"White Privilege" is a hoax.

4  2017-11-26 by fmtruth23

What am I, a white male citizen of America, legally allowed to do that any other colored citizen is not?

What law, statute, regulation, or doctrine enforces white privilege?

People who believe the color of their skin directs the path of their life today in the 21st century in the US are brainwashed.

Prediction: most of the people that tell me I'm "wrong" are about to be college age white kids who scramble to show me how tyrannical this country is. If only they know how lucky everybody who steps foot on this land is.


What law, statute, regulation, or doctrine enforces white privilege?


Crack and cocaine may be nearly identical on a molecular level, but people who are charged with possession of just 1 gram of crack are given the same sentence as those found in possession of 18 grams of cocaine.

This 18:1 sentencing disparity is actually an improvement from the previous sentencing gulf of 100:1, thanks to the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, but as new research shows, any disparity unfairly targets crack users, who are more likely to be black, low-income and less educated.

White people don't make cocaine.

I hate to use this word but you're retarded

Removed. Rule 10.

Crack and meth on the other hand have nearly identical sentences and whites are more likely to posses meth.

It's not about race it's about concentration of the drug, ease of manufacturing and ease of distribution.

it sounds like that is the elite leveraged system's racism, for which elite leveraged establishment media outlets are casting the blame on 'white people'. the crack epidemic was used as a means to systemically oppress black people, no question there. but it wasn't "white people" who did that. it was the elite ruling class the society. the issue is one of class and hierarchy, not simply race, as the king classists would prefer the masses to believe.

Cocaine is a schedule 2 drug. Crack is a schedule 1 drug. It makes complete sense that someone in possession of a schedule 1 drug would carry a heavier sentence.

Drug Scheduling is a social construct.

The phrase "social construct" is nothing more than an excuse for people who are fuck ups at life.

If you didn't use crack or coke then it wouldn't make a difference how either is classified.

Sorry, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that specific counterpoint, in that I know what words mean.

It seems like you don't. Every time that phrase is touted out it is used as some kind of excuse for why that individual is in the predicament they find themselves in.

Using the example offered here, saying "i got x more years because crack is scheduled higher than cocaine even though they are the same drug" is nothing more than an excuse and smoke screen to distract from the fact that the fool who got arrested was using/transporting/selling an illegal drug.

If he/she had followed the true and narrow, then it wouldn't make any difference at all how either drug is scheduled. Using the "social construct" excuse is a mere method of him/her avoiding personal responsibility for their situation.

Also, as I have come to learn, nearly every time some SJW uses that term, there is a legitimate reason for the difference they are complaining about. Here for example, crack requires an additional manufacturing level not required by cocaine, it is also has a user base that often engages in other violent crime and crimes against property to sustain their habit.

This was very well said.

Are you saying it's racist to punish people for crack because black people like crack more than white people?

Black people murder more than white people, is it racist to have laws against murder?

Are you saying it's racist to punish people for crack because black people like crack more than white people?

No, but it is racist to specifically target the one of the two most common forms of a drug that is essentially identical and used by black people significantly more often for harsher punishment.

Black people murder more than white people, is it racist to have laws against murder?

No, also, that crime has a victim. Drug use does not.

edit: rephrased and expanded my first answer

"No, it's racist to punish them more harshly for the same drug."

It's a harder more dangerous drug

"No, also, that crime has a victim. Drug use does not."

So you've never seen what crack does to a community but you're aware of these laws about Crack?

When crack is introduced to a community everyone is affected, LEO and civilians alike are more likely to be murdered.

It's a harder more dangerous drug

It's the same drug.

It's a more potent version with a quicker delivery system and separate chemicals added.

separate chemicals added

Well then I guess I should call the DEA, you should see how much baking soda my grandmother has stashed away.

As long as she's not mixing it with cocaine to sell to school children I think she'll be okay

Well then why did you feel it was worth mentioning? It's almost as if you were trying to add an irrelevant point to make your argument seem stronger.

See I feel like you're the one who added an irrelevant point to make your argument seem stronger.

With the whole, "Cops punish everyone equally for crack, but blacks do it more, this means the punishment for crack should be reduced because... black people?"


I think it's very cute that you feel the "White mans burden" or whatever it is that makes you want to have little factoids of racism to pull out of your pocket when people try to suggest that things are generally okay in America.

Black people are fine without you trying to ensure they have a little more freedom when it comes to running crack through their own communities.

The only "White Man's Burden" I feel is the burden of racist pieces of shit that look like me.

As in being a white man is a burden to you.

I assure you there are ten thousand white reverse-racists (like you) who treat people of color better to prove how not-racist they are for every outspoken white racist on planet earth.

Your assurances mean very little to me. Good day to you.

Usefulness as SJW challenged! Back to the echo chamber!

How does it work now that I've shown you that you are in fact racist against white people as well have a "white mans burden" complex toward black people.

You just pretend this conversation never happened and go right back to your bubble?

Are you done?

How does it work now that I've shown you that you are in fact racist against white people as well have a "white mans burden" complex toward black people.

You just pretend this conversation never happened and go right back to your bubble?

Are you going to try to pretend that you're a normal human who looks at people and sees the individual not the race?

Does it matter you that the other 99% of us don't give a shit about race and that you're obsessed with it?

