To all the former Trump detractors who've woken up and realized he's actually not a racist evil russian hitler rapist and instead a president for Americans. You've basically left a cult, and I applaud you.

0  2017-12-01 by Varg_Burzum_666

I personally know dozens of former Trump detractors.

You saw through all the Fake News posts.

You saw through all the lies that the MSM is.

You left a cult, something you had invested a lot of time, money, and given up friends and family to pursue.

Their conspiracies to brainwash us, and turn us into lifelong believers were the very poison we had thought we were fighting against.

I applaud every one of you.

As a former cult leader, i know your pain. You're not alone. You are still strong.


Im about to make a huge announcement on my FB revealing everything i know and belive to be true... im about to have it hahahahh


Racism against a religion. Neat.

Hey, cool, semantics. Totally makes his tweets reasonable.

So the difference between genetics and people who choose to follow a ideology is semantics? You don't really believe that.

We can use the word “bigoted” if it will unbunch your panties.

Well if you just call anything you find distasteful racist, then there's no meaning to the word. Telling me to unbunch my panties is racist against women.

Hah! Alright, touche, white flag, etc.


Bigoted is just not being able to entertain the idea that another's viewpoint may be correct. Of course, you will never admit your own bigotry when it comes to this discussion. You will never admit that the people who think Islam is a scourge that should be cleansed from the Earth might be right. So even you changing the terminology to bigotry is completely hypocritical and disingenuous.

How about you try to form an opinion that isn't just a series of poorly thought out propaganda and buzz words? Or is that racist, fascist, anti-semitic , bigoted and trans-phobic to ask of you?

Haha my gosh, so smart! Are you the alt-right Albert Einstein?? I already told you I didn’t feel like arguing with you, but apparently you’re feeling extra smarty smart tonight.

Of course, you will never admit your own bigotry when it comes to this discussion

Oh noes, you busted me, I’m bigoted against bigots. I don’t think that the people who think Islam is a scourge might be right, and I genuinely never will. You can save it. I know a ton of moderate Muslims, and they’re great Americans. In fact, I just had Thanksgiving dinner with a very cool Palestinian family. It was great. So again, just save it.

So even you changing the terminology to bigotry is completely hypocritical and disingenuous.

Islamophobes are bigots. I’m not sure what you want me to tell you, but me saying that is neither hypocritical or disingenuous. I’m actually not even sure you know what disingenuous means, because this context doesn’t make sense.

How about you try to form an opinion that isn't just a series of poorly thought out propaganda and buzz words?

Honestly LOL’d. Like, reread what you wrote to me and actually imagine someone taking you seriously when you write all that and end with that. We almost got alt-right pseudo intellectual BINGO here.

I’m bigoted against bigots.

You are almost smarmy enough to write for Buzz Feed. Keep at it.

don’t think that the people who think Islam is a scourge might be right, and I genuinely never will.

Literally the definition of bigotry.

You can save it.

Never once did I claim to hold that opinion. It was just a convenient tool that I knew would force you to undeniably reveal your bigotry.

Islamophobes are bigots.

As are racismphobes. Bigotry is not something that can be assigned along partisan lines.

disingenuous means

"not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does."

I think you know that you are attempting to spread an ideology that falls flat in the face of logic. You aren't wrong by accident. You want to convince us to be wrong.

Islamophobes are bigots.

Perhaps. But bigotry exists on a scale. Refusing to agree that gays are deserving of the death sentence and that women should be stoned for adultery is less bad than believing those things aren't true.

So call me a bigot, and I will show you how my bigotry is humanism while yours is a disregard for the lives of your brethren.

We almost got alt-right pseudo intellectual BINGO here.

I think we both know that you are a meme.

Lol, good god man. Who the fuck reads Buzzfeed? That isn’t a gotcha.

And I don’t care that I’m bigoted against bigots! I’m not even taking a moral high ground or some shit. Quit projecting that on me. I literally don’t care if you think I’m a bigot for “being bigoted against bigots.” I could care less. Again, this isn’t a gotcha.

What the fuck is a “racismphobe?” Did you just make up a word saying “someone who’s afraid of racists?” Lol

Your bigotry isn’t humanism, your bigotry is fear. You’re scared of Muslims, we get it.

This is America, and you’re just as welcome to be a Muslim as you are to look like an idiot online and pretend you’re smart and try and spread fear. Knock yourself out, pal.

