Another White Supremacist leader that happens to be Jewish. Wha??????

41  2017-11-23 by Tunderbar1

I posted this earlier but, for some reason, someone seems to want to "correct the record" by instantly downvoting it. So here it is again.

The background to this is that a fellow named Jason Kessler overnight became a leader of an self describe "alt-right" organization "Unite The Right" which is a racist white supremacist group. He organized numerous "protests" which led to headlines about clashes between them and Antifa. The narrative was that now that Trump won the presidency, racists and white supremacists were now the vogue.

Come to find out, Mr Kessler is Jewish. And up until his timely conversion to racism, right when Hillary lost the election, he had been a life long and well connected organizer on the left of the political spectrum. He worked under Obama and Clinton.

So obviously he's setting up a false front to make the right look crazy and foment civil discord. He's a false front agent provocateur.

Then I ran into the above video about this guy who invented and marketed sea monkeys of all things.

Come to find out, back in the 50's and 60's, he was also a white supremacist leader. And lo and behold, he's also Jewish.

So here we have two Jewish guys running two white supremacist groups several decades apart. White supremacists tends to target Jews as the enemy.

These are two perfect examples of false fronts.

How long has this been going on? What other groups are false fronts? What other organizers are false front organizers?

Gotta build that narrative.

edit: see that? Instant downvote less than a minute after it's posted. Nice "correcting the record".


Most anti-gov militia groups will be fed-infiltrated, since they're a threat to the system. Most of the militias worth their salt and aren't just loud-mouth gun clubs will be fed-run not just infiltrated. Any pure militia is likely to be overweight, undereducated and easily defeated.

White Nationalists have some overlap with these anti-gov militias. They're often infiltrated this way, to keep tabs on violence that may erupt from their rhetoric. They can't be everywhere, but honestly the state would have to be brain-dead not to infiltrate and control the groups that are mostly made up of people who want it gone.

However I don't know why you'd become an organizer of White Supremacists if you're Jewish without a support network behind you (like fed infiltrators have, back up and logistics). Like, doing it on your own sounds riskier than having help. But IDK if these Jewish guys had help in leading the racists. It would make more sense to discredit these groups when they can't even vet their leaders properly, but without proof he has support it looks like he's just anti-himself or a brave loner.

Joking aside there are many racist Jews. Sadly.

I once told a Jewish man that any Jew who is racist is a hypocrite. He angrily yelled he disagreed. Jews and blacks get along? Is this news?

Hitler was financed by Jewish bankers.

Every major war, on every side, was financed by someone.

Nonsense. They recognised the threat hitler posed to them from the beginning. After the nazis won the election in 1933, the jewish community organised a boycott against germany.

You're forgetting the Jewish/communist revolution of 1917. And yes Jewish bankers financed Hitler, this isn't even a "conspiracy".

Yes, I know about the jewish role in communism. But what does that have to do with hitler? He despised the communinists, and I've never heard of him being financed by the jews. The closest thing I've heard to that effect was his meeting with allen and john dulles, and having

This is a typical hasbara tactic that has kept organizations like the SPLC and ADL in business for decades. How many times have we heard of Jews creating hoax hate crimes?

These people doing nothing but screwing their own case. If Jews actually stayed in Europe after WW2 and didn't incorporate all the shit Nazis did to them into their future lifestyles people would actually be sympathetic.

Doesn't surprise me. I think the whole white supremacy thing is a psy op and I've heard for years that most of the leaders of these groups are CIA.

A few years ago I worked on OpKKK and we only found about 10 legit white supremacists and a few more wannabe's. Total waste of time.

I've read that if you go to a white supremacist meeting chances are most of the people there are fbi/cia. They completely infiltrated the movement when it picked up steam a while back.

Sea monkeys, look it up.

Yes, I know about the jewish role in communism. But what does that have to do with hitler? He despised the communinists, and I've never heard of him being financed by the jews. The closest thing I've heard to that effect was his meeting with allen and john dulles, and having