How compromised is this sub? (Marines storm Langley.)

0  2017-11-20 by Tunderbar1

Any mention of 2200 Marines overrunning CIA head quarters on Saturday have been scrubbed right out of existence.


I would give it a 6 out of 10 on the compromise scale.

Do you think they've stormed?

It was all just a was supposed to be "stoned" at Langley...

Puff, puff, pass and then deny it ever happened. Classic.

Just like any occurrence of 2200 marines overrunning CIA headquarters was scrubbed out of reality.

I heard the marines were all dressed like matadors

Oh my god, I can't believe no one got any smartphone footage of that, that would be awesome to see. Truly, a sight to behold that would be.

I heard a marine punched a CIA agent so hard he turned into a diamond

Well..looks like the CIA will be going into the diamond business..fuck.


Edit. I normally give no fucks.

I've always wanted to be the one who says this,so here it goes...Username checks out!!

I thought they Were already in the Conflict diamond Business.

Hahahaha..conflict diamond business..good one..although, you're actually right. They are.

rodeo clowns

Probably to save face from an obvious embarrassing LARP.

I'm willing to listen if you have a better source. Or evidence of even a better source being scrubbed. But man fuck that website.

I think most of us are still waiting for evidence instead of just stories on the internet.

Did you hear that 90,000 UN Troops just landed in Colorado?

This. If there was anything corroborating something like that at all aside from some internet rumors, it would be all we are talking about right now.

Yeah..but what about Colorado? 90,000 is alot of troops...probably there to take over their cannabis industry...shit is going down..

Shit, Vegas is next!

Hardly anybody goes to Vegas during the holiday season...I think you're safe.

You're right, practically deserted during the holidays!

On a side note, one of the only times I have felt actual fear for my life from a crowd is when I was working security for Burberry on New Years like 15 years ago. At a certain point in time the energy just...changed. Yelling and bottles breaking started happening. It was really creepy. Ended up getting permission to shut down the shop early. I forget why it was a good move, but something happened shortly thereafter.

Hahahaha..cheater, I know that's New Years Eve...that's when the season kicks off again..remember..I drove cabs in Vegas.

No way, I never knew that! You still live here? Don't feel obligated to answer that.

No..I moved years ago..

It would be the biggest story since 9/11. You might note that VOTL was claiming this yesterday, but deleted their tweet with utter predictability. LBF was saying (conveniently) that Twitter deleted it.

And people were asking LBF if he was VOTL.

Because all the sources are bullshit and they want us to fall for misinfo so they can slander us in the next news cycle. Plz don't help them.

Waiting for more evidence on this. It would be really hard to do this "invasion" with nobody knowing in the area.

I'm waiting as well for confirmation that it did or didn't happen.

It's just that the source has built a fairly solid reputation for what they put out there.

I'm not convinced that it didn't happen.

Me neither,but the first place I saw this was on"yournewswire" which imo is a disinfo hub. I hope it happened, but I bet it didn't.

That being said, I've certainly been wrong before.

maybe cause its a lame larp

Upvoting this just because I feel bad that OP is getting roasted so hard that Starbucks would serve him.

Up your meds.