...propaganda was NOT meant to take down Donald Trump; not in the slightest. In fact, it was meant to help radicalize the Left, to make them more aggressive and violent and to give them false hope...

0  2017-12-01 by BandyBanana

Interesting read. After the whole year of MSM BS, it was all about protecting left ideology, not about taking Trump out legally, and so the truth of the matter is, if Trump stays for another term, then people will become a lot more conservative. By giving the left hope now, well it's kinda like giving them a temporary forcefield

Is The Left Self-Destructing, Or Is Something Else Going On?:



Still not even close to as radical as the right

So where is this "radical right" you speak of beating people in the streets, burning University campuses, calling for riots, calling for the overthrow/murder of a legitimately elected President, lobbying for the censorship of words, etc??


Both sides were beating each other. Be fair bud

And Antifa was innocent, right?

Definitely not, Antifa is probably worse than the radical right.

No, I said both sides are at fault.

I provided sources showing that one side was more at fault. Hint: It was the side including neo-nazis with nazi flags.

It takes two to tango, no?

This wasn't a tango, it was purposefully incited violence. How can you not see that? Did you see the links I posted?

One side cannot fight itself. It takes two. Logical

One side can be the aggressor


One of your Nazi bros literally killed someone in Charlottesville. Fuck out of here with that bullshit.

Most of them are governing at the moment.

So legitamately governing is suddenly "radical"? Perhaps your political viewpoints just aren't as popular as you thought they were. And this seems to be cause for many to throw tantrums.

Trump was elected by the deep state to continue the PNACs goal of perpetual war. If that's not radical then I don't what is. Once Tillerson is replaced expect to see a massive increase in public war mongering (fox news) directed at north korea and iran.

North Korea and Iran would have been problematic either way.. Your not making some grandios prediction here. And Trump and his “right wing Nazis” aren’t doing anything radical. Not yet, it’s still early obviously..

Just imagine if you were put into Presidency after years of Bush and Obama wars across the world.. What would you do? Would you pull everybody out and get JFK’d? Let North Korea get nuclear weapons on ICBMs? I don’t even know what to think about Israel and Iran fighting like idiots and heading towards nuclear war..

Left Wing is crazy and doesn’t belong in power. Right wing is scary because they actually have to solve problems that are hard and dangerous. There’s obviously old Bush Free Mason right wing types deep in the government. But I’m still not convinced they’re working with Trump after the Bush legacy keeps getting smashed apart.

Trump was elected by the deep state to continue the PNACs goal of perpetual war.

That would make sense if you were talking about Jeb.


Plus Charlottesville, Dylan Roof, and the Quebec mosque burning down. Have leftists actually killed anyone yet? I know at least one has tried.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_threats_against_Barack_Obama

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Didnt one lefty try to shoot down republicans at a baseball game?

Tried. I'm asking if anyone has succeeded.

So it only counts if they are successful?

I'm asking if any leftists have killed anyone. I'm not asking about attempts. The alt-right has been fairly successful, which seems to be totally ignored when the "violent leftist" narrative crops up.

So violent leftists are not only insane, but incompetent as well.

Attempting to kill a ball field full of innocent people is still fucked up even if your a shitty shot.

Gotta love your claim to fame here - "at least the alt-right is actually good at killing people." Do you actually understand what you're bragging about here? This isn't remotely fucked up to you?

I thought I was pointing out the silliness of you acting like the insane lefties that tried to murder a bunch of people and failed somehow doesn't count.

If I try to shoot someone and miss...I STILL TRIED TO SHOOT SOMEONE!

But you're scared of them anyway? I'll keep my chihuahua on a leash when you come over.

While we are talking about "leftists," we should define the term according to the usage in this post -- anyone who criticizes or disagrees with Donald Trump or Republicans.

But you're scared of them anyway? I'll keep my chihuahua on a leash when you come over.

Oh no! I've angered the internet tough guy!

Unhinged people trying to kill other people for disagreeing with them is something everyone should be concerned about regardless of how they disagree with their victims or their competence with a firearm.

Though I'm positive if you were ever in that situation, you would just give them a dirty look and they would turn themselves in. I mean, the unbridled badassery of your response to my post has already changed my outlook on life.

I don't get what you are arguing about. Violence is violence no matter the tribalism.

