I'm really starting to think that most Hillary supporters in this sub and r/resistance are actually fake. As soon as you post a negative conspiracy against Hillary they come out of the shadows and viciously attack you, calling you an idiot, etc, trying to defend their precious leader.

186  2017-12-01 by mygangwillgetyou

What the fuck is going on?

And inb4 i get viciously called out.

There are a handful who i can honestly say they probably aren't fake, and they actually understand the divide and conquer techniques, and so even though they support Hillary, they've still openly said they would be willing to stop supporting her with enough evidence that she's not the real deal.

However, there are just so many blind worshippers in this place. Look at my last post about applauding those who have admitted to their mistake in basically worshipping the chick and own up to it. Look at all the comments. It's so toxic. They can't be real, and if they are, then I'm truly sorry. Please wake up everyone. Hillary is just a terrible person, not that Trump would be any better. But i never fucking said Trump would have been better. Best to always hold leaders accountable and doubt their authority. Edit: sorry for the repost. I'm doing it again because this original post was obviously brigaded by Russian trolls.

See how that works.

EDIT: +++For those that still do not get it, this was an exact opposite post of an earlier post to show how silly partisan politics is in a conspiracy sub.+++


I think Hillary supporters (democrats? Hillary lost the election) have learned from t_d and begun to use the vote buttons.

I agree. We should impeach Hillary.

I bet you think you're real cute

Go outside and melt.

Go inside and freeze

Let's see how many show up in the thread :D

great observation. have an upvote.

Yeah it's high time we get that crazy old bitch out of office.

Not sure what you expect? Hillary isn't a threat, her supporters are inconsequential... those downvotes are real bro.

I’ve never, not once, read a comment here from a Hillary supporter. There’s a big difference between supporting Hillary and disliking trump. And I’ve been called a cuck, shill or retard way more than an idiot.

We are Witnessing the nail in the coffin of the middle class. Net neutrality and tax breaks for the rich! Yet, still, we are choosing sides when the only side you should worry about is the one a Majority of us are on: unprivileged human beings. That’s my political party.

You must miss all the Hillary threads that are met with "but she lost, we have Trump to deal with now!"

That is what he is saying, there is a big difference between supporting HRC and saying Trump needs to go. At this point, I have a hard time believing anyone actually supports HRC around here. Anyone who openly does likely gets a paycheck for that position. You can't walk 10ft without tripping over some indication she is a traitor that even the most oblivious are surely affected by.

People into CT have been calling her and bill out since the 90s. We're suddenly supposed to stop talking about her because she failed to steal an election after stealing a partie's nomination??

Because she has ZERO effect on policy or our lives. That's why she doesn't fucking matter. Why aren't we talking about Adam Weischaupt anymore? He arguably invented the Illuminati. Why not have 5 or 6 threads a day about him? Because he's fucking irrelevant to our lives, that's why.

Same with HRC. She's fucking irrelevant. No influence on our lives. And yet, we have a petulant child at the helm of our country who clearly doesn't give a bucket of rat vomit whether anyone who makes less than $1M/yr lives or dies, and is actively trying to shift a vast sum of wealth onto the already wealthy by taxing the poor!

How are you ok with that? Why aren't you screaming purple murder about that? How the FUCK is HRC more important that that trend?

Bringing down the Deep State.

What a cop out, non-answer. Goes to my point: She's fucking irrelevant.

If you dont care about Justice, sure. But then... whats to prevent it from happening again?

Why not pursue Dick Cheney and GWB? They started a bullshit war for money, got 6000 US soldiers killed so they and their buddies could profit. Why aren't you going on a rampage against them?

I actually completely agree. Cheney/Rumsfeld/Poppy et al should have already been in jail. Obama's failure to prosecute the Bush admin for war crimes was one of the reasons I knew he was a bullshitter/compromised/corrupt.

We spent over a decade going after them. But a certain ideological faction abandoned their search for justice as soon as a D was in office.

Obama's failure to prosecute the Bush admin for war crimes was one of the reasons I knew he was a bullshitter/compromised/corrupt.


Right, so it's Obama's fault that Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, Wolfowitz, etc. were party to war crimes and murder of Americans? Call me crazy, but I think the person who commits the murder is more a piece of shit than the people who may or may not prosecute them.

We spent over a decade going after them. But a certain ideological faction abandoned their search for justice as soon as a D was in office.

What decade are you talking about? And who is "we" in your quote? You think the Dems gave up? Newsflash: elected officials never went after anyone in the Cheney regime. It never happened. At all. Not D's, Not R's. No one. Don't act like that makes their crimes ok.