You couldn't refute any of my points so you just fell back on your smarmy sense of superiority huh? Definitely practicing to write for Buzz Feed.

What the fuck is a “racismphobe?” Did you just make up a word

It's no more "made up" than islamaphobia or transphobia or homophobia. They are all bullshit made up words that mean nothing.

You’re scared of Muslims, we get it.

You're so afraid to look like an Islamaphobe that you would let your own people die to avoid it. Weak. It's probably all the soy.

look like an idiot online

Finally some self reflection.

Haha holy hell pal give it a rest. You’re literally not making any points, you’re just 100% emotionally laden responses. I’m yawning so hard over here my jaw is cracking.

It's no more "made up" than islamaphobia or transphobia or homophobia. They are all bullshit made up words that mean nothing.

Uh, sure, and so is “car” or “tree” if you really want to get into it, but words are words because everyone agrees to use them. You literally just made up a word in attempt to prove a “point.” Feels > reals.

You're so afraid to look like an Islamaphobe that you would let your own people die to avoid it.

Wow, again, I’m not afraid of any of this. You’re more likely to die from a falling coconut then an Islamic terrorist. Also, my American friends who are Muslim are “my people” just as much as the ones who aren’t. Again, you’re 100% feels > reals.

Weak. It's probably all the soy.

Hah, man, you’re the afraid one here. You can project all you want, but based on your 100% feels-based argument coming from you I think we both know the who the “soy boy” is. Plus, I had steak for dinner! You’re arguing against pure meat based protein, baby.

Finally some self reflection.

“Nuh uh, you!”

100% feels, no real points, making up words, policing people’s speech online, misplaced righteous indignation - you realize you’re the right’s version of an SJW, right? Congrats.

Still unable to refute anything. You are boring me. Your argument is entirely ad hominem. Can't you make a single cogent point in defense of your ideology, or are you just as aware as I am that it has no cogent points to make?

You haven’t said anything to refute. Please show me one point you made that wasn’t 100% feels, and I’ll gladly go at it.

Yeah it's like I thought. Propagandized to the point you've lost the ability to read. Well, I wish I could say it's been fun, but it hasn't. I feel like I have wasted my time trying to explain something to a meth smoking toddler with attention deficit disorder. Oh well. It is nice to see how pathetic the competition is in the culture war though, so there's that.

You're absolutely correct!

Buddy, please quote a point you made. That’s all I’m asking. Quote one actual point that isn’t 100% feels, anywhere in the above conversations, and I will address it.

It’s a super simple task.

So either you didn't read it before or you didn't address it before because you were incapable. I'm not wasting my time with tweaker babies anymore, sorry kiddo.

Lol you can’t! I accept your white flag, pal.

The comments are easily found by you. Why don't you read them (again) and try and fail (again) to refute any of the points? Oh that's right, you can't offer any refutation because you are too big a bigot to entertain any of the ideas long enough to think through anything worth saying, besides a litany of smug sounding holier than thou buzz words. I mean, if you honestly can't understand how typical your self righteous ad hominem attacks and Buzz Feed-esque appeals to authority sound to people looking for discussion sound, I can't help you.

Let me be honest though. I don't think you are capable of forming any salient opinions because you are terrified of losing your place in the progressive hierarchy. You know that as soon as you attempt for even an instant to think for yourself you will lose your place as an "ally" in the progressive stack and be shunned by your community. All you are therefore willing to allow yourself is a hollow rehashing of propaganda and identity politics, founded on and backed by nothing more than hysterical fear that is being used to co-opt your vote and your voice.

It's transparent enough to be painful to watch. I am sorry you have come to this, but let's be honest, you never had much to contribute in the way of thought to begin with. You are just a useful idiot at this point.

Oh my god, you wrote all that instead of just cut and pasting one thing you wrote that is a salient point and isn’t 100% based on feels. LOL

All three of those paragraphs are pure projection - it’s literally one giant ad hominem! All you’re using is buzzwords! Do you even have a single shred of self awareness?Are you a chat bot? You want me to “defend my ideology,” but you’re the only ideologue here. I’m not afraid of Muslims, and this appears to have heavily triggered you.

You’re also, literally, the only one playing identity politics here. I was kind of being facetious but you’re literally the rights version of an SJW. You’ve become the thing you purport to hate.

