To all the former Trump supporters who've woken up and realized he's actually not a people's president and instead a president for all his billionaire and millionaire friends. You've basically left a cult, and I applaud you.

40  2017-11-30 by 3Msleep

Edit: the weirdest thing... I had up to about 60 pts, and now back down to 25? Seems like i got heavily brigaded. But from where...

I personally know dozens of former Trump supporters.

You saw through all the Russian troll posts.

You saw through all the lies that Trump & Co. is.

You left a cult, something you had invested a lot of time, money, and given up friends and family to pursue.

I've left a cult before.

It was painful.

I couldn't believe i had been deceived by the cult leaders.

Their conspiracies to brainwash us, and turn us into lifelong believers were the very poison we had thought we were fighting against.

I applaud every one of you.

As a former cult follower, i know your pain. You're not alone. You are still strong.



You again lol


No idea who that is but I see I upvoted a couple comments of his apparently

To all the former Trump supporters



I personally know dozens of friends and family who don't support him anymore.

“There are dozens of us!”

Must be crowded in his mind, holy shit

rent free

Quality shit post though.

gotta love the easily fooled...(in regards to the poison the MSM feeds them)

There is R/Trumpgret subreddit and his approval rating is extremely low. Of the 20 some odd people I know that voted for Trump there is 2 who are still okay with him, they're both slowly being disenfranchised as well.

If you ever even attempted to disprove your own beliefs maybe you would understand why he's not going to do anything to help you, but this is Reddit so I assume not. Just, man, try to keep it together when he's Impeached next year okay? Maybe practice counting backward from 10, that helps a lot.

Impeached lololol

You guys are hilarious. Go good something productive.

Some people think that Pence is Trump's get-out-of-impeachment card, since nobody wants a Pence presidency.

Well I'm caught up at trying to get you to understand the issues facing America is pretty productive I'd say.

Nah, you dot

And? Who gives a fuck? People change their minds for all sorts of reasons.

Your username... what do you know about molybdenum super alloys

That the USGS tried to hide the fact it melted during the World Trade Center fire

That the USGS tried to hide the fact it melted during the World Trade Center fire

that is absolutely false. they found a microscopic particle of molybdenum in some dust.

guess what? 316 structural steel (which the towers were made of) is an alloy that contains molybdenum. that's where it came from. it wasn't like a big chunk of the stuff that melted into a puddle of something.

Surely r/trumpgret isn't just filled with crybaby Hillary supporters

Mostly ShareBlue shills and Hillary supporters patting each other on the back over there.

The guy who writes comments like "Fuck Jesus" and "Fuck the Bible," climbs down from his high horseshit to condescendingly compliment a presumed segment of the community in the most backhanded of ways. Waste.

That sums it up pretty well.

Fuck the Bible isn't out of line. Bunch of power hungry monks slapped some fan fiction together and called it holy. It was a political tool.

You wanna say that about the quran too, pussy? Nah, that won't look too good for your identity politics.

Fuck the Quran, fuck the Bible. Hell, even fuck the Bagavadh Gita while we’re at it.

It’s really not a tough thing to say.

Fuck the bible, fuck the quran, fuck the talmud, fuck all religious bullshit.... better??? :)

Lol. The Qur'an has the exact same problem as the bible I described except ten fold.

Love how your so entrenched in identity politics that you projected that on me.

Fite me irl, pussy.

Such tribalism.


Religion is not compatible with the modern world. Just get over it and move on or keep your fantasies in a church. You're entitled to them, but you are not entitled to us all coddling you and your ancient superstitions.

Talk about projection

nice whataboutism there hannity.

you gonna light up a tiki-torch because someone said "happy holidays" as well?


Make up bullshit identity politics jabs all you want. Fuck Trump, fuck christianity, fuck islam. Fuck anyone pretending to be the moral high ground and telling me how to live my life.

That is the least intellectual description of how the Bible (and other religions) came to be.

I'm not describing a general process. It's what happened as they were being integrated into the Roman empire. The church has never had a problem with molding itself to fit its surrounding political climate, Jesus's teaching be damned.

Are you a believer?

Not in the slightest.

Cool, just wondering.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but appreciate the effort to at least explain a perspective. I disagree 90%, but it's more than we got from the other guy.

Look how these guys sit on new. All comments within a minute of each other. That is how they’re controlling narratives.

Trump shills.

That’s why the posts on this sub are all skewed pro-trump line but the actual community is in the comments. They have a lot harder time shutting down opposing commentary.

I agree. Seems very suspicious...

It’s not suspicious. At this point, it’s obvious.

They pounce on anything critical of trump within MINUTES - sometimes less- of it being posted. Like they did with you.

That’s pretty remarkable, don’t you think? Almost like there’s a ping or something for certain keywords that alerts these bots/shills

You were hear within minutes as well, and didn't discuss the post but instead called everyone who had already commented a shill.

I’m noting on a remarkable trend i’ve witnessed on this sub where pro-government/pro-state waves of users are swarming all over and controlling (or attempting to control) the narrative. I came here SPECIFICALLY because I wanted to see you guys sitting on new. I’ve been coming through new periodically observing this because I kept telling myself “couldn’t be”.

But if anyone else wants to experiment with it, I invite you to do so. Just drop in to the new and watch what gets upvoted, what’s allowed to pass through harmlessly and what gets targeted.

I’ve seen this: Pro trump/right wing news and propaganda is upvoted and allowed to flow up. Sometimes it’s garbage and fizzles up, sometimes it’s good stuff that makes FP.

Neutral shit, like aliens, viruses, mind control, church abuse, “classic” conspiracy floats through harmlessly. It fizzles out quickly though to make room for the propaganda.

Anti-trump/anti state. This shit gets downvoted heavily within MINUTES. Comment bots/accounts get activated no matter what time of day to harass, taunt and intimidate the poster. Occasionaly, mods will remove the post for some arbitrary reason (ie “no memes”— despite literal Ben Garrison cartoons, pics with text and Trump tweets routinely making FP). The ONLY time anti trump stuff gets to the FP is when the news is so acrid that people manage to overcome the initial downvote wave. And even then, it’s controversial as fuck and you can see the battle in the upvote percentage.

If you want to see actual community opinions, the comments are best. It explains why so much pro trump right wing propaganda is upvoted to FP here and the comments are so against it. Comments are harder to shut down and stifle. The posts you can bury easily with 10 downvotes in 5 minutes and, unless it’s exceptional, it won’t see the light of day.

There’s some fishy, coordinated stuff going on here. And it probably has a lot to do with brigading and coordinated vote manipulation. Remember when u/fishnet or whatever that disgraced mod was called cried he had evidence of “brigading” but never released anything? Probably because, while there is brigading from r/politics and r/topminds .... it probably pales in comparison to the brigading coming in from r/t_d crosspostere.

People are going to come from all over to push an agenda. Rather than throw out accusations of shilling, post statistics. It's far more difficult to argue against a quantitative argument than a qualitative argument.

And don't lump me into "you guys."

Net positive upvotes and climbing, on the front page....

Tell me again how the bots are shutting down your opinions non-stop.

Also, this is a shitpost. There's no conspiracy here. It should rightfully be downvoted. And yet, there it is, with no conspiracy, on the front page of this sub.

I'd say your comment is a drawn out explanation of your confirmation bias. There's plenty of anti Trump shit that hits the front page when it's not inaccurate or a shitpost.

OR, the fact that it got called out ......

Regardless, it doesn’t address the fact that pro-trump bots/shills are sitting on New and pouncing on anti trump posts within seconds of them being posted. That is the point here.

I never ever said “anti trump stuff never gets to the front page”. I said anti trump stuff has to battle out a swarm of initial downvotes from accounts camping on new in order to be seen.

And nothing you said is disputing that. Lol

Removed. Rule 10

It’s not a conspiracy. There’s so much anti-trump stuff posted, it floods new and controversial every day. Of course it gets a lot of traction and, in return, a lot of response.

While you’re riding your high horse, so sure that there are 3 dudes somewhere controlling all narrative about politics, keep in mind that the vote one year ago was divided almost 50/50. It’s not just a few people; about half the country disagrees with your opinion (same for the other side).

Not half the country. 45% of people who voted.... which was maybe half the country. So... i mean, just saying, if you’re using that logic... it’s more like 25% support AT BEST.

As for the anti-trump comment, I was speaking about Reddit in general. Front page, sort by new or controversial, every morning it’s about 20% pro, 60% against, and 20% non-political.

As to the support numbers, polls suck. We should have learned last year that polls suck. The last hard numbers I have are the 2016 general election results.

As to the support numbers, polls suck. We should have learned last year that polls suck.

This is such a tired talking point. It's just blatantly false.

The polls last year were fine. They were accurate. The results were within the margin of error basically everywhere. What was not accurate was the interpretation of those polls by some people (although 538 was pretty spot-on). Also, that's not how statistics work. If you predict there's a 1% chance of something happening and it happens, that says literally nothing about the accuracy of your prediction.

Conclusion: there is literally not a single valid argument for saying "polls suck" based on last years election.

I’ve always said polls suck. If you like polls, fine, keep liking them. Not my fault you think a small sample taken by some random out of touch dudes can somehow represent a broad population. Your poll was wrong? “Oh it’s within the margin of error.” I’m going to start balancing my bank account within a +-50% margin of error.

Nate was the only one that said “Trump has a chance here” and was blasted for it. All the polls were so far in Hillary’s favor, no one could believe the single poll that kept tipping trump’s direction.

I get calls all the time from pollsters. They constantly ask me shit like who I’ll vote for between trump and Hillary (neither). Independents are virtually ignored in the polling I get.

People who are so confident in trump’s abysmal ratings are going to be shocked when we elect that moron AGAIN. Keep sitting back being so confident of those numbers, just like before, and watch it happen.

Trump is almost universally hated. You would have to dismiss ALL the polls, ALL the people, ALL the news, ALL the everything in order to construct yourself a little world where that guy is actually popular.

Trump is AS hated as Bush... if not more. And it’s only his first year.

Furthermore, the polls didn’t suck. The polls told us pretty much exactly what happened. See any poll 2-3 days before the election and they were more or less right on the money.

PUNDITS were wildly off. Don’t get things twisted up.

Nearly every poll had Hillary winning the election through the entire campaign, some by wide margins. The final NYT poll:

And guess what those polls predicted it correctly. They just couldnt factor in the electoral college. Look at the vote totals compared to the pre-election polls and you will see they are not far off. 40 out of 45 presidents predicting the popular vote lets you figure out who will be president. So no its not some grand conspiracy to crown Clinton before the election. It was just normal pre-election predictions.

Trump is a different kind of politician.

i'd argue that people who didn't vote at all are probably more likely to be supportive of Trump than not... I mean, they already don't give a shit about politics as they aren't voting. Why would they care if it's Trump or anybody else - the reason they don't vote is because they already acknowledge it's all corrupt?