But still, after all your rearranging of responsibilities, you still haven't given a coherent reason why you think HRC is more relevant than GWB or Cheney or the rest of the war criminals. You say you "completely agree" that they're criminals, yet you twist logic and reason to ignore their crimes in favor of someone who actually doesn't matter.

And why? So you can protect the President. Why? That guy wouldn't waste his piss on you or your family if they were on fire. In fact, he'd probably laugh at your suffering as this tax bill proves.

You are purposefully being dense.

What is the Deep State??

You're just covering for the POTUS. He's a piece of shit, fratboy who thinks he's better than all of us, and is taking our money and putting it in his and his friends' pockets. And you're defending/covering for him.

What do you get out of this relationship?

Reactions like yours ;)

You're also gonna get a bigger tax bill, too. So congrats on your lower standard of living thanks to the guy you're defending.

Not the brightest move, but hell, you're a loyal dog. Good for you.

I support Hillary, and think she was the best candidate we've had since I've been old enough to vote

Cool. I hope you keep that enthusiasm for your local elections as well, my friend. Nothing wrong with supporting hillary. That’s your choice

You think she was the best CANDIDATE we've had since you've been old enough to vote? Even if you are 19, she wasn't even the best candidate in the Democratic party in 2016!

If you don't mind me asking, what qualities of hers do you believe made her the "best candidate we've had"?

She had a complete and developed political vision, her plans were detailed and realistic, and perhaps most importantly she displayed incredible amounts of experience. Her reputation as a stateswoman was genuinely tremendous from her time as Secretary of State, and she displayed a personal fortitude that I found extremely appealing.

Also, she was someone who dealt with the world as it was, not as she dreamed it should be. She would get into the weeds and fight for her proposals, and I felt that her practical and resilient nature would lead to actual improvements for the country.

Damn, you should work for her campaign in 2020, because you almost had me thinking she sounded good!

She had a complete and developed political vision

Yea, do whatever it was the polls told her would gain her more support (i.e. not supporting gay marriage until like 2013)

her plans were detailed and realistic

And are the plans you're talking about her public beliefs, or her private ones? Because, ya know, "politics".

perhaps most importantly she displayed incredible amounts of experience

You mean experience with helping places like Libya, or Syria?

she was someone who dealt with the world as it was, not as she dreamed it should be.

If you know how the world works, then you would understand why this is a major negative rather than a positive.

I mean, I know you aren't actually interested in hearing why I liked her as a candidate, but I'll reply in case someone else is.

There's no shame in evolving on cultural issues like gay marriage, and she has been a public supporter of gay rights and civil unions for many years. As someone who has been personally conflicted before on the civil union/marriage debate, that actually speaks to me more. Now, if you'd like to point to some of her views that actually flip-flopped, I'll try to address them, but keep in mind that changing your view as a politician isn't an inherently bad thing, and painting her as a political weathervane is, I feel, dishonest.

Her public/private line was mischaracterized and over-blown, and more to the point understandable by anyone who has to negotiate with people who don't share your views. Sometimes you need to endorse a solution that isn't what you'd personally like, because it is the best you can get.

On her experience, yes, I'd say having to deal with political situations without a clear or clean answer is exactly the kind of experience I would look to in a presidential candidate. But don't neglect the rest of the 112 countries she traveled to as SoS, that counts too.

The world works as it works, and I personally don't care for idealists running into walls to attain a moral victory. I want someone in charge who can move within the system and direct it in ways I find correct. Which is why electing one of the best technocrats this country has seen to President struck me as appealing.

she has been a public supporter of gay rights and civil unions for many years.

Four of them to be exact.

No, she was verbally against Don't Ask Don't Tell and pro-civil union as early as December 1999. I could look back further, but that's enough to make my point.

I've seen maybe a dozen posters here that could really be called a "Hillary Supporter", calling Trump out on shit doesn't make someone a Hillary supporter, and neither does pointing out holes in some of the flimsier Lock Her Up narrative(though a lot of us still wouldn't mind it). With those two things in mind, I think the number of supporters you would perceive goes down significantly.

I agree with your points. A topic about Hillary isn't pro Trump either. The problem is that any topic about Hillary gets a load of comments trying to shift the focus to Trump which is off topic. Same happens when it is anti-Trump - people point out Obama/Hillary and it all goes downhill.

People are sheep, on both sides.

