FoxNews report today confirms that FBIAnon is/was real. And if FBIAnon is legit, it means Israel is behind ISIS and false flags.

314  2017-11-28 by psy_raven

Disclaimer: This is not my theory. It's posted on /pol/ right now and I figured I'd write a summary for those who are not familiar with the whole FBIAnon fiasco. I'm going to start from the beginning so that people who are completely out of the loop can follow. Unfortunately, that means a long post, sorry.

  1. On July 2, 2016, a poster on 4chan going by the ID FBIAnon posted that Hillary's email servers contained above top-secret information. He called it Special Access Program (SAP) which means that even top clearance does not get you access to these classified materials. You have to have a reason for getting read in. He claimed that Hillary Clinton had transferred some of this to her personal servers and would pay a heavy price for it. Here is the entire conversation of that night Now, as you know, nothing ever came of the email investigations by Comey. So, as usual, this was dismissed as larping.

  2. Just last night, November 27, 2017, news broke out on FoxNews that got some coverage, but it seems people didn't realize the whole implications of this story. Here it is: This story is about the former Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough III coming clean about how "emails BEYOND TOP SECRET LEVELS passed through her servers" (his exact words) This could refer to only one thing: SAP This means that the FBIAnon was absolutely legit. Read and listen to how he was threatened to stay silent on the SAP matter. It was a complete cover-up from the highest levels of the gov't.

  3. Now that we know that the FBIAnon was real, we have to go back to May 16, 2017. On that date, FBIAnon actually gave a Q&A session here : Now, if you didn't read the other two links, READ THIS ONE. It is mind blowing. Now one caveat. We don't know if this FBIAnon was the same one as the one on 4chan back in 2016. However, the site owners and the anon claims that he is the same.

  4. Okay. Let's look at the first question in the Q&A

TOM asked: The news is exploding that Trump shared intel with Russians from an “ally” in the middle east and the ally is very upset. This is in regards to an Isis plot regarding airplanes and laptops.

Do you remember this? I do. The media went in to a frenzy that Trump somehow leaked information to Putin concerning our ally. It was never revealed what the information was or who the ally was. NOW WE KNOW. Look at the FBIAnons answer:

A: The “ally” not being named is Israel, and they are mad as hell at Trump. Israel is furious because they got caught with their pants down. Lets get to the point. Isis was created by Israel and the US to weaken Iran and topple Assad. Billions in profits at stake. Israel has developed the technology to remote control airlines via laptops. A false flag was being prepared. Trump discussed it with Russian officials,exposing the “plot” McMaster pitched, and now all hell has broken loose. Trump did a wonderful thing in my opinion. We do not need anymore Isis false flags.

If Isis is eradicated, it will decrease CIA and DOD budgets, limit the amount of “support” Israel receives, and cause disruptions in the grand scheme to build a massive pipeline through Syria and ultimately cause the downfall of Iran and Russia. This is why “Isis” is being kept alive by the NWO. This is why such “bold” and “frightening” plots must be continually fed to the people. To justify larger budgets, and bigger hegemony.

Russia is actually our only hope, along with Trump, that this diabolical system can be broken, shattered, as JFK once said, into a thousand pieces and scattered to the wind.

The technology to remotely control and crash commercial airliners was developed by Unit 8200, the Israeli cyber command. Does any thinking person actually believe rag tag militants would have the know how and resources to develop this technology? Give me a break. While we are at it, you may want to see how close the Russian MetroJet 9268 was to Unit 8200 when it went down. Tensions between Israel and Russia continue to grow by the day. Putin knows every trick in the Israeli arsenal and he just happens to be a much better chess player than Netanyahu.

Is your mind blown yet? Let's go over all the bombshells here.

a. Hillary Clinton had SAP level emails go through her servers. The FBI knew about it. The Intelligence Community Inspector General knew about it. Comey suppressed it. Congress and Obama suppressed it. Now, it's all coming out.

b. The info Trump shared with Putin was a false flag attack planned by Israel. We don't know the exact details of the attack but from his words about remote controlled planes, it's obvious he's talking about a 9/11 style attack.

c. Literally every conspiracy that is discussed here on this sub, pay-to-play, pedophile, CIA drug-running, gun running, human trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering (etc.) network, plus Israel blackmail of US politicians ARE ALL TRUE according to the FBIAnon. Read the full Q&A linked above.

