, doesn't give a shit about them.

You're letting yourself get wrapped up in their game. Don't make it that easy for them.

Do you have any evidence he is a pedophile?

Do you have any evidence he is a pedophile?

Is there a smoking gun? Of course not. There rarely is for these types of things. That's what makes sexual abuse allegations so tricky.

However, when you hear enough similar stories with a lot of the same patterns and have supporting evidence (e.g. the yearbook which you are diligently trying to discredit), you can begin to make up your own mind as to what the truth likely is. In this case, it seems pretty clear what story is shaping up to be.

Should that be enough to convict him? No, of course not. The legal system needs a strong presumption of innocence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but this is not the legal system here. This is politics. We elect people based on character.

You're letting yourself get wrapped up in their game. Don't make it that easy for them.

Says the rabid /r/politics poster

So what? I go in there to talk shit about our government, a time-honored American pastime. I'm not in there blindly carrying water for politicians.

Eyewitness & victim testimony is evidence.

Well, you don't have an agenda at all /s

My agenda is to get Moore elected and it is going to happen.

So you like to elect pedophiles ...... okkkkk, I really don't consider republicans to be true conspiracy theorists. I always had thought conspiracy theorists were against the entire establishment, not just when it fits your narrative

OP is a pedophile apologist.