Trump’s approval rating at inauguration was 48%. The same percent as the vote he won. It’s at 37% now. No where near half the country disagrees with op’s opinion. Barely over a third. It’s funny in a sub dedicated to conspiracy you’re unwilling to look at the very real possibility there is a conspiracy to control the dialog here. Especially with all the known Russian influence on social media and forums.

It’s also funny that by your own numbers (which I won’t bother disputing, because I don’t need to do that to prove my point), you think it’s impossible for this to be anything besides a conspiracy of the few when there are literally over 100 million people in your quoted 37% figure.

I didn’t say it was definitively true. I said it was funny that I’m a forum dedicated to conspiracies (the vast majority being obviously absurd) that people are unwilling to even entertain the idea that a theory with vast troves of circumstantial evidence may possibly have some merit.

For the record: it doesn’t matter if you are a “trump supporter”. You’re doing thier work.

You’re doing thier work.

what is 'their work' exactly?

Yep. I know if I comment on a new post, I'm going to get tons of low effort pro-Trump bullshit spewed all over my comment first.

If it gets some traction, then maybe I can wade out of the downvotes and get back to positive karma for the comment, but if the post doesn't get traction, then my comment will just end up downvoted.

They're definitely lurking new and hammering anything they don't like.

look how these guys sit on new

Bored at work

Similarly, I’m Waiting for an appt, can’t enter the building for 9 more minutes.

I must be a shill! We must all be shills!

Oh, and I’m not even on new, I’m on controversial.

Oh i’m sure you are at work lol


It's funny to see people question people having jobs

Think they are communists?

Nah, I think they were just applying pressure or insinuating being at Reddit was my job.

But yeah, I question stories before believing them so I must be jobless and living in a basement.

I’m a communist with a job. How else do you expect me to overthrow the bourgeoisie from within?

Bc the ones from r/politics just get a weekly allowance from their roommates (parents)

Ditto.. Call center

I support Trump and browse rising and new because it's the only place organic content can be seen in this sub for long stretches. And yes, I down vote nonsense like this because it's simply an attempt to stir the pot and has 0 to do with a conspiracy.

Lol, last year trump supporters accused of the left of spamming with shill accounts, and they said that's impossible.

My how the tables have turned...again. Trump shills? He's already won. Just deal with it.

So odd that the 9/11 truthers support the very entities they claim to be against.

I just have a Trump supporter who admit to me he use over 40 accounts on reddit. I love 2017.

There's also the possibility that the majority of People who followed this sub were Trump supporters.

r/conspiracy gets berated just as much as Trump supporters. If you follow the default subs as intensely as you seem to follow this sub, you'll notice T_D, conspiracy and Rick and Morty fans are constantly belittled and told they are idiots.

Gee wiz... I wonder if a few of them could be the same people? Do people actually have more than one interest? That's an r/conspiracy we should look into!

The people who are interested in conspiracies tend to favor an anti-establishment candidate? No way.

I’m sure you’re right. But only to an extent.

The idea that a wide swath of this subs users are “super pro-government, pro-authoritarian when it’s my agenda” is either laughable... or depressing.

My impression is that this sub is full of people who don’t trust ANY authority or anyone in power. Speckled in there, however, are the people who are like you say, those who use this place and it’s users to advance their political interests and visions.

I think youre confusing what your idea of a conspiracy theorist is with what the people who believe in conspiracy actually are.

To assume the people that are in this sub are basement dwelling off the grid anarchists with a collection of tin foil hats and hentai posters on the wall is to assume that your friends, co-workers and family aren't capable of conspiracy.

I have followed this sub since I joined Reddit. I have noticed an uptick in political posts as with all off Reddit, but to imagine this sub has done anything other than attract people of a like mind (the intention of subreddits) is to assume people wander here just to pick political fights.

It's ok to be skeptical of your government and support one or more politicians. Especially when that person is doing things that impact your life in a positive way.

is to assume people wander here just to pick political fights.

the 'online opinion shaping' business is a growth industry...

It's pretty easy to dig through just a little bit of post history to find genuine accounts. Don't get fooled though. Look for inconsistencies. They are stealing genuine accounts too.

Shariablue offices must be such a blast to work at.

Look at this one’s post history!

Projecting. Or intentional. It's 100% what I'd do if I was an actual shill. Anything I can't fight is a shill.

I heard if you get your reddit karma to plus 50, Brock will let you motor-boat his butt cheeks!

And he has some fresh dingleberries ready for them too 🤓

Recovering from the trump cult may be the hardest thing this country has to do since Reconstruction. I hope I'm wrong. Maybe as things get worse and the justifications get more absurd people will start to abandon it.

There's nothing wrong with this country. All tangible metrics are through the roof.

Polls are showing Trump isn't a likeable guy? Dang, too bad we can't vote to change his personality...

Stocks are up. Foreign relations with the actual power players are up. Taxes are going down. The $1200/mo for Health Care I pay is going down to abround 300. The economy is booming.

If this country's success was based on the feels, we'd be fucked. Luckily it's based on legislation, taxes, bills, cash flow and trading.

B b b but it's a cult!

Thank god this republican controlled government can’t get anything through.

Wrong. Read this and then tell me they’re not getting anything through. You and other Trump haters assume that he’s an idiot and nothing is being done, meanwhile the courts are being filled with his judicial picks at a historic rate.

Yeah, thank god he’s appointing all of these republican dolts to keep that private prison capitalism rolling for generations.

Just thought you should be aware of things that are actually happening in the real world. Have a good day.

Yes, exactly. Very positive discourse as usual. Being snarky usually doesn’t go over well.

Wait you are praising the GOP for not allowing vacancies to be filled for years until a GOP rubber stamp got into the White House?

Nowhere in my comment did I praise the GOP or say that it was a good or bad thing. Just trying to be informative.

Stocks are up.

Utterly meaningless

Foreign relations with the actual power players are up.

Only if you mean Russia and just Russia

Taxes are going down.

Yet the vast majority of that money is going to the top 1% and the budget isn't going down enough to offset the loss of tax revenue. The tax plan is going to cost us trillions of dollars and is going to help nobody except the richest individuals and the largest corporations.

The $1200/mo for Health Care I pay is going down to abround 300.

You're not paying $1200/mo for Health Care unless you opted for something on the high end of the spectrum, have a family, and make enough money that you aren't getting subsidies. I'm paying $800/mo and I have a familly and am in the 4th tax bracket

The economy is booming.

Based on what numbers? According to the BEA ( there has been about 3% economic growth over the the last 2 quarters. The numbers are okay, but not what I'd call a boom and damn sure shy of the 5% Trump promised and needs to make his tax plan seem reasonable

If this country's success was based on the feels, we'd be fucked. Luckily it's based on legislation, taxes, bills, cash flow and trading.

How many pieces of legislation and tax bills has Trump been part of passing since he took office? 2017 economic performance is based on legislation enacted under Obama. As far as I can tell, "feels" is literally all you base your worldview on

Stocks are up being utterly meaningless was a terrible way to start this post. I helps me get a grasp for how little you understand.

You are simply vomiting the left talking points that have no substance. My 401k is up 23% lol. If that means nothing to you it makes sense that you don't think the economy is doing well. You have no scope.

I pay over $1200. You're welcomed to not believe me, but my monthly went from ~$600 to $1200 over night because of the "Affordable" Care plan this last year. I payed $151 when my plan was subsidized by corporate.

Based on the industry I work in and the industries that are related to the fields I work in the economy is booming. Guys I knew that were picking up part time work are doing OT week after week and their families are having the nicest Holiday seasons their kids have ever seen. Construction is through the roof with the regulation cuts.

With how dynamic this current administration has been to assume Obama still has anything to do with the US's current state of affairs a year later is beyond asinine.

Good luck in your little world of fantasy. Hope you kids have something good lined up for 2020. Your current roster is pretty abysmal.

Stocks are up being utterly meaningless was a terrible way to start this post. I helps me get a grasp for how little you understand. You are simply vomiting the left talking points that have no substance. My 401k is up 23% lol. If that means nothing to you it makes sense that you don't think the economy is doing well. You have no scope.

Oh no, how much of your 401k is invested in stocks?

I pay over $1200. You're welcomed to not believe me, but my monthly went from ~$600 to $1200 over night because of the "Affordable" Care plan this last year. I payed $151 when my plan was subsidized by corporate.

Based on the industry I work in and the industries that are related to the fields I work in the economy is booming. Guys I knew that were picking up part time work are doing OT week after week and their families are having the nicest Holiday seasons their kids have ever seen. Construction is through the roof with the regulation cuts.

Cool stories bro

With how dynamic this current administration has been to assume Obama still has anything to do with the US's current state of affairs a year later is beyond asinine.

Oh? Exactly what financial legislation has Trump passed that is currently in effect?

Good luck in your little world of fantasy. Hope you kids have something good lined up for 2020. Your current roster is pretty abysmal.

Imagine being this delusional

Healthcare costs went up so much because the republicans were (and still are) trying to gut the ACA, and Trump cut off subsidy payments to the states.

Premiums have been going up since the ACA was enacted. Do you truly believe it should never have been this bad in the first place.

Lol if Trump is a cult, then Obama must've been a super duper cult where all the media bowed and sucked the cults dick. What are u talking about?

Obama wasn't immune to criticism on nearly the level that trump is. Right now about 1/3 of this country will literally justify anything trump says or does, even if it's completely flip flopping on what he campaigned on. Did anyone think he'd be able to get all of his supporters to rally AGAINST net neutrality or FOR tax cuts for Wall Street? Anyone who has the ability to step outside this situation can see how crazy it is. This IS a cult. Trump is the personality, and the Republican party is just taking advantage of it at this point.

Immune from criticism? Trump? What are you talking about you ignoramus you? Anytime trump says a word he is labeled as racist, CNN reports his twitterfeed on an hourly basis explaining to the masses that he"must be stopped", that his impeachment is imminent, and that he was elected because of some white national conspiracy or because putin wanted him there. What cult figure would allow that sort of criticism, the demagogue Obama certainly never allowed that. Hell evens networks that are supposed to not even be political shit on trump when just years ago they sucked obama's mostly white dick (see ESPN). Liberals hate any threat to their aspiring socialist utopia that Obama spearheaded and that Bernie was supposed to throw into overdrive, now that trump is deregulating, everyone on the left who controls the media is ad honineming anyway they can to stop the mad man who is ruining their good time

Immune from criticism by his cult of followers. I think it's pretty obvious that's what we're talking about. Facts from the media don't matter to you/them. Again, cult.

