Why do the leftists / democrats have so many pedophiles? Why are they constantly trying to normalize it?

0  2017-11-27 by [deleted]



Don't think is partisan. Its on all sides and making it a party issue does a disservice to the victims.

but only one side uses media to normalize pedo activity --- you dont see sites like breitbart defend and normalize that sick shit --- yet consistently you see leftwing media do just that .. funny you dont mention that huh?

What about Roy Moore?

roy moore is a media site? im confused what youre saying.

Every one on the right in this sub was rabidly defending him, desperate that he had to be innocent

Breitbart defends him

I don't how you could possibly hope to politicize an issue like pedophilia and then not understand how it would be controversial. The only one playing dumb is you for acting like left-wingers are the only ones at fault here. Wake up and stop politicizing these issues, it's people like you that make this sub hard to read.

Don't think is partisan. Its on all sides and making it a party issue does a disservice to the victims.

Pedophilia isn’t a partisan issue, and you should be ashamed of your hackery.

Why do we let them separate us and attack each other? It gets real old hearing "left" this, "right" that. As far as I'm concerned, those who take sides are just pawns in their game. Now don't get me wrong, every pedo deserves a slow painful death but this question seems stupidly loaded and nothing gets achieved by it. Just us turning on each other which is exactly what they want.

I don’t think it’s partisan. But I do think modern left wing thinking leads to degeneracy in certain ways. It’s very hard for me to square a political belief system that goes for for LGBT rights/multiple genders while also pushing hard for Muslims to be flooded into every country.

Maybe you should consider that in the same way that not all Christians are not fag-hatin, bible-thumping holy rolling hate-mongerers, so too are all Muslims not freedom-hating, woman-beating bigots. Once you deconstruct this strawman Muslim it's quite easy to reconcile the liberal enthusiasm for acceptance. It's funny, because from your point of view logically liberals are hypocrites. But have you ever asked a liberal whether they support bigotry? Yeah, they typically don't, even if the person is brown. It's not some raging battle inside every liberals head to excuse reprehensible behavior because the person is brown. People try to demonize liberal ways of thought but most liberal thinkers I know are sensible enough to dismiss bigotry universally. I don't know any liberal who sympathizes with bigotry simply because they want to virtue signal. This is a tired and hacky strawman.

Modern Liberalism is a mental illness.

No its actually just a philosophy on how the government should work.

So.... A mental illness?


Can you pick a gender?

I'll take "Questions out of left field" for 100, Alex

Answer the question. I don't give a shit about down votes....

Trying to ask a serious question after having two comments of utter trash won't get you good results, those first two just make you look like a troll

Putin on the booze again?!

People can do whatever the hell they want as long as they are not hurting anyone/anything!

Lol. Love this.

What’s with the constant victim hood?

What's up with all these conservative Catholics fucking the choir boy?

It happens on both sides but it is undeniable that leftists / democrats /liberal persuasion have more of the sickos in that group. Your question is correct, why?

Personally I think most of them operate on a different level against the idea of the family unit. They say they are normal and want to fuck anything because they say they can, even a goat if they feel ok with it. Conservatives say they are mentally ill. I happen to agree.

How can you say that when Roy more still has a chance to win and the fucking pedo president supports another pedofile?

You missed the point of my OP. Read again.

It's not just Democrats and leftists, why are you thinking that? There are tons of pedos on both sides.

The real question is, why are so many POLITICIANS pedophiles? Why are so many people in positions of power, in the entertainment industry, in religious organisations and in politics and sport, pedophiles?

There are a few answers to that - 1) People who seek powerful positions are more likely to be sociopathic and people who are sociopaths and ruthless and don't care what lies they tell or who they have to screw over, are more likely to rise to the top of their respective field. 2) Pedophiles seek positions of power where they are less likely to be questioned and where they will be trusted and will be able to gain access to children and also access to protection with regard to their crimes 3) The intelligence services and corrupt people in these organisations prefer to have other corrupt people working for and with them, because they are easier to control, are not likely to rat out their own corruption and can be blackmailed. Pedophilia is one of the best blackmail tools as there is no redemption after you've been revealed to be a pedophile so it's a life-destroying piece of info to have on a person, making them your puppet. So people with these tendencies are chosen by those already in power and those with influence from intelligence services etc, to fill positions of power and positions where they have influence over people.

So those are your reasons. And there really isn't one party or political affiliation that lends itself more towards having pedophiles among its ranks, so you're really wrong about that. You might have been reading too many echo-chambery articles etc if you are getting that impression.

Dennis Hastert

but only one side uses media to normalize pedo activity --- you dont see sites like breitbart defend and normalize that sick shit --- yet consistently you see leftwing media do just that .. funny you dont mention that huh?