A Question for Trump Supporters

0  2017-12-01 by KarmaPolice777

How can you justify the fact that 50,000 yemeni children are expected to die of disease and starvation as a result of Trump's arming and unconditional support of Saudi Arabia?

How do you justify that the Trump Admin is supporting a SA coalition that has enforced a blockade, preventing food and medicine to reach innocent civilians who are suffering en masse?

Are you aware that the weaponization of hunger and disease is a warcrime?

These are not rhetorical questions. I would really like to know your thoughts.

Edit: The fact that this thread is being heavily downvoted when I'm simply asking a question should be enough evidence that T_D has invaded is attempting to invade this sub.


Hey, not a trump supporter, but this isn’t really a conspiracy and doesn’t really seem in the spirit of this subreddit. I think you might want to post this in r/politics.

Just trying to be helpful, Thanks

I guess we'll leave it to the mods.

Yeah, I kind of regret my comment slightly. I thought you were just hate baiting but people have made good points and this has turned into a decent discussion. I apologize OP.

haha no problem.

No fuck that, this is a great topic for this sub. OP is a great example of the partisan bullshit and is only half right. Trump is now responsible for the deaths in Yemen, but so is Obama and Hillary Clinton. The US has been directly bombing and supporting Saudi Arabia in Yemen for years. The fact OP only chooses now to take issue with it should be a sign to their own blind bias. I'm sure OP didn't give a shit when the US fucked over Libya, but nas no issue blaming Trump for not doing anything about the current slave markets that have been going on for years. It's fucking disgusting. Trump is shit, so was Obama and Hillary, but at least recognize they all are and our Foriegn policy is ran by the military industrial complex.

What's with all the assumptions?

I'm just trying to understand Trump supporters and how then can unconditionally support him. That doesn't automatically make me a supporter of the other side.

Trump is shit, so was Obama and Hillary, but at least recognize they all are and our Foriegn policy is ran by the military industrial complex.

I agree with you on this.

Why ask blind trump supporters? How about you ask why our media hasn't been reporting this on our 24hr news. If you wanr the answer, listen to Jeremy Scahill's most recent podcast, he has recently been coming out of his blind hate for Trump and discussing the big picture with regards to the medias lack of actually reporting what our foreign policy really is. I've already listened to it 3 times in the last in the past couple days, it's amazing: https://theintercept.com/2017/11/29/very-bad-men-trump-the-saudi-crown-prince-sexual-assaulters-and-robert-mugabe/

Well if I pose this question and no Trump supporter gives me a valid response, the failure to do so speaks for itself; that they are all fanboying for various reasons but most importantly that they have drank the Kool Aid.

And I'll check out the podcast when I have the chance. But to answer your question, the media isn't reporting it 24/7 because even if the aforementioned war crime and subsequent deaths come as a result of the Trump admin's support of SA(currently speaking), and although the media jumps on any opportunity to shit on him which makes this the perfect topic, criticizing the Military Industrial Complex is something that they would rather avoid. Why? Because the media exists to push the illusion of the Right and the Left and the Military Industrial Complex is one of, if not the the driving force of said illusion.

Well if I pose this question and no Trump supporter gives me a valid response, the failure to do so speaks for itself; that they are all fanboying for various reasons but most importantly that they have drank the Kool Aid.

Ok, I agree, their fan boys. R/politics isn't much different when compared to the echo chamber of T_D. You know how hard it was to point out the BS obama did to the left? With that said your post is no different than what you accuse the media of:

Because the media exists to push the illusion of the Right and the Left and the Military Industrial Complex is one of, if not the the driving force of said illusion.

The way you have framed this post is no different than what the media is doing. Thumbing your nose at blind supporters instead of addressing the real issue.

I'm trying to understand how all of the Trump supporters in this sub can celebrate the pedo arrests for example but ignore the deaths of innocent civilians that are being caused by the blockade.

Good luck, you're not going to get the answer you're looking for by framing the conversation like you did.

How should I have framed it? Give me an example.

Fuck, on mobile and my commenr got deleted.... it was long too. Shit! Anyways, the jist was, if you actually care about what's going on in Yemen, you probably should be more concerned with the lack of coverage by everyone else. 60 minutes last week didn't even mention the US's involvement at all. Go search r/politics for "Yemen" over the last month and look at the vote count on the top post. It's pathetic, for what ever reason r/resist stops once it involves our foreign policy and that should be more conserning rather than what Trumps blind supporters have to say... Shit, still pissed I lost that comment.