Some final thoughts. I now realize why Trump is cozying up with Saudi Arabia. Our greatest enemy is/was Israel all along. Wow. I'm done thinking for the day. I need a drink. Anybody got some scotch?


My mind is blown that people still give credibility to this shit...

Which part do you disagree with?

He is small minded, doesn't take much to blow it. Disregard him.

I mean:

If you actually knew about clearances you'd know that SAP has been talked about FOREVER decades before FBIAnon, Here

Israel is not mad at us, they are laughing all the way to the bank literally.

And lastly what man trying to get the truth out to people sits on a racist message board shitposting Trump fan fiction?

Ok now your turn.

Ok fair enough. My entire post is whether FBIAnon is legit or not. If he is, then everything he said needs to believed. If not, then dismiss it.

Read the actual FBIAnon posts of 2016. Read and listen to the Inspector interview of yesterday. The facts match perfectly. I understand that if this is not enough evidence for you. But for me, I'm getting there. I'm like 90% there now.

My entire post is whether FBIAnon is legit or not. If he is, then everything he said needs to believed

Even if FBIANon was legit insider, doesn't automatically mean that he is telling the truth or that he has no nefarious agenda.

Fair enough. I concede that point to you.

FBIAnon put in bad information on purpose to protect himself and have plausible deniability.. People will say oh of course, but if you start throwing out 100% accurate information it isn't hard to know where it comes from with how intelligence agencies compartmentalize information to track leakers.

Could be. But all I care about is the first post. Everything that comes after, like Q, is a crap to me. Why? Because if the original poster had intention to post again at a later time, it can be easily done with pgp encryption. Literally, he could post over and over again and prove that it's him. But, no one ever does that.

FBIAnon put in bad information on purpose to protect himself and have plausible deniability.

I've read this before and it's just a desperate attempt by fanboys to explain away problems with FBIAnon. You don't get plausible deniability by including false information in a leak because anyone can lie and thus it wouldn't exclude anyone from suspicion of being a whistleblower. Plus, including lies in your information immediately discredits you as a reliable source, and why would anyone trying to be a whistleblower do that? Face it, FBIAnon is just a fraud.

Your post is not "whether FBIANon is legit or not." Your post is literally that it is now confirmed that FBIAnon is real.

The first half is the theory that FBIAnon is legit because of what the Inspector has said last night. The second half delves into what it means IF FBIAnon is in fact legit. And it's not even my theory. As I stated above, I'm summarizing what's being discussed at pol. Why do you have such a problem with this?

You failed to explain how Hillary having SAP on her server isn't evidence of espionage at the very least. Good for you on googling SAP, now show us some logical thinking.

The part where your proof is basically nothing. One thing came to be correct ans now suddenly everything posted by someone (who might not of even been him) is legit?

I get this is the conspiracy sub, but have some self respect.

Insightful post, as per usual from you.

You and the other aptly named accounts are coming out the woodwork today.

Noticed that..

They don't take into account that these could be psyops too

HLI was the only one who didn't seem completely staged the full of shit to me. Q and FBI anon or HLI, there's no reason to really give these guys the benefit of the doubt because they really provide evidence.

Could also be a trap or distraction too to confuse the truth movement forum user base

It's about confirmation bias, not reality. "Q" is just some larper douchebag who sucks off alt-right republicans and then shits in the mouth of a bunch of 4chaners.

Alt-right douchebags, alt-left douchebags. 2 sad peas in the same pod, really.

Who is the alt-left? I haven't seen anyone from the left with cult like worship

Try saying something negative about HRC and the alt left will trickle out of the woodwork like a waterfall of wretched roaches.

You're still pretending the alt-left isn't a thing. The right is pretty terrible right now but I swear, liberals are literally the most delusional people on Earth...

paragraph that proves literally nothing

"So now we know he's real."


Almost every account I’ve looked at that is hyped about this and feeds into it also posts on the_donald so...yeah. This sub has become trash thanks to them, I seriously wish there was a way I could just block absolutely everything posted by anyone that’s posted on the_donald.

