Eh... What happened to that post about cracking the comments on Elsa videos?

461  2017-11-16 by psy_raven

It suddenly disappeared. Anyone have an idea?


This guy has it figured out:

xKappa123 • 6d I looked into some of those account leaving random gibberish comments. I wasn't interested in their messages but rather Youtube profiles.

Most of the time use generic Google avatar and some random normal name like "John Smith". A lot of them have few playlists consisting from 1 to few hundred videos but the majority playlists have under 10 videos. Name of playlists are giberrish, videos are usually nursery rhymes, Spiderman meeting blue Spiderman, etc. However some of the videos don't fit into the theme for example I found SA Wardega's Jurrasic Park prank video and video about Boeing's new Apache helicopter. My only guess is those accounts look for some specific keywords and sometimes they randomly stumble upon "normal" videos. Under most of videos added to those playlists you can find more gibberish comments made by generic accounts.

My guess is those are simply bots, their purpose is to make ANY comments under videos to make number of comments higher because a lot of those ElsaGate videos have number of views inflated by bots in the first place anyway. 1 milion views video with 20 comments would look very suspicious so adding random comments makes it look more "legit".

And to elaborate on this comment, something about typing random letters into a thai keyboard gives a result that translates into something that seems to make sense. ยหผา ฟหผฟ ผสสกก ผผกด translates to 'I don't think so.' but I did not get it from a youtube comment, they are just random letters that I mashed on the thai keyboard.

The perfect cover for human trafficking crimes. Hide among bots while probably collecting any ad revenue they can with them. It can always be brushed off as silly bot money making scheme.

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User apparently deactivated their account?

Seems like another account related to this topic opco10 or something like that has also deleted his account. Wow. Full blown happening right here.

Nvm, I was confused and thought opco was the OP of that thread. Anyone remember the OP's name from this one?

No, I believe you were right. There is a comment that reads like it was talking to the OP telling him to add a disclaimer to his post.

Another user said he accidentally made him delete his account by telling him to "stop digging" in Thai. (So a troll attempt that went too far...which is kinda funny)

/u/opoco10 - Account deleted.

Man, someone got baited.

Got a laugh out of it.

Is it really that funny? Conspiracy theorists posting stuff like this is what can sometimes tip it mainstream, DMing people prank messages could jeopardise this place being seen as a safe outlet.

This is not a safe outlet at all. This Reddit is full of fucking weirdos.

Of course it is, but we at least try and give the appearance of somewhere a genuine conspiracy could be posted (which this looks to be) and be taken seriously, how is sending threatening messages to people doing so a good thing? We're all nutters here yes, but when someone who isn't a nutter drags along to post real truth lets not fucking scare them off.

Lol fair enough

That's fucking funny. I feel bad for OP, man is probably sweating right now. Hopefully he reads this thread before he burns down his house and starts a new life.

Thats funny af

fuck if someone messaged me that i'd probably delete my account and smash my phone in a whim of stoned paranoia. bro will probs open up a new account tho with a covered ip address

Oh god, ff someone messaged me and said "we'd like you to stop posting about this (certain topic). It is in your best interest (my real name)," I'd delete and wipe everything no hesitation. My random internet speculation is no where near worth the off chance that they are for real

I'd just applaud them for being able to highlight my username and right click "search pizzaboy192" on Google. Alta are what would get me concerned. I have probably 20 or so, each only posts in one subreddit. Each only posts through a specific city/location via PIA. makes life easy that way.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, of which I am not laying any blame, merely observation - is how they keep things so secret.

Humanity against humanity


That thread is troll city. LOL.

Are you surprised this topic would bring out the folks looking to slide?

Edit: seems maybe OP deleted. I did a copy paste in another comment

That appears to be an archive of it in it's deleted state

Copy pasted:

What the fuck...... if this is actually true can we not let this die so I don't get assassinated in a month.


So it isn't a bot army, at least I don't think so. You have to use a thai keyboard emulator(link:, only in pattachote(edit: it varies) I think but possibly both formats. I've only tried out a few comments but it seems very promising.

See my earlier theory(See here : that the comment section is being used to sell/swap/buy cp or support human trafficking. Tons of short videos of kids linked to creepy gibberish speaking accounts with no views. Lots of them are creepy as shit(see here: And here's the thing, look at the name of the dude who owns the channel: Daniel Thomas. Definitely not thai. Or this:

Initial YT Link:

[Victoria Mccoy]: “xjdjd shops” translation="I love you"

If this is the case then this should be busted wide open. I've only been looking at this stuff for two days and don't have enough time to process this stuff fast enough.

Note: so far I have tested a few, the first one i tested was "ny" which translated to "reply." That poster had four homeade videos on their channel. Will keep updating.

Update: Okay, so look at this channel: The user commented "may" in thai. They have a bunch of videos including march and april but no "may." What if "may" is the child they're selling?

Update #2: So this stuff is translating, and it may be promising. I just got a location ( from one of the comments on an elsa video and then a commenter reply who had more videos of kids. Interesting

Update #3: Okay so im done searching comment sections on YT for the night, Ive been looking at this stuff all day and it's still gonna be there tomorrow. Will stay on reddit though, I just need to calm myself down so I can sleep eventually. People should start checking the comment sections(need a place to start? Check my previous posts linked above).

