Trump makes an odd statement while visiting Coast Guard today. What could he be hinting at?

131  2017-11-23 by ArchonFall4All

Go to the 1:35 mark in the video in the above Tweet. Trump is addressing the Coast Guard and talking about selling weapons to foreign countries. He says we don't even sell our best equipment to allies because you never know when an ally can turn against you, as we'll see very soon. That's a pretty bold statement, and I'm curious what he means by it. Any guesses on which ally he is referring to?


That was some good listening skills. Interesting indeed

For sure, I wonder what was cut out as well. Seems like he siad that abd then it skipped to another part of the speech.

I mean the saudis who had the weapon deal from under obama go through? And are tied to everything as much as big bad Israel as everyone here likes to claim.

My best guess.

I think trump got the saudis under control, Israel maby. I dont think he like Benjamin, and he is in hot water these days. Or maby Fiji. You know, because Q anon said look for clues, and he then he drank from that water bottle a week ago in a wierd way, positioning his hands just so everyone could notice the Fiji logo, and Fiji is a major player in human trafficking. That my best, but yours could be just as right

I really fucking hope this comment is satire or sarcasm or something. If not, holy shit man. Get some help.

go take a nap or something LOL

I see you in just the same light now, brother. One day you will realise everything is a rich mans game

Wel I'm not the one that believes random 4chan people about world events and that the president is sending signals through water bottles. Don't put us on a level playing field here. There is something wrong with you and other Trump cultists.

Think he means Israel?

Lmao hail naw son


He'd literally a Zionist lol

How would you read this? Sounds fairly unZionist:

Great Britian is coming back for their colonies now that they are built up properly.

Great Britian's nuclear weapons will be under Muslim control in our lifetime.

Yeah, that's why he stood infront of AIPAC and said he was very proud his daughter is having a Jewish baby.

Castin wide here: Taiwan, South Korea, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, The Phillipines and India. I place India as less likely. And the Phillipines as a lot more likely.

SOUTH KOREA?! They would never even come to the smallest idea to turn against the US.

I'm not saying they will. As I stated, I was casting a wide net. They are one of the largest US arms importers and there are problems in the relationship, and the north korea issue could strain things depending how things go. My finger was pointing more at the Phillipines, anyway

i hope he means israel.


Well— There is a small issue with Merkel giving away German money during the last election cycle?

I don't know all that is going on there. Just know Trump has shamed her in public.

something's coming.

lol, I don't think trump can shame merkel, he's making a fool of himself.

If that's the limit for when US declares war then US is about to declare war for literally half of the planet. Every-fucking-one donated money to Hillary. Nations, individuals and organizations.

Who said anything about declaring war??

They did so thinking the elections where rigged in her favor.

Yep. That's the beauty of it.

germany produces most of its equipment by them self. They are one of the biggest weapon producers out there

Canada ..winter is coming.

If it's SA though what will become the Petro Dollar?

Tell them - Winter came for House Trodeau

Maybe it's a message to some people who would get it, e.g. the Clintons. Suggesting that their allies are about to turn on them.

It is just as likely he’s talking about his allies turning against him.. like possibly Flynn seeming to be cooperating with Mueller now.

yeah why dont you head back to the r politics fantasy forum

I don't get it? It's OK to fantasize that Trump is dropping hints about Hillary with absolutely no evidence at all but if you point out that the FBI is no longer sharing information about the Flynn situation with the White House which is indicative of Flynn now cooperating with the FBI regarding the larger Russia investigation that is "fantasy"? Amazing how touchy you partisan hacks are.

I'm sick of the bloated orange idiot's fucking reality show riddles.

As opposed to a President who spoke of every move he was about to do before he did it? It's called strategy and positioning.

In that horrible "disappointed librarian" voice. God damn, even if I was all about her politics I wouldn't have been willing to listen to that dismissive scorn for four years.

WHY aren't I 50 points ahead!!

They both suck. They are both liars and shitty human beings.


Original. Way to think for yourself.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Good Catch...

I am eager to find out!!

It sort of seemed like he was saying that war is make believe and we won't be doing that as much anymore, but dont worry, we'll still make sure you guys are ok 401k-wise. Then, of course, Frito-lay gets a product placement shot, because the food companies are going to be furious if we stop funding war.

Probably stuff which is banned by international convention.

Like yer mom??


China and USA aren't allies and US doesn't sell weapons to China.

Like most everything he says, he's probably just full of shit.

Hey, you can keep your own doctor.

im guessing turkey.

How apropos.

Or Pakistan.. lol maybe the dirty French.

Pakistan has always been against the US, despite our continuing willingness to sell them military equipment. It's purely opportunistic - we don't want them to buy Russian military equipment instead of ours.

