Remember when David Brock created his own troll farm to Correct the Record on reddit and social media

319  2017-11-19 by Rocksolid1111

In early 2016 he targeted his army of shills to go after Bernie supporters online with a $1 million budget. He has since restructured to better hide his troll farm and has received over $40 million more in funding.

From April 2016,

Citing “lessons learned from online engagement with ‘Bernie Bros,’” a pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC is pledging to spend $1 million to “push back against” users on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Instagram.

Some Bernie Sanders-supporting users on Reddit already started to notice the changes on Thursday afternoon.

“This explains why my inbox turned to cancer on Tuesday,” wrote user OKarizee. “Been a member of reddit for almost 4 years and never experienced anything like it. In fact, in all my years on the internet I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

Watson previously worked at Brock’s Media Matters for America, where “their whole mission is to debunk conservative misinformation [and] a lot of that ends up being defending Hillary Clinton,” but says she’s never seen anything like this initiative.

“Usually places like MMFA and CTR are defending her against the media and established figures. This seems to be going after essentially random individuals online,” she said. “I don’t know that they’ve done anything like this before.”


They are still at work.

Indeed they are.

The 'resist' movement on Reddit with the 20+ subs was the most obvious Astro turfing I've ever seen.

Reminds me of everything anti trump

The constant hyperbole and panic attacks about Russia mean it's almost impossible for there to be legitimate criticism against Trump because it's constantly being drowned out by a sea of bullshit by the media.

They're crying wolf so many times, it's starting to look like they're on Trump's side. It essentially means he can get away with anything because the public is so tired of hearing that Trump is literally Hitler because of his tweets.

Yup, when they crank up the outrage machine over two scoops of ice cream or taking a sip of water, a lot of people will tune it out if he actually does something worth being outraged about.

But... won't somebody please think of those poor koi fish?!?

Or CnN's feelings!

right now the MSM is worried about trumps feud with Lavar Ball

yeah it's done for cover so he can start wars and take away rights

There is legitimate criticism against Trump, but it is all rather boring stuff that boils down to no policies can ever please everyone. Oh, and he took advantage of existing tax structures to his benefit. Yawn.

Exactly. Another thing is we have divided government so if some ahole congressman puts in an amendment to give tax breaks to private jet owners did trump ask for that? Or was it put in there to make him look bad? On a must pass tax bill he has no line item veto- so he can't to much about it.

Personally, as a rabidly anti-Hillary Bernie supporter, I appreciate how they handled the Russian Sanctions when it passed through congress and what the admin said in response. I think they really are into rule of law and constitutional government.

Although I don't think they're philosophy of letting corporations do whatever they want is good in the long run. And him putting in Agit Pai there to kill net neutrality is horrible.

Other than that, he's winning me over.

After the election, David Brock said in an interview that now his mission was to make Trump as unpopular as possible. Then came all of those subs and their clones.

Which ended up making memes that T_D usurped and probably drove more traffic there.

this is Streisand effect stuff and it's why trump won, oh his polls look bad? they lie.

Corporations are sitting on billions of dollars, at least a significant percentage of that is invested in Clintonian interests. They'd be stupid not to be this desperate to spread propaganda

Thanks for your credible input "TeamTrump02."

Remember when David Brock accused James Alefantis of blackmailing him for over $850,000?

Pepperidge farms remembers.

I bet Alefantis has a whole load of blackmail on other high profile DC politicians too.

That wasn't Alefantis. Did you read the article? "In a lawsuit, Brock says his former lover of 10 years, William Grey, contacted him three times after their breakup and demanded payment or he would embarrass him to his donors and report him to the IRS."

My bad

In May 2010, Brock says his lover sent an e-mail to him and his new partner James Alefantis that read: 'David, You and James pulled this same kind of sick nonsense in 2008 to try to hide your financial malfeasance. Next step is I contact all of your donors and the IRS. OK? Do you understand?

Wouldn’t this type of information be grounds for investigation? I would guess that an irs agent would’ve been all over this.

Trump has one too. It's called Cambridge Analytica. The Russians also have a bunch of paid trolls.

Here's more. The author from this article infers that David Brock patterned and got his strategies for his shill army from Russia's troll farm.

Here's the part of what the troll farm did to Russian internet. Does this sound familiar?

