Where is LightBringerFlex?!

0  2017-11-25 by Your-Fellow-Human

Arguably the most important user on /r/conspiracy has disappeared.

Does anybody know any details about what happened? Where is he?

Can we somehow put together a list of his last posts?

This is extremely important - please advise!...


Last archive of his profile - 1 week ago:


Anyone responsible for this will be brought to account if he doesn't "reappear" immediately.

It's lightmakerflex now. You can find him in other conspiracy subs

This thread is getting downvoted by shills - HARD. All the posts were upvoted before.

I'm building a "new reddit." :)

This is humorous

I will invest.

Cannot view from phone.

He was banned for doxxing. He made another account but I only seen it here once.

Good. Whew. I was about to get upset.. :) Thank You!..


I used to frequent his profile and a few days ago it went down, I sent a mod message to one of the subs he mods about it as I couldnt message him directly.

This smells FUCKY.

Check out my sub for more info

I'm literally just waiting on them to come back and apologize for posting PI while giving a promise to actually pay attention to the content they post.

Their excuse boiled down to "Gosh, sorry guys! I didn't even read the post due to the large volume of content I'm constantly posting"

Being that their response was to go on the offensive and blame the guy who had to write the ticket I don't see them making the simple choice any time soon.

And the whole calling them evil thing? I have no clue what they are referencing there. I surely called em' a liar though. I don't see how someone like you or I could make the choice of posting something with "doxx" in the title without checking whether the content was within guidelines.

We know what you are dude...


You might want to comment on the post he made but may not be worth the drama.

may not be worth the drama

That's what I decided. It's supposed to be a holiday weekend.

A bit sensationalist to be the most important and shame on you comparing to other brilliant users.

Yeah like me /s

He was a shill you all worshipped. He did nothing but post low effort bullshit in an attempt to make us look stupid. Good riddance.

He was a bit of a doofus

Light Bringer = Lucifer


He was banned for “doxxing” the 49th most influential person in DC. Didn’t know a guy who’s in GQ isn’t considered a public official. His last post he made was the discovery of underground tunnels linking people in Hollywood to the Playboy mansion.

Alefantis? He's still not in prison?..

Get a life.

Nice one Alefantis.

Not to shit on the light bringer but, he's a bit of a loon.

I strongly disagree. :)

"[T]he most important user on r/conspiracy" ?

Not even close. A gadfly, a gossip, a bit of a loon. Interesting at times, but now he looks doomed.

Dude made huge drama about disappearing right after he made huge drama over the tunnels beneath the Playboy Mansion, which had been long disproven as an April Fool's Joke in 2015.


Alefantis may or may not be the Rothschild spawn villain many people here want him to be, but doxxing him is a sure greased rail to oblivion in this subreddit. I never grooved on the guy.

LightBringer is Victory of the Light and possibly Q.

Alefantis? He's still not in prison?..

This is humorous

We know what you are dude...

You might want to comment on the post he made but may not be worth the drama.

I will invest.