Nothing on the front page about the Al Franken scandal. Just another day.

21  2017-11-16 by [deleted]


How is it a conspiracy?

It's news that's being hidden, big stories always make the front page unless TPTB don't want them to.

Oh, the main front page. Yeah. There aren't really any nonpartisan news subreddits.

It's news that's being hidden, big stories always make the front page unless TPTB don't want them to.

If by TPTB you mean reddit users, then yes, I agree.

How is partisan censorship not a conspiracy?

Who is censoring it? The sub that is always accused of being super liberal (/r/politics) currently has it on the front page.

It's the #1 story on r/politics. #2 on r/all as I type this.

All of the MSM is reporting on it.

Yet some people here still saying it's being covered up or censored.

There's no censorship going on though.

Who is doing the censorship here?

minnesota guy here what scandal? have heard zip.

He is accused of kissing and groping a woman without her permission. He said it was just a joke.

huh......his wife frannie has been staying at home here in mpls lately, they are usually always together outside of his office. franken was a little bit of a wild man in his snl days. and as a stand up comedian when he was a duo with davis. franken and davis, threw some wild after hours gigs around here when they were in town.

She was in a skit with him where she knew the kiss was going to take place. That's consent.

The photo where he's holding his hands near her breasts without touching and she's got on 4 layers of clothing at least including a flak jacket is equal to raping a kid if you need a way to defend a republican.

99% of the time the front page only has one or two news items on it.

if you want news, maybe go to a news oriented sub, or another site?

But it bills itself as the front page of the internet, I don't think the average person goes to particular subs, they just check for the big stories on the front.

I don't think the average person goes to particular subs, they just check for the big stories on the front.

i suspect it's the opposite, where the majority of users are sequestered in various communities and echo chambers.

i think regularly checking /r/all isn't as common as you think.

but hey, who the hell knows. i could be totally off base here

The front page is an echo chamber.

It's currently the number two post on /r/politics and number three on /r/news. What more do you want for a story that is only an hour or two old?

I want all sexual abuse cases on the front page. I want awareness of the issue.

Give it a few minutes. My front page is probably different than yours because of all the subs I have blocked, but I don't have a single post on the first page that is newer than 2 hours old. Both big posts about Franken are only 1 hour old. It just needs more time to get there. I can almost guarantee you this will be on the front page soon, it just hasn't quite made it that far yet.

I know you don't want to hear this, but not all sexual incidents are equal. Some are worse than others and are therefore going to get more attention.

Right now with Franken we have a joke in poor taste and one accuser.

Moore, for example, is getting more attention because what he is being accused is worse and he has several accusers.

Check back in a couple weeks. If Franken is accused of worse things by multiple people, he will attract the same attention.

He was doing it to humiliate her, her case is just as valid as anyone else's. The fact that people think it's just a bad joke in itself seems like a bad joke to me. If Franken had done this to someone you cared about and she had these strong feelings you wouldn't sweep it under the rug. The fact that he is a comedian doesn't excuse his actions and their intent.

It's not sweeping it under the rug to acknowledge that there are degrees to this thing. Are you really saying that taking a humiliating photo of a bad joke wherein Franken pantomimes groping is equivalent to, say, Bill Cosby drugging women and fucking them, or Roy Moore seducing underage girls, or Louis CK exposing himself to his colleagues? They're all valid grievances, they're all inappropriate, but to expect them all to be treated exactly equally is to ignore nuance for the sake of artificially inflating the critique of Franken's behavior.

What more do you want for a story that is only an hour or two old?

My guess is they just want an opportunity to whine about the biases of the reddit community.

it's number two on /r/all

It is now #1

So can we drop the "censorship" claims now. Yeesh people!

/r/all is not the front page of Reddit that most people see,you have to specifically go to all

The front page is tailored to the subreddits you're subscribed to. It's didn't for everyone.

Reddit is not a place for unbiased news. It never has been, and it never will be. So long as votes affect visibility (i.e. the core mechanic of Reddit), a feedback loop guarantees that only certain opinions make it to the front page. Popular opinions get upvoted and get higher visibility, and, as a result of being more visible, those opinions are seen more and become more popular, thus creating a self-reinforcing loop.

This place is intrinsically designed to be an echo chamber. I don't know why you are even pretending like it's supposed to be something else.

"scandal" kissed someone during a planned skit and took a photo holding his hands near her breasts thru a full military uniform and flak jacket.

As I scroll past 10 posts about it on here, at it multiple times on r/all since I checked it.. I'll bet it reaches 50-100k upvotes at the least.. your complaint is that it wasn't there quick enough.

What's pathetic is that this sub uses topics like this to create 100+ posts every day that slides actual conspiracy posts out of view.

Removed. Rule 12.