IIRC, Comey even said there was SAP classified material on her server yet still let her off the hook.

I hope the deleted emails get released someday soon but I'd bet most of it is classified as well.

How do you release deleted email?

Somebody has them. There were reports that Weiner's laptop has a copy of the server. It had very low security and the FBI said they were almost certain it was hacked by other countries.

No, there were no such reports. Weiners laptop had synced to Habadens phone at some point. Not Clintons server. The emails that were deleted... were deleted.

Oh really?

The sources told Dobbs that “at least five foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into the Clinton email server and did put national security at jeopardy.”

Weiner's laptop may contain thousands of emails linked to Clinton's private server: WSJ

The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server.

Yes, really.

The sources told Dobbs that “at least five foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into the Clinton email server and did put national security at jeopardy.”

Not "did." "Were able."

Weiner's laptop may contain thousands of emails linked to Clinton's private server: WSJ

Yes, which came from Huma's phone. Phones don't contain the whole content of an email server.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server.

Because they're from Abedin's phone.

You should apply for a job at CNN. You'd do well there..


Really? u/pee_tape is literally quoting your sources back at you and showing how you misrepresented them and you accuse him of spin?

Hacked by Imran Awan? And then sold?

He probably had a copy too.

Didn’t Trump just say something vague about a country we think is our friend is actually our enemy? I may be misremembering.

I remember that too

I dont know what you are talking about. Israel is probably in the strongest position they have been in their entire existence. Europe has always been on the fence about them but have gotten closer to the US, SA and Russia in the meantime. No to mention the right wing/military has a lot of popular support in the country. They could pave over the rest of the west bank no body would do a thing.

They could pave over the rest of the West Bank and no body would do a thing

I don't know if you have your head in the sand but Israels ability to do shit like that is because, and ONLY because, of their inorganic political support within the US. Every day that public opinion in the US sours towards Israel they lose their hegemonic power in the ME. And once again, I don't know if you have your head in the sand but that support is dying. Their detractors are becoming more and more vocal and emboldened, their supporters (or patsies rather) are becoming less and less able to convince their consistuencies of the ethical value in blindly supporting them. The younger Jewish generation in the US is far less able to stomach Israel (Netanyahu's Israel) policy. Even Obama, who's connected by the balls to Israeli lobby, gave a final fuck you to Netanyahu as a last gesture as president.

And you didn't respond to the possibility of revelations linking Mossad to ISIS and false flags, and how that would effect Israeli international support (which once again they rely on for their flexibility to commit war crimes)

This is not true

Also since their inception Israel has gone from a complete pariah in the middle east to now openly being allies with Egypt and SA. Really their only adversary in the region is Iran. I grant you that Obama was probably the most anti-Israel president we've ever had but now it seems we have the opposite again.

I'll go ahead and disregard that poll. After last election I've decided personally that my own personal judgment and interactions with real people are a better indicator of public opinion. And to clarify: I'm not saying the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to Israel as an entity. I'm saying we are overwhelmingly opposed to Israeli military policy, leadership (Netanyahu), but more than anything against our government being essentially at the service of the Israeli lobby. And once again the more transparency, the more revelations, the more emboldened that critics of this become (and the more of them that are in positions of power), the more overwhelming that sentiment will become. I can't show you a pill to "prove" that but go outside and ask informed people what they think of the Israel/Palestine situation, what they think of Netanyahu, and what they think of the Israeli lobby's influence in our country.

I do agree that Trump is most undoubtedly pro Israeli (as was Obama btw). But you can be pro Israel and anti Netanyahu. Pro Israel and anti Mossad. Believe it or not.

Finally, once again, if revelations were to make it to the surface that Mossad played a part in any false flags, or had any support for ISIS (interesting to me that ISIS has never had a problem with Israel and vice versa- very odd for a "Muslim extremist" group),

Then you can bet your life that Netanyahus reign is over. Once again I think these investigations were primed for what some in Israel must feel is inevitable.