Don't you feel like a racist?

Are you done now?

I guess if your answer is that you can't process it enough to answer right now that is fine.

Oh I'm not even reading your posts at this point.

That does answer my question about how you're dealing with the information

Pretending you didn't read it

ok. bye.

Take up the White Man's burden-- Ye dare not stoop to less-- Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloke your weariness; By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do, The silent, sullen peoples Shall weigh your gods and you.

Take up the White Man's burden-- Have done with childish days-- The lightly proferred laurel, The easy, ungrudged praise. Comes now, to search your manhood Through all the thankless years Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers!

I said Good Day, sir!

You don't think your family and other white families benefited from segregation, discriminatory housing practices and other laws explicitly discriminating against black people? No laws exist now, but getting rid of old laws doesn't change the impact they had.

Of course they did. But the money my family has now as earned legitimately. You know, with work.

And all of the slave owning members of my family, well you can try to go talk to them but you're more likely to get smallpox than an answer for their misdeeds.

All of the things I've listed only went away in the past 80 years or so. Your grandparents and great grandparents would have benefited from them. Which means your parents benefited. Which means you benefited.

My grandparents were public school teachers and county employees. One is a person of color. Nice swing and miss though.

So how did they benefit from the things I listed?

White families? Explain what you mean by white. I thought whiteness is a social construct...

You know what I mean. Be honest in your discussions.

I'm serous. What do you mean by white? Just people who identify as white?

Does whiteness exist or not? Isn't race a social construct? Race isn't biological because we are all equal right?

I was born with white skin but I have undergone intensive plastic surgery to augment my physical appearance to match how I felt inside. So I was born white but currently live as a Indonesian. Am I still white? Do I still have white privilege?

I would say race isn't a purely social construct. So that should end that debate.

You are wrong, there is no such thing as 'race', get an education fucktard.

Okay then what is the basis of race?

The basis of race? Biology seems to be the easiest answer.

? So groups of humans are different biologically?

Dude. Get to whatever point you're trying to make. I really don't want to have a pointless back-and-forth here. Have honest discussions, please.

It's a serious question?


Then you're ignorant of modern US history. Entire generations of black people were discriminated against. Accumulation of wealth doesn't just reset with every generation.

Did you know there is still race based slavery in Africa and much of the Middle East?

But what’s the current rate for a bushel of wheat in Kansas?

So you think slavery is okay? Wow WTF...

Did you know that the dark side of the moon is significantly colder than the sunny side? Food for thought.


Are you fucking retarded? The moon has no atmosphere you fuckwit.

lol. You sure about that?

Since you followed me to another thread to spout nonsense about the moon, I’m just going to cut and paste:

HEY, I’m not sure why you’re following me around attempting to lambast me for a comment made in obvious jest - but you’re wrong.

Temperatures on the moon are very hot in the daytime, about 100 degrees C. At night, the lunar surface gets very cold, as cold as minus 173 degrees C.

I repeat, the dark side of the moon is -173 degrees Celsius. All the lack of an atmosphere does is increase the temperature disparity between day side and night side (on account of an inability to trap any heat or insulate the surface).

I wouldn’t go running around calling other people stupid, bud.


What does that have to do with what we're talking about?

he's a trumpet, and 90% of their arguments are whataboutism. The remainder of their approach is Gish Gallop, where you throw as much shit at the wall as you can to try to wear down whoever you are talking with. He does that elsewhere in this thread.

Every race has been discriminated against. Get over it, already.

Not every race was put at such a systemic disadvantage. And I must have missed the era where white people were enslaved or banned from getting an education.

That's racist. All people are equal.

Lmao I know that was a trolling type comment but seriously you need a dictionary dude. Look up systemic.

Do black people have advantages in black society? Asians in Asian society?

So now this is "white society" instead of the melting pot?

Outside the south the US was 90% white until the 1980's. So it was a white society before the effects of the 1964 immigration act.

Irish people weren’t even considered white when they came over. Nor were Italians.

Exactly. Whiteness is a social construct.

Ah, ok, so you’re arguing against your original point?

Is a hoax a social construct?

Wait, so whiteness is a hoax? I’m super confused here.

That's the theory I came to. The "white race" didn't exist until sometime in the 1790's. It didn't get popular until the 1840's. Thomas Pownall feemf to be one of the firft to write of the "white race" back in his "The administration of the British colonies, Volume 1" in 1774.

It was a mechanism for social organization and control. The good old divide and conquer. In other words, a cruel hoax.

Oh, okay. Sure.

Are you arguing with me or trying to make a point? Because I’m not sure what you’re getting at, thanks.

Just using this


So when "white power" was used, who were they referring to???? I thought they were identifying themselves as white?

Who are you referring to?

Umm whoever proclaimed white power. Literally whoever ever did that claimed "whiteness".

Segregation bred "whiteness" and now that I think about it did that start white priveledge?

Clean "whites only" fountains and unkept "blacks only" ones.

The whole bus thing. The front was a privilege was it not?

"Whites only pies" I could go on for days about where white people claimed whiteness and were glad to be white rather than black because you had ADVANTAGES. Or maybe not even that they had ADVANTAGES, but that they DIDN'T have DISADVANTAGES!

You can change laws and things but attitudes and minds aren't so willing.