I'm asking if any leftists have killed anyone.

You may want to Google communism.

hahah yeah I was scratching my head with this one ...

I think both are more or less as bad as each other.

are you sure it's just the far left that sympathises with pedos?

So far, it is the left. But to be fair, I think Trump is targetting dems by releasing names on that side. I am pretty sure GOP are pedos too.

I mean there's Moore. Even if you don't believe the accusations, several Republicans have said that even if the accusations are true, it doesn't matter. like the Governor of Alabama

Point being, right now, fact is dems are the pervs and pedos. This is fact.

Name one right now in politics that has been outed like Roy Moore for touching kids. Name one with tons of evidence on that level, in Congress right now.

Again, the NUMBER of accused suggests there are MANY pedos and pervs on the dem side. This is a fact. Right now. End of discussion.

Accused by victims/ law enforcement or by internet detectives?

Bullshit. Show me the numbers. You are just making up shit, and trying to shut down the conversation.

In what world is that the fact?

Pervs - see Ailes and O'Reilly.

Pedos - see Moore and Shortley.

If we're going off accusations alone, add in Trump to both spots for good measure.

The number

I hate that everything is such a fucking competition here. This sub is completely absurd sometimes.

I acutally started the post because of the idea of the article and not left right thing. So far, all the comments are pro left, weird huh XD

Don't get dishearten. Some here are here for a paid reason. That's it.

I wouldn't consider the top comment to be pro left. It's literally calling the left pedo sympathizers. I have no idea what that's even based on. Maybe denying Pizzagate is pedo sympathizing now.

What was really strange was that poll after the allegations came out. 37% of evangelical Christians said they were more likely to support Moore after the allegations. Wtf is that about?

What makes you think it's the left sympathizing with pedos?

Are you kidding me

Not at all. Can you elaborate?

Where have you been the last 2 years?

Seriously though, are you capable of defending your position?

No, not in one comment. You should be actively observing the media propaganda, using your brain, and paying attention to the world around you. Im tired of writing long ass explanations, for people like you who wont take any of it in at the end of it all anyway.

A simple no works. I always knew that'd be the answer.

Good for you psychic.

this is identity politics. You'll notice that there is no longer a centrist or middle ground. You're either a Nazi or a genderless fluid hooligan.

You only get to agree with one of them and if your circle of friends aren't the same you will get expelled immediately.

All the while 100 people control 50% of the world's wealth and nether of these groups care -- they'd rather police the bathroom on what gender expression is using it.

It's a very smart tactic, look how well it's working.

But, now that you see it for what it is -- you can call it out.

I agree completey, we're thinking the same way. But apparently its too much for most people to grasp. I get it though. It took me years of research to come the full on realisations about how controlled and pointless all this really is. And on top of that, nobody wants to believe it, not even people like us who do. My mind would fight me in the earlier stages, because I had been so brainwashed, like we all have been. But atleast after going through the proccess, we dont have to worry about all the things that they fret over, because none of us is real anyways. Not in the way they believe it is.

You’re waking up and what you wrote above was me within the last year. It’s very difficult at first. Understand, you’re not alone and what’s happening to you is part of the process — and that many others are doing the same thing. There might not be many people around you right now who are at your level but that will change.

We are winning and we know we are based on how frequent these fear tactics are coming at us. We keep evolving and changing — but these tactics are the same from 200 years ago. To keep winning all you need to do is keep doing what you’re doing. You will wake up others — not by telling people but by asking them questions.

You need to use the Socratic method. You can’t just tell people the truth they need to be walked to it and allow them to internalize it and explore it. To tell them will trigger cognitive dissonance. That will make them cling even harder to false beliefs. To get through to people don’t just tell them - ask them why are things like this. Provoke their own awareness of conscious so it kicks into action.

I believe in you.

I have been just straight up asking them questions for a while now, and it does seem to be having better results than any of my ranting moments have. Not that im surprised. When someone is asked a question, they are forced to atleast attempt in their mine to come up with some sort of viable answer. They cant just dismiss it as they would with my statements

According to a letter allegedly written by 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike in the 1800's there would be 3 world wars. The 3rd war would be against Muslims and Atheists. If you bunch the radical left with "atheists" this all makes sense. They are suppose to get so annoying and violent that the rest of society finally gets fed up and squashes them.