VOTL claims North Korea is just a Western cabal stronghold that is there to act as a bogeyman and to act as a secretive hideaway where the cabal can do all kinds of vile things. This may be why Trump is pushing China against them.

50  2017-11-17 by LightBringerFlex

There have also been a lot of rumors among the insiders that Obama is currently operating out of North Korea.

Today's Trump Tweet:

China is sending an Envoy and Delegation to North Korea - A big move, we'll see what happens!


VOTL info on North Korea:


Warning: Damning intel like this will attract many shills.


Partisan shit post.

Why don't you take 5 minutes to explain what you think is going on with North Korea with a couple of sources, and then we'll decide which theory is better supported by the facts?

Lol I don't need sources to tell you tell hat obama isn't running a shadow empire out of it. This is just right wing fanfiction. I know you guys hated obama but damn!! It's been over a year now, let it the fuck go!!

11 day old account.

I think that $18 billion in Soros money brought in a fresh batch of them.

Nice shill accusation asshole. And btw, this is my alt.

Nice shill accusation asshole.

Because calling you a shill would be breaking the rules?

Then 18 billion in soros MO ey brought I a fresh batch if what then? Fresh pastries? Horses? What? What are you talking about if not shills then?? And what the fuck does it have to do with this sub??


Still waiting on a reply.

No, you're trying to bait me into calling you, specifically, a shill so you can hit the report button and try to get me banned.

Soros funded all kinds of PACS that give money to known liberal shilling groups like Correct the Record and Shareblue. That's what I was referring to, you know that's what I was referring to, and you're playing childish games and calling me names because you aren't able to deal in facts like an adult.

Now start talking about facts, or shut the fuck up.

Lol start dealing in facts? ! You know.youre defending a person that claims to be an alien on twitter, right? An alien.......ON TWITTER!!! Yeah I'm sure this whole thread is so full of facts that I'll write my graduation thesis on it. I'll title it : obama shadow empire in North Korea and how an alien on twitter exposed it.

And if what you're saying is true, what does it have to do with this sub and what does it have to do with my comment?? Why bring it up? Nice job of trying to skirt around the rules by indirectly calling me a shill, but I've already reported you.

You know.youre defending a person that claims to be an alien on twitter, right?

You know I actually didn't defend them, right?

You know you're on a conspiracy discussion board, right?

You know attacking the messenger doesn't disprove the claim, right?

You know that outrage is an emotion, not a fact, right?

Really, a Western cabal, and not the evil aliens? Weird. And where are the Pleiadians, Sirians and Galactic Fleet? Hiding somewhere? Even weirder...


LOL, I should have included /s

(The twitter account in OP claims to be an alien from Pleiades)

Not just Western, but British-led. What Carroll Quigley called the Anglo-American Establishment. Always name the Brit.

Even votl sometimes leaves the alien card aside and drops a red pill.

sort of an abusive relationship pattern, no?


Facts? Explanation?

It would be a lot better if you just didn't comment if you're going to do this.

you don't need evidence to dismiss a claim made without evidence

There is circumstantial evidence that North Korea is a puppet of the cabal. The US helped them get nuclear reactors, and frequently uses them as a boogeyman to justify putting troops in the Asian theater.

that kind of seems more like proof the US is a duplicitous devil, not that NK is a puppet of the "cabal"

Seems like it's very clearly both. Why else would NK cooperate?

VOTL also claims that there's a Stargate in Saudi Arabia and that 200 million aliens live among us.

I mean neither of those things is all that difficult to believe

unless you're smart

Ya got me mr smarty pants!

Lol, its the total opposite. If you can't imagine there being things in this world that are totally outside the realm of normal reality then you're the one who isn't smart. People who only see and believe what's in front of them are the dumbest people on the planet, I'd bet my life that there is in fact alien life on earth and where there are aliens there is technology we can't comprehend

believing in things "outside of reality" is being truly smart

I think he's just trying to say that open mindedness is a good thing. Humanity's perception of what is "real" and what is a "fact" can change based on our understanding of the world.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing

That Socrates quote gets posted here pretty often.

Your scope of reality is only based on what you know...reality may or may not be truth. Lots of ancient cultures believes aliens lived amoung us...maybe they knew something we don't know...its a least possible friend.

Copernicus was ridiculed. Keep that in mind next time you want to claim the scientific or intellectual high ground based on commonly held beliefs.

Copernicus made his claims based on science not imagination. it's not about "commonly held beliefs," it's about being able to back up what you say

Those who ridiculed didn't think his claims were science.

In 300-400 BCE ancient Greeks theorized the Earth and other planets orbited te sun(the great fire they called it). They also speculated the stars were distant and not part of the system. They have books outlining to kings these theorizes and that the Earth is not the center of the Universe.