Some of these employees spent their time posting in comments sections, while others went so far as to start their own blogs on seemingly non-political subjects, only to weave political messages into their content when they had an audience. But this wasn’t just about convincing Internet users to support the Kremlin’s positions. It was also about turning the Internet into a political wasteland, so that if anyone sought information that might be against Kremlin policy, they’d encounter a confusing morass and feel immediately discouraged. Chen met with a liberal campaign manager named Leonid Volkov who emphasized this point:

"The point is to spoil it, to create the atmosphere of hate, to make it so stinky that normal people won’t want to touch it,” Volkov said, when we met in the office of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation. “You have to remember the Internet population of Russia is just over 50 percent. The rest are yet to join, and when they join it’s very important what is their first impression.” The Internet still remains the one medium where the opposition can reliably get its message out. But their message is now surrounded by so much garbage from trolls that readers can become resistant before the message even gets to them. During the protests, a favorite tactic of the opposition was making anti-Putin hashtags trend on Twitter. Today, waves of trolls and bots regularly promote pro-Putin hashtags. What once was an exhilarating act of popular defiance now feels empty. “It kind of discredited the idea of political hashtags,” says Ilya Klishin, the web editor for the independent television station TV Rain who, in 2011, created the Facebook page for the antigovernment protests.

The article:

Weird how the comment calling out Donald Trump's botfarm, Cambridge Analytica, is downvoted. I wonder which botfarm is still active..

They are both active


Are you saying that CTR or ShareBlue doesn't astroturf social media?


Could you point out where in that article it mentions Reddit? Thanks!

Look under purpose to see that it targets social media.

Tells you that Reddit is social media.

If you look explicitly at either ShareBlue or CTR's mission, it never specifies platforms, but it clearly states that it will operate on any social media platform. You are trying to assume that Reddit, one of the top 25 websites in terms of internet traffic, doesn't get targeted. Am I correct?

So, your only proof that they pay people to post on Reddit is the fact that Reddit is considered social media? lmfao ok. Your Wiki article doesn't even mention them paying people to post on social media.

I'll go ahead and maintain that the only source on this claim is a post from an anonymous /r/the_donald user.

Your entire first paragraph is disingenuous. Have you read anything i posted? How exactly do you think Correct the Record operates if there is no one on the payroll to actually do it? Also, why would he specify making an online presence on social media platforms? Can you not put two and two together? Lastly, he has no incentive to specify which platforms he is going to have shills on, because then people will outright discredit everything from that platform. In fact, he never outright admits what platforms he does target, but they are obvious. He is no Goebbels, but he isn't that stupid either. But fine, maintain your assertion. I already knew there was no way to convince you otherwise, but thanks to you, this will be seen by others who can actually think critically.

How exactly do you think Correct the Record operates if there is no one on the payroll to actually do it?

Where did I say that? They hire people to create infographics that can be used on social media, like the original press release stated.

Also, why would he specify making an online presence on social media platforms?

Because of what I just said, they make infographics that can be used on social media to "push back" against the GOP's smear campaign.

Can you not put two and two together?

I think this is your problem. You're trying to put two and two together to make five.

but thanks to you, this will be seen by others who can actually think critically.

Right, which is why I'm not sure why you're so mad that I pointed out the only source that suggests CTR or ShareBlue pay people to post on Reddit is an /r/the_donald user.

Nice to see fresh accounts on here that only post on this sub.

they are n00bs

Remember when pro-Trump bots outnumbered pro-Clinton bots 5 to 1?


Well, it happened regardless.

So you are saying the Trump Campaign paid millions for an army of trained trolls working for a very unpopular candidate to sit in a room with sophisticated social networking software meant to simultaneously overwhelm and attack accounts that make comments indicating they might vote for Hillary or are you referring to the Deplorables engaging in The Great Meme war of 2016?

Evidence of that?


That's all you need. And recognizing the unwarranted upvotes.

The top comment is just some asshole saying, "They're still active" with no evidence, just saying it and riding upvotes off of anti-Clinton hate.

I provided a study that showed five times more pro-Trump bots activity and somehow that's not good enough?

The bar for evidence is so low when you're trashing Clinton. But needs to be absurdly high whenever you critique Trump. It's insane.

They are still active, and you gave no evidence.

So yeah, not good enough.

You nailed it.