Well I feel as though what you are highlighting(the fact that the media is not giving Yemen enough attention) is probably a greater issue but in this post, I am addressing Trump supporters who seem to be glossing over the aforementioned issues(Our support of SA's campaign against Yemen, turning a blind eye to their blockade). I don't see why they can't coexist.

Most don't. Sure, many voted for him, but I believe we were not voting for Trump; We were voting against Hillary.

Might be wrong assuming many feel the same, i'm sure youll all let me know..

Same way Obama and Bush followers did. They close their eyes.

Can you give some sources?


Did you downvote me for asking for sources?

No, it wasn't me. I honestly hardly ever downvote anyone.

Right on. My bad. I actually wanted to see what you was talking about.

No problem.

Corrupt American government has been colluding with corrupt Saudia Arabia for decades and decades. Do you have selective memory, amnesia? The US, we have propped-up and installed dictators, for ages, and when we want to create regime change we topple the dictators we support and install more puppets under the guise of democracy when it's really all just global oligarchy and corporatacracy. Saudi Arabia is a part of the globalists age old agenda of forming a one ruling body to rule the entire globe... There's only a few coubtrues left to topple, left to install an IMF central bank, and Saudi Arabia is not one of them. Iran is. North Korea, Venezuela... These are next. Right, Left, it doesn't matter... It's all two wings of the same dirty bird...a bird which has been consolidating global power, and so to have this Age old ideology of new world order culminate in our time. It's happening now. Saudi Arabia a big part of it... Heck, they were involved with 9/11 in cohorts with our own corrupt government and so as to create a new pearl harbor, a caralyst that has enacted much change toward this future of tyrannical globalism

I don't see where we disagree.

Well, you'll get down voted, surely, because the title of your post is misleading. I'm glad we agree, and yes, this is all sick and disturbing but it's nothing new, and has little to do with who is president...maybe we should start there...

The title of my post is misleading? It's a question for Trump supporters who blindly support him, despite the aforementioned.

And the blockade that is preventing food and aid from entering into the city is exclusively from the Trump admin. This is what I am having a hard time justifying more than anything else.

And so the down vote goes back on. "Exclusively," you say. You don't understand the problem and frame it all partisan. I'd say it is ALL misleading, especially after further clarification. Trump has nothing to do with it...neither did Obama with similar actions, Bush, Clinton... It doesn't matter! You don't get to pick which puppet to pin it on, as if trump supporters have the answer, because it's all trump. I'm not on the right or the left but youre spewing the same Hagelia. dialectic our fake news does, and that the marxist/moist Cult of the Alt Left spews, and your clearly pinning it with some agenda. This has all been going on for decades. Step away from the propaganda, k, and we'll your hate for who the media tells you to hate because the people you should hate are the deep state behind the scenes, selling the world out for tyrannical global governemnt

Absolutely disgusting. It was started under obama though. But if trump gave a shit he could have done something by now

I agree with this. I didn't blame Obama for Afghanistan but I did when he never changed anything.

But he won a peace prize!

I don't remember any other president get blamed for this

"NAIROBI, 15 July 2005 - A disproportionately heavy burden of child deaths weighs on families in eastern and southern Africa. Every day 5,500 children under the age of five die across the 21 countries of the region and the majority of the deaths are largely preventable."

But now Trump is to blame?

But is it caused by a military intervention + a blockade that the Trump admin is indirectly supporting?

Could there be holdovers fucking yo the program?

Is there a better way to rinse pots and pans?

Could it be possible that we all live in a large space aliens jello?

Zero do werp ping!

a blockade that the Trump admin is indirectly supporting?

You've gone from 50,000 starving children (Dolan Blumpf's fault) to an indirectly supported blockade. Your salty-desperation fuels me.

Username ✅

Who knows why trump has armed the Saudis, maybe it was for money? Maybe he thinks any little bit of money will help the debt situation that America is facing.

Maybe he gave them weapons to broker a deal to get rid of the pedos within Saudi royalty maybe he did it to broker deals to loosen the laws Saudi civilians have to live by an example would be letting women drive now.

I don't think I can really justify his actions in this case, because I don't understand his reasoning behind it. And it's the wrong kind of decision in my opinion.

But can i ask you a question too.

Did you like Obamas foreign policy when it was towards Saudi and the middle east? Did you have a problem with him droning constantly and killing mass amounts of civilians, did you have a problem with him not just giving weapons to Saudis but also arming the rebels that turned out to be isis

It's one thing trump giving weapons to a country or government, but I think what's worse is a president giving weapons to groups that wanted to kill anything and everything that stood in their way of accomplishing their goals of installing the most hardcore and violent form of a religion ironically enough with hardcore violence and death.