There are blind followers behind every politician, but because u are a leftist you think that trump is some unique figure. The point is when Obama was in office, the media was part of that blind following, and now that the president isnt a fully pledged leftist, they cry everyday that the sky is falling, and idiots like you believe them

You don't think trump is unique?

S c a n d l e f r e e

These posts are so stupid. What was the alternative? Hillary. You don't even have to support Trump to be glad that psychopath isn't president. I would have voted for the President Duck from South Park that literally spews shit out of its mouth before I voted for cackling "We came, we saw, he died" Hillary.

I remember this sub being very concerned about a Jeb Bush vs Hillary fixed election years back. Nobody is going to tell me Trump is worse than continuing the BushClinton dynasty.

Right. It's not like we as individuals just get to pick a president. We get two choices. Would I have picked Trump if a vote if someone I really wanted to be President was actually an option? Of course not. But if anyone actually thinks Hillary was a better choice, then I don't know what the hell they're even doing in a conspiracy sub.

You could abstain or vote 3rd party. By voting Trump over abstaining, you are admitting that Trump was a reasonable choice for president

Bullshit. The Hillary cult blames third party voters for Trump too.

I wouldn't consider myself in the Hillary cult, but I did vote for her. I was going to abstain but I knew I would never forgive myself if I didn't vote and Trump won. Now I can at least sleep at night.

Also, I blame the gullibility and stupidity of the average american

The Trump cult blames Hillary for losing the popularity vote.

you are admitting that Trump was a reasonable choice for president


So you have a sub 80 IQ. Okay. Have a good day. Try not to swallow your tongue

Wow, such class. I've come to expect no more or less. It must be awful occupying the wrong side of history.

I stopped humoring your kind ages ago. You are a gullible fool

I stopped humoring your kind ages ago.

That would go a long way toward explaining your continued response.

I just want to see what stupid inane bullshit you'll come up with next. I'm bored

I just want to see what stupid inane bullshit you'll come up with next.

Well, today is your lucky day. I will close this conversation with an opportunity to improve yourself and conquer your boredom all at once.

You're welcome.

Nah, I'm good

Over Hillary? A pile of dog shit is a more reasonable choice than that witch.

Based on what?

Do you live under a rock?

Yeah. It's called Earth

Found Bilbo

He was the best choice in decades. This country washed on life support before he came along.

How? What are you basing that claim on?

The empty husks we've been calling politicians the last several decades have been running this country into the ground.

What do you mean running it into the ground? Also, what politicians and what exactly has changed since Trump got elected?

You're kidding right, every economic metric was improving. The country was on life support in 2008, when it was under global collapse and running >trillion dollar deficits. Since then millions more have health insurance, unemployment is back to normal levels, the stock market was at all time highs well before Trump ran for President.

If you have not made money in the last 8 years it's your own fault really.

Trump was the first chance to get a real outsider who hates what the govt has become. He is such an anti-establishment pres he got a nod from Johnny Rotten himself.

In fact most of the people who hate him are total crap themselves. Not only can I root for a guy who really seems to be lookimg out, we can watch Hollywood and the Press cry everyday. Ive got a surplus of tears to drink and all these shills just remind me to stay hydrated.

Keep shilling you enormous pussies, it lets us know we are winning. Even better, go protest and lie under some buses, I bet everyone will scramble for jobs bus driving.

Agreed. He's the first president that has zero history in politics to be full of shadiness and corruption. He's also been saying the same exact things for twenty years.

He's the first president that has zero history in politics to be full of shadiness and corruption.


People of color, the poor, grad students, the elderly and basically everyone in the world will tell you this is the worst possible timeline.

Speak for yourself. I'm a "person of color" and no, the Hillary timeline would have been MUCH worse.

Don’t you just love being lumped into a group and looked at as a “person of color,” rather than being looked at as an individual on your own merits?

Seriously. People fought for countless years not to be judged by the color of their skin and to be looked at as a person instead, and now they want to be divided and stuck back into boxes based on the color of their skin again. That's some backwards shit right there.


Mass hysteria bullshit.

My brother is getting his PhD and will have to pay tax on his education if the tax bill passes. So if you think it’s mass hysteria, you must be the poorly educated trump loves so much.

I have a bachelors degree, not that those are worth a shit any more. I’m one of the million voters that turned Michigan into a red state. I would truly rather die than ever vote for Hillary Cuntin.

I'll tell you that. Trump is a disaster who is going to set foreign relations and the economy back decades

His latest tour of Asia was a prime example of that wasn't it /s

You mean where he stopped at countries that rely on us for military protection from an insane dictator who appears to be on the brink of launching ICBMs? Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't rock the boat

Yeah those countries, the ones where they greeted him with more respect than the last president

The alternative is to continue to be critical of a Government that is not by the people for the people and not buy into a conman who could not care less about you.

The same people who mock Obama as my 'Messiah' with no sense of irony call Trump their God Emperor.

I personally know dozens of former Trump supporters.

No you don't

I swear to god i do

You're lying. I know it, he knows it, everybody knows it.

Becky! I swear to gawd

Oh, well he's swearing to God on the Internet. Gotta be legit..

How can you swear to god when your past postings are “fuck god, fuck the Bible.” Most ppl swear to things they love yet you’re just to opposite hmmmm.

What is their reason for having a change of heart? It seems like he's not much different than when he was when he was running

Go back to your daily life of posting on /r/politics and jacking off to tranny porn.

I mean, unless he lives under a rock, he probably does. Dozens of Trump supporters confiding in him that they regret their choices is complete bullshit though.

How many of us went from blue to red? I’ve been Democrat since I was old enough to vote but one term of BO I realized something had to change. And no way in hell was I voting HRC. Trump may be a bit off his rocker at times but the alternative choice was a definite no go for me.

Yeah, we totally could have had a corrupt, pay to play, warmongering president instead

It’s awesome we decided to accept a racist moron instead, who has continued the American war mongering. You guys just think it’s chess or something

Funny. Not one person ever accused Trump of being racist until he ran for president. Pull your head out of the MSM's ass.

Yes they did when he kept stirring up the Obama birth certificate horse shit.

how's that racist though.

mostly because the only reason anyone ever questioned where he was born is because his skin is the wrong color and he has a funny name

that's a tad presumptuous. but eh im sure some people see it that way, some people don't

Why didn't Trump ever question Hillary's birth? He critisized basically everything else about her, so why not question her birth?

I mean, if you don't see questioning just Obama's as racist, then why is it only Obama who ever has his birth questioned?

Look im not pro-trump or anti trump. politics is a facade, but use your brain. it is reasonable for someone to question someone elses birth origin if one of their parents are completely out of the picture. hilary clinton has a lineage that can be traced, ya goof. i don't see how race plays a role and why you are so focused on it.

And even after he showed his birth certificate? Trump says he didn't, but he kept up questioning it.

Remember his investigators in Hawaii finding "very interesting things"? Turns out, Trump lied and there wasn't anything interesting to uncover.

My original question was how was it racist. I got my answer. apparently its because hes black and has a funny name. either way all of our presidents suck and questioning birth certificates isn't going to get us anywhere i guess.

It wasn't just the questioning, it was how it continued until, for the first time ever, a President was forced to "prove" his birth.

Trump also questioned his school enrollment and grades.

And after proving it, he still questioned his birth. Then he acted like he was the one who "solved" it and out it to rest even though he continued it after Obama gave proof.

Meanwhile, he won't even show his tax returns. Something every previous president in modern history has done.

Lemme ask you this, if Obama were a white dude do you think Trump would try to push that narrative?

I believe it was Hillary’s camp that first thought up the idea to question BO’s birthplace. After a certificate was supplied, a few on both sides questioned its legitimacy.

Nothing to do with racism, everything to do with a lying mulato.

The dude for years tried to get innocent black kids sentenced to death prior to this

But I bet you're ok with Queen Hillary calling them "super predators" though, right? The hypocrisy is just too much with you people.


when Hillary wins, she will be relevant. Let her go man.

You claim to be Native American and you are defending a dude that just disrespected the code talkers to take a cheap shot at Elizabeth Warren. Your elders would be disappointed in you. Im disappointed in you. You don't care about water? Obama stopped the black snake, the guy you voted for brought it back.

Don't tell me what "my elders" would think of me. None of them like Hillary either. And I think making fun of Warren is hilarious. She lied about being Indian to advance her career. She's deplorable. Now go away with your poor attempt at a guilt trip.

None of them like Hillary either

Again with the Hillary. You got some issues man. And I just don't believe it when you say you are native either. Ive never heard a native refer to themselves as brown.

And I think making fun of Warren is hilarious.

And there is a time and a place for that. When you are supposed to be paying respect to somebody, that is not the time to take a cheap shot at somebody else.

Yes, my skin is brown. A nice shade of chestnut brown. So yes, I'm brown and proud of it, fuck you very much. You got a problem with that?

And Hillary is relevant in the sense that she was the only other choice in the election. Do try and keep up.

I just don't believe you. You are not Native. I have never heard a Native identify themselves by skin color. You are lying to try and prove some dumb point.

And Hillary is relevant in the sense that she was the only other choice in the election. Do try and keep up

She wasn't. So you are wrong there. And we are not in a thread about how many choices we had in the election. We are in a thread about Trump. So Im keeping up. Its you that is on the struggle bus.

I did my care if you think I'm lying. I explained the color of my skin because there are plenty of people that are native, but aren't affected by discrimination because they appear white. I said that because I've been mistaken as a Mexican, and I've been called a beaner etc. It was to prove a point. That I've been affected by racism, yet still don't adhere to the identity politics, victimhood propaganda "the left" shoves down our throats.

I know a divide and conquer strategy when I see it.

So that is why you keep bringing up Hillary?

But the vast majority of people aren't like that. The VAST majority

If I take you at face value that you have dark skin, then I have to point out the majority of racists wont be racist to your face.

For fucks sake, I brought up Hillary because she was the OTHER CHOICE that might have won the election. And I'm still glad she's not president. I don't like Trump, but at least it wasn't the alternative.

And I really don't think that a large percentage of people are racist. And I think saying "All white people are racist" is in itself a form of racism. It also encourages a sense of victimhood. And I ain't no victim.

You are too gullible to know you are a victim. You loath liberals because they play identity politics, while completly ignoring that you are also playing identity politics by hating liberals.

Did you research Elizabeth Warrens family history? Or did you just hear Trump make an accusation and choose to believe it?

You don't play identity politics but you had to point out the color of your skin, so you could pat yourself on the back for not playing identity politics.

I mean you didn't even research Trump or Hillary, you just fell for what ever media you consume. You swear Hillary is evil, but then say "lets wait and see" with Trump.

I don't loathe anyone. That's the difference between me and you.

You don't know anything about me. But go ahead and jump to conclusions.

I don't believe a Native American would like Nazi sites on a subreddit page.

