0 2017-11-28 by Deficatingdefender
I love how the new narrative is going!
The vile Elizabeth Warren is trying to defend her disastrous decision to claim she has Native American ancestry to gain advantage over actual Native Americans! Of course she has feathered bought and paid for Indian Chiefs defending this bitch!
I worked in the Federal Government for over thirty years and there are multitudes that use ethnicity for advantage! WHAT A F'ING JOKE!
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Leftists always double down. She will never admit her problematic cultural appropriation. Her heretical dialectical deviation from praxis will result in her downfall. Build your life upon the foundation of lies and you will fall to this same fate.
1 Deficatingdefender 2017-11-28
This is fraud plain and simple and is easily proved. There are many disadvantaged native Americans that she damaged because of her criminal behavior.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Exactly. Thank you for being a real person! So few left here.
1 Deficatingdefender 2017-11-28
She is far from the worst! I was able to retire from the federal government which was an immense blessing. I'm still recovering and trying to take care of an aging mother.
I have seen what 'THEY' will do to get ahead. I had a colleague who was going thru a severe mental health crisis and 'THEY' just went after him and he had to retire. He had young children and was one of the best people I have worked with and these bastards knew this. There isn't a hell deep enough for these horrific people!
1 trjb 2017-11-28
Let's start throwing politicians who lie out of office.
1 mastigia 2017-11-28
There lies the problem.
1 trjb 2017-11-28
Nah I'm an equal opportunity government hater, I just like politicians going to jail.
1 mastigia 2017-11-28
I wasn't talking about you specifically man. What I was saying is this prevailing attitude is why we can't just throw all their asses out.
1 trjb 2017-11-28
No I know and that is what people usually mean, politics have become zero-sum games. The shit people defend "their team" for has gotten disgusting.
1 mastigia 2017-11-28
And if you don't like what their team is doing, you must be on the other team!
1 trjb 2017-11-28
Being accused of being a Trump shill and a Clinton shill on the same day should come with a reddit trophy "Centrism is a bad thing, pick a side!"
1 mastigia 2017-11-28
I was getting called names by white supremacists and zionists or whatever yesterday... from the same comment. Tell me that aint winning haha?
1 Deficatingdefender 2017-11-28
I worked for the Federal Government over thirty years and the people that get ahead are corrupt liars or people that go along with the lie and corruption. I had a 'colleague' that I thought was a decent person. And the realization of what he really was was utter devastation to me. He ruined people's careers to get ahead, went to embassy galas and upgraded his taxpayer paid travel to try to meet Wall Street assholes and then brag about his encounters with these useless parasites. Fortunately he is really old now and hopefully will be dead soon.
1 digitalray34 2017-11-28
...still not a conspiracy.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Yes it is. She is a person who talks pit against cultural appropriation then culturally appropriates a culture that she does not belong to to advance her career. Her entire career is based off of a lie. And I don't know about you but when a political figure lies that is emblematic of their overall personality.
1 TheCooliestMan 2017-11-28
If you don't like Warren because she lied, you must really hate Trump, right?
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Yes I do. Trump is a tool of Zion.
1 rvnender 2017-11-28
I don't think a polictian lying to gain an advantage is a conspiracy. If so then every right winger who claims to be a Christian would be flooding this board
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
... Is that supposed to gain sympathy form me? I'm nether right wing or a Christian. I'm more if a Green than anything. Constitution party for me.
1 rvnender 2017-11-28
It's something like 90% of Americans who can trace their ancestry back about 200 years has some native American in their blood. So it's not that far fetched that she has some native American in her. But she does take it to an extreme. Hell I have native American in me and I don't use it as a political weapon.
Apparently the white Europeans fucked everything that moved.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Source? That's definitely b.s. considering that most Americans are here from the immigration boom between 1870-1920.
1 NoYamShazam 2017-11-28
Don't let reality bite you, Americans bred with their own slaves and yes If you know the original story of Pocahontas, with Native Americans as well.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
At a very small portion though. At its height only 4% of southern families owned slaves. One percent nationally.
You're right about one thing; American blacks have almkst 40% western European genetics. But a similar sampling of American whites will show almost zero percent African admixture. Explain that?
1 NoYamShazam 2017-11-28
Well no you are wrong, anyone who has an ancestor who was in what is the U.S. by 1800 has some African American blood.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Lol? Source? American whites are almost purely European. But Americans blacks are only 60-80% African.
You're insane if you think the average person in new york a state that had less than 5,000 blacks outside of the city until 1900 bread with blacks. The population just isn't there in most of the nation.
Are you implying that Europeans in the south have African genetics? If so at what percentage?
1 MoronToTheKore 2017-11-28
The implication that your ancestry contains zero black people is hilarious. Do a DNA test.
Go back seven generations and you’ve already got 128 people. Not a single one of them is black? Go back another exponent. Nothing? The odds are getting smaller. That’s just statistics.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
My entire family came from Norway in the late 1880's. And I have a complete family tree extending to 1066. Unless there were blacks in Norway I'm 100% northern European.
1 MoronToTheKore 2017-11-28
And there are no lies in that family tree? Nobody got here to America and fucked somebody who wasn’t Norwegian? None of your viking ancestors got some strange way out there?