If white privilege doesn't exist explain this.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_privilege

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Wikipedia? And you call yourself a conspiracy theorist..

CTFU. Okay dude. Loads of sources on there to read up on white privilege, the thing that so called doesn't exist.

Of course it's not going to exist for you if you're going to ignore it.

Maybe you'll agree that the rich are privileged?

If someone has more money than someone else they aren't oppressing them. Just because someone is successful doesn't mean they are oppressing minorities.

Do you have a job? Serious question.

Who said anything about oppression? You're attempting to change the goalposts but you're speaking on a totally different topic now.

It's the same as the situations where people get reduced sentencing as opposed to others who get the norm for doing the same crimes. Who said the ones who got the norm were being oppressed? The conversation is about the ones who get certain passes or privileges because of their connections or money, and more often than not these people are white if you want to bring it full circle.

But here you are trying to deny that even money changes the situation. Does no one or no family have an advantage in America?

Funny question but I'm employed and have held various positions, though I'm far from rich. What does that have to do with the conversation though? Other than if I had to go to court and couldn't afford the best attorney?

Lmao that's the college equivalent of affirmative action right? Good.

Let me ask you if you can find this data.

How far OVER the minimum minority hire OR acceptance threshold do these companies and colleges go? Im going to go ahead and assume not far. They are only going to do what they have to. Hence why it exists in the first place.

It was implemented for a reason, and it wasn't what is being claimed in that article. And things are different now so the numbers may need some adjustment as with any laws that we have that are outdated, but it shouldn't be completely done away with.

Gonna address the topics hit in the wiki link?


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I don't see how this statement squares with your stated belief in eugenics.

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You're saying you don't believe abortion is a right of a woman?

I'm pro choice. Therefore pro eugenics.

All people should be equal, but it is ignorant to assume that in practice we all are.

Things should be something they aren't? Isn't that magical thinking?

...no? It's a goal, but not reality yet.

You think it's possible to make all people equal?

Somebodies ummm... Charged up. Definitely not... "Afk".


The word slave comes from enslaved Slavic people.

You must not understand emotional trauma and how it gets passed on. I'm not surprised though cause you seem like somebody who doesn't care about anybody but yourself and people who look you

You must not understand emotional trauma and how it gets passed on

Sure I do. I'm Slavic and that is where the word "slave" comes from. Where are my reparations for the years my ancestors were enslaved by Mongols, Turks, Russians, Prussians, etc etc?

How long ago were Slavs enslaved? Probably isn't less than 200 years , so I'm sure any trauma experienced by your ancestors is long gone. Nice try tho

How long ago were Slavs enslaved

Same time Blacks where slaves in America, along with the Irish and others. Reparations, please! Also, fun fact: The first slave owner in the colonies was a Black man.

I think it's funny how your type acts. Throwing out all these pointless facts lol but I digress. Now answer this, were there laws and social policy put in place that worked to keep Slavs and the Irish uneducated and at the bottom of society? You act like after slavery ended everything was just fine and dandy for blacks in America.

Now answer this, were there laws and social policy put in place that worked to keep Slavs and the Irish uneducated and at the bottom of society

As a matter of fact, yes, yes, there were.

Lol and how are they going to enforce the laws? Did everybody have Irish and Slav vision that automatically let them know which white people to discriminate against? I see where you're coming from but I think you're forgetting the fact that black people are easily identifiable. You can't hide the fact that you're black but you can definitely lie and say you aren't Slavic or Irish.

Tell that to a red head or red beard.

Lmao keep reaching bro you're doing an excellent job. Cause every single Irish or Slavic person has read beard or red hair. You can cut that shit off dummy

Edit: hell they could even get it dyed if they wanted to 😂

You asked how a Slavic person or Irish person could be identified and I told you one way. Don't get mad at me for proving you wrong. You really do hate facts and reality, don't you?

Nobody's mad....and red hair isn't exclusive to those races so that's not really a good way to identify somebody. There are Indians with red hair lol does that mean they're Irish or Slavic?

Nobody's mad.

You seem mad.

and red hair isn't exclusive to those races so that's not really a good way to identify somebody.

I never said it was a good way, but it was a way the Protestant English used in America.

There are Indians with red hair lol does that mean they're Irish or Slavic?

Are we talking about "Native Americans". If so, it means they are Indo-European, which is what Slavs are. Speaking of the "Indians", they had Black and White slaves, as well...

No I was actually talking about actual Indians, but there you go with the pointless comments lol so imma go ahead and let you brew in your disdain for other races.

You sound racist against White people. You should work on that.

I dated a white girl for three years and have many white friends whom I love dearly, nice try though!! I love everybody from all races no matter what the establishment tries to tell me, I see everything through my own lens. You should try it

I dated a white girl for three years and have many white friends whom I love dearly

That doesn't mean you're not racist.

If I was truly racist do you think it would be possible for me to fall in love with somebody who I'm supposed to hate? Also being black it's damn near impossible for me to discriminate against somebody because of the color of their skin cause I know how wrong it is

It is a strong indicator though.


There's a difference between indentured servitude and chattel slavery, go read a book

Explain in your own words :)

Chattel slavery effects multiple generations from the same family and also separated families outright. Indentured servitude was a punishment for crimes or other grievances and often had an ending whereas chattel slavery was perpetual. Is that good enough for you?

