Just wanted to bring this up regarding Elsagate

39  2017-11-29 by Deathbytiger

I've found a group of people who make Elsagate videos or videos just as disgusting. Let's start with the company making them https://www.viralbrothers.cz

Created by Erik Meldik and Čeněk Stýblo

It looks like they make prank videos but in the last year they started making Elsagate videos.

Then you have mama domisha https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSRlb1dm79tom9_f5eCeV6A

Who has a child with Erik and in my opinion, that baby doesn't look happy. Together they made videos featuring their baby, which have been taken down from their main accounts. https://imgur.com/gallery/rmg6I

Until I found https://www.youtube.com/user/elhambirkia

It looks like these accounts are creating back up accounts and reuploading the videos. Keep checking the "related channels" section or just type in superhero/Spiderman. I don't think these videos are going to go away.

Back to Domisha and Erik. You can easily find Erik on LinkedIn and from there you can find Domisha's. She happens to be an account manager at https://www.bosbank.pl/, a very large bank in Poland. And not sure if this is related at all, but that bank founded https://www.fundacjabos.pl , on their Wikipedia it says "the Foundation has been conducting educational projects to promote healthy nutrition, physical activities and ecology, which engages over 200,000 Polish children, youngsters, teachers, and parents."

Let me know your thoughts.


This is some impressive investigative work.

First off, there have been other examples of child abuse being put on youtube for views. Any individual running a channel that features violence or vulgarity featuring children should be looked into.

Secondly, it seems as if there is a group of people doing this collectively. Its not just a fad, its as if there have been directives to put this vulgar content out there.

There are a ton of pedogate tie ins to this stuff, and when you connect the creators of these videos to the world banking system, then you have some serious juice. If they are being used for pedo purposes, then connecting a non-profit directed at interacting with children to a creator of these videos is damning.

This banking couple was originally unmasked by Honeybee on YT. Kinda disingenuous of OP to claim this as their work but I guess it's the info that's important.

This is true and I'm not trying to credit myself, just bringing this to attention. I don't remember her bringing up backup accounts or Cenek Styblo.

True. To your credit you added much to the subject, apologies for nitpicking.

MK & /u/deathbytiger & /u/danisswell - do either of y'all have a list of elsagate vids & any time to look at the codes boingboing is talking about? I am wondering if they have codes that make it *easier* to find or any other pattern. I'm on mobile so tis hard to dig in. Or, where else might there be keen researchers?


I was just going to point out the same thing about honey bee. She researched and found this info, made the YouTube video, proving their identities, and you tube took her video down.

If what they were doing was so secretive and insidious, would they have linkedin pages?

yes, and apparently some people believe them in that basis alone

some people believe them in that basis alone

Are you saying that having a linkedin page means you're a bad person or a pedophile? What?

not sure why the confusion, Im saying that just having social media pages is no measure of anybody's trustworthiness, some people say "he even has a linkedin" like is a virtue on its own

Basically 50% or more of "Foundations" saying they are for a certain cause , they are ACTIVELY participating in the opposite of it.

Wasn't the bradberry brothers the first to start this stuff? I remember h3 had a thing about it a long time ago.

Yes! And h3 has been talking about elsagate a lot but when he had the bradberry brothers on the podcast they showed up in they're Spider-Man costume and Ethan just threw them softball questions.

So we literally have to go to Poland to get this stopped? Its apperent youtube is complicit in this, they wont stop them