Please, cut and paste just ONE thing that isn’t an emotionally laden diatribe. PLEASE, just one thing that isn’t feels > reals from our above back and forth.


I’m not afraid of Muslims

Nor am I. See, you have been arguing against something I never said the entire time. That is how I know you are peddling propaganda. You do realize the entire point of this whoooooooole conversation was that you were using the word racism wrong and then switched to using the word bigotry wrong. That is my point. I couldn't care less how you feel about Muslims, lol.

How about you try to form an opinion that isn't just a series of poorly thought out propaganda and buzz words? Or is that racist, fascist, anti-semitic , bigoted and trans-phobic to ask of you?

I have still not seen a single ounce of original thought from you. I bet if I googled all of your comments sentence by sentence I could put the whole thing together using quotes from some leftist journalists twitter feed. You are the definition of indoctrinated.

Alright, no salient points, all feels, and back to the ad hominems. lol! You’re all buzzwords and no original thoughts - can you really read what you wrote and not see the massive irony in you trying to put that shit on me? It’s projection at its finest.

I admitted to using the word racism wrong, I had another argument with another guy about it and bowed out - I already told you that, and it’s why I didn’t feel like arguing with you about it because I’d already gone over it. You felt the need to inject your talking points into a conversation that had already happened and that you didn’t need to have, because you’re feeling extra smarty smart and wanted to get dem libruls in some sort of poorly thought out and barely argued conundrum.

I didn’t use bigot wrong, and that was never your point - your point was that I’M the real bigot for being bigoted against bigots. Which is a talking point from the right! I’m really starting to think you’re just a semi aware chat bot.

That thing you quoted? That’s STILL not a point, it’s an ad hominem attack and a straw man.

I don’t have Twitter, I don’t read buzzfeed. You’re honestly projecting, and it’s getting fuckin weird. Go outside and get some fresh air, dude.

Mhm... It's like you just pick fragments of the same sentences out of a Scrabble bag, and rearrange them, every time you comment.

You have stopped saying anything. It's kind of fun reading this drivel though. It is like the opportunity to peer into the septic waste that was the thinking behind Hillary's campaign.

Thanks for the excellent additions to my collection of cringe copy pasta. I am definitely going to use your comments as bait in the future.

Lol, this all makes sense. You WOULD bait people online. Reading your comment history gave me cancer.

I didn’t vote for Hillary, pal. Keep up with the ad hominems! You’re obviously winning arguments left and right on here and not just circle jerking yourself into a frenzy of congratulatory back patting after making literally zero points and operating purely on feels.

I’d say it’s been fun, but you’re actually possibly the biggest waste of time I’ve ever talked to. May god have mercy on our souls.

It's like you just pick fragments

LIKE as in: Similar to. My god man, weren't you the one who was complaining about "semantics" at some point. I wish I didn't have to spend so much time holding your hand trying to teach you English...

gave me cancer

Thank God! Hopefully it's testicular and it renders you even more impotent.

I didn’t vote for Hillary

Didn't say you did, buckaroo.

May god have mercy on our souls

Not you though. You an infidel. There is no room in Allah's heaven for the likes of you. After you invite your conquerors in, they will follow their religious mandate to murder and/or replace you, and you will spend eternity in Hell. But hey, you wouldn't want to try to prevent that because bigotry!


LOL 100% troll, 100% feels, never made a cogent argument in your life. Have fun being a scaredy cat!

I’ll enjoy being a fucking American ;)

You honestly sound like like a such a *****, dude. Oh, you had dinner with Palestinians! You're so noble, LOL.

Huh? I live in an area with a high pop. of Palestinians. I was simply using it as an example of my thoughts on this, and just how hard the dude could save it.

What’s noble about it?


Today I learned adhering to actual definitions of words instead of histrionic rhetoric is semantics. Sigh...

You know I already talked about this literally right below your comment - don’t feel like doing it again. Just pretend you’re the other person, or something.

Classic left. Get upset over the source and ignore the content.


What source?

I don't mind our country lettin in Muslim. They will be forced to assimilate enough. But it's true a lot of them are massive troublemakers, and they have bizarre and backwards traditions.

Oh, okay, thanks. You’ve really added to this conversation and opened up my eyes. Do you write for a living? So eloquent.