I'll never understand how somebody on this sub doesn't know the difference between indentured servitude and chattel slavery.

These people don't want to learn so they ignore the glaring differences

They are white so they have white privilege. Therefore they were treated much better.

Funny how facts always get downvoted in these conversations.

Those weren't facts lol

I can't stand when idiots try to bring up these arguments. Irish were never enslaved. We were indentured servants, not chattel slaves. After the civil war we were granted citizenship and were able to participate in politics which improved our social and economic standing, blacks were not.

Whites were enslaved by whites at the same time as blacks in the US.

Slate is toilet paper.

History is full of oppression, genocide and war, yet only whites should apologize? Feel free to go raise your daughters in the Middle East or South Africa, good luck with the whole raping and child trafficking thing. Raise a white kid in South Africa right now, see how dead they get. Stop acting like only white people are bad. The fact is that whites have progressed much farther than anyone else in recent history, heck some races/religions are going backwards.

Nobody is saying white people are bad....And what is your definition of progress? You act like every single thing in western culture today originated there. Nowadays western ideals have disappeared and you have sex offenders and pedophiles in the media entertaining the masses. The government is no better, and they spend billions destroying other nations for their resources. Sounds like a bunch of barbarians to me.

Sex offenders and pedophiles in the media do no represent every white male. However feel free to take your girlfriend or wife to the Middle East where she could be jailed if she is raped. Yes the government is corrupt, but they aren't allowing citizens to kill anyone related to drugs. America is the only one spending billions destroying other nations, not the majority of whites in the world. Wanna go to North Korea? Want to be a gay asian and explain that to your parents? Want to be a black guy in China? Seriously, whites are the least barbaric in recent times.

Holy shit! It's you! We're fucking back!

I'm going to do my best to behave... Lol

I recommend stepping away from the computer, and going outside. Interact with real people in person. Stop looking for boogymen online, and gain some real world experiences. You'll be better for it.

See it's people like you who assume you know somebody off of a single reddit post who are the real assholes. The reality is that I probably meet more people in a day than you do in week. Thanks for the advice though.

No problem! You seemed to need it.

10 hours ago you posted this:https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7flenb/i_firmly_believe_white_privilege_is_one_of_the/

What is it you're looking for? To me it looks like you're trying to stir a pot. Question I have: If you truly believe this, then why create a new account?

Dont feed the trolls

He is a sad little fuck looking for attention


Looking at your post history I firmly stand behind what I said. You are an ignorant piece of shit. An utter waste of oxygen...


Seriously dude. go outside. talk to some new people. it'll help what ails you.

So ailed.

He's a racist troll looking to cause shit in the sub.


You don't know that for sure. Whoever it is might not be racist at all, just paid to start shit over racism in a sub

Why are you assuming I created a different account?

Lol, you not get enough heat in your last thread?

Again, I think you’re a smidge too emotionally invested in this topic to have an honest conversation, for whatever reason.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

Normal guys don't say shit like that. SOYBOY


Guys don't bother. He is blatantly a troll. This is what he posted to t_d.

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What am I, a white male citizen of America, legally allowed to do that any other colored citizen is not? What law, statute, regulation, or doctrine enforces white privilege?

That's not what white privilege is, genius. It's not about getting a super special White Guy Starter Pack or having explicit laws protecting our status (and relegating o others to status as second class citizens), it is about the myriad ways in which minorities are discriminated against on a day to day basis that not only do you never have to deal with, but you have the privilege of being in a position to not even consider it.

You don't have to worry about getting pulled over for being black and driving a nice car in the wrong neighborhood. You don't have to worry about loss prevention getting in your face as though you're shoplifting simply for being black. You don't have to deal with old, rude people screaming in your face like you're a moron simply because you're black.

It's things like these and thousands of other similar little things that add up to what people refer to as "white privilege," and maybe someday if you learn to think outside yourself you'll understand what is being discussed rather than having this sort of kneejerk "well where's muh privilege" reaction.

You don't have to worry about getting pulled over for being black

People don't get pulled over for being certain colors. They get pulled over for breaking traffic laws.

Just like how everyone LP surveils for shoplifting is actually shoplifting. You're never going to understand that this is exactly the type of bullshit I'm talking about, because hit refuse to even consider that systemic prejudice is a possibility because you don't gave to deal with it.

You're right about one thing. I'll never understand that you're idiocy.

The white privilege here is that you literally cannot seem to conceive of a situation in which things do not operate in that way. There is no racial profiling, and if there is then you just magically get a lawyer and (most importantly) win your court case with no problem. I guess your problem is less that you're racist and more that you have this delusional belief in Just World Theory, where everybody just gets what they deserve. Anyone who goes to jail must have broken the law. Evidence is never planted, police officers never cover for each other, etc.

Ok cool story.

You make very good points and I will consider them. Thank you.

Well why are blacks pulled over more often? Even by black officers? It isn't a history of stealing cars or violent crime?

B-but white people are poor too!! Blue lives matter!1!

Wait...I was told there would be privileges!!!!

There are tons of privileges to being white. Just because you don't recognize them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Name fucking one. Seriously name one real advantage to being white.

Blacks and whites use marijuana at about the same rates, but black people are significantly more likely to be jailed for it.