One reason why trump will always be better then Obama.

Trump wasn't the one arming isis. It was Obama's doing and before that it was bush's and before that it was Clinton's and before that it was bush Sr.

They all funded rebels to topple governments that they didn't want around and then would swoop in kill the rebels and take over, leave and fund more rebels and the cycle had continued but you know what's funny since trump has come along. Wheres all the news about isis? Where's all the News about isis growing. That's because trump stopped giving them weapons because it's in his best interests to stop them not continue to fund them. And if hillary became president well fuck me I can assure you she would of continued Obama flawed foreign policies and most likely would of made things even worse.

I am against any kind of injustice, whether it comes from the left or the right.

I happen to think both sides serve the military industrial complex. In other words, they serve the same masters.

I give zero fucks about Yemen.

Why not?

What's happening in Yemen isn't as cut and dry as many would have you believe. It's not entirely the fault of SA, and it certainly isn't all Trump's doing.

Yes, Yemen is hell on earth. They've been fighting each other forever. The current war though is largely misunderstood in the west. Former dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh was forced to step down in 2012. He's accused of stealing $60 billion. He fought the Ansar Allah movement several times. They're also known as the Houthis. They're Shia supported by Iran.

Most of the damage you see in Yemen today was caused by the many wars that Saleh fought against the Houthis. One such campaign was called "Operation Scorched Earth." Pretty self-explanatory.

After Saleh was forced to step down, he actually allied with the Houthis--his mortal enemies--to overthrow president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. The Houthis and Saleh loyalists chased Hadi from the country.

On March 26, 2015, a Saudi-led coalition began a holding operation. I think Saudi Arabia is largely using the Yemen war as a deception operation. They wanted attention on Yemen while they took care of business in Syria and Iraq.

The press and all the NGOs seem to simply regurgitate all the outlandish claims made by the Houthis. The worst cholera outbreak in the world, mass starvation, wholesale bombing of schools, hospitals, weddings, funerals, et cetera. What's the death toll? August of 2016 it was 10,000. What was it in January of 2017? Still 10,000. In five months of wholesale slaughter by the Saudi-led coalition, nobody died.

This is actually interesting. If the port of Hodeida is taken from the Houthis, that's the end of the war. So what is the US doing? The first air strikes under Trump just started last month, and the Southern Movement--seperatists--suddenly aren't all that eager to seperate.

This is likely the beginning of the end of this conflict, and I predict that ultimately the Iranian mullahs will be overthrown and the people of Yemen will decide their own fate. The Gulf Cooperation Council is an absolutely immense achievement, and absolutely no one is talking about it. The fact that Arabs and Israelis are now working together to fight extremism is tremendous.

SA and the GCC are making the first steps towards decreasing economic dependence on oil. We can see the first steps taking place now in SA. Pushing to get Aramco listed on the NYSE will create billions of revenue they can push into other areas of the economy. They're opening to foreign investment. They've begun issuing tourists visas, they've dismantled their religious police forces. They're reforming. One of the major hurdles to this transformation is instability in the region, and the GCC seems to be intent on rectifying this.

The Houthis and the NGOs in Yemen have painted a very dire picture, but I think there's something much larger, and more benign taking place behind the scenes.

But why the blockade of food and medicine?

The blockades have been lifted. Yemen is bordered by Saudi Arabia, Oman and water. The primary means for the Iranians to supply the Houthis was via sea. It's the same reason any country would affect a blockade in war. This is precisely why the article I linked is so important. If the Saudis can take the Houthi-held Hodeidah port, it denies them any material support from Iran, and the entire conflict can be resolved while the Yemenis begin to rebuild. The fact that air strikes began last month, and the blockade lasted for less than a month could be taken as a sign that things are actually progressing.

Again, it's worth noting that all of the information we're getting comes from NGOs which are largely passing information along from the Houthis. The article also notes that the situation was dire even before the blockade, so we have no objective metric to determine precisely how damaging they may have been to civilians. And, once again, we see the 10,000 dead number being thrown around.

You seem to be the only person that is actually answering my question so thanks for that. With that said, I am way too tired to be reading up on all of this tn so I'll get back to you tomorrow after reading.

hurr durr, I bet not one Blumpf supporter will answer my question.


thanks for the well-reasoned post. I don't have time to read.

