Call me Crazy

0  2017-11-30 by [deleted]



Care to elaborate more on what he told you ?

In the early 90's because he was so great at math, they dragged his ass down to JPL, NASA , think brain drain from CA. He was eating lunch with a bunch of folks that he was working with and a bunch of military types (his words). One kid jokingly talked about the dark side of the moon as a haven for weird things. That kid was not at the next meeting. H.A. thought it was weird.

CAT = Computer Aided Tomography was discovered by applying the Fourier Transform with the video signals from scanning a felines eyeball,... CRDC sponsored research at UWO. This dude made the finding, got his PH.D and got dragged into other weird thing. I was just his friend and he laid some heavy shit on me.

Was there a heritage moment done on this guy?

heritage moment

you lost me.

Inside Canuck joke... Canadian government historical propaganda TV commerials about significant developments in Canada's glorious past. Not the sort of education you either want or need your taxes being spent on in that manner but unfortunately wind up getting.

You mean like a CBC Canada Heritage Moment? No. He was still an undergrad and they kinda scooped it from him.. his words.

Yessum. Ah neat!

He must have taught you allot I'm sure.

Not taught per say just mentioned some weird things that make a bit more sense now.

How many allots?


He was a great friend, but full blown alcoholic, a real maggot when drunk. He worked from home allot and had access to satellite telemetry through the Uni. in the early 90's. I need to get this off my chest before I die of debauchery as well.

I am bored, I am a finance lawyer in china

What in particular did your friend say or do that impressed or concerned you

Well bouncing signals off a the ionosphere and killing cows (accidently) in a New Jersey field a fuck tonne away came to mind.

What was the originator of the signals?

Big difference between claiming to kill a cow with a radio wave or a microwave

I think Radio OB. is self explanatory.

The intention of the signal bounce was a transfer of data,information what ever you wish to call it. They missed and fried a herd of cows.

The intention of the signal bounce was a transfer of data,information what ever you wish to call it. They missed and fried a herd of cows.

Yeah, I doubt that, you can’t fry a cows head with radio waves

It’s more likely that he was drunk and was confusing a microwave transmission- which does not transfer data but does transfer energy

Anything else?

Hmm. Read the thesis I posted and get back to me.

And your association with this is valadiated from what ? My dude had a Ph.D. handed to him to make him be quiet.

Are you saying that microwaves are not used to transmit data?

HE worked allot up in nothern ON at Algonquin Radio Observatory

What did he say?

So what were 3 of the more out-there subjects this guy would talk about concerning his position? What revelations make more sense now?

  1. The smart ass kid getting canned for the far side of the moon quip.

You're crazy.