Smokimg in your home is different form rolling down the street smoking blunts.

You seem to be making a lot of typos. Maybe you should take a moment to gather your thoughts.

Are you going to follow me around all day?

You seemed to want my attention. You have it.

I don't understand your point? Are you saying that black people smoke blunts on the streets and white people smoke in their house?

Name one.

Why do I have to test higher than some minorities to get into law and medical school?

I wouldn't call it a hoax, I'd call it Orwellian doublespeak. we have institutionalized racism and sexism against white males. and "they" refer to that as privilege.

we have institutionalized racism and sexism against white males

Yes, if there's anything the law is known for, it's the persecution of white males. Jesus Christ.

Try going to the basement of your local courthouse and looking it up. rather than basing your opinion on what the TV tells you.

Looking up what exactly? What law are you talking about?

affirmative action is the one that pops into my head first, but there are hundreds, Discrimination against white males is policy everywhere. the "privilege" is the backlash against it.

Hundreds? Where?

still in the basement of your local courthouse

He's talking about the hundreds of years of oppression and violence against white men in America. Like when they were slaves, and the genocide that wipe out a large amount of their population, or that time they were put into concentration camps during WWII for having German ancestors. Not to mention all of the residual effects of those things and the continuing discrimination practiced today. Why doesn't any one ever think of the suffering of white men at the hands of... uh... um yeah! /s

Boy it sure helps to be a white guy, in a mostly white city. I wonder if the jail is jam packed with black folks. Oh yeah, right. Demographics matter.

I disagree, I believe racism is the root of white privilege. Light skin is favored among minorities, they get treated better than people of obvious color. I am a minority and have been treated with white privelage by law enforcement in various situations. Also have been treated with a different kind of respect in establishments like restaurants, I get sold more and treated better like I'm royalty

People only perceive you as white because of their preconditioning.

Their education plays a role too I think. I was raised in Harlem and the lower east side and saw a noticeable difference between the two based on the level of education and amount of money involved in funding the school for them to actually teach rather than conditioning them to figure out how to pass tests

While privilege still exists, but instead of it being, "We don't want you to work here because you are black", it's now, "I just don't think you'd be a good fit with our work culture."

This isn't to say that minority privilege doesn't exist... This can be clearly seen in college applications.

But if you're truly unable to see the existence of both, then you are racist.

While privilege still exists, but instead of it being, "We don't want you to work here because you are black", it's now, "I just don't think you'd be a good fit with our work culture."

Thats discrimination though.

Lol! Gotta love that last sentence "if you can't agree with my opinion (not a fact) then you are racist." What wonderful logic.

White privilege is a racist term invented by cultural Marxists.

OP, I don't think you're here to have any sort of dialogue, you've made up your mind and it doesn't seem like you're open to considering a viewpoint that isn't your own.

8 day old Reddit account. You don't seem to be interested in having actual dialogue, so why bother?

White privilege is racist.

White people have historically had a significant advantage in America. Many of those advantages have had significant impact to modern day society, which can provide an inherent advantage today. Not all white people will benefit to it in the same way. For some, it might be a lighter sentence for a crime, for some it will a factor in a person getting a job, or promotion. It could be something far more extreme as well.

I think you're confusing white with rich...

Do black people have advantages in black society? Asians in Asian society?

Ten hours since your last post about this...

As long as rich people and racist, white privilege will exist. Rich people are indeed white, and racist.

I’ll gladly post at least 20 sources in a few.

I’ll just cut and paste this from the last thread the OP started, who for some reason has felt the need to do this twice:

In a broader sense I (as a white dude) am less likely to be discriminated against when attempting to rent an apartment or when applying for a job (based on the whiteness of my name on a resume). I am not followed around department stores when shopping or harassed by security simply for cruising around a store without purchasing something (a thing I have seen happen many times from years of working at a large department store chain downtown).

As a white single straight dude I probably have the largest dating pool of eligible women to choose from, because of the inherent (or sometimes overt) biases of ladies when choosing a partner.

On a personal level, as a frequent pedestrian and sometimes driver in my diverse city, I am practically invisible to police officers - I can drink beer while walking or smoke a joint or simply be walking in a nice neighborhood and not get harassed, a privilege that my friends (who are not white) most definitively do not enjoy (and I have personally witnessed it, as well as frequent anecdotes from them - “driving while black” is an all too familiar “crime” they get pulled over for). I am much less likely to be harassed for my casual drug use (I enjoy me some marijuana) than if I were non white, based on both personal experience and arrest rates for marijuana in my state.

I also get to enjoy the privilege of not having white people as a whole judged for the actions of the individual. Whereas people will say that the way an individual Black/Chinese/Mexican/etc acts is how all black/chinese/Mexican/etc act. It is something I’m aware of and I don’t take for granted.

This is just off the top of my head. I hope these examples helped, though I don’t pretend to be an expert (i am not an anthroplogist or sociologist or economist or whoever looks at all of that).

Glad I could contribute.