It’s cute that you think your pure white blood is superior, but do a DNA test. It’s always great to watch white supremacists get blown away when they realize somebody, somewhere in their family tree didn’t view “breeding with blacks” as... whatever using the phrase “breeding with blacks” implies. Like it’s dirty, somehow. Jesus.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
What the fuck? I am not a white supremacist?
Because I have a complete genealogy I'm a white supremacist?
1 MoronToTheKore 2017-11-28
No, you do not have a complete genealogy. A family tree, even the most complete one, is only one branch of an exponential process that eventually nets every living person on the planet.
Unless you can trace the genealogy of every woman who married into the family, you do not know. That’s an entirely new family tree to generate, because they’re you’re genetic history too.
You sure sound proud of your “pure white genes”.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Wow. Is it not okay to be white? I'm not proud to be white that's racist to say. I'm proud to be Norwegian.
1 MoronToTheKore 2017-11-28
Do a DNA test.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Lol okay. I'll take one gladly.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
And what race might you be? Are you proud of being who you are?
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
And what race might you be? Are you proud of being who you are?
Is it okay to be proud of being a Japanese person? Is it okay to be a proud Nigerian person? Is it okay to be proudly Israeli?
1 groman31 2017-11-28
Weren't you just earlier complaining about Canadian and Mexican interbreeding?
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Complaining? No I was not complaining I was just pointing out the historical reality in relation to the different colonial projects or Spain, England, and France.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
I'm sorry but you're comment is extremely bigoted. We are all one human race. And somehow saying I know my family is from somewhere, I know the exact villages on the northern coast, is white supremacist?
1 groman31 2017-11-28
"We're all one human race" says the guy obsessing over racial purity.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
I'm obsessed? Because knowing your genealogy is somehow racist? You're not making sense.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
I am not morally opposed to people from other races finding love. You are really framing what I am saying disingenuously. And it's really problematic. I am just trying to show that you're idea that people were having mixed race relations in someplace like Pennsylvania in 1800 is not accurate.
Only 1% of total Americans owned slaves before the civil war, and four percent of southern families. 75% of the population, the northern population, might not have seen a black person in their entire life.
1 groman31 2017-11-28
He specifically said Americans who can trace it back 200 years.
1 NoYamShazam 2017-11-28
The geneticists say, everyone in the United States now, who had an ancestor here by 1800 is related to everyone else who also had an ancestor here by that date.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
What evidence?
1 NoYamShazam 2017-11-28
Your DNA, send some in to one of those sites if you have an ancestor who was here by 1800 you are related anyone now who had an ancestor here by then.
Remember that white guy who wanted to found the whites only town, only to discover he had AA ancestors? LOL.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
My DNA? My family came here in 1888.
1 NoYamShazam 2017-11-28
Both sides of your family, and that would be great or great great grandparents, what about the generations that followed, are you saying you are a newcomer, and no one in your family was here by 1800?
1 rvnender 2017-11-28
I think it's funny that people are blown away by this fact. We are all mixed together. There is no purity any more
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Tell that to Japan.
1 groman31 2017-11-28
Whose DNA is a mixture of Chinese and Korean origin, with a bit of Ainu...
1 rvnender 2017-11-28
I meant the US
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Not true. Look it up. The German population of the US is more pure German than Germany.
1 rvnender 2017-11-28
So the exception, not the rule
1 groman31 2017-11-28
Tbqh Republicans have used it as a political weapon against her 100x as much as she's used it herself.
1 sailorchubbybutt 2017-11-28
She should send in her DNA and post the results.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Exactly, race is the blood.
1 sailorchubbybutt 2017-11-28
Have you heard of genetics? Or are you simply trying to troll me?
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Does the blood not contain genetics?
1 sailorchubbybutt 2017-11-28
Any sample of tissue, saliva or blood contains DNA.
1 mastigia 2017-11-28
I think that is all he was getting it.
1 groman31 2017-11-28
Race is a fiction employed by mediocre losers so they can experience success vicariously through the deeds of others.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Race has no genetic factor?
1 groman31 2017-11-28
Actual geneticists put no faith in it. A useful and reliable clustering of humans for geneticists is about 50 or so groups, not the 4 or 5 ones you think you can identify by sight.
1 Kolyin 2017-11-28
It doesn't work that way. Here's an explanation by Kim Tallbear, an anthropologist with a background in NA genetics:
The short version is that a DNA test wouldn't be conclusive one way or the other, no matter what it said. There are genetic markers that are more likely to be found in aboriginal Americans, but none that are exclusively or always found in them.
1 Deficatingdefender 2017-11-28
The only thing I can say is that Warren probably moved up at the disadvantage of deserving Native Americans!
The Native American population is really disadvantaged and anyone falsely claiming this heritage is utterly despicable.
1 MoronToTheKore 2017-11-28
No, you do not have a complete genealogy. A family tree, even the most complete one, is only one branch of an exponential process that eventually nets every living person on the planet.
Unless you can trace the genealogy of every woman who married into the family, you do not know. That’s an entirely new family tree to generate, because they’re you’re genetic history too.
You sure sound proud of your “pure white genes”.
1 RMFN 2017-11-28
Race has no genetic factor?
1 groman31 2017-11-28
Weren't you just earlier complaining about Canadian and Mexican interbreeding?