My only input is, let's focus on the sitting regime not the losing side. At the moment Hillary is nothing. If Trump is dirty it needs to come out

Well said.

This is where I disagree. We have "resistance" effort being led by Obama and Clinton under the funding of George Soros and others. Obama built a network of soldiers still carrying out their agenda. We have Obama meeting with world leaders before Trump. This is not how our system works and it is literally hijacking what the American people voted and won fair and square.

I dont give a fuck about of Obama or Clinton, all i am saying is Trump is as bad or worse

Then you are better served on r/politics.

Why because i think all politicians are crooks?

So i can stay if i think Hillary and Obama is crooked but not Trump?

Oh so you like the "put words in my mouth" game? I can play this game as well.

Why because all you comment about is anti-trump and pro hillary? So you can stay because you are pro Obama and Clinton?

You should go to r/politics because you are emotionally partisan. You will be a superstar there. You should go and gain tons of Karma points.

But im not, i am focusing on the people with power. Not the losers with no power.

At the moment the republicans with Trump have a majority of seats and houses.

No power? Estimated 2,748,978 people work for the federal government. Over 8 years Clinton and Obama they appointed leadership and grew it to that number. So let's assume 200k of the 2.7m are left overs. This does not include Bush left overs and they are on the same team as Clinton/Obama.

Now we have Clinton and Obama who form a "resistance" organization effort after the election funded by Soros. Clinton who is on TV everyday and Obama who is meeting with Foreign leaders before Trump. They have a following of 200k+ of current employees in the government. Trump is 1 year in and has probably brought in 20k maximum.

Republicans have majority of the seats and houses. But that doesn't make them Trump's team. If you haven't noticed the Trump team has found a lot of Soros backed Republicans and many more will be uncovered. This is not a Republican versus Dem situation. This is Globalism funded by Soros vs Nationalism voted by Americans.

You ask who is in power? I would say we have new leadership sailing with the enemies crew and ship.

The media holds the power and they haven't lost. Come back here when the media loses power.

Uhm..They lost the election.

Haven't lost power, though. Funny how that works.

They are only powerful when we allow then to be. Look at what ABC just pulled off. They caused people to lose a lot of money for fake news

Purge the whole Goddamn system.

lol you are one of the most partisan posters in this sub

the fuck outta here

Awe....look cuties we have poor lost hypocrite. Are you lost little guy? I will give you directions. Click here r/politics you sweet little partisan you.

Yeah you just got called out. That happened boy-o.

You're a regular ole Trump partisan.

Haha I you act like that bothers me. You called yourself out in the effort not to mention your ridiculous username. Nothing like a jackass with a stamp on their head .

I just think it's funny you're telling people to go to politics. When you're the biggest hypocrite in reddit history.

The guy with a partisan username, and comment history calls me a partisan and then tells me I am the biggest hypocrite on Reddit? Can't make this shit up folks.

You can't even deny it. You're entire post history is tonguing Trump's taint.

As opposed to the electoral college doing exactly that? As opposed to our elected representatives literally saying their donors are more important? Man... I think YOURE better served on r/bootlicking.

Are you really claiming the electoral college cheated you?

I’m saying , for starters that the existence of the electoral college disillusioned me from the day I learned about it in 6th grade. I didn’t even vote in the ‘99 election because of this. I also did not enlist because I knew war was coming. Everything you know is wrong era here.

It actually makes sense to me. If you look at how people are spread out across a land mass. Wouldn't make sense for all of us to follow the politics voted upon by folks who live in NY and CA.

I was just brought up with the idea that democracy is good, then found out it was all bullshit.. I do feel your point on the spread of populace though. Sometimes I myself want less federal involvement in anything, but I like the environment and stuff.

Electoral college is good by design but Democracy is dependent upon those behind it. Environments vary by state. Its hard to manage and treat everyone the same when they are each different in their own way. Fed oversight on environment is bad. Each time we have a new president - changes. At a state level people care more.

People at state may care more, but where does the opposing dollar carry more weight? When it comes to most things I do want more state power. Sometimes way more. But even in state, there will be people who feel ill represented. I lean more and more towards lottery/draft for selection of leadership, then voted upon, with the ability for the canadite to invalidate themselves if they knew themselves unfit.but sometimes I DO see the value of disbanding the union’s powers. It’s never simple though. As for the EC, I’d say it WAS good design, but this is a whole new world compared to those days. Even since telephones, nevermind the rest of connections available.

