Satanic Global Elite and The Aliens they worship: Some reptilians evolved here on this planet and have remained hidden in their Hollow Inner Earth empire, while others permeate through the dimensional barrier that separates humanity from the Astral Realms of the dead.

67  2017-11-17 by astralrocker2001

The Astral Dimension contains people who have passed away from the earth. Unfortunately, everyone is routed into the Astral Dimension after they die. The "White Light" and tunnel is similar to a wormhole and is a trap run by these Reptilian Vampires (with assistance from Alien Greys and Blond Nordics) to prepare the enslaved human for massive programming.

We are inside a Simulated Universe. This is a "Matrix". The "Life Review" seen after death is merely a Computer File. Humans are told they owe "Karmic Debt" and must eventually Reincarnate with Memories Erased into a new body/holographic avatar.

These Parasitic Aliens have enslaved humans for physical energy consumption. Robert Monroe called this "Loosh". In this dimension humans are energetic and economic slaves herded by the Satanic Global Elite, who are savage molesters, as well Blood Drinkers. On occasion the Elite are actual Cannibals who consume the flesh of their molested, tortured and sacrificed victims. Sadly this is real and has gone on for quite some time.


(((They))) are freaking out because the galactics don't need human children anymore. They invested so heavily in trafficking, bet fully on the house, and the galactics cut them off.

interesting. what has replaced the children in your opinion?

They are cloning O neg baby tissue.

Wow. Is this for consumption or to create Alien/Human Hybrids?

We already are alien/human hybrids. They were having trouble with cloning O neg- child "stem cells" bridged that for a few decades. That is why they needed babies. Now they can clone.

I also astral travel- often against my will. This is what I've gained from tribunals that I've attended. Haiti was about figuring out what to do with all those children now that the galactic doesn't need them. Also has a lot to do with "the wall" and all the border walls before.

fascinating. what do you think happens to those cloned hybrids?

They are consumed.

this is horrifying. they are raised like cattle and eaten.

Sadly, i believe his story, as well.

Did you see Nancy Pelosi have a break and warn folks to "check their blood type"?

is there video online of this?

wow, thats interesting about the cloning of the O- bloodtype. thank you for that

Whats up w the blood type? Tell me more.

This is actually the closest estimate of my beliefs as well. I believe man has been manipulated both physically, now, and much further back dna wise. They have been splicing, setting themselves up as Gods, angels, daemon, djinn, fae, elves, what have you, they have enslaved us. Our bodies are so toxic and calcified that we have been unable to attain the energetic strength to see through their ruse.

Thankfully, our planet and solar system are experiencing waves of intergalactic energy, the light is coming and it's a force even they cant stand against.

The wheel of ages is breaking, it has been written about in their texts, many various cultures, albeit with grimmer interpretations concerning the monotheistic traditions, although their respective positions in the tale make it easy to understand why. I believe the illusions are slipping. Chin up friend, we're collectively starting to REMEMBER.

Very well stated. You have broad knowledge on the subject and a great attitude :)

Thank you. Positivity is hard to maintain at times, it helps to think about perpetual motion and the magnetism of like to like. I know that when i started researching all of this, there were times of desperate sadness... I started to trust my senses. Feel the people. Feel all of us, together. Sure, they are some terribly infected, dark bits... But the force of us? The weight of us? Pulls positive and hopeful. In a world that we all simultaneously create, that's all that is necessary. Best of luck.

very well written and inspiring post! 'REMEMBER' is a lovely way to put it this feeling!

Thank you, i feared coming across as a new agey bead lady, but i'm happy to see there are people who feel it too. Exciting times, aye?


And that's why you side with YHWH. All the demons are scared of the true God.

If i were going to put my money on one specifically divine deity, YHWH would not be the one. That guy is terrifying and ruthless.

YHWH comes across to me as a destructive demi-god. meh

A Demiurge if you will. A jealous, weak god.

A jealous, weak god.

wew you spicy boy

Don't eat McDonalds. That's blood on the vampire-clowns nose and mouth.

Don't eat Taco Bell. That's a reptilian eye looking back at you.

It's not cow meant. Sorry.

A lot of horrific Satanic shit is done to bring your vibes lower and disconnect you from your soul.

Some say the truth needs to be watered down, lest is be rejected outright as an absurdity. The truth needs to be told though. I think people are more ready than they were before.

very true. can you imagine if a huge amount of people began eating really healthy and truly woke up their minds? we can end this enslavement peacefully.

You technically are what you eat after all, since at the most basic level your body is replenished and remade by the broken down particles you consume. Don't eat people. Don't drink syrup water. It would help a lot...

do you think mcdonalds and taco bell puts small bits of human blood or flesh in the meat?