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Another Trump supporter pretending to be a minority. Hilarious.

Another Hillary supporter being racist by thinking all minorities think the same way.

Another Trump supporter who copys off what another person say about him. Hillarious.

Did you just assume my gender too? I dock you 10 progressive points for that.

Did you just assume my gender too?

Nope, I never assume your gender clown. I don't care if you claim to be a man, woman, it, or a thing. Unlike you I don't go around judging a person base on the color of their skin.

Lol. Yes you do. You just judged me based on mine. Because I don't think the way you think minorities should, I must not be one.

That's racist.

think minorities should

This is the Internet dude. Anybody can claim to be anything they want too. You can claim to be a Native American all you want too. But just because you "I am a Native American" doesn't make is true. If your really are a Native American then you should be able to prove it with no trouble at all.

Just because you claim to be not racist doesn't make it true. If you're not racist, you should be able to prove it.

Because you're harassing me about my heritage right now. And that's actually racist.

And that's actually racist.

No, what racist is you claiming to be a Native American. If you're a Native American then prove it! Either put up or shut up with your ridiculous claims. Nobody is going to believe you until you show us evidence that your a Native American. Once you show us evidence then we start to believe you on the sub.

Lol. Are you trying to trick me into posting my pic or something? Lmao. Is it because you're so racist you think native Americans are all dead now or something, and there's no way one is still alive that knows how to use the internet? Am I supposed to be in my tipi smoking a peace pipe instead of something?

Are you trying to trick me into posting my pic or something?

No knucklhead, I'm trying to make you post evidence for your claim. if your really a Native American. Then you should be able to prove it with no problem at all. Show far you have been unable to show us any evidence for your wild claims.

racist you think native Americans are all dead now,

If I have a nickel everytime a White guy claim to be a "Native American." Then I would be one rich man, I have enough money to buy a mansion. No seriously dude, I have so many White people telling me their a Native American. Only to find out they have White Skin than my friends do.

I bet you are one of those White guys with a ponytail who go around telling everyone "I'm one-third Native American."

Lol. That's because they all want to be "victims." That's what identity politics does to a society. And it's pretty racist to want "proof" of someone's race. Do you tell white people to prove they're white before you believe them? No? Didn't think so. You might want to reflect on why that is.

And nope. No ponytail. I'm sorry you think natives all have ponytails.

I'm done responding to you. You're honestly creeping me out now. Have a good day.

And it's pretty racist to want "proof" of someone's race.

No, it's not racist to ask for evidence. When somebody makes a claim it becomes their job to PROVE IT! If you're really a Native America then prove it by providing evidence for your claims. Once you give out evidence for your wild claims. Then'll we start to believe your ridiculous claims.

I'm done responding to you. Y

Yep, just as I suspect your full of BS! You can't prove your a Native American. So you are going to run away like a little coward in order to avoid being exposed as a fraud. I knew this was going happen once people start asking you for evidence.

You're honestly creeping me out now.

Funny, I can honestly say the same thing about you. I did some digging into your comment history. And found out you weren't who you claim to be.

Lol. Sure. My comment history says nothing personal about my life. Nice try at that tactic though. I'm blocking you now because you're a creepy stalker.

I did some digging into your history and found out you're a creepy /marchagainsttrump user who says weird shit to people.

Sure. My comment history says nothing personal about my life.

Actually your comment history say a lot about your personal life. So if there anything you like to say to us now the time to do it. Once the truth is reveal about you there will be no going back. You be exposed as a fraud for all the world to see.

I did some digging into your history and found out you're a creepy /marchagainsttrump user who says weird shit to people.

I also did some more digging into your history and found out you're a creepy/berinebro user who says weird shit to people.

Removed. Rule 10

because you creeped me out so much, dude.

You have a seriously victim complex issue man. If you think it creepy for people to ask evidence. Then you ought to check in a mental hospital for treatment. You are going need a lot of it judging by your post LOL.

Removed. Rule 10

Hypocrite. Its cool for Trump to call out Warren but people cant call you out? Come on man. And we are being respectful about it. They way Trump did it just offended Natives even more.

Meh. "Call me out" all you want. Changes nothing.

Your kind does it to black people too that don't think like you. They get discredited by being called "Uncle Toms" and other slurs.

Bunch of hypocrites.

I will remind you, you have no idea what "my kind" is.

Your kind does it to black people too that don't think like you. They get discredited by being called "Uncle Toms" and other slurs.

Do you always try to change the subject when you get called out on your bullshit? Why is it ok for Trump to call out Warren but we cant call you out?

Do you always edit and delete posts when your arguments are weak? Why even bother arguing?

No. I never delete comments. But that dude was a creep. You didn't see what else he said.

And there's documented evidence that Warren lied. Even your boy Trevor Noah called her out.

And you don't think it's a little fucking crazy and creepy to hound someone on an anonymous message board about their race? You know there's no way to "prove it." It's just an attempt to discredit my opinions because that's all you have. Your rabid anti Trump hate blinds you to the insanity of your behavior. You don't see how racist that in itself is. But I'm not surprised. I've encountered more racism from self professed "liberals" in the last year because I didn't support Hilldawg than I have my whole life from anyone. Creepy, hypocritical cult like behavior.

And with that, I'm done with you too.

You contradict yourself so much I wont even bother pointing them out.

And you don't think it's a little fucking crazy and creepy to hound someone on an anonymous message board for hours about their race?

Sure, just like I think its creepy to hound the sitting president about his birth certificate. But everyone else but you is the hypocrite. /s

Maybe you should stop fiending on those red pills, that old red dye #4 is doing some damage to your brain.

"Sure, just like I think its creepy to hound the sitting president about his birth certificate. "

You just admitted you're as bad as Trump. As they like to say, let that sink in.

Good day.

No, I didn't. I haven't hounded you, I called you out and moved on. Read the usernames.

Well, I apologize then. My bad.

No. I never delete comments

Redpillfiend lies when he say "I never delete comments." He admit to me in his own words that he delete his comments.

Redpillfiend wrote: And i deleted my own comments just in case I did accidentally share anything identifying because you creeped me out so much, dude.

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Fred Trump lied about being Swedish instead of German to make real estate deals with Jewish people easier. Donald Trump continued this lie in The Art of the Deal, years after it would have stopped mattering. So now he lies just to lie after his daddy liked to advance his career.

Don't tell me what "my elders" would think of me.

You have no elders.

None of them like Hillary either.

This is 2017 dude Hillary is not running for office. It time you get off her and start focusing on Trump.

And I think making fun of Warren is hilarious.

So much irony in your post. You want to make fun of Warren for claiming to be Native American. While you yourself are claiming to be Native American. Maybe we should be making fun of you for claiming to be a Native American.

She lied about being Indian to advance her career.

And you are lying about being Indian to avoid being called a racist. How does that make you any different than here? I give you a little hint. It doesn't.

She's deplorable.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Now go away with your poor attempt at a guilt trip.

If anybody needs to go away for making a poor guilt trip attempt it you dude!

Lol. You need help, dude. Oh wow! I looked in the mirror, and I suddenly turned white because a triggered stranger on the internet doesn't believe me! Thanks! Looking forward to all that white privilege you guys love to drone on about.

You need help, dude.

LOL, This is coming from the dude who falsely claims to be a Native American. If anybody needs to get psychology treatment it you dude! Pretty obvious by now you have some serious mental health issues. I know I'm not the only one who point that one in this sub.

I'm sorry I'm not a self hating person like you. I'm proud of my heritage. I like white people. They're my brothers and sisters.

Go take a breather. You're overly triggered right now.

I'm proud of my heritage

So you have no proof that your a Native American uh?

"you claim"

Yeah, I don't buy it

The very first newspaper article ever about Trump accused him of discrimination, why do I always see this?

Quit it with your facts.

You champion red pills, brought to the mainstream by two transgender people, yet are on the internet championing a person who wants to take their rights away.

Not everyone who doesn’t agree with you watches mainstream media. I haven’t had cable since before you were born. I don’t go to their websites. I just know a snake oil salesmen when i see one.

I'm not championing anyone. I'm saying the alternative was Hillary. And that alternative was much worse. I'd rather have the devil I don't know than the devil I do in this situation. Hillary already had decades in politics to prove how corrupt, flip flopping, shady, war mongering and psychopathic she is.

You’re absolutely championing him.

Ok, dude. Telling me what I really think and feel like a good authoritarian.

I know that Hillary wasn’t the only choice and neither was Trump. There’s just more racists than we thought. It was payback for a black president. You literally just said you’d rather have an authoritarian than Clinton. I’d rather have a socialist than either of them.

Let me guess, you're white, right?

What does that have to do with anything?

Because it's almost always self hating white people trying to lecture me, a brown dude, about racism. And I think it's hilarious.

Funnily, I’m married to a half Honduran half Native American woman and she says the same thing about the sellout Native Americans. I think that’s hilarious.

Because I dont buy all the propaganda that leads to racial division and hatred I'm a "sellout Native American?" There aren't enough lols in the world for that. Like John Trudell said, we're ALL on the reservation now. Go ahead and hate your fellow average white man if you want, but they're not the real enemy.

what propaganda do i buy, do tell

Why are you bringing identity politics into this?

I'm actually arguing against identity politics by using the dudes identity politics against him if you actually followed the conversation.

Hahaha. Whoa. Too clever. I don't actually care, I was just baiting you.

Hey, can you reply to the list of times Trump was a racist asshole after you falsely claimed no one has ever called him a racist until he ran for President?


  • He was calling for the health penalty for a couple black men he publicly convicted of a crime way back in 1989. They were later overturned on DNA evidence and he basically said, "don't care, they did it".

  • Betwren 73 and 83, He and Fred Trump were caught twice discriminating against blacks looking to rent in his buildings. It was as simple as this, a black couple applied and was denied at the meeting in person, they gave their paperwork to a white couple to resubmit, and the white couple was given the apartment, and it was denied the moment the black couple came in to sign the final paperwork.

  • At his casino in 1992, he satisfied the racist whims of high roller who asked that he remove a black card dealer and the casino was legally penalized for this.

  • In 1993, he was upset that Native Americans were opening a casino that would end up being competition for his casino and he testified, "They don't look like Indians to me" to try and baselessly void their heritage.

  • In 2000, he was fined for secretly funding ads that countered a Native American gambling proposal by showing Native Americans doing coke and syringes and said, "Are these the neighbors we want?" Meanwhile, he clearly has no issue with gambling, casinos, or what they bring to a neighborhood. He just didn't want competition and used racist bullshit to turn people.

Fuck this fucking lie that no one called Donald Trump a racist before he ran for President. I live in New York, we've known about this idiot from before he got famous for his tabloit womanizing and marriages falling apart. He's always been an asshole racist and people have always called him on it, including multiple times he was fined money for being a racist asshole.

