I’m so glad I found this subreddit

60  2017-11-27 by Sa-ha-gin

Growing up I was basically taught good and bad, the government are always the good guys and anyone who breaks a law is a bad guy. Little did I know, the world is not as simple as black and white. It’s grey all over. But I didn’t know any better, I was a dumb gullible kid so I believed what I was told. I fell for the mainstream media because so did the person raising me. Whenever there was a conspiracy theory or theorist I would just bush it off and not take it seriously. Like “pffft just another crazy conspiracy theorist with their tin foil hat”. Because that’s what I was taught to think. Now that I’m older and can think for myself, I realize those were the only people trying to speak the truth. We just shut them out because it’s easier to pretend it’s just a made up story, then to face the hard truth. I have an obsession with the truth, no matter how harsh it may be. I tried to just ignore the urge to seek the truth but I can’t stop and I’m just digging a deeper hole for myself. The things I’ve learned make me paranoid and if I talk to my family about this conspiracy stuff, they look at me like I’m insane. Like I’m the crazy guy wearing the tin foil hat. Whenever I’m out with my friends they tell me I look like I’m on edge, always looking around. And they’re probably right, because you never know when you know too much. A deadly accident might happen and conveniently kill you, shutting you up for good. That’s why I really like this subreddit because it’s specifically for exposing the real truth and there are people here like minded. We just want to know what really goes on. If you saw me on the street, I look as normal as the next guy. I know I make myself out to seem like a super paranoid nutcase but I’m actually one of the calmest people you could meet. Maybe in my mind I’m a super paranoid nutcase. Anyways, this is a pretty dumb post but I just wanted to say I really appreciate this subreddit and everyone in it. No matter your opinion, I love hearing all points of view and that’s what this subreddit is all about. I’ll end on one of my favourite quotes: “The more you know, the dumber you sound to stupid people.”


You’ll be saying this sub is infiltrated with shills by the end of next month.

And he wouldn’t be wrong but the good outweighs the bad imo.

Agreed. Long as we stick together these shills won’t get anywhere!

/r/c_s_t thank me later.

Welcome aboard! Don't forget to check out /new/ since that's where the unfiltered subjects and opinions are. /hot/ can be quite controlled at times..

welcome aboard, browse the new section, everything else has been brigaded and manipulated

I'm new here too there is some really informative and educational posts and then we'll.. The rest lol

You don't have to be that paranoid kid that makes all his friends and family feel weird. You can just be you. You with a little more knowledge than the average person wants to retain.

You also don't need to look paranoid or draw attention that way because, as I had to figure out......no one is after me. No group is coming to get me. Not individually.

The few can't control the many by having people watching you on every street corner.

Find a pace, find your place and don't feel bad about how it is. You can only move forward and keep your eye on the prize.

The last thing they want us to be is organized. Take it slow, find some time to figure out your goal now knowing what you know. Always learn and read and do that good stuff and get rest. Plenty of rest. You cannot be succinct and on top of your topics and information if your brain is a mess.

Don't fall into the sterotype that truthers are paranoid fools, twitchy and shit. Some of the best and more eye opening chats I have with people is when I am speaking to them in a way that is so very casual and real, talking about the basic stuff in people's lives that touch them daily. Usually the corruption at their local and city level gets your foot in the door.

Most people really are conspiracy theorists at heart.....we've just been reprogrammed to believe it doesn't matter and there is nothing to be done even if you could. It's time to start opening people's eyes by looking at theirs and challenging the obviousness they THEY as people/society are refusing to address, not you.

Have confidence. Find your base, find your niche and be the master within it.....let no one think they know more. Be the master of your info and no one can defeat you in a discussion/debate/whatever/family meal.

Most people really are conspiracy theorists at heart

Yep, common sense would be a more appropriate label, or maybe even logos...

Thanks, I usually don’t make them feel uncomfortable though, they just look at my like I’m crazy if I talk about anything other than something popular and pointless like drama or the Kardashians. They say I’m on guard all the time but I think that just might be who I am. I’ll try to not think people might come after me lol, it’s a dumb thing and these days there are so many people with knowledge like this. They can’t get us all.

In efforts to downplay the drama that some believe in, I go that far so it's clear as day that hollywood is not real life.

Take care.

The world isnt black and white, its white and black. Almost every "truth" is in reverse

And so we go, on with our lives We know the truth, but prefer lies Lies are simple, simple is bliss Why go against tradition when we can Admit defeat, live in decline Be the victim of our own design The status quo, built on suspect Why would anyone stick out their neck?

Fellow members of Club "We've Got Ours" I'd like to introduce you to our host He's got his, and I've got mine Meet the decline

This sub is full of trash and agendas that discourage conversation. if you're so glad you found this sub in it's current state, I hold your intent suspect.

Welcome aboard.

It’s a well known conspiracy that intelligence agencies and militaries target social media for propaganda and monitor it. This sub is not immune to that. Quality content can easily get buried and Astro turfed.

Their are a few questionable mods who have banned good users who have been added or compromised. One of the original mods was forced out over the summer for exposing the corrupt mods.