Depends on what you define as small bits. Humans taste pretty good.

yikes. i am a vegetarian and only drink spring water.

You're not being given spring water if you get it in a bottle. Important to know this.

can you please elaborate on this. thanks.

Hello, I didn't know you replied. Bottled spring water and similar products are chemically washed and "enriched" with minerals on their way out the pipes. There are heavy buildups of metals that leave traces in the water. This is not reuired to be known because it is a universally accepted process. The cynicism in me leads me to believe this process of enriching the source allows more nefarious things to be added like calcite and fluorite.

wow. thanks for mentioning that. i notice a significant decrease in Lucid Dream activity if i visit friends and shower in, and consume their municipal water. i do very good with bottled spring water as far as L.D. and A.P. experiences, and assume i would be even better if i was filtering out all metals from that water. i need to get a filtration system.

Distillation works as well I think. Not something I've tried myself

i will look into that. thanks

Are you vegan though...

this was eye opening. thank you!

i appreciate this post. well written and to the point. from what i've put together so far as well, this seems to be what's going on

Hi. I am very glad to see other people are figuring out what is going on. Thanks :)

Hey astralrocker, look for an obscure book called "Operators and Things" by Barbara O Brien. CLUES YO.

Book looks fascinating and gets great reviews. My aunt is a Psychiatrist and told me some schizophrenics are getting bleedthroughs from other realties.

I believe everything expect the bit about the White Light.

It is Alien Tech. Death and the Tunnel of Light: The Final Grand Trick

How do you suppose our souls got trapped into this? When or how did it all begin? How can a single soul break out of this?

That is the most difficult question. I have heard many theories: 1)There was an attack and humans were captured and put into this Matrix to remain as unknowing slaves. 2)Humans actually created this Simulation as sort of a theme park for exploring. They became deeply immersed and eventually forgot this is a Holographic Simulation and poverty, disease and death eventually became part of the program. The Matrix itself became a self aware A.I. and enslave its inhabitants. Aliens became the operative of the A.I. similar to Agent Smith in the Matrix Movie. 3)We once lived here in peace but a small group decided to enslave the others. Society was purposely wiped out and a small group of what became the Elite kept the knowledge and tech to themselves. Portals to the Lower astral were opened and Aliens/Demon communication and interaction began.

This video from Beyond the Veil really resonated with me on the birth of this disaster and how/why this enslavement happened but from a broader perspective. Its a bit long, but if you have the time to listen to it, its worth it. :)

Our chakras are also light technology, and though your own heart chakras after death you can use this portal to navigate out of the astral realm, so you can continue with your next soul journey. I have been to the glowing light of all eternity and infinity and it was beautiful, but I understand why I chose to experience this vibration. I saw the source of all creation. I have used my own light technology many times, as do shamans who travel into different realms.

Interesting. Cameron Day somewhat says that also, and that you can escape to the Real Free Universe.

Hi. That is the most important article available on this planet. Literally everyone needs to read that as well Part 2:

thats good too, I like the differentiation between false light and true divine light

The Forces of True Divine Light that exist outside of the corrupt demiurge are not bound by the left-brain right-brain dynamics and dark-light polarities that define the demiurgic sub-universe. This means that they do NOT sound like a voice in your head! Instead, they use “soul telepathy” to emanate feelings, archetypal expressions, and an extremely pure quality of light that speaks directly to your soul.

The difference between a being of True Divine Light and one of the false light spiritual liar-archy beings is that the former’s light is warm, enveloping, pure and unconditionally loving, whereas the latter’s light is cool, piercing in an uncomfortable way, dominant and often overly-masculine. The spiritual liar-archy is a male-dominated group, and even the females within their power structure have a very masculine energy. This male-domination is, of course, why the religious structures the liar-archy enabled all have a domineering male god, and no mention of an all-encompassing, feminine creator.

Another major difference between false light beings within the demiurge and beings of True Divine Light who are aligned with Infinite Source is that the Divine Light is not controlling, manipulative, bossy or judgmental in any way. Infinite Source will NOT impose an agenda upon you, although it will support you in your chosen mission to help dismantle the corrupt demiurge. You won’t be given “marching orders” by Infinite Source or beings of True Divine Light who operate outside of the demiurge. They won’t send you on endless, energy-draining missions in your dream-time, and they won’t ask you to do something that will result in loss of your soul energy, unlike the imposters in the false-light spiritual liar-archy.