Redditards, ladies and gents.

never said that any of that. maybe improve your reading comp.

No, that's all you said.

Your verbosity only serves to blow smoke up your own ass.

as I said, maybe work on your reading comp. maybe also work on your anger.

This comment chain is public. You're here using a blockade that doesn't exist anymore, that Donald Trump did not order nor endorse, to attack Trump and his supporters.

Even so, you've been given a reasonable answer, poor fool that bothered with you, that you now refuse to even read. I'm not angry, just pointing out your extreme level of redditardation. That's all.

I refuse to read because it was 12 in the morning and I have to you know, go to sleep so that I can wake up to go to work?

if you read what I said, I said I'll read the articles over today when I have the chance and reply. that's very different from what you have said. refusing to read and all that jazz. maybe improve your reading comp and stop being so angry

refusing to read and all that jazz. all that jazz

Oh, great. Not only a redditard but a soyboy too. "All that jazz."

maybe improve your reading comp and stop being so angry

My reading comprehension is just fine. I'm simply waiting here for you to actually read and dissect the other fellow's argument rather than tit-for-tat with me. My money says you won't.

I plan to when I get home from work. I'll reply back to you your statements about the blockade as well because it was clearly done by a US backed SA coalition.

US backed SA coalition.

"US backed" means what exactly?

I'm on my phone. plus I should be working. you triggered my ego with the accusations that I feel are undeserving hence the replies to you. but I really should stop because I am at work. give me a few hours and I'll get back to your q.

Thanks for the links and the write up.

I can see that maybe it wasn't so cut and dry as the media made it out to be. The 130 children a day, 50,000 children dead by the end of the year, one million infected with cholera etc etc

Not that I think these numbers are not accurate but I can see that the Trump admin isn't solely to blame as the media has tried to frame it. It's clearly always been a cluster fuck over there and I didn't know that the blockade came as a result of the Houthis shooting a missile into SA.

Not saying that the blockade can be justifiably argued but regardless of what the government or the military leaders of that region was responsible for, the civilians should never have to suffer in those large numbers as payback, would you agree with me on that? And although the cholera outbreaks may not have been caused directly by the SA coalition's bombing campaign, although Senator Murphy(btw what are your thoughts about this information he presented before Congress seems to be arguing that this is case, the fact that they refused to allow even humanitarian aid(Food and Medicine) to enter into the cities to me seems a weaponization of hunger and disease(a war-crime). Even if the blockade has been partially lifted, this was done as a result of international pressure! The US backed SA coalition would have continued this blockade resulting in the continuous deaths of civilians had no one said anything.

I will also mention that SA coalition, despite the lifting of the blockade, is yet to allow fuel from entering into the cities which is preventing hospitals and water treatment facilities from operating again. I see your argument that the fuel can be used by the Houthis for their war efforts but if it's also causing the deaths of innocent civilians in such staggering numbers, then what should be prioritized? I would still consider that a weaponization of hunger and disease albeit indirectly.

To end, I will concede that I may have fell victim to a over simplified one-sided view pinning all of the civilian deaths on the Trump admin. But that doesn't mean that war crimes were not committed either as the blockade, regardless of what it was as a result of, caused mass suffering to innocent Yemenis who had nothing to do with the actions of those who rule over them. We cannot also forget that 10,000 innocent civilians were also killed as a result of our backing of this SA Coalition. The reason why I made this post addressing Trump supporters was not to expose the sins of his administration in an effort to benefit Obama or the Democrats. It was simply to question how if Trump is this force of benevolence, draining the swamp and locking up pedos, how could he be allowing all of this to happen in Yemen.

As I have said many times, I have not written Trump off. And I still haven't. I will be keeping a close eye on him for the upcoming years.

Thanks for the links and the write up.

I can see that maybe it wasn't so cut and dry as the media made it out to be. The 130 children a day, 50,000 children dead by the end of the year, one million infected with cholera etc etc

Not that I think these numbers are not accurate but I can see that the Trump admin isn't solely to blame as the media has tried to frame it. It's clearly always been a cluster fuck over there and I didn't know that the blockade came as a result of the Houthis shooting a missile into SA.

Not saying that the blockade can be justifiably argued because regardless of what the government or the military leaders of that region was responsible for, the civilians should never have to suffer in those large numbers as payback, would you agree with me on that? And although the cholera outbreaks may not have been caused directly by the SA coalition's bombing campaign, although Senator Murphy(btw what are your thoughts about this information he presented before Congress seems to be arguing that this is case, the fact that they refused to allow even humanitarian aid(Food and Medicine) to enter into the cities to me seems a weaponization of hunger and disease(a war-crime). Even if the blockade has been partially lifted, this was done as a result of international pressure! The US backed SA coalition would have continued this blockade resulting in the continuous deaths of civilians had no one said anything.

