Why are Jews so evil?

0  2017-11-16 by -whatatimetobealive-



Removed. Rule 12.

You are not very smart if you think all Jews are evil.

Nobody said all. Read a book sweetie, get an education

Not all of course. But a high percentage of those that are in power.

The way you worded the title clearly makes it seem like you mean all Jews.

There are also non-Jews in power that are very corrupt too.

Whoa! Might wanna re-word this title a bit OP. You have to understand how this is looking to others already.


Give me a break with the anti Jew shit....

And people, fuck of with the ((())) shit

Makes us look terrible

Not trying to offend you but what does ((())) mean?

You're good,

It's just some dumb thing some asshole came up with a few months ago where if you put a word surrounded in ((()))

Example: (((Adam Sandler)))

(((George Soros)))

It's highlighting the fact that they're Jewish. Which is dumb, why would you need to highlight that unless you were skeptical or Jews or didn't like them or idk...it's childish and looks like an anti semetic gesture to outsiders...

Yeah, that is dumb. But hey, if you don't ask you won't know. Thanks.

Its like the internet's golden star of david they pin on jewish people now.

Pretty fucked up.

It was a plugin for chrome.


But then people started doing it manually, then it jumped and Jewish people took it back and did it (ironically?).

Weird that it looks like hugs to a clueless person like me.

Thanks for explaining it. I had no idea. I was wondering if maybe it meant they were a**holes.


Jews aren't evil.

People are evil.

People aren’t exactly evil. Ignorant people are prone to evil. Education (and I’m not just talking book smarts here) eradicates ignorance with eradicates evil.

Also, if you go back to the caveman days, we grew like this:

Savage, semi-savage, barbarian, semi-barbarian, semi-civilized. Why do we keep improving? Education.

Yeh not all people are evil and i dont think people are born evil either. I wholeheartedly believe there is more good in humanity than evil. But all people of any race, religion, age, sexuality or gender are capable of commiting evil.

Being an evil piece of shit is a personal decision people have to consciously make on a day to day basis.

Evil occurs when one is too ignorant to know how to attain their desires through good. For example, a desperate father may rob a bank for the $100,000 medical bill to save his son. Another person may not be skilled and resolving a dispute verbally so they might start physically attack that person to get a message across.

True dat!


Not (((all))) of us keep improving is the point though

Some improve while others get worst but humanity, as a whole keeps getting better over the many ages. Humanity can have ups and downs too but it always goes up in the long run. If people lived long enough, they would be guaranteed to improve over the long run. A 95 year life isn’t horrible but it’s not very long. People still tend to improve as they become senior citizens but not always. This is why old men and old ladies are often so friendly. The experience of life (education) has improved them.

Basically the pathway from savagery to an angelic form of behavior is not a straight path but it’s guaranteed over long periods of time.

Good is progress. Evil is regress. Most evil is accidental evil. Everyone is after the same end goal (peace, prosperity, love, freedom, ect..) but some people, including society as a whole, don’t know a good path to get their needs and desires fulfilled so they violate another persons rights to get it. If they knew how to meet their needs without hurting anyone in the process, they would. Why? Because there is less blowback.

Also, at base levels, people are good. That’s is why kids are good. We are born that way. It is not only a lack of knowledge but also soxieties poisons (ie violent media, economic hardship) that ruin people. Once the many poisons of society are removed, people will see a drastic improvement in the morality of the world as a whole.

I'm not convinced humanity keeps improving.

When I started researching the Native American culture it really struck me how much better it seemed than both our modern American culture and that of the invasive Europeans. It was doing a lot better 500 years ago than it is today.

What did you think of Occupy? It was modeled on the Native American culture. It was intended as a teaching project to demonstrate that it could work. It was instructive to see who shut it down.

500 years is nothing. A civilization can regress in 500 years but over thousands of years, it is guaranteed to keep improving due to experience alone.

After a certain age all of us start getting worse, old age is not a process of improving.

'People' don't sit in lawn chairs and cheer on the bombing of Gaza with phosphorus. The Jews these days are conspiring in a deliberate kind of evil against the Palestinians. To deny it is to be delusional.

Yeh my jewish roommate was SO HAPPY when 9/11 happened.