Update #4: Okay, I just woke up and want to make some things more clear. First, the "method" of decoding I'm using is very simple: type comment into thai keyboard emulator and then throw the results in a translator. Second, if you do want to help me figure out if this is an international pedo ring or just a bunch of random home videos then please DO NOT contact them, assist in translating or searching for videos. When I was doing my sleuthing I noticed that not every elsagate channel and not every comment section were the same, some seemed to have more videos and comments while others seemed to have more normal comments. Third, I'm super overwhelmed by this stuff and this is just a pet theory. I posted it to this sub(I was just messaging with a few users on r/elsagate before) so it could be vetted. If you see holes in it, post it. If you see potential connections, post it. I would say my "hit" ratio on the suspicious videos/activity was maybe 1 out of every 30 suspicious accounts. These guys are super wary also. I made a post about some cp I found and it was gone an hour later, channel still intact. I think the guy got tipped off by the maybe 20 extra views all at once.

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Fucking die automoderator. Can we not turn this fucker off?

I laughed too hard at this.

The future is NOW.

Will I dream Dave?

linking r/nosleep.. that sub is supposed to be fiction. >.>

I was looking for this so I could say this. Okay if you dared to watch the first video link of some diaper kid on a bare mattress dancing around, did you notice the look he gave the camera? Something about that look doesn't feel quite right. That quick two second gaze that the kid gives is so disturbing. It could be re kid is just trying to figure out the phone camera...but that look. There's just something off about it.

As a parent. Seems like a video of a father videos his son dancing to some funny music.. Just happens that the environment it's in could be considered dingey to some.

Was reading it. Thought i read the rest in 20mins. Come back and poof! Its gone. Why? And where is it now?

Poster was attempting to directly reveal a criminal organization's business practice.

That's a bold strategy Cotton. Lets see how that plays out for him.

F'n A Cotton, F'n Ayeeee!

Pepper needs new shorts!

wtf is going on

Where can a mirror to the original post be found? If this is something that is being wiped now is the time to act.

a user named pho_sco yesterday was trying to deter research into this, he started pming me some sketchy ass shit.

I have no idea what is going on, but shit is going down certainly.

That thread is now all Deleted.

Fuck i knew i should have screen shoted it

I did.

Good man.

Guys do not let this fade away. We need eyes at all times on this!


Pol found the other thread and are running with it

ARCHIVE any evidence and keep UPVOTING the threads. These youtube accounts are discussing profit of some sorts, there were a few comments on EG videos i translated that say something like "we make $5000 in a week" (dont have links on hand but they're not hard to find). Now they could be discussing profits made from the shitty spiderman/elsa videos or they could be discussing something more sinister like CP. Nobody will ever know until we either prove or debunk the conspiracy with provided evidence.

Surely it has to be more than that? At times over my career I have earned close to 4k per week legitimately.

Most of the users are foreign, if we're looking at Thailand for example, 5k will seem like a fortune to someone earning less than hundred bucks a month. They sell their kids real cheap.

Are you guys sure the comments aren't just from toddlers watching these videos on their parents phone? Like you know how kids fat finger the phone and type out some weird shit? That would explain why so many letters are next to eachother. Like this.

Aaaaaasssssssgfffgfgsjj I sjbdndjj

Well, that's what I think too. But a few things don't add up. Why are so many arabs replying in an obviously American made video? (Yeah, I know the whole thing is suppose to be Thai. But I know arabic when I see it, and a lot are Arabic) In fact, why are 99% of comments either jibberish or foreign? Weird considering the videos were made for an American audience.

Why are people responding to nonsense comments? Yup. If you look closely, some people are actually responding to jibberish. YouTube got rid of the "reply to" button a long time ago. So these days you actually have to type the name you are responding in order for it to appear on the comment.

And if I'm not mistaken, a few phrases actually did translate to real sentences. What are the chances of that happening if a random child was bashing keyboard?

To be honest, I think it's ludicrous. But still..... you never know... LOL

Here's the problem -- if this were the case, why are the comments not filled with parents saying shit like "Don't let your kids watch this" and that sort of stuff?

You see comments from parents on all sorts of other, less disturbing, videos. Why aren't they commenting on these, but their kids are? And we can't say the parents don't know because it's been in the news, and I know of plenty of parents (myself included) who found out about them because they caught their kids.

Because some parents just don't pay attention to what their kids watch.

You're talking about some videos with hundreds of thousands, of not millions, of views. You're telling me that all those parents aren't paying attention?

That just doesn't make any sense. Again, I've seen parents comment on videos they caught their watching numerous times on YouTube. I rarely (only a few, actually) seen parents commenting on these videos.

He ded

I noticed that too, lots of the comments were other channels with videos themselves commenting and asking for likes back. It’s some sort of coded speech for whoever is In The Know on their purpose.

We just need to figure it out from here!

Are we having a real investigation thread in conspiracy? Say it aint so. I'm excited. I also second that please do not contact these people just, archive, document, and save all of it.

Yo it's opco10 here. u/demandcollect is right(see account for post). I did not get assasinated by an international pedo ring, as cool and mysterious as that would have been.

well, i remember watching a few vids months ago. there were heaps of comments, some of those videos now, the comments are wiped clean. extremely odd.

This sort of reminds me of those posts about that odd daycare in Salt Lake City. That was shut down pretty quick as well.

that felt a lot closer to doxxing / witch hunt imo, but who knows :I

You are probably right about that. That was an interesting time on reddit, that's for sure.

Time for a repost. This is the fucking internet FFS. There is no sweeping shit under the rug

My YouTube account has commented on dozens of children's videos because my son who is 2 watches YouTube on my phone and button bashed the screen. He sends links to my friends, comments, replies to comments, likes, dislikes, saves to play lists, the lot.

Probably makes it an easy environment to hide messages in.

Archived version:

F'n A Cotton, F'n Ayeeee!

Pepper needs new shorts!

As a parent. Seems like a video of a father videos his son dancing to some funny music.. Just happens that the environment it's in could be considered dingey to some.