Anyway I have no polls. Just a sense of what fellow Americans feel. And a real sense that we are going to be learning a lot of dirty secrets that will negatively implicate elements of Israel vs American interests

In that part of the world public opinion doesnt mean a whole lot. Of course Netanyahus wont last forever, he is an elected official. I'm just saying at the moment the all the dictatorial/militaristic figures in the world seem to be aligning and supporting each other and have public opinion behind them. Israel will continue with settlements at full pace with no repercussion. Russia will continue to destabilize Ukraine with no repercussion. If SA feels threatened enough they will start a larger conflict with Iran and the US and Israel will back them.

Your friends might see things for what they are but most people arent informed. They see Israel for the only semi civilized place in sea of chaos which it kind of is. Also the christian base will always blindly support Israel. Unless hard undeniable proof that they are propping up terror organizations is reviled American support will never drop below %60.

Yes he did! It was a tweet, something about allies turning on you and you'll see very soon or something. But I just had a look for it on his feed and can't find it.

More secret codes language from trump?

Not buying it

As you shouldn't. All we can do either way is wait and see.

He was speaking to a crowd, and apparently he was talking directly to some kid in the front when he said that bit.

He was trying to teach the kid a life lesson.

Is him saying that supposed to prove or support something? It’s about as vague as possible and an extremely safe prediction. Someone we think is our buddy isn’t!! Freakin Nostradamus over here.


When he met with the coast guards last week.

great post. upboated.

Imagine complaining that a person that high in government having top secret information. So it basically comes down to feels about the private server which has proved to be more secure than government ones at this point.

I agree though that Israel deserves more scrutiny. And cozying up to SA is a good thing? Really? If ya'll really believed that stuff you'd support Iran.

So it basically comes down to feels about the private server which has proved to be more secure than government ones at this point

consider my record corrected haha

Consider my "the" Donald. Haha

you're not even good at this

And calling opinions you don't like correct the record is such a good strategy. It actually works.

saying hillary's unsecured bathroom server was more secure than government servers meant for classified information is a ludicrous falsehood not an opinion

If those emails were SAP, as has been reported, she wasn't allowed to have them off of the secure (not connected to the net) servers. It is espionage and treason. Who gave them to her? They would not even be allowed on a govt server if they were SAP. They are offline and at a secure location, for viewing only.

FoxNews reported it in Jan 2016 (= before FBIAnon):

EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton's emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government's most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers.

Fox News exclusively obtained the unclassified letter, sent Jan. 14 from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III. It laid out the findings of a recent comprehensive review by intelligence agencies that identified "several dozen" additional classified emails -- including specific intelligence known as "special access programs" (SAP).

That indicates a level of classification beyond even “top secret,” the label previously given to two emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate’s handling of the government’s closely held secrets.

Ok nice catch. You just lowered my belief in FBIAnon by 40%. LOL. Now I'm at 50% believer.


If you read HLI, you would know why Comey was powerless.

Oh I'm aware that Comey was forced. But I also believe they really didn't have to twist his arm too hard to go along. His written notes exonerating Hilary even before the investigation concluded tells me 1. He had no choice and 2. he was going to play ball.

Why are my replies that are actually agreeing with you getting downvoted while you get upvoted? Hmm...

I downvote anyone that whines about downvotes. Enjoy another one!

Because you are a proven shill that is only concerned with why your follow up posts are being downvoted. Your original post is still unedited and pushing misinformation. Stop complaining because you got called out.

Removed. Rule 10

I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water, they turn the freakin frogs gay

You should probably edit the OG post, then. It'd be disingenuous otherwise. Plenty of people may read your initial blurb and not go any farther. That may be the reason for the DVs.

Good catch, thanks for ruining the fun :( haha

LOL, the fact that the story has re-emerged might mean someone's fun will be ruined indeed

This isn't a thing lol. Every time I see you dumbasses saying "oh man theyre posting about Hillary again, must mean something is coming for Trump" nothing fucking happens lmao. Republicans are getting pretty bad but liberals are/have been just living in an absolute fantasy.

The last time a 'new' Hilary scandal came out, 2 indictments were unsealed and a co-operative witness that had been working with the Trump admin undercover was revealed...

So again, let's see what's actually going to happen now that this is being pushed.