I will also mention that SA coalition, despite the lifting of the blockade, is yet to allow fuel from entering into the cities which is preventing hospitals and water treatment facilities from operating again. I see your argument that the fuel can be used by the Houthis for their war efforts but if it's also causing the deaths of innocent civilians in such staggering numbers, then what should be prioritized? I would still consider that a weaponization of hunger and disease albeit indirectly.

To end, I will concede that I may have fell victim to a over simplified one-sided view pinning all of the civilian deaths on the Trump admin. But that doesn't mean that war crimes were not committed either as the blockade, regardless of what it was as a result of, caused mass suffering to innocent Yemenis who had nothing to do with the actions of those who rule over them. We cannot also forget that 10,000 innocent civilians were also killed as a result of our backing of this SA Coalition. The reason why I made this post addressing Trump supporters was not to expose the sins of his administration in an effort to benefit Obama or the Democrats. It was simply to question how if Trump is this force of benevolence, draining the swamp and locking up pedos, how could he be allowing all of this to happen in Yemen.

As I have said many times, I have not written Trump off. And I still haven't. I will be keeping a close eye on him for the upcoming years.


so now how do you answer your own OP?

Thanks for the links and the write up.

I can see that maybe it wasn't so cut and dry as the media made it out to be. The 130 children a day, 50,000 children dead by the end of the year, one million infected with cholera etc etc

Not that I think these numbers are not accurate but I can see that the Trump admin isn't solely to blame as the media has tried to frame it. It's clearly always been a cluster fuck over there and I didn't know that the blockade came as a result of the Houthis shooting a missile into SA.

Not saying that the blockade can be justifiably argued but regardless of what the government or the military leaders of that region was responsible for, the civilians should never have to suffer in those large numbers as payback, would you agree with me on that? And although the cholera outbreaks may not have been caused directly by the SA coalition's bombing campaign, although Senator Murphy(btw what are your thoughts about this information he presented before Congress seems to be arguing that this is case, the fact that they refused to allow even humanitarian aid(Food and Medicine) to enter into the cities to me seems a weaponization of hunger and disease(a war-crime). Even if the blockade has been partially lifted, this was done as a result of international pressure! The US backed SA coalition would have continued this blockade resulting in the continuous deaths of civilians had no one said anything.

I will also mention that SA coalition, despite the lifting of the blockade, is yet to allow fuel from entering into the cities which is preventing hospitals and water treatment facilities from operating again. I see your argument that the fuel can be used by the Houthis for their war efforts but if it's also causing the deaths of innocent civilians in such staggering numbers, then what should be prioritized? I would still consider that a weaponization of hunger and disease albeit indirectly.

To end, I will concede that I may have fell victim to a over simplified one-sided view pinning all of the civilian deaths on the Trump admin. But that doesn't mean that war crimes were not committed either as the blockade, regardless of what it was as a result of, caused mass suffering to innocent Yemenis who had nothing to do with the actions of those who rule over them. We cannot also forget that 10,000 innocent civilians were also killed as a result of our backing of this SA Coalition. The reason why I made this post addressing Trump supporters was not to expose the sins of his administration in an effort to benefit Obama or the Democrats. It was simply to question how if Trump is this force of benevolence, draining the swamp and locking up pedos, how could he be allowing all of this to happen in Yemen.

As I have said many times, I have not written Trump off. And I still haven't. I will be keeping a close eye on him for the upcoming years.

A better question might've been: *How can any America citizen be ok with US foreign policy the past 50+ years? *

Best answer: The msm barely reports on it in conjunction to the masses being distracted by other forms of media while indentured into the slave wage 9-5 work week.

Absolutely. If you watched the 60 minutes episode a couple weeks ago covering the Saudi war with Yemen they never mentioned anything about the US involvement.(funding/aiding/fueling their jets in mid-air, etc.) If people don't seek out alternative forms of media they might now even know what's happening.