Yes ...welcome...come on in where it's nice and warm.

it's nice and warm

Must be all the hooker pee-pee

What about those of us who don't like Trump but have never disliked him for any of the reasons you stated...what about those of us who disliked his cabinet Betsy Devos for education, who never attended a PS in her life and whose family has been at the front lines of the Charter School Movement. Or who disliked his appointment of Tillerson, a former Exxon-Mobil CEO, as Sec. of State? What about if we are unhappy with his appointment of former GOldman CEO Gary Cohn to Chief Economic Adviser? Or former Goldman CFO Mnunchin as Treasury Secretary?

What about if we despise his foreign policy? Ya know, like ramping up tensions in NK, adding more fuel to the ME fire in Syria and Iran? What about his bullshit dealings with SA, and the rumors of American Mercs from FSG (formerly Blackwater) run by Devos' brother Erik Prince, torturing and detaining the Saudi princes for MBS?

There's a lot to dislike Trump for, even more than I just stated. I think hes a terrible President, and I think HRC would have been bad or worse but for different reasons. I hope to god a real, non Corporatist, Progressive Populist can challenge Trump in 2020, because he's not the solution. But, like I said, I've never disliked Trump for any of the reasons you or the media stated. I dislike him for his actions, cabinet picks, and foreign policy, among others.

What about those of us who don't like Trump but have never disliked him for any of the reasons you stated...what about those of us who disliked his cabinet Betsy Devos for education

Well, then you're an idiot who doesn't know that school choice has been a massive success everywhere it's implemented, from Sweden to Norway to France to Chile.

Lol it's far larger than that. It's not just about school choice. It's about gutting the public school system and dumbing down our already pathetic education. If you think privatizing schooling is the way to go, you are the fool. Education shouldn't be about money, it should be about education.

But thanks for ignoring everything else I said. Trump is a fool and isn't the solution to this countries problems, and it's way easier to explain that when you don't use MSM talking points, like I just did.

Education shouldn't be about money, it should be about education.

I agree.

Does public education qualify as “education” though? That’s the underlying and unstated assumption.

Are the products of the public education system capable of critical thinking? Do they understand how to learn and and how to adapt?

Or are public education alumni usually more like production line drones perfect for a life of mundane employment, paying taxes and posing no threat to the incumbent powers?

We all know the answer. Perhaps Trump’s goal is to crush common core education and replace it with something better, something that actually enables students to reach their true potential.

I agree that the current PS system creates mere cogs in the machine. It isn't designed to engender critical thinking or people who question authority. But gutting PS in exchange for pay to play private charters isn't the way to go. It will just guarantee that the rich get a better education, which they already do by paying for private schooling for their kids.

Instead, we need to work with the framework of the PS system. We need to fix the curriculum, not gut public funding. We need to, in my opinion, instill the spirit of the Trivium and Quadrivium into every level of the system, k-12. We need to completely revamp and overhaul the entire curriculum, but keep it within the PS system. Devos hates PS and wants to gut it in favor of Charters. This fixes nothing and makes it so that the education gulf between the haves and have nots is even larger.

But gutting PS in exchange for pay to play private charters isn't the way to go.

Therein lies the debate.

It’s presumptuous to assume the end state will include payment barriers that are worse than those that already exist. One can of course lazily extrapolate based on a different set of capitalists taking over, but crony capitalism is what we have already. The incumbent benefactors are simply bilking the system via layers of government service providers and contractors instead of “private” schools up front.

The question boils down to: do you want the illusion of fairness in education where the real costs are baked into higher taxes for everyone, or do you want actual fairness in the form of choice, market forces and transparent pricing. The more efficient and cost-effective approach in our current economic system is the market-based approach.

If you think privatizing schooling is the way to go, you are the fool. Education shouldn't be about money, it should be about education.

Forcing schools to compete for students, and therefor funds, is the best way to prop up the objectively better schools and to get rid of the bad schools.

Education shouldn't be about money, it should be about education.

In a perfect world, yes, but human nature is a thing. It is the fool who believes we should run things based on how things should be, rather than how they are.

People require incentives to do things. If schools have to compete for funding(students), they can do so in 1 of 2 ways, either by lowering prices, which won't matter under a school voucher system, or by improving their product(the school). This, as competition has shown, for the past 200 years, will lead to a rise in the quality of the product being sold, across the board, as it has in every sector that needs to compete for money.

I can cite you countless studies that show that school choice/voucher systems are objectively better than what they have now, as I have done many times in the past.