The CIA has to fund terrorists and export dope through some county, why not Pakistan?

Pakistan has been on the Chinese side for years.

Turkey's already turned though.

LOL, with that rat Erdogan in power there? That's a conniving snake that needs to be eliminated. Just look at the entire interaction they had with the Russians and dare tell me he is trustworthy.

That's what I said.

But Turkey is the nation with the second biggest army in the NATO, right after the US. And American nukes are stationed in Turkey, I don‘t really think that Turkey will just turn against the US, they are just playing on both sides for now. Btw didn‘t Trump like Erdogan?

F22. Most advanced fighter jet in the world but production was stopped and they're not exported to anyone.

F35. Better airframe.

But also less stealth capabilities and worse dogfighting performance. It's a good plane but it's multirole and can't compete with a dedicated fighter like the F22.

Remember when Trump promised a big announcement when he returned from Asia? He's always promising something "soon." he's full of shit.

"As you're going to see soon !"

Most likely:

Turkey China Israel

Less likely:

SE Asian nation Germany

I think Turkey seems most likely, as they were moving stolen oil for Isis and now trump/Putin working together against Isis, and has wiped them out.

Why do you say China? They aren't allies and we don't sell weapons to them.

No they just make all the chips our weapons use.

We have a Turkish-Iranian in a trial right now and he has flipped to be cooperating with Investigators. President of Turkey has threatened to arrest Americans in Turkey and want Zarrod sent back to Turkey.

Good catch. Israel, which I think is creating their own weapons. Could turn on us, or rather, we could turn on them. Saudi, which has no reason to not be a ally to us. And then China, which we don't sell stuff to but we are ally's. Their is some weird CIA/North Korea/ china ally thing that I think is what he is talking about. He said our stuff is always a little bit better, that's a interesting thing to say. I wonder how much more advanced our tech is than that of other counties or if we even have a advantage

Saudi absolutely does need the US and UK. They're the ones that put them in place. Without that alliance they would've been lynched a long time ago.

Sadly I dont think its anything. he was talking to a kid in the video. In one part he says, the economy's never been better, he chuckles and gestures presumably to a kid and says "in your whole long life the stock market is higher than its ever been". he smiles and pointed down low, I think to where a kid is. So later on with that statement about allies turning, he looks at the same kids and smiles and says "you will find out soon enough". Meaning that kid as they grow up will realize allies turn on you.

Quit with your logic, maga daddy is playing 4d Pepe chess and dropping Q hints!

Okay I️ disagree but this was funny

I did have a little giggle but yeah not right.

After rewatching it, I think you’re probably right. It does seem like the comment is directed toward the kid, and Trump is just teaching him a life lesson or something

He definitely said it in a words of wisdom kind of way. I figured he was talking to a kid, or talking to someone like they were young.

Most if not all of his vague statements like "you'll find out soon enough" have lead to absolutely nothing. That is on top of his normal compulsive lies.

Saudi cartel change Pedo/Hollywood outings More sealed federal indictments then any time in history.... Like revert back to an asset backed currency. (Yellen ending term 7 years early on board)

Lol “absolutely nothing”

Ah yeah, I see r/conspiracy is still run by r/The_Donald. Trump doesn't give a shit about you, and will destroy everything you hold dear. Net neutrality will end. The tax plan will pass, enriching the mega-rich while raising your taxes, in addition to ending health insurance for 13m which will sharply increase your premiums, and opening ANWR for oil drilling, stepping on the gas pedal of climate change. A financial collapse from the bubbles of student loans, real estate, and a record-low holiday spending season, will come early next year. There will be even larger bailouts compared to 2008, and unemployment will shoot up to 20-25%. "You'll see soon enough."

Oh shut up. The quickest way to score points here is to post anti-Trump comments, as you can see here. GTFO with this T_D 2.0 bullshit.

What a worst case scenario opinion. I doubt any of the future will be as bad as you claim. Shit it's been a year and we are still here just fine

Unemployment is already at 20%. The government's statistics are thoroughly cooked. When the bubbles burst, you'll see that figure double (at least).

Even according to your Orange King's own tweets the unemployment rate "will drop under 4% (in 2018)"... so how would we drop 16 points in less than a year if your number is the "REAL" unemployment rate?

Stop drinking so much of his kool-aid, it's terrible for you.

I'm sorry that you're confused. Partisanship will do that to you. I dare say you might take your own advice about choosing what to drink.

The numbers were cooked under Obama, they continue to be cooked under Trump.

By definition, unemployment numbers don't include people who've stopped looking for work after their benefit runs out. It also doesn't include underemployed people. If the definition included everyone of employable age who are capable of full time work that aren't working full time, it would vastly exceed 4%.

