Reminder for new users and lurkers to browse by "New" and not exclusively "Hot" Be vocal, have your voice heard in the comments. If you browse only by Hot, you will only get the narrative that the shills and their upvote bots want you to absorb.

392  2017-11-26 by jeff34sonairplanr

By browsing new, you can catch ridiculous or harmful posts before they are voted to the top. The "New" que really is the beating heart of this sub.

Edit: just been banned from this sub..


Its true. I browse only "new."

OP, how do you feel about people using multiple accounts in a thread to manipulate the conversation?

Do you think it's dishonest using dozens of alts in the same subreddit?

Why do you suppose someone would create so many accounts and talk to themselves?

Maybe they've been in r/conspiracy too long? Who's doing this? Some people need to walk away more..

Isn't obvious? It's the OP that's doing this.

The parent commenter is someone that can programmatically collect reddit comment data. As I've been able to detect multiple accounts of the OP by stylometric analysis alone, I'm sure if I bothered to create a script, I'd be even more informed as to who owns what accounts.

Now I want to see this.. this is my relax with alcohol time, so scrutinizing doesn't sound like fun.. but if you have a way of detecting/proving this, it would only benefit this sub.

Hey man, I don't have the time at the moment to go into detail, but check the OP's post history. Specifically in response to this post on TMOR:

Hey u/jeff34sonairplanr or 1111111111111144 or 867530999999995858 or archonsarereal or BernieBroBusted or birthdaysuit11 or birthdaysuit111 or canttouchme00 or conspiracyyyyy1 or dangerikkk or devilsperm90 or devilstripe96 or djklbd or djklbddre or djrjejdjdjdh or Dr4ko9 or dobermab89 or dunastywariorj or DutchBanker6667 or forefather6667 or gonnaluvya or healthierem or johnkonnor or josephPp90 or KCsunshin3 or ltdabicecream or margaritavilllll or morganpetersen or PeACEfulezefeeling or pega5usMuZeeum or pisjebrskdj or Pr1s0nTim3 or SexualRomanze or shesgottaticket2222 or totally6667 or WindCriesnnary or ygnabb2 or zepher900000 or zepheryytyy, etc.

To which the OP responded:

he even knew every alt account of mine. This means a reddit admin is potentially feeding this guy my information.

Well, the last sentence from that quote would be paranoia, as the OP gives himself away with virtually everything he writes.

Wish you had given links.. better yet, report this to the mods. Even though there's some things they've said I agree with, people shouldn't be allowed to game the system. Fuck this guy. I would send links of this to every sub they are in, shut them down completely.

It's also worth wading into 'controversial'

Absolutely !

I treat hot like a completely different subreddit.

Same. Not every link on there is garbage, but you can see a clear daily agenda with all of the spammed multiple links and shill comments upvoted to the top sometimes

Good post. This is so true and may I add always look under 1 reply that’s how they hide effective comments.

Yea definitely man, the top comment ALWAYS has a billion other comments that I have to scroll through to get to another actual post comment that wasn't a separate thread from the original top comment.

Keep looking for the truth dude, well done.

Yep. It is through indirect methods such as this that we get anything like a clear idea what is going on. Maybe we can never tell what is real. But we can clearly see what the bad guys don't want to be real.

I believe that the way a post is attacked is a true measure of its validity.

I call it reading the negative space. And that trait is, more than anything, what separates CTs from normies.

Which always makes me think of flat earth posts and how roundly they're attacked. If the reaction is always so negative...

Can do the 1 reply thing on mobile app?

it's unbelievable how ignorant people want to be.

my comment recommending listening to Phil Schenider went from +60 while it was only visible to you guys to +1/-1 as soon as that post hit the front page.

I agree OP and there is a better chance of reading a comment from an actual human posting their own thoughts on the New page.

Why is that?

Exactly! If you want the old conspiracy back, new is the place to look :)

It also allows you to see the flow of posts from a certain handful of posters; amounts to a carousel of anti-Trump MSM articles, while not participating in any meaningful discussion beyond inflammatory ad hominems.

Great advise I’ve only been using this sub as a steady visitor since October 1 and never really thought to change it I just scroll for days lol.

how can you identify a shill comment?

If it disagrees with you. /s

If you have to ask...

use your common sense.

Is this a conspiracy theory about r/conspiracy? That's some next level paranoia there.

One of the most intriguing posts I've seen on this sub's "agenda" is this exact topic. Take a read if you have the time.

The "new" tab is my go to everytime I log on. Much more interesting content which usually gets buried by bots.

This needs to be stickied. If a subreddit ever needed it, it’s here

if so, than how am I reading this comment on 'hot?'

I've found the following formula to work really well:

Report -> SPAM -> Block User XXX

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Thank you for the tip

Be vocal unless you believe the Flat Earth conspiracy. Seriously, it's depressing that the biggest possible "conspiracy theory" out there is taboo on /r/conspiracy.

i believe this is a good strategy. it also leads me to believe that if you want to find what shills want you to believe, pay attention to what gets spammed on here daily, as if it were a full time job.

even if you agree with it, ask why someone has to pay to push it and start asking questions

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Also please use critical thinking skills.

Every time I press new on any page my screen goes black, ever since I made an account. The app refuses to login. My computer is the only thing that works.

I call it reading the negative space. And that trait is, more than anything, what separates CTs from normies.

Which always makes me think of flat earth posts and how roundly they're attacked. If the reaction is always so negative...