The Palestinian​ Israeli situation is super fucked up. They both deserve a home. SHARE THE DAMN LAND.

I would suggest equal rights for all.

But the Israelis think that would destroy their country, apparently they can not even exist without denying the human rights of others. What does that say about them?

What's actually, literally evil is demonizing an entire group of people. Who in the world thinks it's okay to say such a thing? Why in the world is such outright anti-Semitism so often found in this sub?

I'd like to just note that the user replying to me here just sent me a message that said: "You are pathetic". So there's that...

oh noes anti semitism in the current year 😢

No, anti-Semitism in any year is wrong. As is any ridiculous thought process that classifies a whole group of people as "evil" or "less than".

Why does it have a name when folks speak out against Jews?

Other kinds of prejudice/bigotry have names, too. Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, etc, etc... It is actually anti-Semitism to "speak out", as you term it, against Jewish people, as a whole.

It's people with power who are evil. It just so happens there is a large concentration of jewish decent in Hollywood, entertainment, etc. But that doesn't make the majority evil at all. It's intellectually dishonest to equate all Jews with those guys and you know that.

Ok but why is their a high concentration?

A good question! One that I can't really answer. Perhaps a sense of tribal nature helps them hire "one of us" once they establish a strong position in an industry?

They’re the most catered to people. Keep giving them what they want pacified pussies.

fuck off

They have it in their DNA. Since the evolution of Christianity they have had an agenda to control the goyim through financial control and serfdom. They are the chosen people of God, and therefore us goyim deserve to be their slaves.

I'm not sure where they learned all the pedo cannibalistic stuff though

It predates the 'one God religion', which was actually started with the Zoroasters. The Jews were later adopters.

Why are Humans so evil?

Jeremiah 17:9 9"The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? 10"I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.…"

Original Sin,

Strive Against it.

Find Truth.


This is easy to explain, their religion forces them to cover up for their pedophiles.

Children who are sexually abused are typically far more evil and homicidal than those who aren't. So if the 'Jewish community' wanted to eliminate the creation of evil people in their culture, all they would have to do is to stop the sexual abuse of their children.

But of course that would be going against their religion.

It's because they're the inventors of the victim culture.

The holocaust happened and now they are allowed to be exonerated from all criticism until the end of time.

If you criticize them, you are an "anti-semite".

No, you can't have any valid points or arguments.

They just slap you with a label and that's that.

Now, you have all these other groups that have hopped on the victim complex train and now if you call a black person (or insert minority) who robs and rapes someone a negative term, then you are saying a "racial slur".

The only people that are allowed to be lowered to the sub human level are straight, white males and Russians.

Just the tip of the iceberg.

They are the media, they own it. Associate any bullshit with the media? Thats jews. https://i.imgur.com/LN86Mi1.jpg

Worst genocide in history? It was against whites and specifically white Christians. Perpetrators? Jews. Death toll around 100 million, barely a peep through out the world. The 'holocaust'? https://i.imgur.com/wMlTc8g.png Hear about it night and day.

https://youtu.be/tdrCtIL-nQs?t=56 Trotsky and his jew pals.

https://youtu.be/mLQOB4rbdtM?t=43 Death toll.

I could write a book on this, the jews treachery has no limits. Mass and illegal immigration? Slavery? Genocides? Deception? Your very present enslavement, all at the hands of jews. They will deny it night and day.


For the past 100 years, jews have basically owned and poisoned the USA, they illegally "passed" the 'federal reserve act', creating the federal reserve and the IRS, private corporations, to steal well over a trillion a year through a false debt they call the 'national debt'. This wealth goes to the owners of the federal reserve, jews. This is how they bought and own the media, politicians, corporations, educational system, military, their palestinian purge in israel and so on.

They are genociding whites and Christianity off the face of the Earth right this moment and have been since at least ww1.

They aren't. A lot of evil people happen to be jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, atheists, black, white, red, brown, etc.

It's this type of stereotyping that makes everyone disregard any facts we might have.

Who out there has ever driven on a Jewish holiday ? More or less road rage?

where are the mods?

I can't imagine being that sensitive

The snowflakes will always be with us.

Mods aren't jidf, this is staying up.

Post removed, jidf confirmed