I don't know if it's because of the political shit storm going on through out the world, the way it feels like I'm working and I'm dedicating 90% to bills and food to eat or how everyone seems to be hooked on drugs or alcohol but I want that one big thing to happen that will wake everyone up

46  2017-11-18 by zewoldi3500


Most people are awake.

That is the red pill that is hard to swallow. Confidence in the government is insanely low. Most people are so sick of trying to make a change that they have given up.

You're optimistic but no most people are not awake. The world is not just not America you will never know how free we are until you leave.

Pretty much everyone on planet earth knows their government is corrupt and fucked up.

They may know, but what do they do? Nothing.

What can most of them do?

This is why I advocate against having kids.

What can most of the do? Nothing, not alone at least. If everyone wasn’t so divided or pacified, something could be done. Unity is what TPTB are afraid of. They want us divided at every corner.

Yes. That is the real hurdle.

Who would have down voted this? Damn true, Lived in about 4 counties and each had issues. Locals would talk about it and I’m sure it’s the same everywhere else.

Power from the sun should be free ..no one owns the sun ..... governments need to give a little ...money spent on wars would be better spent on solar power ...free power for all .....we the people would be much happier

when 99.9% are awake we are way too fucking late. enjoy the fireworks there is no saving our fantasy lives we have been programed to worship

Meme harder. Meme so hard your granny will get it.

its going to get worse

It is because the value of the dollar keeps tanking. I did a comparison across several generations and the required cost of living has pretty much cut at least 20% of discretionary spending away.

Thank the elites printing money for that

The event already happened. 9/11. It was meant magically to destroy man, woman and God (buildings 1,2 and 7) and leave us perpetually asleep. But their spell did not go as planned, and building 7 had to be "pulled" - leaving the spell un-cloaked.

Mark Passio has a great presentation on what I am trying to say. YouTube his name with 9/11 if you're interested.

I drink a lot because I'm awake :( sad world