The top comment is literally a month old account promoting Trump and shitting on Clinton and you're on about CTR still being a thing?

Funny, the top comment doesn't mention Trump at all. And yes, CTR is still a thing, for sure.

Check the username, my dude.

And you are a gorilla. What he said is true, and truth is all that matters.

-Citation needed-


No I don't actually so you have any links?

ITT is about Reddit trolls and not election Twitter bots that tweet hundreds of times a day in lame attempts to get hashtags trending, like the garbage study you linked to. Nobody would actually follow an account that would tweet that much so it had nothing to do with Hillary's historic loss to Trump. On the other-hand, Hillary paid CTR to create troll farms of idiotic people that hate America as much as she does in order to harass any patriot online that they deemed against her.

Yet these troll farms persist after the election, even though Hillary said she wasn't running again. But we know that is a lie because the sheer volume of trolls here on Reddit.

If you think these things aren't related, and whoever was paying for pro-Trump bots five times more than pro-Clinton bots, just stopped and walked away you're deluded.

The only reason to create bots that tweet hundreds of times a day is to try to get their hashtags to trend. Using Trump 5:1 over Hillary makes sense if your goal is trending hashtags.

Also, no real person follows these twitter bots and thus they would not effect the election in anyway. So you're entire argument is deluded.

I love how you come here to defend one candidate's bot farm over another. I guess if you're doing social media manipulation the right way conspiracy folk are cool with it.

Hillary paying for troll farms is well documented. There is no evidence Trump had anything to do with bot farms. There is no equivalency. But you're all upset because you actually believe that Trump created bot farms to manipulate Twitter trends to somehow manipulate voters that never saw any of the tweets.

I'm not upset, I'm looking at the facts. You're making things up with lines like "you actually believe that Trump created bot farms to manipulate Twitter trends to somehow manipulate voters that never saw any of the tweets"

I never said Donald Trump did this, I'm saying that pro-Trump bots outnumbered pro-Clinton bots 5-1. I think it's worth investigating where the money came from for all those bots to be created and put to work and who ordered it. It was no secret that the Trump campaign was spending way less money than Clinton's endless money machine was.

And you're also making a GIANT assumption that no one sees those tweets that is kind of hilarious. Who spends that kind of money, sets up that kind of infrastructure, on something they know won't work?

Stop just trying to blanket defend Trump because you're a the_donald poster and look at what happened. I provided evidence of bot farming seriously leaning toward one candidate, everyone else in here is just circlejerking "Clinton did it and still is!" which is evidence-less. The only evidence anyone ever provides is the initial news story about the creation of CTR and the amount of money spent, the stuff about reddit is just assumption.

You have no evidence that the bots were paid for at all. Manipulating Twitter trends happens all the time, before and after the election. You automatically start think of nefarious things when you see these misleading studies. Maybe we should look into who is paying for this "study". I see the same person who did it published an almost identical misleading study prior to the election. It was pick-up by many news outlets like the BBC. Was he attempting to manipulate the election? Don't you think we should investigate him to find out who paid him? And who's paying him now?

Nobody follows bots that tweet every few seconds or their entire feed will filled with just one bot's tweets. That's clearly not a "GIANT assumption". LOL

Of course the guy spamming this thread with multiple posts of a misleading study, most likely paid for by Hillary's campaign, is now calling me a Trump shill because I called out his BS. LOL

And you have no evidence that "CTR" still exists and is shilling this sub. No one here has provided any evidence and the top rated comment is a month old account and this was it's first comment.

And it's genuinely laughable that you think over a million pro-Trump bots accounts appeared and simultaneously tweeted the same hashtags to control and promote a narrative and no money changed hands. Meanwhile, you believe that a year after the election, Hillary Clinton is still paying a troll army to do what? Make Donald Trump look bad? He is very capable of doing that himself.

Hillary Clinton is still paying a troll army to do what?

Hillary is running again in 2020. She hasn't stopped campaigning. The fact you don't believe CTR (ShareBlue) is real says it all about you. She lost, get over it and move on with your life.

She's not running in 2020. The fact that you're this obsessed with her is kind of proof that you're not over her.

She lost, get over it and move on with your life.

Oh, and Trump actually hasn't stopped campaigning, and collecting your money, and using that money to pay his legal fees. Pretty chill move for a billionaire, using your lunch money to pay his legal bills.