Link me to a credible source on this 20% number and I'll take a look at it.

Ron Paul uses John Williams for his unemployment stats. Here's his October, 2017 number: 21.6%.

I have no interest in arguing source credibility. For my part, I will take Ron Paul's word over the federal government's word any day of the week. Paul addressed The Phony Job Recovery back in August 2016 in which he talks about how the government manipulates its statistics.

"Shadow Governmen Statistics"...

Yeah, that's certainly credible. LOL.

"Actual Government Statistics"...

Yeah, that's certainly credible. LOL.

You guys make up these absurd theories about shadow governments, deep state, etc. because you distrust the government so much that you'll subscribe to any belief that goes against it.

What other conspiracies do you believe in? Pizzagate? 9/11 was a false flag? Sandy Hook was fake?

How old are you that you have any bit of trust left in government, particularly the US federal government?

I don't buy into pizzagate, though I do believe that the CIA is involved in human trafficking. 9/11 was used to falsely justify the invasion of Iraq, so yes, I guess I do consider it a kind of false flag. Sandy Hook happened, but was instantly politicized (never let a crisis go to waste) to try to further the gun control agenda.

So, why are you in a conspiracy sub if you trust the government's word and don't believe in "these absurd theories?"

I'm skeptical of everything I read. But I also tend to check sources and articles related to news, jobs reports, etc. if I'm interested in its substance.

Tell me, what reason would there be to lie about the unemployment rate? To inflate Trumps ego making it look like he's shrinking a non-existent value?

Again, this isn't about Trump alone. The jobs numbers have been cooked for years.

It's about inflating the citizenry's collective ego, or confidence. That "financial crisis" back in '07? Complete recovery on the jobs front. Everything is fine, continue to consume, citizen.

Bottom line is, after a certain percentage, that unemployment figure becomes politically untenable. People start demanding change, and that's the last thing any politician wants. Plenty of motivation for a government to fudge their job stats.

I believe it

Reversing sin? What kind of bible thumping bullshit is that? Dude, the guys been married three times and brags about trying to fuck married women. Wake the fuck up brother. Quit being had by bullshit artists. Trump is the same trash as a Clinton. Open your eyes.

None of that is true. Even the indictments one is false.

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No one cares.

This President just bullshits all day long. This isn’t anything.

Trump seems to be embracing Israel as seen in his encouragement of Israeli puppet Muhammad bin Salman's purge. He might be talking about the EU or globalists in general.

the video wont play anymore...

Y'all do get he's an idiot right? He just says shit..

Stupid like a fox.

Saudi > EU > US

He sold a bunch of weapons to SA.

Germany and he EU

Its Trump. He probably just said whatever was on his mind without thinking that his words have big implications. That's how he usually rolls.

This is going to be nothing.

He said "An ally can turn, you are going to find that out." He did not say as we will see very soon , and semantics are fucking important.

As we will see very soon? Foreboding. You're going to find that out? Word to the wise.

This thread on the front page of this subreddit is a fucking travesty.

I think he just talking in general. Remember take Trump seriously, but not literally.

Mike Flynn.

Oh good lord. Trump's mouth is intended to get people talking, which creates the thing he speaks. His issue is the allies that don't like... him. Those usually still like (feel sorry for) us, the people. But our president is not of the people.

Yeah. He is of the people. Unless you’re suggesting that over 40 million of us aren’t “the people”.

40 million people could agree to take cyanide, that doesn't make it a health food. A billionair who has proven to be a liar, manipulative, self centered, and immature and self destructive, impulsive, emotionally needy, these are not traits of good government.

Does Trump represent your background? Is he "like you?"

No. He's not like a good American.

Tell me this: which President hasn’t been rich, self-centered, manipulative, etc.

You don’t like him because you need someone to hate. You don’t like those of us who voted for him simply because we don’t think like you. And you think ALL 40 million of us that voted “Trump” on the ballot actually voted for the man. Everyone I know that voted for him voted strictly because it was a giant FUCK YOU to a system that has branded us white men as racist, intolerant, homo-phobic, deplorable people whose concerns and problems are not considered legitimate.

Well, fuck that. We’re tired of it.

And now you’re all wallowing in shit. Just like we were when we were told we had to invade Iraq because of WMDs, told we could keep our doctor, told we were NOT to show pride in our country because it might upset those who have been allowed to invade our land.

No sir. You get to wallow in the same shit of dismay, disappointment, and angst that I’ve been drowning in since the end of the Reagan era.

Petty? Yup. But I’ll be damned if I was going to vote for another fucking Clinton.