I don't even live in NY and I still remember the central park 5 add he put out.

Nice lie. That's just objectively, 100% false. I can't imagine that you're stupid enough to actually believe it, because there is a metric shitton of evidence proving you wrong. Why are you pushing this lie?

Trump has been accused of racism since the fucking 80s. Remember the lawsuit against him for housing discrimination? The central park five?

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? The first time Trump ever came into the public consciousness was when the family real estate business was caught discriminating against blacks in their housing developments. That was the late 70's. what a difference that would have made from our current president who is obviously a shining paragon of virtue, humility, and pacifism

shining paragon of virtue, humility, and pacifism

ahem... just want to add that the numbers of bombs thrown at hte middle-east under the Trump until october 31st 2017 tripled compared to the same date of 2016. :)

So does that mean you actually support him or that you just hate Hillary? Seems like a pretty weak defense of trump.

I’m waiting. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt. I’m a patient person. We shall see what happens. As for hitlary yeah hate is a strong word and I’m not sure hate is even the word I’d use for her. Loathe and repulsed is the genuine feelings towards her. Evil in the purest form=HRC.

I went from sanders to trump and kept dem party affiliation to continue voting for young non-radical progressives over establishment neocons. If they don't win I simply go back to republican in the head-to-head generals. I grew up thinking that the republicans were awful because iraq was wrongful, and then watched libya and syria happen which are arguably worse in many ways. If anything it's the feminists who defend HRC in spite of her anti-woman/anti-gay history that are the cult because they wanted her to win at all costs on the basis of her gender and still think that she lost because if sexism and not the aforementioned.

Some of us Women saw through the bullshit msm was proposing to exploit our minds. HRC for the women and the minorities. HRC isn’t for anyone or anything but herself. I hoped Sanders would have gotten the ticket but we all see how that played out. Trump was a wild card. Who knew what he was going to do. It was still a better bet than her. Any given day.

Exactly. How could a gay person watch this and think that she was their champion? That was in 2004 when she was running for senator. By 2007 she had flipped because Obama was pro-gay. Meanwhile, the "unbiased" media not only didn't play this clip one time in 2016, but they brought in as many "columnists" as they could to pull things out of thin air to make Trump look anti-gay when they had nothing on him. It's the media and their globalists financiers that are our biggest enemy.

Because you dont know fucking history. At the time of that clip MANY in the gay community were for civil unions not marriage because they knew at the time they couldnt win on the marriage equality issue.

I know its blasphemy for many when a person changes their damn mind later when things are different.

Hahahahaha. Is this stage 3 of an "infiltrate and influence" campaign?

1/3 of past 50 comments "fuck the bible" "trump raped underaged girls"

10 submissions every day to r/conspiracy crossposted from r/politics

75 comments per day on r/conspiracy, none relating to conspiracy just tabloid politics

1 month old account

I don't think so tbh. It's too obvious. This is just someone that's freaking out because he discovered a place on reddit where you can't go "FUCK LE DRUMPF :D???" and get 5x-gilded.

violently shits pants

I laughed harder than I should have

Why did he get rid of the TPP? Wasn't that going to be really good for the elite?

It's a nice gesture to his base. The gigantic tax cuts will help the elite get over TPP.

Which elite do you think he's friends with? All the people that the left is claiming would benefit from "elite tax cuts" are against him. Bill Gates, Waltons, Hollywood celebrities, etc.

Koch brothers and the Mercer’s... you know those billionaires who funded his campaign and the Mercer’s who are helping with legal expenses.

You're joking right? The Koch brothers hate Trump.

I'll give you Mercer, but he's already spent hundreds of thousands more than he would make in a tax cut. It seems he's more of a political activist than you're giving him credit for.

no they just pretend to

Well damn. How can I argue with that?

Oh wait, they're spending a ton of money lobbying against him. Looking a Tom Seyer gives you a completely different picture.

Look at the analysis. The tax cuts for rich people is enormous and permanent, the other tax cuts are temporary and short-lived. Anyone making less than $100k is ultimately going to see a tax hike. (Even including dynamic effects on businesses.)

The fact that liberal rich people are against the plan for cutting their taxes while Trump lies and says it will raise his taxes should tell you something who has people's interests in mind.

I did look at it. Most of the numbers the left is using assumes that the average person is maxing out their line item deductions, which 90% of the middle and lower class do not.

I'd love to see your math because you are making assumptions based on the same premise. The lowest income individuals pay nothing in taxes with a standard $25k deduction (double if you're married). There's no way a 0 percent tax rate is comparable to the reduction made to upper class individuals.

It's not my math, it's the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation's math (which includes dynamic effects). Scroll down to 2027.

Just so we're on the same page, this is a distribution of tax decreases. I don't see this document on the Joint Committee on Taxation's website but I'll argue the points being made anyways.

It's misleading to compare the value difference of taxes between different brackets. If you're paying less that $500 in taxes at the lowest end, you're never going to be in the lowest category even if youre now paying nothing.

On the flip side, you see 80% of the top bracket are getting >$500 reduction in taxes. Realistically that's a drop in the bucket of what they're paying in taxes and isn't a useful measure. Even then, 20% are still paying more in taxes, which goes up to 35% by 2027. If we wanted an actual understanding of the tax change we would need more statistical data than what is provided.

To go on, your number of wealthy individuals receiving tax cuts drops at every 2 year mark. So Trump is in fact raising taxes on the wealthy like he says he is. I'm not sure how they're projecting the changes to lower classes in future years because the bottom 5 classes should be dropping more than that. The only thing I can assume is that they're comparing year to year differences which is why the lower/middle class would begin sliding to the middle category.

I don't see this document on the Joint Committee on Taxation's website but I'll argue the points being made anyways.

It was leaked last night. The Senate wanted to vote on the bill without making the JCT's analysis public. Gee, wonder why?

It's misleading to compare the value difference of taxes between different brackets. If you're paying less that $500 in taxes at the lowest end, you're never going to be in the lowest category even if youre now paying nothing.

Sure, it's all we have and this is the most comprehensive analysis available. Compare like categories on the increase side to the same category on the decrease side, and you'll see that in every category below $100k more people will see an increase (save for the difference>$500 part of $75k-100k).

To go on, your number of wealthy individuals receiving tax cuts drops at every 2 year mark. So Trump is in fact raising taxes on the wealthy like he says he is.

This is completely absurd. He gets a huge tax cut up front, and then much smaller tax hikes later on which don't come close to making up for the initial cut. That is a tax cut.

I'm not sure how they're projecting the changes to lower classes in future years because the bottom 5 classes should be dropping more than that. The only thing I can assume is that they're comparing year to year differences which is why the lower/middle class would begin sliding to the middle category.

No, they're comparing to what it would be without the law. The law is designed to look like a tax cut if you do a cursory analysis, but when you do a comprehensive analysis it becomes a hike. You're fooling yourself.

It was leaked last night. The Senate wanted to vote on the bill without making the JCT's analysis public. Gee, wonder why?

This document isn't as damning as you think it is and actually proves argues Trump's point.

Sure, it's all we have and this is the most comprehensive analysis available. Compare like categories on the increase side to the same category on the decrease side, and you'll see that in every category below $100k more people will see an increase (save for the difference>$500 part of $75k-100k).

You missed my initial argument. Income tax inherently costs you more money (in actual dollars like your chart describes, not a percentage of their income) the more money you make. Its impossible for people who currently pay less than $500 to ever see a tax decrease greater than $500. If you're paying a couple thousand dollars or tens of thousands, its going to be incredibly easier to hit that $500 mark in tax decreases.

A person could go from $499 to 0 in the first category and a wealthier individual could go from $10,000 to $9,499 and your chart would make it look like the wealthier individual is getting a better deal. In reality, the poorer person is now paying 100% less in taxes and the wealthier individual is paying 5% less in taxes.

This is completely absurd. He gets a huge tax cut up front, and then much smaller tax hikes later on which don't come close to making up for the initial cut. That is a tax cut.

Your chart isn't measuring a percent of income change. Its 80% of people in that bracket that would pay $500 less. Once again, this is only significant if you know the tax value and their wealth.

No, they're comparing to what it would be without the law. The law is designed to look like a tax cut if you do a cursory analysis, but when you do a comprehensive analysis it becomes a hike. You're fooling yourself.

This isn't how taxes work. What are you talking about?

You missed my initial argument. Income tax inherently costs you more money (in actual dollars like your chart describes, not a percentage of their income) the more money you make. Its impossible for people who currently pay less than $500 to ever see a tax decrease greater than $500. If you're paying a couple thousand dollars or tens of thousands, its going to be incredibly easier to hit that $500 mark in tax decreases.

Duh. It's not relevant because you have no prior reason to expect an asymmetric distribution on the decrease side but not the increase side. Lacking further information, you should assume that both sides are uniformly distributed in the $100-500 columns, and have some fat tail in the over $500 columns. Either way, you have no reason to expect asymmetry.

Your chart isn't measuring a percent of income change. Its 80% of people in the wealthiest bracket that would pay $500 less. Once again, this is only significant if you know the tax value and their wealth.

Obviously. What the JCT's data shows is that more people making under $75k will see their taxes go up than will go down. Period. You're essentially trying to dance around this fact by arguing that the mean change could be different, but that's irrelevant.

He hired a financial expert for commerce secretary, an international CEO for secretary of state, and a education lobbyist for DoE. Where are you're number for how they benefit excessively from this tax reform?

Overall, that's still better than Citigroup/Citibank hand picking Obama's cabinet.


nice try kellyanne

It's a nice gesture to his base.

the vast majority of which have no idea what it even is.

"lib'ruls like it? That black president had something to do with it? fuck that! reeee!!"

I've never met a former trump supporter lol

Because we are still Trump supporters.

All u have to do is check OP's user history, it's 90% drumpf attacks, zero attacks on the link garbage the took over r/politics. That's all I needed to see

Whenever I see characters like this I like to imagine that they come from main reddit where it's a complete echo chamber and see that you actually have to coexist with supporters of all political ideologies here and freak out and try to turn it into a political battle when we're all just trying to focus on the conspiracies that can't be discussed anywhere else.

It's really a testament to how good the mod team is on here. They allow both crossposts from r/politics and r/thedonald and have moderators from both ideologies. Name one other subreddit where that's the case.

Perfectly said. Thing is, most lefties want nothing to do w tinfoil. They're either centrist/independent, or right wing.

Either way, I'm glad both sides are here but the righties at least ha e more actual conspiracies

I'm a former Trump supporter. Not because of any obvious political reason. It's because NASA is lying to us and he knows it. Trump is supporting them and not calling out. He's part of a larger deception going on about the nature of our reality.

Complete charade.