There's nothing that you can do legally and no laws that enforce "white privilege".
However, that doesn't mean there's no advantages to being white in the US today.
Speaking from my own experience of growing up in an 85% white town, attending an Ivy-League school and then landing a lucrative trading job afterwards, I can still attest that there were many things that would have been better if I we're white.
The worst of it probably was when I was growing up, the kids in elementary and middle school were just brutal to me and constantly teased me for looking different, as less than 1% of the school population was Indian like me. I often felt like an outsider in my own home town. However, I dealt with it, made a few friends who didn't care and was able to do well. There was also constant rumors about how my family was poor, couldn't afford to live in the town, was loving on welfare or lived in a shack on the side of the road. In reality, my parents were entirely self-made multi-millionaires. By the time high school rolled around I was mostly left to myself, as long as I didn't try to break into the "in crowd". I didn't care, but my younger sister had a pretty rough time in high school. There were a few instances where she would walk into a house party with her friends and was told that she had to leave right when she walked in. Her "friends" put up an argument but ultimately went in while she had to wait outside or walk home. Also, once I started driving while in high school I got pulled over in town twice for speeding (10 and 20mph over). Both times I was given a ticket. Of my 5 closest friends (all white), they were pulled over in town 7 times total, and we're never ever given a ticket. I shudder to think how different the reactions would have been if we had done worse stuff.
Then, for college, I attended an Ivy-League school, with certainly no affirmative action help, as 3 students in my school with SAT scores 300 points lower than mine and class ranks 10-15 lower than me (I was 2/350), got into my top choice, Cornell while I was rejected.
Once I was at Penn, I considered joining a frat. I went to rush with a few of my friends and we all got bids. However, on bid night, a vocal minority of the current brothers started chanting "white is right" and shouting that they only wanted white pledges. Apparently they had created a "faction" called "Jolly Old <frat name>" with the purpose of pushing for only allowing white guys in. I was pretty uncomfortable and turned down the bid cause of that.
Later, when applying for internships for after freshman year through cold calls and emails, I noticed a lot of my white classmates would end up with far more interviews per contact attempt than me. I generally would send 50 emails for 1 interview, while other people would send 5-10.
Same story sophomore and junior year, but since there was a formalized on campus recruiting thing I felt I wasn't at as much of a disadvantage because of my name.
Now, I'm contemplating joining a country club when I move to the suburbs, but am worried about similar issues with that.
I don't claim that it's awful to be a minority here, and I've definitely been born into a nice situation, but my life would certainly have been easier as a white person, and I've constantly felt like an outsider in my own homeland.

White privilege is a spurious construct invented by populism who love to divide and categorize people into groups just so they can keep animosity and hatred between them in order to better control them.

Black people tend to be the most vocal when it comes to white privilege but I would argue that it can be a deflection from immigrants. Immigrants have the least privilege of all...yes even below black people. At least most black Americans have the opportunity to have generations of American ancestors and education and access that came with that.

You have immigrants coming to the US that are used to living on $2 a day or less and even making $5 an hour under the table in the US makes them happier and more hopeful.

Can't stand when black people screech about reparations or scream white privilege because they can't get a job when immigrants are now the shadow labor fueling the US economy. Get outta here!

Next time you go to your favorite restaurant whose in the kitchen and bussing tables? Surely it'll be an immigrant.

I've never heard a first generation immigrant complain about white privilege.

My parents left Bosnia back in December of 1996 right after the civil war in what was Yugoslavia. My dad had only $200 in his pocket, my older brother and sister, and my mom, pregnant with me at the time. They came to this country not knowing a single word of English. Not a single word. But my dad had been an electrician for years and let his hands do the talking. When I as born in 97 there was 10 of us (my family and other Bosnians living together at the time) sharing a 2 bedroom apartment. You would only hear my dad complain that he couldn't get enough money. He never bitched about being a political refugee in this country. He never bitched about how unfair it is. He never complained about how some "systemic racism or institutionalized racism" kept him from succeeding and keeping a roof over our head, clothes on our back, and food in our stomach. He just did his work, made enough money to move us out of that 2 bed room apartment and into our own house in Missouri where we lived for almost 20 years. So when people say there's systemic racism or institutionalized racism, that's a bullshit excuse. I can guarantee you. Because I'm willing to bet you, someone just doesn't want to put in the effort, the work, into bettering themselves.

Has there been a system of white enslavement here? Did local governments create laws that made it harder for whites specifically to get jobs while simultaneously creating anti-unemployment laws while white unemployment was high? Was there ever laws criminalizing substances often used by white people? Did the USgovernment subsidize the murder of groups of white people? My grandparents had access to institutions like housing/car loans much more easier that black people of the time; and they didn't lower property values for simply living in a neighborhood. Before the "white guilt" bullshit, go read some fucking books. And yes, Irish were indentured servants and Italians/Germans etc were targeted for a few years, that's apples to oranges though based on a few factors.

Yeah the blacks got whipped but the Irish got their knees broken. Not comparable at all.

You can't be serious right now

Should've /s'ed for the whiners.

I'm convinced you and that other dude are just paid trolls at this point

Yeah you caught me I make $40k a year to suck Trump's dick in the comments on Reddit.


I didn't even mention trump but ok

Irish were able to slip back into society once colored people were targeted. Not to mention the entire southern economy alone was based on owning black people for quite sometime. No ones saying the Irish didn't endure similar conditions, im saying it was for less time and there were less barriers to entry (to use economic terms) for merging into American society.

From what I understand the Irish were flat out slaves for a while. Their inherent laziness saved them.

