Has anyone noticed an obvious uptick in posts and comments that are blatantly Russian sympathizers? In this sub, of all subs!

0  2017-11-27 by Silentbtdeadly



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Been seeing this for years and years.... You’re not crazy.

Give an upvote.. because it's at 50%, and I didn't know this was an issue.. till it was an obvious issue. This pro Russia bullshit should be so obvious to people here.. anyone pushing an obvious agenda.. the "shills" as it were.

Your post will get down voted most likely. Russians love using and posting stuff on Reddit.... Wish they would gone someplace else... These trolls shot all over the place...

Check back in a few hours, the pro Russia comments are already pouring in.. I'm going to mark them all as the enemy.

right back at you sweetheart

Is it normal for a post like this that’s obviously going to start a discussion to have enough views it gets 30 comments but shows no upvotes on the post?

I honestly don’t know, I’ve seen some people suggest that they’re locked on upvotes or otherwise manipulated but don’t have enough experience to know exactly if it’s that/how to know either way.

I think it’s good the topic is being discussed because it’s recent and relevant partly do to the fact of forcing registration of overseas news as foreign agents.

Since I’ve being hearing a Little here and there about this online and on the radio, can anybody explain why they think it’s better to have Russia as an enemy rather than ally (besides the communism before)? I understand all the “election interference/collusion” allegations would cause some people to be against them over that (whether or not they’re true has yet to be determined/proved IMO), the Cold War era, and the effect the USSR & communism had on Eastern Europe before it was resolved.

Honest question, id like to hear both sides of the fence on this one if anyone would like to enlighten me, but besides whether you believe the collusion/interference allegations, and older folks prejudice having lived through the Cold War being told they are the enemy their whole life, what is the benefit of making them “the bad guy/enemy of the year” instead of a better ally & strengthening relations? Considering their power in that side of the world among other things, to me at least thinking objectively, you’d think our country would be better off with more allies & good relations instead of more enemies and the tit for tat thats been going on.

During the 80’s in the Middle East, we were arming the Afghanis to fight the Russians in a proxy war to prevent spread of communism and reduce their influence/drive them out of the Middle East which seemed like a clear objective. Fast forward 10-20yrs & the people we armed and financed to fight a proxy war are killing our soldiers with some of our own weapons & ordinance, bought and paid for by the U.S., so they’re the enemy now.

With everything going on especially at this day In age, to me it seems hard to differentiate between friend or foe since it seems everybody is screwing everybody in one way or another even if they’re allies with good relations. I also think there’s something to be thought about as far as how in the U.S. it always appears we are the good and everyone else is the bad and the ugly, also that the politicians are always telling us who we should be against/who the enemy is according to their agenda. I would think their working with the Assad regime in Syria is a reason some would say is why they don’t like them. Then again the U.S. always decides its our duty to police the world and that we are always on the good side and in no way capable of doing the horrible things other countries do that we use as a reason to send troops in. I see how people could think there’s something going on with Trump being Friendly with Putin and erring on the side of better relations on policies that apply to Russia. I don’t believe we should take shit off of any other country but it keeps looking more and more like tptb are pushing us towards WW3 and perpetual war, they can’t get enough of endless cash flow from the military industrial complex.

Didn’t mean to get that long winded I apologize.

Tldr: What are the advantages to having Russia as a frenemy/foe as opposed to a strong ally? What are the disadvantages of having a good relationship with Russia thats mutually beneficial for both countries? There will always be conflict and we must defend ourselves when necessary. I’m not about to sit around a campfire and sing Kumbya, but wouldn’t humanity be much better off and more advanced if we tried to make more allies than enemies?

Historically, conflicts between the U.S. and Russia have been utter bullshit. Hypothetically, of course you'd want to get along and work together where you can, and I hope we will once both countries stop breathing down the other's neck.

Putin's regime is a different story. The guy really is ex-KGB/director of the FSB, rose to power through what really may have been false flag attacks and a manufactured war, integrated the mob into the national infrastructure (according to investigators and diplomatic leaked cables, via WikiLeaks in '10), consulated control of the media, schemed his way into seizing Crimea, likely murdered political opponents and dissident journalists, rigged elections, etc.

Not that Putin (18 years in power so far) or the current Russian government are very unique among global players-- they've done the same type of shit the US deep state has done. Which is why I trust neither, hence a whole lot of nuance and confusion are inevitable.

You never answered your own question.

"why is Russia bad?"

Well? Russia defended a political takeover by Soros lackeys in Ukraine. Defends Syria's right to rule itself. and banned the corrupt Rothschild's from operating in Russia.

So exactly why is Russia bad? It seems to me like Russia under Putin's leadership is fighting against the corruption in the world.

Why do I, as an American, give a flying fuck about Russia or Ukraine? Hint, I don't, hence why your argument is bullshit.

So you don't care about Russia or Ukraine. Fine then move along and ignore the whole ball of wax. Why Trump out your useless opinion about a subject you care nothing about?

youd get more sympathy in the share blue sub, /r/politics

You know Biden's son is on the board of a Ukrainian gas company now ?

whats wrong with Russia? Theyre based. The american and israeli government has done way worse than Russia but some how ppl think Russia is the more evil one here? Quit buying into the (((media)))'s propaganda

You are propaganda sir/miss. I give zero fucks about people outside our country, who aren't actively attacking us. Like your comment.

russians are not attacking u so fuck off and stop being a lapdog

Eat a bag of dicks you obvious Russian? Why the fuck else did you comment? Give me something with substance at least.

