Sexual Misconduct in Politics- My Theory

26  2017-11-16 by RecoveringGrace

Here's the deal, y'all. You aren't going to find a one of them that doesn't have dirt and deserves to resign. That is honestly the only reason I give a shit about this nonsense. Everyone has skeletons, the folks in office just had insiders and blackmail capabilities to keep it covered up- that is what has kept our actual peers from being able to represent us in a meaningful capacity. Let's keep unmasking these people as complete shits to the point that the playing field is level and ordinary citizens without cabal connections can run this joint. I also doubt it is just the men in high places that have used sex to control, btw. We females can be predatory as well.

What is important, though, is to not let this "he was a prick at a party!!" stuff to be conflated with and override child sex-abuse. I have this awful suspicion that the stories of late of mid-level jackasses behaving like pervs is a pile of bones to chew on to keep us from uncovering the serious deviance of the elite.


I honestly don't think they would be allowed into a position in which they could assert any amount of authority if they weren't capable of being controlled.

Correct. It's EXTREMELY rare to find someone in a position of great power that can't be blackmailed in a way that could potentially ruin their lives if the truth got out.

I'm not sure how people around here feel about Colin Powell, but I was so hopeful about him back in the day that he could've run for President. Do you know what they did? Threatened that they would drag his wife's mental health history out to the public. That is what they do to honest people, all the while harboring serious offenders.

How do we change this, TMQ?

I've often laughed at the idea of making public office positions a mandatory service like jury duty.

It's tough reconciling the disparity between those who want the seat, and those who are fit to hold the seat, as often times those fit to hold the seat make no attempts to attain it, and those who want it seem to seldom worry about the desires of their constituents.

Until such a time that this is easier to ascertain, I think a more realistic solution would be to put strict term limits in place, as well as add something like an inaction clause in which those in office would not be eligible to maintain the position if they do not participate in the duties of the office, like how Obama was a very inactive Senator.

There should also be something in place that prevents a publicly elected official from doing any campaigning until at least 50% through their term.

Other than that, the average person needs to channel their frustration into becoming vocal, and in the correct direction. Too often do we place blame on everyone except those subjecting us to the current condition. To make a change, apply pressure (through appropriate channels) on those who implement change; our elected officials!

I'm so in favor of term limits. I'm nearly 50 and have been bugged by this for so long.

And the jury duty deal! I just had an argument with someone about that last night. She read on facebook that she shouldn't report to jury duty because "the system" is corrupt to the core.

Why don't people get that "the system" is us??

We have too much keeping us comfortable, and as a result, little motivation to spark the change. I don't anticipate change until the direness for change becomes more powerful than the comfort and security provided by Netflix

Come on, really? Power corrupts. Question answered...

It's like Stranger Things, the truth has to be watered down for the public to accept it. Damn shame. People like the Podestas and Bushes will go to jail for laundering and bribes or just simple ass grabbing other than the disgusting things they've done to children.

It kills me! And all the while, the rest of us are worried that we can't run for office because of a shitty report card from 10th grade or a property tax bill we paid late.

What is important, though, is to not let this "he was a prick at a party!!" stuff to be conflated with and override child sex-abuse. I have this awful suspicion that the stories of late of mid-level jackasses behaving like pervs is a pile of bones to chew on to keep us from uncovering the serious deviance of the elite.

Definitely a good point. My feeling is that it's still a positive thing that these stories are coming out now because they would have been discredited and never had made it anywhere close to MSM if any of it were to come out any time In atleast the last 100 years. I am confident that even if it is their plan to make light of elite abuse rings by outting low level people, it will inevitably backfire on those who are trying to control the situation.

Doesn't it seem like a concerted effort to blur the lines?

Mind you, I've worked as a Victim's Advocate. I'm the last person that will try to discredit a victim of any age or gender. What I find really fishy is that suddenly, being a disgusting asshole is awful and deserves all the MSM's attention. Embarrass and vilify these folks, hopefully their victims will use the law and civil court to mesh it out, but I think it's a distraction for the public.

You're absolutely right. Especially after talking with friends and peers about the scandal as a whole recently, it seems everyone is becoming desensitized to it and taking on the attitude of "people with enough money/power will always get away with whatever they want and that ain't changing any time soon."

And I know what you mean about the victims in some of these instances. Totally not justify ever forcing oneself onto a woman or using your status to get away with being a perverted pig, but I have to think if Louie C.K. walks into your dressing room and starts jerking off, it would be less traumatic than getting hit over the head with a heavy object, dragged into a back alley and violently raped. I know Louie C.K. is one specific instance and its still disgusting and made me lose respect for him, but it is indeed "blurring the lines," in that it's sort of just making people less sympathetic towards rape victims as a whole.

It's a weird double-edged sword because there is the fact of safety in numbers and no one would have ever believed them until now, but it can also be dangerous in that all you really need to do is accuse someone of something for it to make headlines and I personally just distrust human beings as a species, regardless of gender, to trust that everyone making accusations is an actual victim, which also makes it that much easier to lead efforts to misinform and control the narrative.

I also think this is the case. This is a thread I started that outlines the same stuff. Also theorize it has to do with an internal coup.

You're absolutely right. Especially after talking with friends and peers about the scandal as a whole recently, it seems everyone is becoming desensitized to it and taking on the attitude of "people with enough money/power will always get away with whatever they want and that ain't changing any time soon."

And I know what you mean about the victims in some of these instances. Totally not justify ever forcing oneself onto a woman or using your status to get away with being a perverted pig, but I have to think if Louie C.K. walks into your dressing room and starts jerking off, it would be less traumatic than getting hit over the head with a heavy object, dragged into a back alley and violently raped. I know Louie C.K. is one specific instance and its still disgusting and made me lose respect for him, but it is indeed "blurring the lines," in that it's sort of just making people less sympathetic towards rape victims as a whole.

It's a weird double-edged sword because there is the fact of safety in numbers and no one would have ever believed them until now, but it can also be dangerous in that all you really need to do is accuse someone of something for it to make headlines and I personally just distrust human beings as a species, regardless of gender, to trust that everyone making accusations is an actual victim, which also makes it that much easier to lead efforts to misinform and control the narrative.