No one is disregarding that though. It's still apples to oranges though

Chattel slavery effects multiple generations from the same family and also separated families outright. Indentured servitude was a punishment for crimes or other grievances and often had an ending whereas chattel slavery was perpetual. Is that good enough for you?

No shit. I work hard for what i have and i dont have shit.im white

I wouldn't say that it is a hoax.

It is an exercise in semantics. White privilege is simply the absence of racism. Since racism does indeed exist, the absence of racism also exists. Hence, white privilege exists.

However, in a racist environment dominated by whites (as opposed to South Africa where it is dominated by backs, or places in China where it is dominated by Han), nobody gets anything extra for being white. It is simply that nonwhites get less than they would had they been treated fairly.

Go to Netflix and watch the documentary "The 13th" and then get back to me.

Have you ever been assumed to be a criminal for no good reason? Have you been shot by a cop? Are you aware that you're experiences are not universal?

I wantsaome white privilege. I guess I have to work for it though.

yeah come live in pakistan, then you will understand how good your lives are

I'm of mixed ethnicities and don't consider myself white. My experience has been that people tend to see in me whatever they want. Most of the time I get positive responses and in those examples people tend to ask more often if I have Latin or native American ancestry, but on the rare ocassions people go negative and decide to use racial slurs, I am always regarded as white. I have an older sister who primarily gets complimented as being an attractive Indian woman, but when people receive her negatively she is always a white bitch.

In short people are ridiculous and we need to just keep fucking until everyone is so mixed that the completely false concept of race is no longer relevant and we can just celebrate cultures rather than focus on ridiculous divides based on ethnicity and perceived genetic superiority.

It's not a hoax. The emergence of the phrase may be part of a conspiracy. White Privilege and "law, statute, regulation, or doctrine enforces white privilege" are two wholly separate entities. Redlining in real estate isn't a law, statute, regulation, or doctrine enforces(ing) white privilege, but it does enforce white privilege.

Only the daft think there aren't minor benefits for being white.

Making more money than someone is oppression.


Got a reputable study for that?

Keep up the fight. This is important.

More blacks have moved to the USA than have been enslaved as of some time in the 70s-80s.

Does this count for nothing?

The media is fucking evil

It should but this sub is filled with white guilt. You will be downvoted for suggesting anybody would move here under their free will.

The USA is THE most generous country in terms of immigration. For the last 30 years we have immigrated the entire population of Montana ever year.

Nothings perfect, but there is a deliberate mission by popular culture to create intense self-loathing.

When the naivete of 80's nihilism wore off, the groggy, hungover, neon masses took on an earth toned New Age approach to making everyone feel worse about having fun without including everyone in their party. So they got all inclusive and started creating a new amorphous blob of lifeless morons scared of the edge their hippie parents got to experience in full force. They created "Team Building Exercises" and "Corporate Synergy" and anyone who didn't get it was immediately sold a pair of Adderall or Zoloft grey-scaling glasses to keep their dreary shit day to day from spiraling into an actually enjoyable existence with an integrated, colloidal diversity.

Anybody who notices the "wrong" differences (sexuality, skin color, biological sex) or doesn't praise the "right" differences (gender identity, mental health, physical handicap) is a bigot racist privileged shitlord and is socially demoted until there's no semblance of moral fiber on which they can stand up to an accusation of being the aforementioned.


You will be downvoted for suggesting anybody would move here under their free will.

Lol wut

We need to build a wall to stop the waves of people not coming?!

More blacks have moved to the USA than have been enslaved as of some time in the 70s-80s.

Does this count for nothing?

You're getting white privilege and white guilt confused.

I grew up in a ghetto, i saw all my black peers get extra diversity scholarships while I couldn't get anything. My parents were just as poor.

The USA has produced some of the best minds of all races and creeds.

White privilege is a hoax.

You're still getting white privilege and white guilt confused.

It doesn't matter if you disagree about their existence, but your undermining your point by interchanging them, it's like getting flat earth and hollow earth theories confused.

For years map makers have been trying to destroy the idea of a heliocentric universe that exists as an infinite plane, while studies have shown gravity can only exist in hollow earth model

Does this count for nothing?

The media is evil.

You just sound like you shouldn't even be at the table, because you don't understand what's being argued.

You're still getting white privilege and white guilt confused.

It doesn't matter if you disagree about their existence, but your undermining your point by interchanging them,

what the fuck are you on about? Are you seriously trying to say popular culture/MSM hasn't deliberately created a cognitive dissonance, and that I'm the one confusing white guilt and white privilege? Fuck your buzzwords.

Hey I'm just trying to help you direct your anger at the right buzzwords. But you do you.

Pointing out anger isn't a winning argument. You are fumbling over your own thoughts.

So is it a hoax or not?

Pointing out anger isn't a winning argument.

I wasn't arguing, just trying to explain that you were confusing the two.

White Guilt - Internalized guilt for being white resulting from perceived racism committed by white people. Slavery, like you mentioned, is a big trigger.

White Privilege - Society providing social benefits to individuals based on perceived race.

So is it a hoax or not?

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Hopefully you learned a new fact that more people have immigrated here then have been enslaved, and have prospered greatly.

Compared to the present-day middle east slave trade.

The only privilege in this country is financial privilege.