Forcing schools to compete for students, and therefor funds, is the best way to prop up the objectively better schools and to get rid of the bad schools.

Listen to yourself. What happens when you "get rid of bad schools"? Where do those kids go? To the "better" schools? How do you judge teachers? With more standardized tests?

In a perfect world, yes, but human nature is a thing. It is the fool who believes we should run things based on how things should be, rather than how they are.

See, this is the exact mentality that has gotten us to this point. No one wants to strive for perfection anymore, in life or politics. No one wants higher standards, no one wants to pursue the world the way we all know it can be. We want to settle, under pathetic slogans like "tha'ts just how it works". I think it's more than time for idealism and a striving for the perfect to return to our society. Too much "compromise" has lead us to our current social and political state.

We shouldn't be making schools even more money oriented. We should be changing the culture from the ground up, to promote critical thinking, and to celebrate teaching and teachers. We need to improve the curriculum, and return to the Trivium and Quadrivium, not gut the PS system.

I can cite you countless studies that show that school choice/voucher systems are objectively better than what they have now, as I have done many times in the past.

And that entirely depends on the community. Affluent Middle Class suburbs have excellent school districts funded with high taxes and they love them and are very protective of them. We shouldn't make schooling even more about the monetary incentive.

What happens when you "get rid of bad schools"? Where do those kids go?

Better schools will be opened if bad schools fail.

The laws of supply and demand state that if there is demand for a product(like an education) that can be realistically provided, it will be met with equal supply. Especially considering that 7+ thousand per year government subsidies.

See, this is the exact mentality that has gotten us to this point

You mean one that bases itself on reality, rather than idealist fantasy?

No one wants higher standards

I want ahigher standards. Just like it has always done, a free market will provide those higher standards.

And that entirely depends on the community. Affluent Middle Class suburbs have excellent school districts funded with high taxes and they love them and are very protective of them

We want to settle, under pathetic slogans like "tha'ts just how it works".

we should be able to jump off buildings and fly, but instead we settle for pathetic slogans like "thats just how gravity works"

Now think about what would happen if every parent had access to all the funds given to those schools, per child and could choose the best school possible for their kids to allocate those funds, rather than having the government arbitrarily decide where their kids go.

If parents of inner city kids now have the same spending power as those rich suburb parents, and the ability to choose where those funds are allocated, it will benefit everyone, but the poor most of all.

What you're not getting is that school vouchers don't take any money out of education. The government currently provides schools with x amount of money, per student, and tells them where to go. All that changes with school vouchers is that now parents can choose to which school they send that money, and to which school their kids go to.

Inner city kids will no longer be forced to go to the hell holes that are the current inner city schools. No one is going to choose to send their kids to places riddled with gang violence.

As such, schools have to be the best they can be, if they want to attract any funding

The reality of the world, and of human nature is that money is a really powerful incentive, altruism is not. That is why communism and socialism fail every time and why capitalism is the most successful and productive ideology to ever exist.

Removed. Rule 10

There is so much more happening behind the scenes though...

Yes there is. But his choices of who he surrounds himself with and how he builds his administration speaks volumes about his agenda and the agenda of those he works closely with. This is why I avoid MSM talking points about Trump. My criticism is based purely on him, his choices, and his governing policies.

The only thing I don't like is that the syndicate ha become self-aware.

You're a pretty shitty hippie if you're cheering the fact that Trump put an oil lobbyist in to head the EPA.

yes, shitty enough to fix it while you will always be a political shill on some mindfuck somewhere. cheers.

Hey you're allowed to love regulatory capture if you like, but don't smear the good name of hippies.

Hippies have been associated with street kids since I was young.

I actually studied under the High hippy priesthood— Everything's been regulatorily captured including the civil and public discourse as evidenced by your presence here.

And you're a zombie. What's your point?

How many times are you going to post that question about Stormfront in Askreddit? If you support Stormfront you are a racist.

Removed. Rule 10

Hey. Here, here. Bernie Bro, turned conspiracy theorist, turned Russia bot, turned Trump defector here to stay.

You don't even have to watch the news or talk to any other humans to know that Trump is a complete regard. All you have to do is follow him on Twitter. Even the people that work for him think he's a complete embarrassment. That's why the people closest to him can't keep their jobs.

It doesn't help that his idea of loyalty is "kiss my ass unconditionally or you're fired."