Also worth noting that it was widely reported back in May that the intelligence Trump shared with the Russian foreign minister was from Israel. e.g., 1, 2 3

I still think this is interesting, but neither the SAP thing nor naming Israel as the source were new developments showing insider access.

Yes it is common knowledge the laptop security threat was from Israel but this is implying Israel was in on the threat and not just simply aware of it. Stark contrast imo

True, but there's no confirmation of that. Could have just been speculation based on public knowledge.

4plebs Archive Archive








FbiAnon posts. He may have known about SAP's from the january report, but how does that explain away him knowing about both Clinton investigations? He knew about the e-mail one and the Clinton Foundation investigation. Which is still ongoing and folks are dead silent on it for a reason. I believe that Mueller is really the Trojan horse to investigate the election, Russia, and The Clinton Foundation.

Either that or they are just distracting us again while they prepare for things to pop off in the middle east. Israel and Iran can't wait to launch missiles at each other. Israel is very worried though ever since ISIS got crushed. They are asking for another billion dollars in aid.

People were talking about how they should investigate CF constantly back then. If i was going to LARP as a conservative, that would be day one shit

Okay, I never say this but this time I can't help it. Every single comment I post is being downvoted even if I'm saying "ok, this part of my original post is wrong". Why? Because I'm the OP. And I broke the sacred rule of Reddit. Never speak badly of Hillary. Jeez, they are out in force tonight.

You posted a theory without even checking your own sources. People are downvoting you for spreading misinformation

Why do you say that? I have links to every claim I make. Regardless, I'm denouncing my original post. Yet they still downvote me. Are you retarded? Are you mentally ill? Do you not see what's happening here?

I'm denouncing my original post. Yet they still downvote me

bc you havent edited your post with the new information. Most people don't check the comments so the majority of the people who see this wont know you are denouncing it. Honestly you should just delete it since now you know its incorrect and there isnt a point to continue to spread false information

First of all, Fuck You. Second of all, hell no am I deleting my comments. It's absolute proof that even if an OP reverses his opinion, the shills are out to get him.

Yeah. Fuck you. You want me to retract on my words simply because I'm getting downvoted on Reddit? ??? REALLY???? You're about the stupidest person I've ever seen.

First of all, Fuck You


You want me to retract on my words simply because I'm getting downvoted on Reddit?

I'd like you to retract your words because they were proven false. You are literally proven wrong. Why participate in spreading fake news?

Well now you're going to be downvoted more because of that tone

Guess the mods are for spreading false info

You posted a theory without even checking your own sources

could you elaborate upon this please and as to why so many people agree with you about it?

the fox news article came before the 4chan post. That means that the 4chan leaker release no new information. OP is trying to say that the fox news legitimizes the 4chan "leaker". If he only checked the dates then he would've known this was not true.

ahh ... thanks

Ya. The mods let this sub get brigaded. Remember the last mod shuffle?

Has nothing to do with Hillary pal, who gives a shit about that asshole? You shit the bed, and are doubling down on it and deflecting. That’s why people are down voting you

troll bots are in full force this means you did a good job have a cookie

The entire premise of your post is wrong. Hence the downvotes. Doubling down by calling everyone shills isn't helping either.

...No, it's not the Hillary bit, it's the You Were Wrong bit. Edit the OG post, and fortune will turn.

The whole things is more made up 4Chan BS. Delete the post.

Stop worrying about funny downvotes and focus on the server issue. Per MegaAnon, WikiLeaks has:

"the Weiner files the NYPD mirrored/retained as evidence before handing the hardware to the FBI. Some of the files are pizza-coded creepy, just like Podesta's don't get me wrong but, the NYPD recovered ALL of the files on Weiner/Huma's computer, which in their majority, are directly tied to ALL of Hillary's dirty Secretary of State Middle East dealings and her backdoor foundation profits thanks to hundreds of millions in cashed payroll checks for their dirty "cooperation". Yes, the pizza will burn, but she will ultimately go down for the shade she threw to our nation, as our Secretary of State."

Great post, OP

Thank you!

No it's not- he's retracted it and hasn't edit his OP. look through the threads.