MAGA, 17D Chess, gotta break some eggs, taking out the trash

Are you serious? How do you justify it? This started while Obama was president; speaking of Obama, how do you justify that wedding full of innocents he hit with hellfire missilles, how do you justify him arming al qaeda "to go after ISIS" except not really because he was arming them too and playing both sides against each other to go after Assad's forces, Assad, the secular middle eastern dictator who may have done some messed up stuff at some point, but overall the country was peaceful, with Muslims and Christians living peacefully; but Obama wanted a pipeline and Syria was going to let Russia build one, and we can't have that now can we? Let's destabilize the country, create a new terror organization and buddy up with the one that attacked us on home soil 15 years ago, displace millions, kill thousands, and cause a refugee crisis in Europe. All for some money.

Fucking stupid god damn liberals, act like you're so fucking high and mighty, and I think you actually believe it because you're completely fucking clueless. "How can you support our president when he isn't interfering with an important ally attacking Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy terror org?!?"

I think Obama is also a war criminal. I don't think questioning Trump supporters follows that I am automatically on the other side but that seems to be what people are assuming in this post.

For the record, I am bipartisan. Pro-issue, not party.

It's not that Trump has continued the "OMG we love the Saudis 24/7" foreign policy the US has been practicing for decades, it's more about a) he was supposed to back off of this shit, and even claimed SA was responsible for 9/11 and b) he's sucking the Saudi royal dick to an unprecedented degree, "just trust them." Immediately following his Netanyahu hoovering and the alliance between the Saudis and Israel, to boot.

With our reach and influence, we could end this famine tomorrow if we truly wanted to. Do note that while eschewing portions of the post-9/11 Neocon rhetoric, the Trump movement has doubled down on the Muslim fear-mongering stuff that aided in selling Iraq and Afghanistan to the American people, as well as the wars in Africa (and maybe Iran) to come.

Everything bad that happens in the world is all Blumpf's fault!

How could you Trumpkins? How could you? I thought you were supposed to be good people.

Oh well, I guess you all must be the xeno-racist-misogynistic-nazi-fascists my purple-haired trans-Pony lifepartner says you are.

[Nazis on Suicide Watch.]

Selling a product is not the same as endorsing how the product is used. Arms manufacture and sale are important to our economy. How the weapons are used is entirely the responsibility of those who use them.

If you drown in a bathtub, should people demand that the dealership that sold it be held responsible?

I mean...

They provided the sales but were also part of the SA coalition:

The U.S. support to the Saudis has consisted of providing training, midair refueling for jets to conduct airstrikes and offering “targeting assistance” to Saudi forces on the ground.


The United States is also a major donor, as well as a primary supplier of arms to the members of the Saudi-led coalition. Although the US is not directly involved in the conflict, it has provided military support to the Saudi-led coalition, and Yemenis have often found the remnants of American-made munitions in the ruins left by deadly airstrikes.


The U.S. support to the Saudis has consisted of providing training, midair refueling for jets to conduct airstrikes and offering “targeting assistance” to Saudi forces on the ground.

Yes. Those are products. They sold them products which included training, fueling and use of satellite data. Again, they are not responsible for how those products are used.

remnants of American-made munitions in the ruins left by deadly airstrikes.

I went over this. The seller is not responsible. It is the user who bears responsibility.

Still having trouble?

The U.S. support to the Saudis has consisted of providing training, midair refueling for jets to conduct airstrikes and offering “targeting assistance” to Saudi forces on the ground.

That's quite literally being a part of the coalition, which they were. Stop with the disingenuous arguments.

It's offering services. Research further. We were paid.

It's not like we sold them a gun and they used the gun on someone while we looked away. We sold them the gun, taught them how to use it, showed them where the enemy was, and then helped them reload it as they were firing.

Not really, no.

Why not?

Right on. My bad. I actually wanted to see what you was talking about.

This comment chain is public. You're here using a blockade that doesn't exist anymore, that Donald Trump did not order nor endorse, to attack Trump and his supporters.

Even so, you've been given a reasonable answer, poor fool that bothered with you, that you now refuse to even read. I'm not angry, just pointing out your extreme level of redditardation. That's all.

I plan to when I get home from work. I'll reply back to you your statements about the blockade as well because it was clearly done by a US backed SA coalition.

They provided the sales but were also part of the SA coalition:

The U.S. support to the Saudis has consisted of providing training, midair refueling for jets to conduct airstrikes and offering “targeting assistance” to Saudi forces on the ground.


The United States is also a major donor, as well as a primary supplier of arms to the members of the Saudi-led coalition. Although the US is not directly involved in the conflict, it has provided military support to the Saudi-led coalition, and Yemenis have often found the remnants of American-made munitions in the ruins left by deadly airstrikes.