What the hell is a sheep idiot like you doing on this sub?

shilling? What? You sound like a complete retard.

Sorry man I really should have put a trigger warning on my comment. Hope you're alright.

Hey man no problem, thx.

Seriously tho, you're retarded.

Gotcha, thanks for the heads up.

No problem. consider getting a mouthpiece to wear, it might help. Or a helmet.

Already have those thanks.

Did you know that Hillary got tossed into a van like a side of beef on 9/11?
And she left a shoe behind at the scene? Like Cinderella?

Yeah I heard about that. Man it's so funny when people faint. I wish more people got hurt more often. I just am not a very happy person ya know? I kind of hate myself. So the only sense of joy I get in life is when I see bad things happen to people I don't like.

You're attempt at being sarcastic is backfiring which is ironic, I think?

Because you are very likely describing yourself unintentionally.

Trump haters are sick deranged people, man. My word.

Yeah bro. People that disagree with me politically are sick and deranged. Like totes mental illness when anyone disagrees with me. That's what I tell myself to reassure myself that I'm right and they are wrong.

But you're not right. Not even close.

I suspect you know that, though.

Oh no I am.


Yeah boiiiiiii.

I’m not afraid to admit, I’ve never liked Trump before he was president, and now that he is, I actually don’t like him even more!

He's done everything I worried he'd do.

Hahaha. Fuck Trump.

This isn't The Donald you fucking shitter

Take this garbage elsewhere

Ah, it is this shillpost again?

Twice now in the past 24 hours.

Yes, that is the post this is in reference to...

It's a shitpost mocking the last post, you moron.

Twice now in the past 24 hours. This time from an older account. Almost word for word the same exact post.

It's supposed to be word for word, that's the point. How do you not get that? Seriously?

You forgot the /s


I realize now you were shitposting here. It confused me because when I read it the first time, my mind basically said "this shit again, twice in one day"?

Now that you made me re-read it again, I notice you are shitting on the other obvious shill poster.

The eyes play tricks on the brain.

alright, that's a fair point.

Cheers, mate. No need to be hating on each other, then.


Who leaves a cult and immediately joins another one? How could the media be so wrong? How did they confuse Russians for Israelis and Nazi with Zionist? At least they got the rape part right.

Now the Cult of Trump can peacefully continue cheering on genocide as America helps Israel achieve its own manifest destiny! How is this America first, one might ask?

Triggered leftists don’t understand that America is one nation under God, and Israel is The Holy Land that God promised to mainly white European Jews. America first is about putting God first, and if we don’t help The Zionists with greater Israel then it makes God look like a liar.

America will be great again once we help Gods chosen people reclaim the promised land and finally bring all nations together to form a utopian world government under the watchful all seeing eye of the ancient Hebrew overlord.

Nice post!

God is an absolutely overrated non-existence. ;)

What if we’ve hated Trump for decades?

He's managed to sell more weapons worldwide....and he is proud of it...if he doesn't drain the swamp he will go down as a fraud in my book.

I'm glad you resolved it

Nope, I still don't care for the man. Not because of the "lies" , but because he's a shitty person and president. He's a fucking puppet just like the rest of them.

Make a new cult, with everyone that is like you, and go off on a boat somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

go off on a boat somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

I like that idea, because of the implication.

That everyone wants you to go away?

Or is it that there's money. I bet it's money.

Auto downvoting to zero

good for you

What I meant was this topic was obviously targeted. It's not good for anyone, except perhaps treasonist deep state pedos.

Why are there two of these posted by different users?

Because one of these posts is mocking the other....

Oh lol sorry about that. Interesting mockery, I guess.

Why is the country basically divided into two sides of people that are absolutely convinced the other side is crazy? Maybe the entire country needs to visit a psychiatrist?

What's not love. The Trump movement has turned conspiracy theory into a pro-corporation, pro-military, pro-religion cult! I'm just glad there are few rational minded people left to call out the russian bots.

this sub has been taken over by shills. It's been fully compromised.

Look at all these idiots in the comments. Wow.

no. no. no. I was almost excited for his presidency, hell I even voted for him. but no, its not a conspiracy, its not the media, he is a bad president and a bad person. there's not many ways around it man. lol maybe you could round up those folks and invite them into your cult hahaha. fag.

We can use the word “bigoted” if it will unbunch your panties.