Dude. 2nd term trump is releasing the TR3Bs. First term trump has the drain the swamp. Disclosure comes later

I'm talking "outer space" doesn't even exist level conspiracy. Aliens and all that stuff are part of the mainstream deception. Books, Every Hollywood movie, all the ancient aliens stuff on mainstream cable. The Elite aren't really trying to hide that stuff, they are pushing it.

How is he draining the swsmp?

Are you not aware of the Saudi princes being tortured right now? The leftist hypocrites dropping like flies? They are all going down in anticipation of the big dogs

Trump is draining the swamp and replacing it with radioactive toxic.


I'm a former trump supporter.

What turned ya?

Well it wasn't really trump specifically, I just got turned off from politics. Realized it was all a game. There is no politician free of corruption.

So you didn't really switch sides, just dropped out


I believe an apathetic public is easier to control and easier to hide new bills and laws from. I feel like you, but I will not let my frustration take away my vote. My vote, however, may not go to one of the two parties. For better or worse, I guess.

Never said I'm going to avoid politics all together. Still going to vote and such. Just going to stop with all the "siding" and "support" of politicians and political parties. I agree with your stance.

Cool, I don't want to see another person have their vote taken away by what I consider manufactured divides and the resulting apathy. I wish more people voted. Perhaps if the roughly 45% of our electorate who do not vote actually did vote, a third party could start to get some real traction, some funding, and be part of debates. At the very least, the platforms of both parties would be impacted and hopefully in a good way.

If he/she were a former Trump supporter and "switched sides" that'd be pretty sad, substituting one false belief for another.

Very true ahah

That's the only talking point i hear from blind worshippers of the creep.

All of that was political theatre.

What about all the fucking divide and conquer bullshit he's been playing on all of us?

You think if he really were am outsider, he'd grow some balls, stop sucking Goldman Sachs balls, and actually drain the fucking swamp. He's just filled it up with more disgusting people.

No it wasn't you literal idiot. Both Obama and Clinton supported it and Trump and Sanders didn't. It was going through 100% if Clinton won.

I guess that’s why Goldman Sachs employees are banned from donating to him, because they love him so much, right? /s

I’m not doubting it could be a cult. The evidence you’ve brought forth isn’t selling me. Come up with better selling points.

He hates them so much he gives them a job in his administration

What has his cabinet done so far, that concerns you? I don't typically form opinions based on "connections" to past companies.

Trump isn't doing the dividing. It's the people that have convinced themselves that all their negative adjectives are bulletproof arguments, proving that he is some kind of evil human. Actual evidece (aka reality) shows otherwise.

If someone has convinced themselved that a literal Nazi is in office, I can see why they might be concerned. I simply disagree.

Because of ego, he thought he could do better. He hasn't and won't.

he'll bring it back guaranteed

It was low hanging fruit. It was not ratified by congress yet and even the democrats did not like it. The republicans would have all voted no just because it was an Obama thing anyways, but I'm sure they also disliked it for the same reasons democrats did. Considering the majority of congress is held by republicans it was never going to get anywhere. Killing it before it got to them was way to easy a target for Trump. Makes him look good on both sides and I'm glad we didn't have to waste time with it in congress. It had some good things, but it had some really shitty things too. Most notably those using child and slave labor were given a pass on it so they could be a part of TPP.

Wasn't that going to be really good for the elite?

only if you believe all the conservative propaganda.

TPP is a really complicated piece of legislation. Maybe it would have maybe it wouldn’t have, but the reason he killed it was strictly because Obama wrote it. Nothing else.

Dude has gained supporters. You're delusional

His approval rating is one of the lowest a president had

His approval rating is one of the lowest a president had

So were his polling numbers right up until the moment he won.

They were correct. They predicted Hillary won with +-3 mil votes and she did. There is a difference in polling numbers of the country vs the electoral college.

They predicted Hillary won with +-3 mil votes and she did.

That's just not true. Here, after two seconds of googling I can provide one example of projected electoral victory:

the Telegraph's electoral college vote tracker showed that Clinton was predicted to win 206 electoral college votes while Trump was expected to get 164.

Let's see your source.

Let me know if I should bring in the broom so we can sweep up this guy's ashes. Lmao

You clearly didn't read passed the headline there. From the first link in that article:

Last RCP average had Clinton up 3.2%, she won with 2.1%, difference of 1.1%, well within the margin of error.

Since you, and only you, are using electoral college I was able to pick 47 of 50 states November 9th correctly strictly off polls, the three I got wrong were PA, MI and WI.

PA - - 2.8% off

WI - - 7.2% off

MI - 3.7% off

Wisconsin was the huge miss, and didn't have any polls conducted in the last week after the Comey letter was released. So, yes Wisconsin polls were horribly off, the rest were within the margin of error, and national polls were very close.

Since you, and only you, are using electoral college

Actually, you are the one who brought up the electoral college.

See, look, I'll even quote you.

There is a difference in polling numbers of the country vs the electoral college.

That's right, there is. The polls projected that Hillary would win the electoral college resoundingly. I've even linked you to a very clear example.

Here you're really just attempting to rewrite the history of the 2016 election and assert that the polls weren't wildly off. They were, and I can link you to a plethora of examples of media outlets lamenting this reality. You're gaslighting plain and simple. Well, you're attempting to at least.

That's just not true. Here, after two seconds of googling I can provide an example of projected electoral victory

projected electoral victory


Yes, projected electoral victory. Remember, you said "there's a difference."

.... wait.... didn’t hillary win 206 electoral votes or about that?


TFW you can’t read beyond what your political blinders allow you to”

TFW you can’t read beyond what your political blinders allow you to”

No, I see the confusion. I copy/pasted the wrong line in my original response.

Again, you’re describing pundits placing PREDICTIONS.

The polls showed one thing and pundits pulled that info and formed projections and conclusions.

The polling was sound. Just a little off.... read your links lol

The polling was sound. Just a little off....

Projected to lose Wisconsin, but then winning by thirty points is not, "Just a little off."

read your links lol

I have. That's why I've included the information about Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Trump didn't win Wisconsin by 30 points. He won by 20k votes out of a total of ~3million, or less than one percent. Florida was 1.2%.

Because they said he chances of winning was 70% doesn't mean they polled her at winning 70% of the vote. The polls basically showed exactly how the election would go, by county, but missed that Trump had better turnout in his base than Hillary did. In Michigan the polls basically missed Macomb County by 5% and expected Wayne and Oakland to have better turnout. If Wayne alone had similar turnout to 2008 than Hillary would have won Michigan.


According to who?

Every room I've been in across the country is full of people who don't really just don't give a shit.

Nice scientific methodology, lol. Why should we trust approval ratings when we have Duzula visiting rooms across the country.

You can argue if people are stupid (and yes, they 1re) but the fact is that his approval rating is very low

Same people and polls that gave him a 2% chance of winning.

Jep, 1 poll said 2% chance on winning at a point where everyone thought that Hillary was gonna win. Then shit went down and the news broke that Comey reopened the investigations. And that was a turning point

No it was Russia....Putin kept IMing me "Bill Clinton is a Rapist....INFOWARS DOT COM"

According to?

What evidence suggests he's not the people's president and instead a president for all his billionaire and millionaire friends?

All of it. If you don't see that, you're either a fool or a scoundrel. Which is it?

What a convincing argument.

I didn't feel like being that guy's research assistant. Sue me. I'm not the fuckface whisperer.

Let's play the name game. You name as many actions as you can find that he has taken that will help the average citizen. I'll name all the ones I can find that will only (or disproportionately) help millionaires and large corporations

Getting rid of TPP

So 1 thing? Also, how exactly did getting rid of TPP help the average citizen? I'm just curious if you actually understand what the agreement actually contained.

No let's go back and forth until we run out. TPP would have shipped jobs out of the country, decent factory middle-class jobs. Do you understand it?
How are tax cuts a bad thing? The middle-class is getting the tax cuts. I assume you are referring to the tax cuts for the corporations? That's good too, it incentivizes jobs to be made. Or are you talking about how he wants to repeal the death tax? I don't think that's a bad thing, but yes only affects people that have a lot of stuff to leave behind. But saying 'enormous tax cuts' is broad.
My next thing: Illegal immigration has been reduced immensely, it's good because the next thing to go is the billions spent of financial aid for them. That money can be used elsewhere for the American public.

TPP would have shipped jobs out of the country, decent factory middle-class jobs. Do you understand it?

Based on what? What provisions within the TPP agreement would have done that?

How are tax cuts a bad thing?

Because they disproportionately help the wealthy and do extremely little to help the poor and middle class.

I assume you are referring to the tax cuts for the corporations? That's good too, it incentivizes jobs to be made

What economic theory are you basing that on?

Or are you talking about how he wants to repeal the death tax?

I resent that term and yes, the estate tax really only affects a small percentage of americans. I think the entire tax plan is bullshit. I agree with the reduced corporate tax rate, but I don't think it can possibly do any good without a substantial increase in the top personal income tax rate.

My next thing: Illegal immigration has been reduced immensely, it's good because the next thing to go is the billions spent of financial aid for them. That money can be used elsewhere for the American public.

We're also losing the tax revenue and economic productivity that those immigrants bring with them

Did you just run out?

Oh, I didn't realize you were being serious:

That’s interesting because I see I was going to list this as a positive for middle class America. Gives jobs, more money coming into the country, energy independence. Of course the business owners will make a bunch, but its mutually beneficial. To add to this, I will say what he is doing with coal is also helpful in the same regard as the oil. His executive order that allows people not to pay fines to the government for not having insurance is what I would say next did not help the big wigs and instead helped low income families

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That’s interesting because I see I was going to list this as a positive for middle class America. Gives jobs, more money coming into the country, energy independence. Of course the business owners will make a bunch, but its mutually beneficial. To add to this, I will say what he is doing with coal is also helpful in the same regard as the oil.

If you read between the lines, all that order does is allow companies working on "infrastructure" projects to bypass environmental regulations. This disproportionately helps large companies (especially oil companies) and does very little to help the average american. It does nothing to raise revenue and does little to create long-term job growth. Not to mention environmental impact and renewing our dependence on fossil fuels

His executive order that allows people not to pay fines to the government for not having insurance is what I would say next did not help the big wigs and instead helped low income families

Technically, the IRS were the ones who stopped requiring people to provide proof of insurance. Granted, this EO enabled them to do that. However, all this does is to further undermine the ACA. The penalties for not carrying insurance were put in place to reduce the price of premiums since it would force healthy people into the insurance market. Without this mechanism, we get exactly what we're seeing now: rapidly rising insurance premiums.

I would argue that it's absolutely not a good thing for anybody. Sure though, I'll let you have it.