Nope, that's not good enough. If you wanted a big fuck you to the system, you'd put someone in there that's qualified to break it down. That person is not trump. By a long shot. All it did was convince the thinking, rational rest of the world that lunatics, racists, rapists, inbreds and retarded idiots had a shot at the platform and couldn't do anything more than turn it into a college beer it will be taken away very soon and the crackpots won't get another shot now that everyone knows you're all incompetent hate fueled lunatics.

It's one thing to be dumb enough to support either party, but it takes a real low IQ to think the GOP is good for our nation.

Voting for democrats or Republican is an illusion of choice. Pick which sell-out is the best for share holders. Fuck everyone else.

Are you a multi-millionare share holder? No? Then fucking yourself.

Don't be one of the stupid people.

So let me get this strait...

"Trump is like every other president."

So electing a billionaire who is at least as crooked as every other president is sending what message? That dumb people still fall for motivational speeches at rallies?

You've been duped.


The video also cuts right after that sentence.

I went and found an unedited version of the video, and he doesn’t say anything else relevant after that comment.

I think he means one of two things. (Possibly both) Seemed to be a young person he was speaking to earlier in the video, when he mentioned the "best stock market of your entire life" as it's the highest in the last 17-18 years or whatever (I say this because in each response directed to the younger person trump seemed like he looked directly at them.) However he could also be dropping some hints, maybe referencing China and NK, Trumps pushing for more and more sanctions on NK and maybe one of those deals with china included them doing the same. Time will tell..

Europe, for supporting Iran?

Britain is potentially the biggest threat. Brits actually do have a pair of balls between their legs, and have good common sense. All the intelligent white Brits can see their country is being sold off to the dogs and they only need to sit down for one minute of logical thinking to decide that they must leave.

White flight from Britain is a very real thing. Whilst the Government allow 6 to 700,000 mostly Muslim immigrants in each year, roughly 300,000 white Brits sell up and leave. This has been going on for over a decade now. If you go to the UK the 'brain drain' is starkly obvious.

The people you talk to now will mostly be devoid of any logical, free thought. They will just quote what they have been told to say by the BBC. "Whites are racist, our history is all false, Muslims must be supported". Or they are absolutely clued up but lack the money to gtfo.

At the current rate, Britain will be majority Muslim in just twenty years. Then what do you think will happen? Do white Brits seriously think these Muslims will defend white, non-Muslims? Of course not, they will kill you. It's your own children/grandchildren who will die and then Britain will be 100% Muslim and also become the strongest nuclear force within Islam. Muslims are already joining the British Army and Police force - not to help the Brits, but because they know they'll be taking over soon.

Don't worry about the Royals, or your history, it'll all be wiped out soon enough. Your wonderful British elites are wiping themselves out, committing suicide if you like.

Why? Because they are all in occult secret societies. You do know this don't you? In these occult societies the idea of dualism is for the ignorant, the profane. There is no right or wrong! Everything is a magical ritual. The most important magical ritual is the ritual that all of nature performs every year. That of death and rebirth. They are sacrificing everything! Including themselves! There is no dualism! Everything is a ritual! Wake the fuck up!

Wait... so Brits have a “pair of balls” but after “one minute of logical thinking” they turn coward and leave their country?


Turkey ? Possibly ADhabi or Israel. About 5 yrs ago, A UAE C-130 landed in India for fueling on its way to western China. Flight manifest wasn’t correct so Indian authorities searched the plane and discovered US and French supplied advanced anti-ship missiles. In the 80’s the US discovered Israel had been reselling US supplied TOT a/t and Hawk SAM to Iran in exchange for emigration of Iranian Jews.

Greece military sold US Stingers to Russian spies.

Etc. Etc.

This message sponsored by Lays. Lays potato chips, the official potato chips of the armed forces since 1776.

Trump makes odd statements every day. I wouldn't read into it too much. He's a fucking rando.

Dementia. He has dementia.

Who the hell knows what he meant. The guy is at least half-senile by now.

China and USA aren't allies and US doesn't sell weapons to China.

LOL, with that rat Erdogan in power there? That's a conniving snake that needs to be eliminated. Just look at the entire interaction they had with the Russians and dare tell me he is trustworthy.

The CIA has to fund terrorists and export dope through some county, why not Pakistan?

I'm not saying they will. As I stated, I was casting a wide net. They are one of the largest US arms importers and there are problems in the relationship, and the north korea issue could strain things depending how things go. My finger was pointing more at the Phillipines, anyway

Again, this isn't about Trump alone. The jobs numbers have been cooked for years.

It's about inflating the citizenry's collective ego, or confidence. That "financial crisis" back in '07? Complete recovery on the jobs front. Everything is fine, continue to consume, citizen.

Bottom line is, after a certain percentage, that unemployment figure becomes politically untenable. People start demanding change, and that's the last thing any politician wants. Plenty of motivation for a government to fudge their job stats.