Are you talking about the EU?

calling Trump out on shit doesn't make someone a Hillary supporter

Exactly. Not sure why so many people (usually, but not always, overt Trump supporters) have a hard time understanding this.

I think Trump is an inept, unfit moron with huge, huge character flaws who should have never been allowed within 100 miles of the White House.

Doesn't meant I support Clinton. She was politics as usual, thought the presidency was her right, was just as much a cheerleader for big business as Trump is, and would have perpetuated something I'm firmly against by continuing/creating a political dynasty. Screw that. (I was against Jeb Bush for the same reason.)

Agree 100% with this. They're both garbage candidates.

Criticizing all the stupid shit Trump doesn't make you an unapologetic Clinton supporter.

Every single candidate this cycle was a garbage candidate. Except maybe Sanders.

Sanders was full of empty promises to appeal to millennials. Not once did he describe how to fund "everyone gets free tuition" or "universal healthcare". This country is already in a ton of debt. Military spending wouldn't go down because frankly it wouldn't pass in Congress especially with the gop filled house. So what's the next step? Tax the rich? Wouldn't work. Not with the billionaires in the politicians pockets. Even if they did pass a tax hike, you know what those billionaires would do? Move to another country. Sander's fundamentally does not have a plan that could work

I agree. I don't think he would have been successful in his campaign promises. But that's ok by me. I think he would have been good at coming to agreements across both parties and Not fucking shit up - which granted I know is a lot to ask from a president.

Your all feeding into it with posts such as this... Shilly in here need a coat bro

Sorry it can't be an echo chamber for you bro, there's nothing wrong or disingenuous about what I said.

"Hillary Supporters" don't really care about Hillary. They care about Progressive policies. If Hillary was elected then the FCC wouldn't be repealing Net Neutrality and Congress wouldn't be about to raise taxes on everyone making less than $100,000 and creating an American hereditary oligarchy by repealing the AMT and Estate tax. It was never about Hillary, per se. Most "Hillary Supporters" would admit that she was a deeply flawed and unpopular candidate, and a good number of Democratic voters actually wanted Bernie, though the number of Bernie supporters was not enough to overcome the overwhelming backing of establishment Democrats for Hillary. Bernie couldn't even win California.

As a Soros funded shill who strongly supports progressive policies as a well-taxed adult who's voted for the president since '96, comments like this rather annoy me and give some credence to the troll farm and angry clueless meme teenagers who talk about shilling on either direction. You made valid points and I agree with the content, by I've seen you use the same copy-pasted phrasing in a couple other threads while I sit here giggling and reading comments at work. Put in some effort or hold yourself to only engaging a couple threads rather than lifting your same phrases (assuming it was you and not another username, don't care enough to go back and check the other thread while browsing on mobile). If you're not careful they'll find out about the Hillary tattoos we all share simply by tracing your cloned responses.

I've seen you use the same copy-pasted phrasing in a couple other threads

Are you just asserting everyone is a Soros funded shill?

I checked his comment history and control-F'd some of his post and didn't get results.

Stop lying and engage arguments when you disagree with people. Concern trolling and saying people are shills is disingenuous.

I literally made two total comments on the same topic on in two different threads while browsing Reddit on the shitter this morning. Not even the same comment. Look at my history. What annoys me about this sub is people throwing around the shill and troll accusations. I've been a redditor for 7 years. I first joined reddit for free network IT help rather than pay to comment web forums. Maybe you saw my 1 other comment or maybe you're trying to discredit me because you aren't who you say. I don't know. But I'm not going to accuse you being a paid shill (I assume you were joking about that). And I voted for Al Gore.

Hey, maybe I opened the same thread and reread the same comment?

oh please Hillary loves taking that corporate 12inch moneycock. She would have flipped on NN like she always does

Wrong.Tom Wheeler said that he wouldn't have resigned if Hillary had won.

just like Sanders wouldve beat Trump? please

This, this and this.

So opinion pieces with an obvious bias are now regarded as objective, fact-based sources of news according to you?

Hahhaaaaa no wonder you are so delusional...

What's sad is that you're a lap dog with balls in your mouth, and you apparently can't read.

Lol present a direct quote from Wheeler not speculative articles. Otherwise you ARE fake news! _^

I hate trump, but also hate Hillary.

Whenever I say something negative about the donald, people ju.p down my throat by telling me how horrible Hillary is.

There's a misconception with many Trump supporters that if you don't like trump, you're servicing Hillary.

The reverse is also true. The real problem is we probably have one state sponsored group that has created shill armies to imitate supporters of both sides to create this synthetic controversy.