Great post, thanks op.

My only criticism is in your very last statement:

Some final thoughts. I now realize why Trump is cozying up with Saudi Arabia. Our greatest enemy is/was Israel all along.

While I do agree that Israel is not what it seems, I'm not sure Saudi Arabia is our white knight. It's encouraging to see that some of their elites, who have allegedly supported extremism in the past, are being rounded up and dealt with. But, I am still quite skeptical of them.

However, I will remain hopeful that they have turned a corner and we can work together with them to help make things better.

Agreed. There are no real allies. Just convenient teams that last as long as necessary.

Interesting. I guess the question now is how the deep state would react?

No it's not- he's retracted it and hasn't edit his OP. look through the threads.

Fox News ...

You may not like/believe Fox News and I understand that. But the Inspector is legit. And it's his words that are important, not what Fox is spinning. Just my 2 cents.

First, her having SAP level info on her emails has been talked about before "FBIAnon" said it. Even on MSM.

His predictions;

What are the chances of an indictment before the election?

Before the Clinton-Lynch meeting; I would have said 0%. Now it looks more likely because the public now sees the Clintons trying to cover their asses. More questions will add pressure for the investigation to continue.

It ended up not happening.

Trump has some files as well, and likely plans to leak them and use them to his advantage soon.

Didnt happen.

Bill Clinton will likely die this year

Didnt happen

If Trump wins, HRC will be prosecuted. I have heard rumors christie will be his AG, and Micheal Flynn will be his VP pick.

I am confident if Trmp wins she will be going to jail.

None of those happened.

Comey will likely resign in any case

He was fired.

He's a LARP. And OP is part of the problem.

Hold on bro. I believe those predictions came later, no? I have a rule about Anon drops. Only the first one has even a remote chance of being legit. All that comes afterwards is pure garbage and should be ignored.

Hold on for what? By your own admission this anon should be ignored. What is going on in this sub???

I'm saying the predictions by FBIAnon that didn't come true weren't in his first post. That all those were made at a later date and, to me, those later posts are ALWAYS larpers. Like I said, there's probably 1% chance that the original drops are legit. The rest that follows are all fake.

Everything that person just quoted was from your first link, the July 2016 posts from FBIAnon.

The post is about FBIAnon. Fox News just happened to report what the Inspector had to say. That's all.

ISIS definitely, US domestic false flags and hoaxes are US TLA paid for and contractor done. plausible deniability etc.

Just because it's confirmed that clinton had above top secret info on her servers DOES NOT MEAN necessary that they were SAPs. And it CERTAINLY does not mean FBIanon was legit or who he says he was or that he was not a larp.

Someone Confirming there were above TS info one a server doesn't mean that they are automatically SAPs. And using this to confirm FBIanon is just tenuous at best.

Then what is above top secret if it's not SAPs?

Well let's get some things about TS clearances straight. If something is top secret, you only have access to it if you have a need to know. For example, the secretary of energy has a TS clearabce, but he can't just walk into the DoD and ask to see whatever he wants. He has to have clearance to do so. So any information that only a small handful of people have access to would be Considered above top secret. Saps are the same way. Clearance isn't enough, you have to have a need to know.

So Hillary broke no laws. Right? That's what you're saying?

What?!?! How did you get that from what I said?!?! You know what? Don't answer that. And no, that definitely NOT what I was saying. I was saying SAPS aren't the only thing that you could consider "above top secret".

Wasn't it reported that the information was SAP's though? The question I have is, Who took those emails off the (not connected to the internet SAP servers.) and gave them to Hillary? IF they indeed are SAP level, this is treason/espionage, literally.

I don't remember them being SAPs specifically. But it still would t surprise me.

And that is a very good question to ask. She wouldn't have access to SAPs, so who have her access? Why is nobody asking that? Nobody is asking that in Congress or in the conspiracy community. Why not? My guess is its someone very high up that everyone agreed should be protected, which would explain why she never went to jail. Of she goes to jail, they would start looking at who gave her access, and they just can't have that.

Look at these articles, referencing SAP's: and on.

