Conspiracy theories are all fun and games until...

0  2017-11-30 by [deleted]



Lmao! Epic post. Hilarious.

no i'm seriously SO mad

Don't get mad, get knowledge...

Eh it's a new concept to me, care to share why you believe it happened?

why bother?

Because He Asked you a Direct fucking Question about the Subject of your Bitching & Moaning, he wants to engage in meaningful conversation and learn why you feel this way. As do i

Why do I believe the holocaust happened? Are you fricking serious?! and I don't think you want to have meaningful conversation when you describe my serious concern as 'bitching & moaning' f off

Why do I believe the holocaust happened? Are you fricking serious?!

Yeah simple question isn't it, surely you should be capable of answering our question then

I don't think you want to have meaningful conversation when you describe my serious concern as 'bitching & moaning'

What else would we call it, you clearly didn't post content on the intent of it leading to meaningful discussion & all of your ranting & raving didn't contribute to anything

he believes it happened because thats what they taught him on teeeeveeee!

Take a deep breath and just answer man. And fyi, I think the holocaust happened. I used to have the same attitude as you even. But someone asked me that ridiculous question one day. And I reached for that answer. And in doing so I realized some interesting things about the quality of what I really know.

Exactly, The Fact that even questioning the official story is illegal in most of Europe should be a immediate Red Flag

Why should history be off-limits?

okay lol i'll answer. I think it happened because I went to the Camp in Dachau and what I saw was insane. I also got to speak with Holocaust survivors after they told me their stories. I believe these old Ladies and that's why I believe the Holocaust happened.

So why don't you tell him? Those are believable reasons.

i did with this

also, you do realize 'why bother' was a joke because of his name... but oh well

Obviously your ability at humor is bad, and needs work

Do you really question whether the holocaust happened? There's testimony, witnesses and confessions.

Concentration camps were liberated, there are pictures and movies. You can even visit the camps.

I can stomach a lot of bullshit conspiracies but denying the holocaust isn't one of them. I have family that experienced the brutality of the Nazi regime first hand via torture and V2 rockets falling on their neighbourhood. It really pisses me off.

I do believe it happened, what i question though is everything else surrounding it


I'm not a Holocaust denier, at least not how one would think a Holocaust denial would be. One can be labeled a Holocaust denier if they suggest anything that isn't the main stream numbers of jews dying. For instance, years ago I had a comment removed from reddit for Holocaust denial for sourcing a new study shows there were more camps and possibly a larger number of jews who died. Now don't get me wrong, I realize it's not denial, but the way the label is thrown around, it's hard to have a conversation and it also seems like it make the actual number of people who don't believe it actually happened to be larger than it is.

Well I guess that is the problem here.. I never said the Holocaust happened the way the media portrays it. All I said was it DID happen and people that say it didn't are dumb.

For sure, totally agree, but if you listen to some of the people who have been labeled holocaust denialers, they aren't denying it happened, but are pointing to issues with the numbers or how it all went down. I omly learned this by hearing an interview with someone labeled as a denier but was argueing various aspects of the holocaust. I stay away from it because it's such a hostile topic, but when I had that label thrown my way, I saw shocked and made me start wondering what these "deniers" were saying... and it's all over the map, from nothing happened to, they weren't killing jews in mass, to even pointing out the other 11 million killed who aren't jews.

I want to know how you survive multiple "extermination" camps. Now... work/internment camps I could understand ;)

I don't know what you people learn in school or on the internet - I never once heard any of my teachers say that there were extermination camps. Like what is your point?

It's pretty well known that, that was the name given to various camps. I'm starting to suspect your not being genuine, here...

your source is wikipedia lmao? I'm sorry they didn't teach me wiki articles

Well, it was just one example I got from searching "extermination camps". Here, is this better?

yes thank you, way better. I guess my history teacher was woke enough, because he did tell us that a lot of 'facts' aren't true or known, e.g. the number of deaths. That is probably why we didn't talk about extermination camps per se.

You don't trust wiki as a source? Do you need a non moderated blog or something?
Here's the flame bro. Encyclopedia fucking brittanica.

LOL FOR REAL who trusts wikipedia?

This might be a history mods alt. Fishing for undesirable to ban. Either that or I got banned for asking why National Geographic is obsessed with Jesus.

It's so weird like when do you get to claim death camp. I lost multiple family members in Japanese run camps in Indonesia and probably a lot more in the British camps in South Africa during the boar war. Nobody ever says the Dutch were genocided.

Well, "Holocaust" means:

  • a sacrifice - consumed by fire

You cannot have a Holocaust™️ with out "extermination camps", now can you? No business, like the Shoah business...

The issue has never been if it happened or not, anyone who out right says it didn't happen is a idiot follower just like the people who think either side of the 9/11 coin. LOOK DEEPER. These are the distraction from the real facts.

dude I know not everything they tell you about the holocaust is real but I'm legit arguing with somebody right now that says it never happened. lol

don't agree with them, it's some troll shit like flat earth. Meth is a hell of a drug.