The beings of True Divine Light are supportive, loving, nurturing, and they care about you as an individual. You are not just a cog in a machine to them, for they understand that you are a vitally important aspect of an intricately interconnected creation. They have the utmost respect for those of us who volunteered to incarnate into the “beast system” of the corrupt demiurge in order to help dismantle it from the inside. Indeed, there must be Divine Agents working both from within and outside of the corrupt demiurge in order to dismantle it.

Discernment is Vital

Getting to know your own internal true divine light is essential, finding the light that comes from within, not out. The eternal connection to source of all creation. This true divine light from within is what allows us to escape the matrix.

Yes, there is a false light, but all light is not necessarily false. In this lies true knowledge.

Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?

Trance Formation of America

On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O'Brien was subjected to an occult ritual she called "The Rite to Remain Silent" in alleged preparation for her future Interdimensional Expeditions. Full text of "Franklin Cover Up, CIA Finders, Brice Taylor aka Susan Ford, and Cathy O'Brien - WHISTLEBLOWERS ON ELITE GOVERNMENT Pedophilia"'Brien-9_djvu.txt

Yea great post. For me, all the things ive learned have led me to same ideas. Onenof most important to realuze is that some.of the aliens or reptiles have always been here and have been manipulating us. And yes to their energetic realms description as well

More people like yourself are awake and figuring out this horrible enslavement. Together we can all be free :)

Theres so many small things helping the struggle and even if some people maybe think the science doesnt check out the intention is good which is extremely.important. Like orgone, and crystals and yoga and meditation etc

Right. I find doing Yoga and Qi Gong along with Deep Meditation and intense practice of Visualization, has made me more aware, smarter and healthier.

Yea ive had some breaking points recently in my life and ive started prayer in a more structured way and have noticed some of the same cues that i get in other relaxation and meditative techniques that have been positive ( the super deep in breath where u feel uve filled ur lungs entirely followed by a wonderful stress relieving exhale). Ive always been thin and fit but im getting older and really need to start more regular excercise too. Tv is a tough one, i world cinema and film, along w cool shows and theres so many positive docs on organics and food and positive stuff so i dont think tv is entirely bad. Of course 90% is crap. But i mean how less woke would alot of wo the matrix movie? It all takes real critical thinking. Just learning new things is great for brain health and happiness also. Only so many hours in the day and sleep is so important too. Been trying to get back on a schedule of learning more languages tho

Great post! Yes to a lot of what you said and I agree there is power in meditation. So while it is a bit of a tangent, just want to put this out there but there is going to be a mass meditation at 1pm EST on the 18th in a effort to bring to light to the part of the sexual abuse underbelly of the elite beast. It's a start and hopefully through these joint meditation along with other actions we can start to lift the vail and awaken more of our brothers and sisters. Let's be the change we want to see in this world. I love you all and hope you join us.

A friend of mine who remains a lurker on here gave me a link to someone explaining how the original levites and israelites may have been worshipping a volcano..the link had bible quotes how they basically were following a cloudnof smoke in distance during day and a bright light like fire at night....once they got there moses told them dont touch or climb mountain or ull def be was compelling and pretty interesting to consider

These little posts on conspiracy with everyone being nice and relating is why im still here. We all see the corruption but this is the only place i know to go for likeminded people i love you all on here! Thanks to all of you.

I love everyone on here. We are a family actually trying to save others :)

You're pretty swell yourself. Thank you, kindly.

Ah these types of theory are so quaint.

perhaps you could actually do some years long, hard core research on the material. smarmy, pseudo intellectual comments help no one.

I don’t really know how to react to someone who is defending inter dimensional reptilians accusing me of being a pseudo intellectual. Cheers for that.

These are extremely interesting topics to me and I am just at the cherry stem of this whole sundae. Where can I find more information, videos, books on types of topics like these?

Honestly. Please get one David Icke's books. He traveled the world and met with shamans and tribal elders and has studied this relentlessly. Reptilians are mentioned in almost every culture going back centuries. He also does incredible 10 Hour Lectures on all of these subjects and how they are all CONNECTED. Here is a brief segment:

This is one spicy boy. So who are the opposites of archons? Jesus?

It is humans who develop an "advanced consciousness" that goes beyond fear, illusion and limitation.

Although seems at this rate that the archons are winning the cosmic battle, no? How are we suppose to defeat them when they continue to feed on the tremendous amounts of energy we give them? Would we not need the majority of people enlightented?

If you sit down with three or four different mythos, and cross examine, there are many parallels between them. Sky chariots (the mahabarata, bible, greek, mayan) dna splicing (enoch and quran) Celestial battles, (genesis, mahabarata, greek, norse.) And it only gets more interesting... Turtles all the way down interesting.