Every person on this planet is a shill sockpuppet bot, and nobody realizes it.

No shit. Hats off to the TPTB. They fucking programmed well.


You are so fucking right!

We have all been mind washed over the past 15 yrs of internet use and now we are all just one little hive mind who hate everyone......some we hate a lot. Some we just hate a little bit. But if we hate everyone - who is left to 💘 love?

Soon we are all going to be wishing for a leader who can unite us against TPTB and get rid of all the hate! **the bible predicts this in the book of revelation.

When the end times come - the ruler we all want will seem like a great alternative to all the crappy choices we have instead of him. But he will be a great deceiver - he will trick us into thinking he is a good choice and by the time we realize how bad it is - its too late to fix it

(is that trump?) *(is that the internet?) (is that some yet to be elected dude we don't know about yet?) *(is that some outside USA entity??)

I don't know.

When the end times come - the ruler we all want will seem like a great alternative to all the crappy choices we have instead of him. But he will be a great deceiver - he will trick us into thinking he is a good choice and by the time we realize how bad it is - its too late to fix it

You just literally described Obama.

The real problem is we probably have one state sponsored group that has created shill armies to imitate supporters of both sides to create this synthetic controversy.

This is Strategy of Tension 101:

"The strategy of tension is a method of social control involving a series of covert attacks upon a population, intended to promote stress and fear amongst them. The purpose is, by inducing a mistrust of one another and of the world at large, to increase child-like dependence upon perceived authority figures (such as national governments). "

Historically, the example of the Venetians sponsoring the Reformation comes to mind. Venice was incredibly corrupt and controlled the governments of Europe through debt, intrigue, and incursions from their Mongol allies.

The European powers wised up, formed the League of Cambrai to Drain the Lagoon and attacked. Venice narrowly avoided disaster and realized they would soon fall to united opposition if something wasn't done.

So, their intelligence network supported Martin Luther's Reformation. As a result, Luther wasn't burned at the stake like Huss, but instead received protection that allowed a religious gulf to open and divide Europe along religious grounds. Once the religious division was accomplished, it was a trivial matter to set off centuries of religious wars while Venice used the time they bought to infect Holland and England with the virus of usury.

Great example. They have probably gotten better at it in the last 500 years too.


Creates quite the compelling “ends justify the means” debate.

Creates quite the compelling “ends justify the means” debate.

It's been that way forever in the political climate during the first year or so post-election. "You dont like this candidate? Why?! You want <other candidate> to win don't you?!"

Here's an example (albeit a cartoon) from the show The Boondocks:


Lol, my criticisms of Trump are pretty much the only thing that gets upvoted these days. Usually anytime I say something remotely critical of the Democrats I get shit on.

Don 2.0, bro

Lol bullshit stuff critical of Hillary/Dems is voted to the front page everyday

Well, maybe because there's more of it? ... Why is that hard to understand? Unless you want the same Drumpf stories over and over again like on the rest of fucking reddit.

Yup!! Hillary has DECADES of scandals yet Trump only recently entered the political stage.

This would be down voted in the_donald for not following Trump with is great or our beloved president. Also you are mentally ill for being rational. Get help freak

I lol'd.

You just described "divide and conquer" perfectly. Take note people. If we refuse to talk AND LISTEN to each other, then we're hopeless.

(90 upvotes our of nowhere, easily 4x the average) Unfortunately it’s racist sexism to notice patterns.

You are correct. It's the last gambit of the Left and Right.

Most of the anti trump people here are pro-Bernie who want free pot, free health care, and free education... In that order.

it's just your paranoia of people being way smarter than you taking over. Just sit back and relax.

terrible shot at a social experiment

You noticed that too?

I think we need to standardize. A lot of people point to organizations or parties like Republicans, Democrats, CIA, FBI, etc when talking about Deep State or Establishment. Sometimes they refer to the Deep State or Establishment as the Dark Cabal or Illuminati. This leads to a lot of bickering and confusion.

Lmao I see what you did. Copied 3Msleep posts and changed the pronouns lol.

You Win! I was wondering how long it was going to take someone to figure it out.

Too easy. I refreshed a multireddit by rising and the posts were stacked above each other lol

The gold is yours.

Haha thank you. I’m curious if people will notice my comment now lol

How do I get gold?

Hillary is god. She deserves a medal. We must elect her in 2020. Write her name in.