You want Twitter bots investigated over influencing the last election and you call me "obsessed". LOL

If it's all above board and no one even saw them, then why not? You want Clinton investigated and jailed over a like six year old deal she signed off on and even Jeff Sessions said wasn't worth investigating.

But go ahead, scream memes at me. That's all you cultists are good at anyway.

Haha, you're really aomething, cultist.

Nobody ever talks about Republican funded websites, Reason, Heritage, CATO, Breitbart, etc. There are hundreds of them. These oligarch funded sites do two things: (1) promote the Republican Party with a slightly different branding (2) control the narrative to force the Republican Party to support the oligarchy's agenda of "deconstruction" of government.

That's what is so confusing. Some of these critics of "CTR" pretend like the GOP has been totally honest with their messaging tools as well. The Clinton Campaign's methods of narrative control aren't exclusive to them. Both sides engage in this shit and it's hard to believe pointing that out comes with accusations of being a CTR shill.


Remember when the Donald had more active users than liberal r/politics. Me either!

This guys trying to CTR

I didn't have social media during the election and I knew that someone in politics for 50 years should not have become president.

Your political opinion is irrelevant to my fact about bot farming.

Ok then. What fact?

I remember Unicorns too.

I linked the study in my other comments. Feel free to at least pretend you're smarter than this.

Don't forget about /r/conspiracy's hard-on for banning anyone who breathes the word.

Yea but I think that's more due to reddit's sitewide policies.

I'm unfamiliar with this policy? Even so, it gets abused by the baiting mods. It's not used as intended.

it sucks we can't call obvious shills out to their faces, lurkers reading this won't realize it is shills lying

true conspiracy mods should fight back and post proof of that being the case, go nuclear

I dont know how many "true conspiracy mods" we have left.

It's really weird because we can plainly see both sides "correcting the record". I know you'd never want to but try to make a post about the other side and see how it does.

In the mid 90’s, David Brock was a huge anti Clinton conservative. He wrote pieces on them, and I remember correctly, worked closely with Peter Smith, a GOP operative who openly despised the Clintons. He tirelessly searched for smear pieces against them. David Brock became a Democrat and apologized for his conservatism and his smearing of the Clintons, and now we know his role in Control the Record. So we know where he is. But Peter Smith? Well, he “committed suicide” shorty after trying to obtain Hilary’s emails by placing a bag over his head and filled with helium. His suicide note said something to nature of, “NO FALSE PLAY. LIFE INSURANCE POLICY”.

Damn that's crazy. I'm going to read up on that.

David Brock is this generations Joseph Goebbels.

Only if Joseph Goebbels had converted from Nazism to Zionism.

same thing basically

Hah! Goebbels was good at propaganda. David Brock is more akin to Sadat’s Information Minister.

I agree his Propaganda is very ineffective but I do think that Brock's really did a lot of damage to society. I think it increased the amount of division and damaged public dialogue

Brock sold out so that the Clinton Body Count wouldnt get him too. He sold his soul and will pay for it anyway

all BS aside I'd like proof of life on brock. when was he last seen

Except more oily.

He actually killed himself after going public with his role in coordinating the Trump campaign with Russia. Hmm, I wonder who might want to keep that quiet?

He had been acting independently til as long as 1994, in trying to smear the Clintons. He “killed” himself 10 hours after telling The Journal he and his team contacted 5 Russian hackers from the deep web that they had copies of Clinton’s emails. His reason more specifically was that his life insurance policy was expiring. I think his association with the Trump campaign was less about pushing for Trump to win, but was more to keep Hilary from winning.

"killed himself "

It was the Arkansas Project. Funded by a billionaire designed to smear the Clintons:

David Brock s did a pretty big 180 on it all

Interesting how he and another fellow were actively investigating the mystery surrounding Fosters death. I find it funny how it says in the wiki article; “...which later Brock found inconceivable..”

I’m on Mobile right now if you remind me I will find you the article that shows Peter Smith payed for the attorneys that represented the Arkansas State troopers that supposedly were made to Bill Clinton’s personal chauffeuring of women he wanted to have sex with.

Yeah, that guy didn't commit suicide. There's a good video on YouTube from Crowdsource the Truth that explains why they think it was foul play... it was really fishy.

both parties are in collusion and he now helps conservadems like Clinton keep any liberals from winning elections

There are also Pro Trump bots, I caught one who forgotthey weren't logged in another account. Let's only talk about Hillary though.