Copernicus put math to work to show this.

Guess who censored the Ancient Greek texts. The Catholic Church.

Guess who censored Copernicus. The Catholic Church.

Now the world is supposibly only thousands of years old and had intelligent design.

It's not commonly held beliefs that caused them to be ridiculed. It's toxic religion.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

Reality is a subjective thing.

If you are truly smart, you are capable of entertaining the idea without completely rejecting it, realizing that its probably not true, but then again you don't know shit.


You might be able to appreciate how some of us have difficulty with it. If you had some sort of proof you'd like to share, that would be a lot more helpful.

The problem I had with VOTL's stargate claim was that they DID provide a picture as proof, but one that was quickly shown to be a montage of an old photo of middle eastern archeologists and what appeared to be the actual stargate from the TV series.

That kinda knocked the guy's credibility down a notch for me. Still, there are nuggets of truth to what they put out, and I have a suspicion that this is one of them.

Oh, it's total bullshit. Victory of the Larp got caught e-mailing himself and posting the e-mails as proof of contact by high level insiders. My point was about judging people in a balanced, factual way that considers different possibilities and layers.

Victory of the Larp also implicates the British Royal Family, which is a key factor that not 1 in 100 conspiracy theorists realizes/mentions. So you could say he's a very good source, because he reveals important things, even if he's also a proven manure salesman.

The most important point here is developing discernment. Knowing what constitutes proof and what doesn't, and reserving judgment until its justified by the facts you have in front of you.

I gues thats the most nefarious kind of disinfo agent, one that mixes lies with truths

Alternatively it can be a good source if you can ferret out the truth from the lies.

David Icke's reptillian theories are shit, but he has great material on the British Royals, pedophilia, and so on.

Robert David Steele made up crap about child sex trafficking bases on Mars or something, but otherwise he shares a lot of inside information.

It's also important to consider whether someone just made a mistake. Bill Cooper is one of the best conspiracy sources ever, and he went down wrong paths like thinking Eisenhower made a secret treaty with aliens (because the CIA was giving him faked documents saying this).

I almost forgot who they were but you reminded of the whole alien debacle and how they released supposibly proving emails but forgot to redact it was an email from VOTL to VOTL. Not to mention further sloppy redactions showing the same.

Why is VOTL still a thing after that gaffle.

what is your point? is that weird to you? it's gonna be a bumpy ride for you mate if you let it

ShadowSeeker1499 (shillertyshill) ToddWhiskey (SuperShill) meatforthebeast (Shillbot)

u/meatforthebeast huh? Sounds like he's referring to sacrificing a child to Moloch.

Your shit posting is on the increase.

pretty much

Wow. That's a real stretch. I'm starting to think you're a bit of a perv yourself.

That’s because you are projecting yourself onto me.

Lol nope, sorry. I don't claim to be an alien on my twitter feed. Do all aliens try to make everything about illicit sex?

Fuck off asshole! I'm pointing out how OP is trying to distract everyone woth this shitty LARP and you're calling ME a shill?!?!! Get fucking real!!

Regardless of what Trump is doing in the region, this has been a common theory of North Korea for a long time. If you watch the arms sales to South Korea (and Japan more recently), you see that they line up nicely with supposedly threats from NK.

Also the whole Sony hack thing getting attention for a shitty movie. Very suspicious.

We bombed nk back to the Stone Age during the Korean War. It's always been difficult for me to imagin them recovering in any meaningful way.

Was that a real war? I thought all the wars were fake arrangements between cabal members to make a lot of money on weapons sales.

The destruction was probably real (then again who really knows) the actual motive for the destruction is certainly worth debating.

yeah, millions died. good luck with your larping tho

If you want to contribute something, explain why you disagree, and hold off the insults.

Insulting people just for disagreeing with you is a really destructive habit. Both for yourself and for the whole discussion going on here. Sometimes people just aren't aware of certain facts that you're aware of, particularly when you remember that 99% of the people reading this aren't going to be the person your respond to.

pretending US imperialist wars of aggression are fantasy is a self-destructive habit. there's being open-minded and there's sheer delusion. "Did the Korean war actually happen" is the second

If you want to explain why it's a silly idea, then do so. But simply insulting others because you think their ideas are silly, without any reference to facts is just taking up space.

Hint: every comment disagreeing should contain the word "because"

why don't you go first? "I believe the Korean war didn't happen because..." what, the ayy lmaos?

I believe the Korean war did happen because...

-I have seen lots of video footage and pictures

-I have known several people that fought there

See how easy it is to talk about facts?