Can you give the Medal Of Honor to a civillian? She is the definition of the Nobel Peace prize

I don’t like Hillary, and only voted for her because I knew she’d put up better SC judges than Trump in terms of political lean. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be happy to shut down the 346th poorly sourced “body bags” list I see. I’d do the same for someone pushing Trump body bags. I hate Gish Gallup arguments, and I hate people who push “research” that they haven’t done a lick of themselves.

And yet, when I call out obvious bullshit because all it does is distract from legitimate reasons to question motives & morals, when I point out that it’s the accuser’s job to prove a positive rather than mine to prove a negative, I get called a Hillary Lover. Explain That shit to me.

bad concern trolling is bad OP

Did you see the thread the other day on here about how The Wahington Post was a beacon of light shining in the darkness of journalism?

By repelling Veritas kinda?

Washington Post is Rockefeller/Rothschild owned. I love their mission statement. "Democracy Dies In Darkness" so does that mean you're fighting for it to die...is it really Truth hidden in plain sight?

Jeff Bezos made that mission statement

I forsee comments saying both Hilary and Trump are bad. OP don't forget that actual Dems really did want Hilary to be president. Don't be suprised by the comments you recieve on this very popular website where politics have been virtually unavoidable on almost very sub. Sure some could be fake supporters, bots, or even flamers, but priorities are mostly toward the current administration that is loyal to corporate penis and is potentially more damaging to this country than Hilary who lost. Whether installed by the Kremlin or not, they are definitely satisfied by the huge division that is growing every day.

Use this sub to call out shills because we can't do it here:


What's the value in that?

we need lurkers to realize they're shills but we can't say it due to this being 1984 and it's an unword

The Hillary team was behind the Cyber power curve and her whole program was outplayed and Trolled to death last year. They are trying to Play catch up and put out fires for some future blonde ambition of their Trash Can in a Pant Suit.
I think this is what we saw in 2007 when she was up against Obama (that adaption of the Apple/Big Brother commercial was huge) and you saw it happen to Romney's program with Obama's cyber presence running circles around him.

Jesus Christ. You guys (TD folks) don't realize how fucking stupid you look huh? You're the laughing stock of the world right now, literally. You believe a businessman with political ties who worked for the MSM for years is on your side. You can't survive without compensating for your lack of cognitive functions by literally just posting the exact opposite of what somewhat you don't like posted. You can not like Trump and not like Hillary; but in your mind anyone who doesn't like Trump is a Hillary fan/George soros shill, when really you're just retarded and defensive. This is yet another example of reactionary distraction.

Trump is better for everyone who isn't American, but terrible for us. Hillary would've been great for us, but terrible for literally everyone else on the planet.

Remember when Bill Clinton bombed Yugoslavia for no reason? Remember when Hillary supported us going into Iraq, and when she went right along with Sarkozy's plan to fuck Libya sideways? Put a Clinton in power, and watch the third-worlders run screaming as the bombs blow them to smithereens. At least Trump is an isolationist. At least his pants-on-head retarded policies stand a good chance of neutralizing some of the unwarranted power and colonial reach of the American Empire. Hillary would've kept the Empire going, and she would've been good at it.

You realize Trump is continuing Obama-era drone strike policy and pursueing the same civilian casualties that Clinton would've, but also doing it more recklessly?


Trump's still bombing

But he also stopped the CIA's arms supply program that was funneling weapons to lunatics in Syria, so it's kind of a toss-up.

Lol... nice attempt to juxtapose the two posts against one another! Be sure you say hello to your college professor when you compile your findings.

See my edit. All sides should be held accountable for their actions whether or not they are in office.

Same is true for Trump. It's partisan stuff. People in the middle who dislike both end up being accused of being on a side regardless. There's no winners, only losers...

I want to be paid to shill for hillary. I could do with an income topup. Where do I sign up?

ITT: "People" doing exactly what OP predicted they would do.

Had it happen to me as well. They're insane. Disagree on anything and they turn on you like a pack of rabid dogs.

I see what you did there. Nice.

Where have you been?

They're all on the same team

Have you not read DNC leaks? The Podesta emails?

Yeah it's mostly fake, der, Trumps only reason for existing was to get Hilldog elected.

whos defending hillary? I never see it. What I do see is people deflecting from trump to hillary, and people resisting that, because she IS NOT PRESIDENT

Where are these hillary worshippers? Trump hating does not equal worship in any way. The Support he has is literally cultish and unlike anything I’ve seen in my life. They make “true beiblibers” look tame.

