Hahahaha...shoot me...we're so screwed.
11 2017-11-17 by AIsuicide
Comment sections in both Reddit and YouTube are golden.
11 2017-11-17 by AIsuicide
Comment sections in both Reddit and YouTube are golden.
1 Gene_Rosens_Daycare 2017-11-17
Lmao that's exactly what I said when I first seen this!
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
I'm thinking I want off this ride soon.
1 Gene_Rosens_Daycare 2017-11-17
That thing can ride on this thing and we are all done.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
I'm not looking...I want to sleep tonight.
1 Gene_Rosens_Daycare 2017-11-17
Lol you've probably already seen it.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
I looked...I shouldn't have looked.
1 Gene_Rosens_Daycare 2017-11-17
1 birdman5000 2017-11-17
when i get like this i then think "but there's still weed, beer, likeminded, and i'm occasionally resourceful. fuck it. let's see how this rodeo ends. i can stick it out".
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
Very true...but what if the rodeo ends with a Mandingo dick raping and skull crushing? I swear to god if it goes down that way I hope you're right across from me so I can yell "I hope you're fucking happy"... .
1 kit8642 2017-11-17
WTF, wait till that thing learns martial arts and is bullet proof.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
Way to go Einstein..why don't ya give them some more wonderful ideas... .
1 kit8642 2017-11-17
They could give them Mandigo dicks so they can rape us before crushing our skulls.
1 GetItOuttaUrAss 2017-11-17
Holy shit, that's a pretty good idea.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
I'm not even gonna correct the spelling...I'm laughing too hard.
1 Gene_Rosens_Daycare 2017-11-17
Whats that? You don't like your job flipping burgers? You're fired, Robot get in here.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
World's first transgender robot takes Gold at the Olympics...in everything.
1 1-800-GOFUCKYOURSELF 2017-11-17
let's go one step further, lets automate your burger and have you cook it yourself.
Once McDonalds goes full automation, you'll be able to punch in your own order with your smart phone, prepare it yourself, and take it out the car and eat it in shame like the fat fuck your are.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
I'm having my robot carry me to the car...neener neener, as it breaks my collarbones so I'll fit in the car.
1 lordbananafist 2017-11-17
Someone tell that fucking robot about building 7 and the iron microspheres
1 slowitdown 2017-11-17
Looks fake to me. It doesn't look like the legs are generating enough power for it to be jumping that high. Something seems off about the physics of it all.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
Take into account how much force can be generated by just the feet.
1 megalodon90 2017-11-17
It can do a 3 foot vertical jump now. That's neat.
1 AIsuicide 2017-11-17
1 Jivicus 2017-11-17
Lights off , citizen.
1 ScarpaDiem 2017-11-17
We're probs gonna have legit robot soldiers in like 10 years.
1 limesqueezeme13 2017-11-17
It's just a robot suit with a man inside surely.
1 LurkMcGurck 2017-11-17
So have there been any clues about plans for these? Any eta on the T-1000?
1 Gene_Rosens_Daycare 2017-11-17