My next one: Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement

Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement? That saves the US tons of money that would otherwise go to powerful international organizations. Also it's designed to cripple our energy production, while other major countries do not have to follow. I see the Paris Agreement as a way for other major countries to keep us further from energy independence while also paying out a ton of money to international organizations. I guess I am too cynical or critical to believe the people involved are genuinely concerned with climate change.
Next: more healthcare - Removing government subsidies to insurance companies (literally taking money from these people you think he is only looking out for) and allowing for buying insurance across state line (will drive prices down through competition)

Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement? That saves the US tons of money that would otherwise go to powerful international organizations. Also it's designed to cripple our energy production, while other major countries do not have to follow.

I see. So you fell for the conservative talking-points and didn't bother to research the subject?

I see the Paris Agreement as a way for other major countries to keep us further from energy independence

Energy independence isn't our goal and never has been our goal. It's not even sound economic policy since limiting yourself to your own domestic production of energy is monetarily inefficient. Not to mention that it is only really relevant as long as we are using fossil fuels

while also paying out a ton of money to international organizations.

Such as? Also, why is that bad? The amount of money involved was absolutely miniscule.

I guess I am too cynical or critical to believe the people involved are genuinely concerned with climate change.

Then I don't know how to help you

Next: more healthcare - Removing government subsidies to insurance companies (literally taking money from these people you think he is only looking out for) and allowing for buying insurance across state line (will drive prices down through competition)

Wait, do you really think insurance companies are just going to eat the extra cost from not receiving subsidies? They just withdraw from the marketplaces and force people to try to get insurance on their own. This puts us right back where we were in 2008 when people were clamoring for healthcare reform. I fail to see any research or analogue that would indicate that these new healthcare rules are going to fix the problems of high premiums while still allowing everyone to get coverage.

Do you know why conservatives hate the ACA? Because it keeps them from cutting taxes. They have money. They can afford to buy healthcare regardless. Or do you think this is the one thing that Trump and Paul Ryan have decided to do out of their own benevolence?

You know what? I'm good with this discussion. I'll leave you with this:

That's an article from Trump's own alma mater that is quite critical of his major policies.

Energy independence does not mean only using your own, but having the ability to do it if needed so you're in better position when negotiating. Well it is relevant as we are still using fossil fuels, just to inform you.
Good with the discussion as in the game you wanted to play is over?

If that's your definition of energy independence, then we already have it

Look at his cabinet for starters. And then his tax bill.

What about his cabinet? I don't agree with all of his picks, but if we are using the level of wealth someone has as an argument that they are corrupt, I'm going to need some more meat to convince me. Just because someone is wealthy does not automatically mean they are corrupt. I do have a problem with Elaine Chao, but I think Trump did that to put Mitch in a odd position.

And then his tax bill.

What about it?

He talks a lot about the common man but really does little except push for breaks that benefit the richest investor class and corporations only. I guess if you still believe that trickle down economics is a thing you will be disappointed for a very long time.

He talks a lot about the common man but really does little except push for breaks that benefit the richest investor class and corporations only

Not all rich people file taxes with 1120s or 1065s. Even if you are an Uber driver, you can incorporate yourself for about $250(can also write that expense off) and file 1120s and get all the same tax breaks that benefit "the richest corporations." Put the vehicle in the company name you created, and write your car payments off to drastically reduce the tax burden.

I guess if you still believe that trickle down economics is a thing you will be disappointed for a very long time.

The stock market has gained $3+tril since the election. That money is just sitting there. Unless we pass a tax bill, that money will not get reinvested/very little will get reinvested, and that could possibly crash the markets...again..

Seems like a little loaded title, doesn't it?

OP is an obsessed shit stirrer. He makes these types of posts daily.

Yet, they rise anyways, funny how that works huh?

OP reminds me of wang_pang88, russian321, margaritaville, etc. He stirs shit up in the same ways.

That's a reflection of education.

To all the former Bernie supporters who've woken up and realized he's actually not a people's president and instead a president for all his billionaire and millionaire friends. You've basically left a cult, and I applaud you.

Copying off another person argument is a sign of low intelligence.

It's designed to shoot up to the top of the subreddit and then get picked up by the r/all brigade. Watch it's going to go to +17k 86% despite starting at +37 56% and will have multi-gilded testimonials.

Also, in the past 10 hours OP has commented "fuck the bible"/"fuck jesus" 3 times, admitted to having "10 abortions", and basically just crossposts every anti-trump story from r/politics. This is another classic case of someone who is not here for conspiracy, but rather to create noise with the hope that the people who are here to discuss conspiracy will get annoyed and leave to the quieter conspiracy subs and other conspiracy sites in general. Then they can make this another r/resist offshoot.

Like all you T_D folks with you Pizza Gate and Seth Rich bullshit? Give me a fucking break. This isn't your safe space.

Hahaha, you may go now.

its plain to see what happened to this sub. Too much questioning happening.

That's enough free think for you.

Does 3M OP have two accounts?

Is he running a social experiment on Conspiracy because there is the exact same post about Hillary supporters posted within the same hour?

Probably. Wouldn't surprise me.

Get both sides riled up. Get everyone pissed at each other.

Realistically, I only see the uniformed and the idealist pissing on each other.

Textbook dissent sowing. Going in for some years now on Reddit. More profilic at the moment.

Yep, there's a brigade, and they are TRIGGERED.

It's designed to shoot up to the top of the subreddit and then get picked up by the r/all brigade.

Wow, admission to supporting/seting-up brigading. A site wide bannable offense.

TIL that when a post reaches /r/all it is 'brigaded' by people from '/r/all'.

Seems like /r/all is the opposite of a single reddit brigading another, since it's, you know, 'all' the subreddits.

nothing you described as happening actually happened.

so are you the kind of person that will re-evaluate why you thought it happen in the first place? or the kind of person who will harbor delusions of grandeur and think "aha! i foiled those pesky soros shills by revealing their plan!"

if it triggers you, good

As if the hacks, socialists, and bitter women and SJWs on the left are much better.

Please, OP-- you couldn't be a bigger bundle of unemployed sticks if you tried.

Seems like a little loaded title, doesn't it?

Loaded OP too.

How is this a conspiracy. Go back to r/politics with this nonsense

1/3 of the country being sucked into a cult of personality orchestrated by the Russian government isn't worthy of this sub?

/r/RussiaLago is the sub for that, not /r/conspiracy. It is what it is.

Who made you the gatekeeper of what counts as a conspiracy?

I think they're just pointing out that you're not going to get much discussion on the Russia/Trump connection on this sub. Just look at the swarm of Trump shills that came to this thread as an example of why.

So we retreat into greater levels of echochambers? We refuse to face any idea we may disagree with?

If that's the case, let's put all Sandy Hook shit into it's own sub. Obviously get the 9/11 stuff onto it's own sub. The newest Las Vegas shooting, wrap that all up on it's own sub.

Let's clean house and then just close this sub down. Then we can isolate all ideas and communities will never cross and we'll never have to see anything we disagree with.

So we retreat into greater levels of echochambers? We refuse to face any idea we may disagree with?

Nah, I don't think that's what I or they were saying. I'm at least still trying to stick it out, but it does mean much of the discussion is going to get buried here.

I will give the mods kudos for being a bit more hands-off in regards to the "Misleading" tags and post removals whenever new news of the investigation comes out, though. That was pretty bad for a while.

The misleading tags were the absolute worst. Nothing like having your mind made up for you before you even step into the thread.

Lol no conspiracy theories that go against my beliefs are allowed!!!

It's just that you are making a statement with nothing backing it up. Trump is not a good human being but that doesn't mean it's a cult. I'm always open to a discussion when evidence is presented.

You give Russia too much credit.

The American people are not the Russian government.

Even if so, that still would never or could never surpass the sheer giddiness & relief I feel DAILY from knowing we dodged the HRC bullet. Shudder...

I'm sure both of them appreciate your appreciation...

So....Hillary was the alternative. I would never vote for that corrupt bitch that prostitutes herself to the corporations.

Tonight on EyeReddit News @ 11.

Anti-Trump post in /r/conspiracy gains traction.

Pro-Trump users suspect...a conspiracy?

This and more not-so-shocking happenings after the latest kitten and puppy gif ends.


People here should never trust a billionaire President who has never put anyone other than himself, and maybe his children first.

These people don't trust their own cell phone, but trust the guy who needs to be guilted into making promised donations, a guy who admits to paying off politicians, and just this week settled a law suit for under paying workers.

Trump is not your guy. If you think so, you are a moron, full stop.

That's a very serious reply to my jokey-joke comment.

Was that intentional or did you mean to reply to someone else.

For the record, Donald Trump is a piece of shit.

I'm just sick of pro-Trump people in a conspiracy board.

Oh yeah, this sub has been completely ruined by a particular element.

And the rest of Reddit??

Those stupid fcking Trump suporters tho ;) lol

I'm not in lockstep with that other guy, I am just sharing the general complaint that too many people on this sub have an agenda and refuse to acknowledge the corruption of their "guy" because it's their guy.

Identity politics, blah blah, you know the drill.

Being conservative and supporting Trump should not be a mutual requirement. Liberals had no problem hanging Hillary out to dry. I wish more conservatives had the stones to do the same with Trump. I would take Mike Pence in a heartbeat.

I'd rather have a community of differing opinions than an echo chamber. But that's just like, my opinion, man.

Screw that, he's a corrupt NWO asset. Call him out, don't defend the people who support him. This sub is supposed to call out corrupt bullshit.

Subs aren't "supposed" to do anything, regardless of your feelings. And there's never justification for wanting to be in an echo chamber

I don't mind pro-Trump people here and explaining their positions on topics, but I do mind the fanatics who defend absolutely everything he does. For instance I'm a pretty pro-Obama person, but I'm not going to defend his use of drones, or staying in wars we should be out of by now, or pushing for TPP, and so on. Trump is doing some shitty things, and his base, which frequent this sub don't seem to care. If his supporters are unable or unwilling to call him out on shitty things he's never going to know they are shitty things and he will continue to do them.

How do you go about ending wars that are already started? I would like some war advice or more instances of how Trump supporters stick up for Trump no matter what he does.

There are always elements to any political party that stick with their leader no matter what. This isn’t new or specific to Trump.. Even though you seem to be reasonable and willing to think for yourself. There were/are plenty of Democrats who are rabid defenders to their cause as well to win power.

What are some other shitty things Trump is doing?

I don’t defend them all but hunk he’s done a pretty good job so far with what he’s working with.

The fact that the two major parties arte fucking everything up here from the inside is nothing to joke about.

When they fuck it up and we citizens take the brunt of their poor choices, will it still be a joking matter?

The fact that the two major parties are fucking everything up here from the inside is nothing to joke about.

Yeah, that's not what I was joking about.

When they fuck it up and we citizens take the brunt of their poor choices, will it still be a joking matter?


Lol oh no you got me. The "former" trump supporter. I am a former, and current supporter.