There’s no messiah on the other side, man. And The closest in A long time is sanders, not hillary.

yep they're all CTR/Sharia blue

You seem to be confusing a preference of Hillary over Trump with support for Hillary. Or you just want to distract from the bad news.

no1 actually likes hillary- they just don't want a sexist,racist 73yo born with a trust fund who has the mental and maturity capacity of an 8yo to lead our country

I support Hillary. While a terrible political candidate she was one of the greatest secretary of states ever and was the best person for the actual job of the presidency. Conservative media is false media, it is lying liars who are building on a foundation of lies laid by lying liars over 30 years ago. It is hard to make a convincing argument regarding conservative media lies because they are not true and because lying liars have no credibility to people who haven't gone down that rabbit hole.

Terrible candidate to run, excellent candidate for the job.

bots on both sides, my man. sad but true. don't know who's real anymore. just the world we live in now.

It's ShareBlue David Brock paid shills.

It doesn't take someone to be a Hillary supporter to criticize Trump

The worst thing about Hillary is that she was evil and corrupt enough that she got Trump elected.

EDIT: +++For those that still do not get it, this was an exact opposite post of an earlier post to show how silly partisan politics is in a conspiracy sub.+++

The interesting take away here is that this thread has over ten times the number of upvotes as the ones about Trump.

Which means that a generic negative post about Hillary that has no real point will get much, much more attention here than a generic negative post about Trump will when posted here.

Wonder why that is.

Could be that or they realized what the thread was trying to achieve.

A few hours ago this post still had plenty of upvotes but everyone in the comments was either agreeing with or arguing against the post in earnest, so I don't think that many people were "in" on the joke. Plus the original post had very little visibility. When you posted this post, the original was nowhere near the front page of the sub.

A few thoughts for your consideration:

First and foremost, I can't stand HRC. She's an opportunistic, lying, corporatist like the vast majority of politicians currently in office. I voted for her because I already knew who Trump was. But don't ask me to defend her for a goddamned thing. If HRC committed a crime, prosecute that pos to the fullest extent of the law. I'm the last person you'll see defending her or anyone's illegal activities.

The most glaring problem with pointing out some "conspiracy" involving HRC is that she's a fucking private citizen. She has no sway over policy, nor does she have any way to influence intelligence agencies nor law enforcement. Not any more than the rich guy down the end of the street has. Why then are we even talking about her?

She is a FUCKING DISTRACTION. And any time someone brings her up, they are most likely trying to draw attention away from the upward sucking motion of money in our country to the pockets of the already wealthy. The richest 0.01% have our politicians by the ballsacks, with big carrots and big sticks at their disposal to incentivize this massive shift of wealth right under the noses of the other 99.99% of us.

That's why I'm fucking pissed at anyone who thinks HRC is a bigger problem than the actual POTUS and his cabinet, and congress and the House. She's not a central figure to ANY of it, and yet, many dipshits still think she's so important, we need to have several threads about her at any given time at r/conspiracy.

Are you so uninformed about the American political situation that you think HRC has some influence that even compares to the POTUS?

All sides should be held accountable for their actions whether or not they are in office.

Really? I don't see you posting threads about Bob the dentist who took a contract out on his wife. Why not? Shouldn't he be held accountable too?

You don't because it's not a proper distraction from the Cleptocrat-in-Chief.

Your post is a distraction. Hillary just a year ago thought she was going to be the next president. To discard her obvious influence in politics (hello "what happened" tour?) just because shes a "private citizen" is absurd and only adds credence that sooo many people here are pushing a narrative to divide and conquer

What's the substance of your argument? Are you saying she has influence because of a book deal? I hope not. That's a fairly ignorant thing to say.

If that's not it, what are you saying? Does she get to tell the FBI what to do? No. Does she get to tell the CIA what to do? No. What is more important about her than the POTUS?

Nah, it's just that your paranoid Hillary posts are old fake news. Sorry.

I don't know how anyone could ever, ever take up for HRC. That shit never would have happened here in the past. Reddit went to shit after the primary - at least for me - especially after they closed SFP. The rest of this site except for a few subs was infested with HRC vermin.

I agree.

Someone posted this exact same thing about Trump supporters in this sub and /r/The_Donald yesterday! Here's the post I saw - https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7gvqx0/im_really_starting_to_think_that_most_trump/

How dare someone not hold the same opinion as me, they must be paid shills or fake.....

This sub has sadly gone the way of r/politics. Time to make a new one.