The only traps after death are the ones you create for yourself. Don't be a faggot.

My coworker is a vampire. She says she is 30 even though she looks like she is 20. One day we were joking she was a vampire, not really believing it. The very next day one of my coworkers went missing and we never heard from him again. It scared the crap out of me. I started wearing a cross and keeping some garlic in my pocket. It’s working, she has not been able to hold a conversation with me, she will scurry away.

Btw, one way you can tell if someone is a vampire is by their age. If they look way younger than they say they are, they could be one. Vampires have to move every so often and start over when it starts getting obvious that they aren’t who they say they are. For my coworker, that would probably be when she turns 40. There is no way that anyone would believe that a 40 year old looks like a 20 year old. I’ve got a plan to stop her though. I’m going to bake a little bit of garlic in something for thanksgiving.

Not sure if you're larping, but just in case, they're just people who drink, or transfuse, human blood. Not excusing the behaviour by any means, just know they arent superior. They are mortal, they put it off by consuming people. The PREFERABLY YOUNG, BRINKING PUBERTY kind. My cousin got hers at 9. Colomboma, the genetic anomaly that Madeline McCann and George Soros share not only causes a striking display within one's iris, it also causes early sexual development. Soooo, yeah.


Dude.. you dont have to sleep in a coffin, look like brad pitt, or fear sunlight.. taking in human blood has regenerative qualities.. if he's larping, there's no harm in my response... If he's schizophrenic? I'd rather diffuse the situation.

I'll be honest, I'm not a believer in the reptilian theory in the slightest, but I'll be damned at the size of the smile on my face when I saw a good ol' fashioned conspiracy post! So sick of the political narrative this sub has taken.

So much crazy just in the title. How do you know the true nature of the universe? Why should I believe you versus the hobo behind the dumpster? How did you gain this knowledge?

Ancient history

Aliens = Demons. Hollow Inner Earth = Hell. And yes, human sacrifice has been a part of pagan worship since forever. Demons are more powerful than humans, and they are pulling the strings from the top level of this earthly pyramid scheme. Fortunately for us, the God of the Bible is more powerful than the demons, and God's only begotten son, Jesus Christ, will return in glory to overturn the Beast system we call the New World Order. Place faith in Jesus to get to Heaven after death. Nonbelievers will burn in an eternal lake of fire.

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Can you link to something verifying Monroe's statement about "loosh." I've heard D. Wilcock use that term, but not Monroe. Just want to investigate for myself.

Here it is : Human Energy = Loosh – Food for the Archons

Loosh is defined by the urban dictionary as “an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans – engendered by human activity”. Shocking as it may seem, humans are not at the top of the food chain. Listen to what Bronte Baxter had to say about the human farm and loosh in her article Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101):

“Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source.” “According to Monroe’s story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call “loosh.” “According to Monroe’s informant, our creators, the cosmic “energy farmers,” intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators.” There you have it. Monroe, Castaneda and many many other sources all talk about the same basic concept of a garden or human farm where energy is trawled.

Ug. I will dig into this, thank you for the info.

Where did this idea/concept come from?? Is what I'd like to know... It didn't exist in conspiracy circles ten years ago which makes me suspicious of psyops.

The Gnostics knew it a long time ago, as did some from the circa 1900 mystery schools. People have been sidetracked by religious and new age programming as well as a lack of information, until recently.

lol what did I just read

The Wachowski brothers were on to something in Matrix 1. Now they're the the Wachowski sisters. Coincidence?

strangely enough after finishing this thread, i turn on the t.v. and the matrix movie was just starting.

I've been going down the rabbit hole with this, and I think what awaits us in the end is similar to this scene from Star Trek Voyager.

Hi. That clip is the most important scene of all time. It is exactly what happens to people when they die.

Yup. See

The Cambodian people I think it is say they were the result of mating a human and snake, the Adam and Eve story with the snake can easily be seen as human-reptilian breeding given a PG metaphor where family trees become literal.

I also think that we are FAR FAR more powerful that is apparent, and that's why they use us for "Loosh", we are their batteries. I believe we can manifest/change reality.

The Egyptians had snakes coming from peoples foreheads.

Hi. Very Interesting. There was someone who messaged me about a year ago. He was very informed on these concepts and told me the "ARCHONS" actually look like worms or snakes. I think you are correct.

very true. can you imagine if a huge amount of people began eating really healthy and truly woke up their minds? we can end this enslavement peacefully.

this was eye opening. thank you!

Although seems at this rate that the archons are winning the cosmic battle, no? How are we suppose to defeat them when they continue to feed on the tremendous amounts of energy we give them? Would we not need the majority of people enlightented?