And before I bet banned, I'm being attacked for my post, they're attacking me based on critical thought.

i commented because im not a brainwashed sheep wake up dude



Are you serious? Give me links, not pictures.. one step towards America.

So AMERICAN.. asking for proof.

proof of wat?

Lol! This isn't critical thought by any stretch of the imagination

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the irony is that youre the one attacking American values.

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Russia has been an alley to the US since before there was a US... that is, they helped us win our war for independence.

Hey look! The pro Russian that inspired this post!

hey look! a 50 day old account pushing divide and conquer bullshit nonsense!

You could try refuting his (correct) point.

Or you can try to explain why anyone in conspiracy would be pro Russia?

They seem to be "pro-Russia" due to their stance on the cabal. Enemy of my enemy type of situation.

Stop looking at life through a ridiculously narrow lense.

Also allies in WW2. I’m in no way a “sympathizer” or shill for Russia, but objectively I feel I need more information to accurately form an educated opinion on this. iirc they were the lesser and necessary of the evils in WW2,and that we got along to get the job done overlooking the communism thing long enough to get Germany out of the picture, but then we let them screw Berlin?

IDK, I think it's beneficial for Russia that the US has a strong and free nation.

I also can't help but think that a lot of the current red scare is driven by the fact that Russia is primarily a white Christian nation. For instance, I've found that most people in the US are surprised to find that the Kremlin is surrounded by seven very beautiful churches. That has to have something to do with the anti-Russia sentiment.

Here is a question. Is America good? Are US news outlets truthful?

RT gives opposing side to US propaganda. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Without the opposing side everything leans towards US propaganda.

Here it is, I read the enemies propaganda, the liberals.. See, in this country, there isn't one view, but more than one.. I don't look too Russia to tell me what is good. It makes me sad that conservative talking points are being pushed by Russia.

Why? Because I haven't subscribed to "Russia good". I read everything am I'm not left wanting for what Russia thinks. Hmm.. weird that. I give zero fucks what Russians think about Americans. Fuck you, prove you're an American or GTFO.

'Prove that I'm American ' we've got a birther here.

Non Russians who expressed very Russian points of view took pictures of their very AMERICAN license plate with their username on it.. I'm not influenced by any bullshit, are you willing to prove your very AMERICAN heritage?

Look buddy, this thread has been amusing and all, but try to get some sleep and then call your psychiatrist in the morning to see about getting a med adjustment for the stressful holiday months. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it, and ffs, you definitely need it right now.

Lol you really believe Russian hacking propaganda. Look back at how they cut off Bernie from DNC donor records cuz one of his campaign workers 'hacked' the DNC ...... ill wait

I think people are mainly against it because they don't de-rank other news sites which are also propaganda. (which, by the way, is pretty well all of them)

That's a very honest response. But in my country (America) there's already two sides that chime in on what they want and don't want.. it's biased, sure. But it didn't originate from Russia. I give zero fucks what they think, come live here before you have an opinion. This isn't Russia.

RT does a better job of covering Americas war crimes than Fox/CNN/MSNBC. The MSM has different views on certain topics but none ever takes an honest look at the horror and destruction caused around the world. Not that you need to rely on RT for that, there are some good freelance journos out there on a variety of different platforms, it's just that their stories never really get pushed hard by the American MSM (which is propaganda through omission). RT is a fucking joke though if you want to learn about what's happening in Russia.

"Russia Is Becoming Our Enemy Again." - In a vote before the debate, 41 percent of audience members supported the motion and 23 percent opposed it. Some 36 percent were undecided. After the debate, 47 percent of audience members agreed with the proposition that "Russia Is Becoming Our Enemy Again," 41 percent opposed it and 12 percent remained undecided. (2007)

is putin the hero or the villain? r/conspiracy post from 2 years ago

Just the opposite.

For the most part I don't know anyone who really dislikes Russia. For the most part people are fond of the nation and would rather be allies then enemies.

What I HAVE seen in the last year is a lot of political propaganda trying to make Russia out to be evil, and a lot of people bashing anyone who questions it.

Look, they are a giant nation with a lot of power. They do things that are fucked up. But so does the USA. And so does almost every nation.

Russia hasn't done anything out of the norm for a nation, and they have been decent allies to us.

To me the "Conspiracy" is the hate. Not the people defending them.

I have an open mind and I will question shit they do. But the insane amount of hate seems a bit unwarranted.

To me the "Conspiracy" is the hate. Not the people defending them.

"I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."

"It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get."

Good quotes,


Booker T. Washington and Confucius

I noticed you’re prob an Op Mockingbird fraud.

what are these russians sympathetic of?

Your post will get down voted most likely. Russians love using and posting stuff on Reddit.... Wish they would gone someplace else... These trolls shot all over the place...

russians are not attacking u so fuck off and stop being a lapdog

the irony is that youre the one attacking American values.

Is it normal for a post like this that’s obviously going to start a discussion to have enough views it gets 30 comments but shows no upvotes on the post?

I honestly don’t know, I’ve seen some people suggest that they’re locked on upvotes or otherwise manipulated but don’t have enough experience to know exactly if it’s that/how to know either way.

proof of wat?

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