OP posting shit like this on here, pretending to NOT BE VOTL, and spread g disinfo via a LARP is most definitely insulting. It's Insulting to all of our intelligence. It's insulting to this sub and it's insulting to real conspiracy theorists who want to seek the truth and don't want them or others to be bogged down by meaningless LARPs that forget to redact the fact that they emailed themselves "proof" of alien disclosure.

I mean, if you're gonna LARP, at least put some effort into it like qanon and MEGAanon did early on.

You are the one shitting all over the comment section with insults and sarcasm without ever discussing facts.

Do you want people to think critically or just judge every post based on which one comes up with the best insults?

Start dealing in facts or don't comment.

Fact?!?!? Facts have no place in this thread!!! Look at the topic!! Not a single fact there!! This is lunacy!! You realize that this is info coming from a twitter account claiming to be an alien, right??

Fact?!?!? Facts have no place in this thread!!!


This sub attracts many open-minded people. Unfortunately, it also attracts insecure people who are incapable of entertaining a thought without accepting it, and who are able to feel better about themselves if they mock those who are capable of doing so. Guess which category you fall under?

oh no im so owned because i'm not open-minded enough to believe aliens and the cabal contrived the Korean War

Yo, reading comprehension. Nobody is asking you to believe anything. Like I said, an intelligent person is capable of entertaining a thought without accepting it.

What are you doing in this sub if you're so closed-minded? What conspiracy theories do you enjoy discussing? And more importantly, what are you compensating for when you go into comment chains and mock people for considering things that you find unlikely or impossible? Are you really that insecure?

mainly just trying to prevent fabulists from influencing the impressionable with gobbledygook about aliens

Ah, you're on a righteous crusade then. Wouldn't want anyone to consider something that you have determined is not true. I suppose that we should be grateful to you for gracing us with your presence and shitting on users with your infinite wisdom.

look, I didn't determine the Korean War happened

My grandad fought in the Korean war. His war wounds were real as fuck, so yeah. It was a real war. Maybe you should wait 10 seconds or, i dunno, A FEW YEARS, before you just talk out of your ass.

Ya the war was fought but it wasn’t because 2 countries were angry with each other. They wanted to make money. It was a money scheme.

i dont know why this is such a stretch for people's imaginations

It's like everyone forgot the famous words of Smedley Butler and Eisenhower himself

Trump also referred to NK as "an elaborate experiment" in his speech from Asia. Q mentioned too how Kim Jong Un is an actor and the world would be shocked if they found out who really ran the show there.

Who do you think really runs it? Vatican?

The Vatican is more limited to the European theater, and generally takes their orders from US and British intelligence.

This is true. I was just guessing from the "shock" p.o.v.

CIA? M16? Mossad? Banking cartel? Who knows but its undoubtedly one of (those) groups we are aware of and fighting against.

Didn’t someone claim Disney?

Not yet. You got it

Why the hell would Disney run North Korea?

what is interesting to me is the amount vitriol this post is getting. you might be on to something op...

It's because VOTL and OP have been proven to be the same people and a gigantic low effort LARP.

"Warning: damming info like this will attract many shills."

Lol wow dude. Why do t you just add BREAKING BOMBSHELL PROOF!!!! To the post. It would seem more complete with it than without.

I'm starting to think that VOTL and OPs account are just disinfo used to distract the more radical thinking conspiracy theorists.

Since we all k n ow VOTL and /u/lightbringerflex are one in the same

I don’t mind shills at all but misleading the casual readers is not nice so to clarify, I am NOT VOTL. Don’t let the disinformation agents fool you. If I was, I would admit that I am. There is no reason to hide such a thing. Just a heads up for newcomers and casual readers who may not see through these disinfo lies.

Maybe you should beam back up to the mother ship there ziggy shitdust.

Have you thought of an escape plan? Trumps forces are closing in fast.

He's just putting forth a hypothesis guys, leave him alone, ffs. It's as plausible as anything else... Five dancing israelis?

Look at all these comments berating OP and saying there’s no possible way this can be true without even discussing the topic.

And people saying LARP’s shouldn’t be posted on here are absurd. If it’s a conspiracy, why does it matter if it’s a LARP? Since when did this sub be called Conspiracy Facts?

So many comments on here can’t even entertain the idea. It’s either one of two things, lots of shilling going on here, or lots of close minded individuals.

Na but prob other countries past ice wall thats where the 'elite' live and have family drones on stand by prob human breading centers

sort of an abusive relationship pattern, no?

why don't you go first? "I believe the Korean war didn't happen because..." what, the ayy lmaos?

mainly just trying to prevent fabulists from influencing the impressionable with gobbledygook about aliens