I really wonder if this is the straw that breaks Hillary's back. I'm just not sure if all SAP's are created the same, so hopefully some work is done here. Too many great researchers for this to have skipped them imo. Fair enough though, regarding your last few points with "very high up"...

a poster on 4chan going by the ID FBIAnon

Literally all I read.

You are very worthy, therefore I very upvote you.

FBIAnon is the only 4channer "in the system" who appeared to possibly be real, due to the educated answers but more importantly the "check back at 11am" and the strange twitter activity from the FBI's vault twitter page.

ISreal IS ISIS?!

Isis= Isreal=Is real



I now realize why Trump is cozying up with Saudi Arabia. Our greatest enemy is/was Israel all along.

Huh? Israel and SA are super close friends with extremely deep economic and military ties. They share the same common goals.

Much has changed since FBI Anon 2016.

Saudi Arabia has a new government.

Xi Jinping is supreme ruler of China.

The Podesta Group is closed. In America there are thousands of sealed indictments around the country, and sex offenders falling from power.

Uh... Doesn't Israel already have a well documented history of false flags dating back to its inception?


Yeah, this is the big one I was thinking of:

Come on. Noam Chomsky spreads this shit in all his books, it's common knowledge but not well covered in the news.

Nice try shills.

You are using a bunch of phrases that I do not think you know what they mean.

You must be another who's entire political experience was developped during gamergate and now think he's being clever. You need to lurk more.

this is r/fellowkids material

Fucking LOL


bot with a chain of keywords

Yeah. Even the response made no sense

why is your account only a month old? what happened to your account before this?

Russian Shills?

Its so cliche and unoriginal.

Fbianon=Anthony Weiner. He is a heroic genius whistleblower that found a loophole through dick pics

From behind bars no less.

And remember Vault 7 anyone? CIA can hijack cars, planes, modems, routers, phones, tv's, and your fucking fridge!

So are we supposed to believe everything the MSM giant FOX says?

He's supposed to testify

I don't remember seeing anything from FBIAnon that I disagreed with. But it was a while ago.

If this all turns out to be right and happen, I'll ship you a few bottles.

Our greatest enemy is/was Israel all along.


The bigger question is, who took the SAP information off the servers (they are secure I have heard, not on the regular internet.) and gave them to Clinton? This is literally espionage and treason.

Saudi Arabia and Israel are allies. Look at what is going on now with Hezbollah and Lebanon. Hezbollah, along with Syria, is an ally of Iran. Saudi and Israel share the same interests in the region; to destroy Iran and achieve hegemony. Some say the Saudi royal family are descendants of Jews... all I know is that they fund an awful lot of terrorism

Yes. I agree. But I'm thinking Saudi and Israel relationship is beginning to sour since Trump's election. Hence, I made that last statement.

I believe it is strengthening actually. Take a look at the events in Lebanon within the last 2 weeks and the forced resignation of Saad Hariri.

I guess we will find out in the years to come

Mind blown

No, there were no such reports. Weiners laptop had synced to Habadens phone at some point. Not Clintons server. The emails that were deleted... were deleted.

Hacked by Imran Awan? And then sold?

He probably had a copy too.

Consider my "the" Donald. Haha

They could pave over the rest of the West Bank and no body would do a thing

I don't know if you have your head in the sand but Israels ability to do shit like that is because, and ONLY because, of their inorganic political support within the US. Every day that public opinion in the US sours towards Israel they lose their hegemonic power in the ME. And once again, I don't know if you have your head in the sand but that support is dying. Their detractors are becoming more and more vocal and emboldened, their supporters (or patsies rather) are becoming less and less able to convince their consistuencies of the ethical value in blindly supporting them. The younger Jewish generation in the US is far less able to stomach Israel (Netanyahu's Israel) policy. Even Obama, who's connected by the balls to Israeli lobby, gave a final fuck you to Netanyahu as a last gesture as president.

And you didn't respond to the possibility of revelations linking Mossad to ISIS and false flags, and how that would effect Israeli international support (which once again they rely on for their flexibility to commit war crimes)

What?!?! How did you get that from what I said?!?! You know what? Don't answer that. And no, that definitely NOT what I was saying. I was saying SAPS aren't the only thing that you could consider "above top secret".