White privilege implies that white people are inherently better. And the left claims the right are the racists..

None of them can understand the irony of it they are so indoctrinated.

What about those on the left that think "white privilege" is bullshit?

They go right as they get older.

...I don't think you get the term 'white privilege'.

What does white privilege mean then? It is saying whites have it inherently easier, does it not?

It's saying there are certain advantages to being white in America. All things being equal, it is a bit easier to make it in life as a white man than as a black man.

That's racist.

In what way?

By saying whites are inherently different from other races. Do you not believe in equality?

Whites are not 'inherently' better or worse. They are 'in practice' at an advantage.

Not better or worse.

Yet at an advantage....

That isn't contradictory. If a table is tilted, the marbles will roll down, and it has nothing to do with the inherent qualities of the marbles.

but all marbles will roll...

Yes it is...

I've updated that post with a handy metaphor.

Disingenuous debate tactics. Lose then edit your comment, classy.

...then why did I say that I edited it?


That's absolutely not what the term means. Jesus fuck, is it all the people who think like you do is make bad faith arguments?

White privelige refers to white people being treated better. It doesn't imply they are inherently better.

I'm left leaning and think white privilege is bullshit.

Don't assume so much.

Nope. White privilege doesn't mean white people are better, it means they are treated better, or have more opportunities due to social constructs.

Especially considering whiteness is a social construct. It's literally impossible to be white. Therefore white privilege does not exist.

When was a teenager I was very dark just from tanning. Now I'm pasty as fuck. Am I a better white now?


Let the downvotes and virtue signaling commence.

Wrong sub?

I think you may be.

I have to agree

For an intelligent conversation yes, but if you have a better sub dedicated to calling a hoax a hoax please let me know. Thanks.

There are like four contradictions in this sentence alone.

Oh, well because you're so intellectually gifted why don't you point out all four contradictions for us. I'll wait.

Thank you.

No problem my friend!

"You sir, have we ever met before? Come up here and try my patented elixir."

Yeah I can't imagine why TopMinds thinks u/fmtruth23 is your alt.

Not surprised you lurk in top minds.

Not surprised you're here denying the existence of white privilege.

Whiteness is a social construct.

The thing about a social construct is, it's a thing that is constructed by society. The fact that it is a thing that has been constructed implies that it is a thing that exists. The fact that it is not something that occurred naturally doesn't make it not exist.

See it's people like you who assume you know somebody off of a single reddit post who are the real assholes. The reality is that I probably meet more people in a day than you do in week. Thanks for the advice though.

we have institutionalized racism and sexism against white males

Yes, if there's anything the law is known for, it's the persecution of white males. Jesus Christ.

I'm going to do my best to behave... Lol

What does white privilege mean then? It is saying whites have it inherently easier, does it not?


Pointing out anger isn't a winning argument. You are fumbling over your own thoughts.

So is it a hoax or not?

If I was truly racist do you think it would be possible for me to fall in love with somebody who I'm supposed to hate? Also being black it's damn near impossible for me to discriminate against somebody because of the color of their skin cause I know how wrong it is

It is a strong indicator though.

Whiteness is a social construct.

It seems like you don't. Every time that phrase is touted out it is used as some kind of excuse for why that individual is in the predicament they find themselves in.

Using the example offered here, saying "i got x more years because crack is scheduled higher than cocaine even though they are the same drug" is nothing more than an excuse and smoke screen to distract from the fact that the fool who got arrested was using/transporting/selling an illegal drug.

If he/she had followed the true and narrow, then it wouldn't make any difference at all how either drug is scheduled. Using the "social construct" excuse is a mere method of him/her avoiding personal responsibility for their situation.

Also, as I have come to learn, nearly every time some SJW uses that term, there is a legitimate reason for the difference they are complaining about. Here for example, crack requires an additional manufacturing level not required by cocaine, it is also has a user base that often engages in other violent crime and crimes against property to sustain their habit.

When the naivete of 80's nihilism wore off, the groggy, hungover, neon masses took on an earth toned New Age approach to making everyone feel worse about having fun without including everyone in their party. So they got all inclusive and started creating a new amorphous blob of lifeless morons scared of the edge their hippie parents got to experience in full force. They created "Team Building Exercises" and "Corporate Synergy" and anyone who didn't get it was immediately sold a pair of Adderall or Zoloft grey-scaling glasses to keep their dreary shit day to day from spiraling into an actually enjoyable existence with an integrated, colloidal diversity.

Anybody who notices the "wrong" differences (sexuality, skin color, biological sex) or doesn't praise the "right" differences (gender identity, mental health, physical handicap) is a bigot racist privileged shitlord and is socially demoted until there's no semblance of moral fiber on which they can stand up to an accusation of being the aforementioned.


Yeah the blacks got whipped but the Irish got their knees broken. Not comparable at all.

Slate is toilet paper.

You can't be serious right now

From what I understand the Irish were flat out slaves for a while. Their inherent laziness saved them.

Irish were able to slip back into society once colored people were targeted. Not to mention the entire southern economy alone was based on owning black people for quite sometime. No ones saying the Irish didn't endure similar conditions, im saying it was for less time and there were less barriers to entry (to use economic terms) for merging into American society.

Normal guys don't say shit like that. SOYBOY

Got a reputable study for that?