if you want the truth in this matter then there are some events that happened before the holocaust you need to know about. first is that during ww1 germany was all set for victory against britain, but the zionist jews of europe decided to screw over germany. even though germany had a lot of jewish citizens living happy lives. in fact the jews of germany owned 49% of the economy and most of the major banks! what the zionist did was make a deal with britain, if they could bring america into the war using propaganda(jews owned most of the major news publications in the u.s. and still do) as britains ally, in return upon victory britain would give the jews palestine, a land already occupied by 90% arab race. it's called the balfour declaration. after germany lost the war the people held ill favor toward the jews who they felt betrayed them... so in the up coming election the people chose to let the nazi party govern them because of their promise to evacuate the jewish from their country and give it back to the germans. upon the nazi victory in the election the zionist jews decided to declare war on germany.. and start a smear campaign against germany using propaganda from all of their news publications in the u.s. and europe., also see.. final solution was to take all the jews in germany to madagascar, really, you can here an expert on this here.. starting around the 16 min mark. knowing these things that are never taught in schools or seen in media it paints completely different picture of ww2 than we knew. but there's more.... hitlers concentration camps. these were nothing more than prison/labor camps. the same as those the u.s. had for the japanese during ww2 actually the german made camps were faaarr superior than the u.s.s's camps. the propaganda machine aka jewish zionist and their influence decided it would be better to portray these camps as deathcamps and make up the lie of an extermination plan to appear as the victoms of ww2's germans, when in fact everything was their fault. for a far more detailed look on these "death" camps .... all evidence and footage is propaganda at its finest. nothing more than an unfortunate typhus outbreak and in some camps there was starving due to the food rations being cut off by the allies effort to disrupt nazi activities. there is a lot more to this but i'll stop at this.

Question everything except for what makes you uncomfortable!

I know that a lot of things don't add up, but it DID happen. It doesn't matter if less people died or whatever y'all are saying. What happened was cruel and terrible.


OP obviously borrowed the Time Travel Device from Chrono Trigger, and traveled back to experience the Holocaust

Three old Ladies that told me their story of surviving concentration camps.

How did this Conversation go exactly, what did they tell you? Details are Important!

Okay I can do one (its 4am i gotta sleep soon)

Every year at my old school (Gymnasium Immensee, if anybody wants to check) the german teachers get survivors to speak on Holocaust day.

One of them was Marija, First she and her Mom got deported to Ravensbrück. When they got there, her Mom lied about her age so Marija could stay with her, she told the officers M was 9 years old but because M was so young she doesn't actually know her age or her birthday. Marija said that Girls that were too young were sent the other way (she said, they killed them probably but she wasn't sure) because small kids were not able to work and would only take space and food. She said she hated it there, when she got there they took her doll. She asked the Officer if she could keep it and he yelled at her, ever since that she was really scared. They would yell at them and beat them, even children. After a while they were deported to Birkenau where her Mother got really sick, her mother was in the hospital part (idk in english) and Marija would visit her whenever she could. But it was winter and it was really cold and apparently the sick people did not get a lot of food. At one point Marija realized her Mom was dying (she was 10 by then) she ran outside to an officer and asked for help. The officer looked at her, laughed and said "Soll sie doch verrecken!" ("she should just die", in a mean way) Marija was so empty, she said. Behind the hospital, there was a pile of dead people and they threw her Mom on there like she was dirt. Marija would visit her dead (!!!!) Mom every day behind the hospital but soon it got warmer and they had to remove the bodies because of smell and stuff. She also said that despite it being so horrible, the people inside her Baracke were nice and they sang songs with the younger ones and taught them stuff. Marija was a lone and all she saw around her was death and despair. Then one day all the kids got called outside and the Angel of Death (Dr. Mengele) was standing there, he was looking at all the kids and was choosing some of them. She said he stepped in front of her and she looked into the devils eyes, she was so scared. He wanted to pick her but she took all her strenght and said to his face "No! I'm strong enough to work" He nodded and walked past. (I cant believe a 10/11 yo girl stood up in front of Josef Mengele)

Some time passed and Marija discovered a hole in the fence behind a Baracke. She said that she knew if she was going to get caught, they would shoot her. But she didn't care anymore, she had already lost everything. Her parents, her siblings, she was alone. So she snuck out and she made it! She said she ran through the forest for days until she got to a barn. She got inside the barn and M said there was a cow that was really nice to her. She said that Animals are more humane than humans. The cow let her drink some milk and gave her warmth to sleep. After 2 days she was discovered by the farmer, but he gave her a place to stay because she was so young and so skinny, she was almost dead. But she made it through with the help of that farmer I don't really remember what happened after that but I hope this is enough. I was crying the whole time she told her story, it was really emotional.

There, now there's something we can work with, thank you, appreciate this

you're welcome

That's quite an interesting story. I can't imagine having to go through something like that. I heard this reasoning though once, can't remember where I heard it though, but goes like this: the inmates were a workforce on the cheap, so it would have been in the Nazis interests to keep them alive. Don't know how true it is, but it seemed to make sense to me.

Ooh. I just thought of another one!

How many Nazis does it take to keep three young jewish girls locked in a gas chamber?

beating a dead horse

i know i made a BIG mistake with this post..

I'm not sure what a holocaust is, but it does remind me of a joke I just made up.

What do you call an extermination program that increases the population of the people it's trying to exterminate?


it's not that it didn't happen but the numbers arent really adding up

Holy jesus OP how old are you?


Well 30 must be the new 19.

wow somebody thinks they know it all

Lick your wounds kid.

What if the holocaust was really just a big excuse to round up a shit ton of people and do crazy experiments on them? What if that's why our technology got super advanced right after that time? What if I smoke way too much weed?

The experiments definitely helped our technology and human understanding. The kind of experiments they did really make me shiver, it's out of a horror story

Or ban these people from this sub?

So you want an echo chamber then? You only want people who share the same ideas as you here? I sure as hell don't. How do you learn and grow then?

I rarely see any deniers, rather it's people who question how many people actually died in the holocaust.