How's David Brock doing after his heart attack?

Today on Beta males trying to make ends meet. Shareblue edition.

Removed. Rule 5

We knew this tactic was coming months ago. Wondered why it took so long.

thanks to this post, im going to get transitioned. #metoo.

t. redditor for 1 month

Literally never met an actual person who regrets voting for Trump. I mean, why would you? His Presidency is doing better than anyone could have expected.

I don’t regret voting for him because the alternative would have been President Hillary and I’ll never regret not having that. Do I think he’s a great president? No. Do I think any president in my lifetime has been great? No.

Glad to say I'm still in the cult you presumptuous prick

OP's 100% and all the projection, reality distortion and influence pedaling astroturfery below exposes exactly how desperate the Kremlin and that creepy Nazi tool with the "internet marketing consulting firm" are to impose the illusion on the internet that all this BS is still working.

In real life, which isn't anywhere near as sick with bots and shills - at least so far - it's clear they're flying off that shitstain in DC like rats on a sinking ship.

Trying really hard to make that Trumpgret meme real I see.

What's the answer to the r/politics question?

Hur dur r/politics

Seeing fake ass shit dominate the top of the sub for the last few days is getting mighty old.

Lmao! You only mention Trump supporters and fail to recognize that you are still a member of the other side of the same cult... stop buying in to partisan politics. If u really want to stop participating in cults, you need to set down some of your bias. Partisan politics is a hydra which you can only the see the heads of, making it appear that each head is a different beast. In reality, they are all one cult with a goal of keeping you enslaved and complacent while feeding the hidden belly that connects them all.

Even Trump is just a card they burned in order to muscle through some agenda points. Hated charasmatic leaders can be even more effective at advancing agendas than a beloved charasmatic leader. BCL has to do a lot of things under the radar to advance while a HCL can push through unpopular agendas with ease, right out in the open. Meanwhile people unwittingly stop caring how bad policies are getting because their emotional state has them convinced that everything HCL does is going to be bad and so they expect bad policy, which leads to accepting bad policy.

Then the next guy runs on the promise to reverse all these new bad policies, gets elected, and allows them to keep chugging along in spite of campaign promises.

Ever feel like they're just there to entertain you and produce an emotional reaction?

I'm not even a leftist orba liberal

It doesn't matter as long as you still believe that representative government is a representation of what the people want and need. Nearly EVERY politician is for sale to the highest bidder. If they aren't, there's always someone higher up that is and they'll make sure any conscientious politicians won't advance. By the time you hear their name outside of local elections, they've already been corrupted or outright bought.

So, you are saying, that we should have elected Clinton, who would have been elected if her lies hadn't been exposed?! Marvelous critical thinking there. And, BTW, the 2 party system is a joke, and it's a corporate party, an oligarch party; neither represents the majority of Americans. We actually are dealing with the lesser of 2 evils in the Trump scenario, and, although it isn't packaged as deceptively comfortable as you might have preferred, electing Clinton would have actually been worse. Many things are now exposed that would not have been. What we need is a workers party, not any more of this illusionary 2 party division bullshit. I'm confused why the public still believes it? Really, Democrats not Republicans care unless the lobbyist pay them to. The real issue we should be campaigning for is money out of politics, End Citizens United. Realize the Democratic party is corrupt as hell please. That Trump is towing the line for all normal Republicans. Both are unappealing.

50 day old account


Trumps terrible... hilldawg woulda been just as terrible.. trump haters seems to be blind to all her corruption

Haha, "Former trump supporters". Those people, ok, they probably exist, are just stupid people that believe everything MSM wants them to believe. Lap that shit up as they say. Consuming MSM and believing it without a second thought is like eating shit. I downvote this post for the utter shite it is.

Those people, ok, they probably exist, are just stupid people that believe everything MSM Trump wants them to believe. Lap that shit up as they say. Consuming MSM alt-right fb memes and believing it without a second thought is like eating shit.

Found the "correct the record" guy.

Removed. Rule 10

I get why people don't like Clinton, but I never understood how people thought that this rich guy is a savior and totally different then all the rich assholes before him.

rich assholes

You will never be rich

Big surprise, someone taken in by a cult is sucked back into another one without even realizing (leftist, big-government establishment). Looking forward to your next "I've left a cult before." post when (if) you escape the left's programming.

Funny I'm not in the left nor liberal

380 comments, 25 points. Probably the most controversial post in the history of reddit.

This. There are so many Trump voters turning away from him, not the radicals or the loyalists, but the one’s who voted for him based on specific things like Trade or healthcare. The most moderate Trump voters who didn’t want Hillary and now they’re seeing Trump can’t get anything done and have completely abandoned him. The more unhinged Trump gets, the more moderates will turn from him, leaving him only a pack of loyalists which is likely a fraction if his nearly 70m voters.

If Trump wants those moderates back, he needs to stop throwing them under the bus with these bs policies that only harm them and stop pretending he’s not losing his base. Trying to make your crowds look bigger and inflate yourself as more popular than you are is neglecting the majority of your voters and you’re gonna get raped in the 2018 elections and possibly even the 2020 elections.

Nah, Trump train is still going full speed, all the way to winning the 2020 election.

comes to conspiracy, a neutral on politics thinks that one of the two candidates in the states is any better than the other.

You can hate trump (i am somewhat glad he won) but I will say as an outsider (non US) i can tell you that Hillary probably would have done more damage as she was experienced in doing damage. Trump is just a guy who does nothing so the rest of the world can breath. The USA is fine, still great country bla bla. But the rest of the world needs a break from US action and hillary was all about fucking up other people. So worst of two evils in my opinion.. And yes I am a TD member although havent posted there in a while.

It's so cringey to see trumpers. I don't remember people posting Obama praising every fucking hour What a bunch of HACKS.

As long as people live within the construct of the cave, happily "they" create theater, and in it let you play. shadows dancing are your reality, just Like Platos cave. The one who points and sees outside a world much alive, they are shunned "shilled" and mockingly pushed away, for they only see the mental puppet theater. every time the shadows grow a little more absurd.
So here you have the final hand, the feelings are so high,
at last to end such the comedy divine, of course in the end the only card remaining left to play, from the cave of shadows joy filled and triumphantly "TRUMP CARD!"
while from behind walks away alone the one who saw outside, hearing people in unison singing the Trump cards praise all still staring at the shadows, the shadows in the cave. WAKE UP! IDIOTS.

Crying about not getting your way and bitching about it for a year plus isn't r/conspiracy material. It isn't really a good fit for any sub. Users like user/3Msleep are doing a phenomenal job of ruining Reddit and driving away votes for Democrats. So, thanks?

Removed. Rule 10

Jesus Christ Hillary give it a rest...2020 it's not going to happen.

4 more years for God Emperor Trump. Stay mad.

I'm not mad, I'm laughing my ass off how duped y'all were that Trump was actually on your side


Not duped, never had any illusion he was on any side other than his own. The only reason i voted for him was to watch you SJW's lose your minds, and you did en mass. Everyone, tears and screaming and screeching about impeachment. Worth it. And yall have continued assuring 4 more years. Grats.

I fucking hate SJWs, that's they only good thing about the Trump presidency. I'm not even a liberal. But i just fucking hate Trump

Oh he's a shit bag, no two ways about it, but i knew that going in. The sad part is he's still probably the lesser of two evils as far as he and hillary were concerned. Everyone is mad at trump, but in truth the US brought this on themselves.

I don't disagree with anything you said there

Wait, your maths is off. Did terms become 5 years long?

I'm speaking obviously of when his first term is over you imbecile.

Lol. You post this bull and you actually expect upvotes?

Fuck off, you r/politics scumbag. Have another downvote, bitch.


Removed. Rule 10.

Regarding the controversial votes, t_d’ers have long since realized the power of votes. It doesn’t even have to be shills or boys, just users who use the vote functionality.

The title of this thread is hilarious.

ShareBlue at it again?

The way you write, the tone, slanted title, and your history here in conspiracy do not, at all, lend ANY loft for you to you APPLAUD anyone from. You are not on a righteous perch, and to me it seems you are trying to get noticed. Yes, we noticed the fallacies. Right or wrong, posting this has the hallmarks (even if you are 100% right) of cult preaching, as if this were religious in your delivery. Especially the last bit, eye roll

It's telling to me that someone who is 'formerly' a cult member may not have any precipitation of unbiased knowledge.

There simply is no actual critical point to this post, other than cheerleading and complaining you are not getting your notice-me-please points.

May I suggest a rally sub, or other appropriate arena you can post non-conspiracy posts?

Still trying to get some upvotes from your r/politics circlejerkers?

Keep trying, bitch



You're not brigaded, you're just wrong. If anything my support has increased.

...just another statist presiturd. They are all the same. They are all crime bosses.

The problem is the office itself, the system of violence so many demand onto everyone.

Don't vote for anyone because voting for government is an unethical criminal act. Find another way to get along.

I literally read this exact same headline a couple weeks back, try harder.

OP reminds me of wang_pang88, russian321, margaritaville, etc. He stirs shit up in the same ways.

You mean where he stopped at countries that rely on us for military protection from an insane dictator who appears to be on the brink of launching ICBMs? Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't rock the boat

So you have a sub 80 IQ. Okay. Have a good day. Try not to swallow your tongue

I'm not championing anyone. I'm saying the alternative was Hillary. And that alternative was much worse. I'd rather have the devil I don't know than the devil I do in this situation. Hillary already had decades in politics to prove how corrupt, flip flopping, shady, war mongering and psychopathic she is.

I stopped humoring your kind ages ago.

That would go a long way toward explaining your continued response.

Well damn. How can I argue with that?

Oh wait, they're spending a ton of money lobbying against him. Looking a Tom Seyer gives you a completely different picture.

So you didn't really switch sides, just dropped out

I'm actually arguing against identity politics by using the dudes identity politics against him if you actually followed the conversation.

think minorities should

This is the Internet dude. Anybody can claim to be anything they want too. You can claim to be a Native American all you want too. But just because you "I am a Native American" doesn't make is true. If your really are a Native American then you should be able to prove it with no trouble at all.

And the rest of Reddit??

Those stupid fcking Trump suporters tho ;) lol

That's a reflection of education.

The fact that the two major parties are fucking everything up here from the inside is nothing to joke about.

Yeah, that's not what I was joking about.

When they fuck it up and we citizens take the brunt of their poor choices, will it still be a joking matter?


Well, I apologize then. My bad.

Funny I'm not in the left nor liberal

Jep, 1 poll said 2% chance on winning at a point where everyone thought that Hillary was gonna win. Then shit went down and the news broke that Comey reopened the investigations. And that was a turning point

is to assume people wander here just to pick political fights.

the 'online opinion shaping' business is a growth industry...