What do these two images prove? Also a person isn't a bot?

I wonder if "Media Matters For America" is a disinformation outlet?

Years ago before David Brock was a founder of Media Matters, he attacked attorney and professor Anita Hill in his book called "The Real Anita Hill - The Untold Story." Some will remember in the early 1990s during President George Bush Senior's Regime, Anita Hill and other women testified in front of the Senate about Clarence Thomas' sexual harrassment, but the Senate still confirmed Bush's appointment of Thomas to the Supreme Court. Judge Thomas is still on the Supreme Court to this day of course. To think Thomas replaced Justice Thurgood Marshall. Boggles the mind.

Media Matters exagerates and obfuscates as much if not moreso than every other media outlet, mainstream, alternative, or otherwise.

Honestly can these REMINDER or REMEMBER posts be any harder circle jerks? It’s silly as hell.

I wonder who the first bastard was that thought -" HEY, there are technically no laws against this so besides it being morally bankrupt lets start creating thousands of fake profiles to push our agenda!" - because seriously, fuck that guy.

This gives me an idea for a writing prompt.

Einstein said world war 3 would be fought with nukes. What he didn’t know, was that internet bots were the real weapons of mass destruction

Hillary did nothing wrong! CTR does excellent work!!! Just kidding, they're a troll farm that needs shutdown. Oh, and Bill Clinton IS a rapist - a fact no one can deny unless you're a rape apologist. I agree with Chelsea Handler, I DO believe Juanita Broaddrick.

give Kristin gillebrand credit she recently said bill Clinton shoulda resigned over the monica thing

and it was 90% done to control this forum

Here's more. The author from this article infers that David Brock patterned and got his strategies for his shill army from Russia's troll farm.

Here's the part of what the troll farm did to Russian internet. Does this sound familiar?

Some of these employees spent their time posting in comments sections, while others went so far as to start their own blogs on seemingly non-political subjects, only to weave political messages into their content when they had an audience. But this wasn’t just about convincing Internet users to support the Kremlin’s positions. It was also about turning the Internet into a political wasteland, so that if anyone sought information that might be against Kremlin policy, they’d encounter a confusing morass and feel immediately discouraged. Chen met with a liberal campaign manager named Leonid Volkov who emphasized this point:

"The point is to spoil it, to create the atmosphere of hate, to make it so stinky that normal people won’t want to touch it,” Volkov said, when we met in the office of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation. “You have to remember the Internet population of Russia is just over 50 percent. The rest are yet to join, and when they join it’s very important what is their first impression.” The Internet still remains the one medium where the opposition can reliably get its message out. But their message is now surrounded by so much garbage from trolls that readers can become resistant before the message even gets to them. During the protests, a favorite tactic of the opposition was making anti-Putin hashtags trend on Twitter. Today, waves of trolls and bots regularly promote pro-Putin hashtags. What once was an exhilarating act of popular defiance now feels empty. “It kind of discredited the idea of political hashtags,” says Ilya Klishin, the web editor for the independent television station TV Rain who, in 2011, created the Facebook page for the antigovernment protests.

The article:

Weird how the comment calling out Donald Trump's botfarm, Cambridge Analytica, is downvoted. I wonder which botfarm is still active..

So you are saying the Trump Campaign paid millions for an army of trained trolls working for a very unpopular candidate to sit in a room with sophisticated social networking software meant to simultaneously overwhelm and attack accounts that make comments indicating they might vote for Hillary or are you referring to the Deplorables engaging in The Great Meme war of 2016?

Evidence of that?

-Citation needed-

Nice to see fresh accounts on here that only post on this sub.

Your entire first paragraph is disingenuous. Have you read anything i posted? How exactly do you think Correct the Record operates if there is no one on the payroll to actually do it? Also, why would he specify making an online presence on social media platforms? Can you not put two and two together? Lastly, he has no incentive to specify which platforms he is going to have shills on, because then people will outright discredit everything from that platform. In fact, he never outright admits what platforms he does target, but they are obvious. He is no Goebbels, but he isn't that stupid either. But fine, maintain your assertion. I already knew there was no way to convince you otherwise, but thanks to you, this will be seen by others who can actually think critically.