I dont personally like Hillary Clinton, but there is simply no direct evidence that backs up all the allegations being made. Between her and Trump she was clearly the better and more experienced candidate. Our country is being led by a mentally unstable narcissistic sociopath who pathologically lies about almost everything.

Agreed. Hillary was and is boring, cautious, and a bit shady in the way most long time insiders are. Trump is a fucking loon.

Ah yes, anyone that disagrees with me is a shill.

This argument always gets rehashed on this sub. Instead of engaging arguments, people resort to this.

My most downvoted comment in /r/conspiracy was one which mentioned C or rrrrr e c t t he REee co rd

Partisan loyalties. I don't know how a person with partisan loyalties can set them aside and see what is actually going on. Even Carter and Moyers have come to realize that the US is run by oligarchs. There is no democracy here. But really, we could have voted for a third party if we could have gotten over the partisan divide. Right now, everything we do is feeding the oligarchs and their fake news and fake parties. Its so corrupt that the only thing that can stop it is a brick wall. It won't be pretty. Capitalism depends on the rule of law or it degenerates into oligarchy and monopoly, total corruption. It is now busy making the rope with which it will hang itself. Several decades after the Soviets made the rope with which to hang their so called dictatorship of the proletariat that was actually a dictatorship of the apparatchik/nomenklatura.

I feel like anyone who researches conspiracies wouldn't have a positive thing to say about her, we know both parties are run by the same entity.

Also it amazes me how people actually still do support her.

Hey don’t knock them they live in India and are simply trying to save money for a toilet.

The whole country is a toilet. They just need to save for is 4 gyprock partitions. This is the dream.

Paid shills bro


I agree. I don't understand the black and white views and sometimes you see people project their own black and white opinions onto others they are debating or arguing with.

Hillary clinton is a blind loaf of human shit fueled by some mental agenda than anyone cares what she thinks. She can barely wipe her own ass, her pig of a husband is a sexual predator that cigar-banged an intern and then shplooshed his jizz all over her in the oval office. Christ, who knows what other horrible shit these two treasonous fucking scumbags have managed to accomplish at the mercy of the people in our country. Fuck all of the Clintons. All of them fucking suck.

The only people who care about Hillary Clinton are the Trump cultists.

Hillary lost. She will never be on the ticket again. Did Obama become obsessed with Romney or McCain after beating them? Nope. Same with Bush and Gore & Kerry, etc.

The only argument Trump ever had was that he wasn't Hillary. It's still the best he can do. Every time he brings her up he is broadcasting his deep (and well-founded) sense of inadequacy.

I almost feel sorry for the senile jackass.

SHOOT THIS TO THE TOP OF THE SUB! So so true! I just got into an argument with a so called Hillary supporter

It is just weak, soy bois that only get their news from their parents basement.

The amount of MSM media shills that have ZERO clue about the nuances of real life and legal issues that make this sub WAAAY much more low quality than it could be

I hate that people use "inb4 blah blah blah" as an excuse to dismiss any criticism that their ideas or posts get.

Keep it up and you'll start to feel suicidal man..

As a Swede it is hard to see all that much difference between the hillary mouths and the trump mouths... they do not seem to like each other though!

I wouldn't call them fake. I would call them paid shills. Correct the record pays them, its their job.

If you ever turn on Rachel Maddow's show you can see the delusion up front.

I think it’s hard to come up with genuine criticisms of trump because I have stopped trusting media reports of him. Apparently he managed a significant trade rebalance with China, but there seems to be little analysis about it so I don’t know what the impact will be, no one is getting the full story on North Korea so I don’t have information to base an opinion on, I’m really pleased America is getting out of Syria, but i don’t understand any of the implications for the future of the Middle East and so much of that stuff is classified anyway. As for his tweets, I really don’t care who he has Twitter fights with and I can’t seem to muster up the apparent outrage over trump retweeting videos of Muslim violence in the UK.

I'm starting to think most Hillary supporters here are bots and shills

You are correct.

Go outside and melt.

I lol'd.

As a Soros funded shill who strongly supports progressive policies as a well-taxed adult who's voted for the president since '96, comments like this rather annoy me and give some credence to the troll farm and angry clueless meme teenagers who talk about shilling on either direction. You made valid points and I agree with the content, by I've seen you use the same copy-pasted phrasing in a couple other threads while I sit here giggling and reading comments at work. Put in some effort or hold yourself to only engaging a couple threads rather than lifting your same phrases (assuming it was you and not another username, don't care enough to go back and check the other thread while browsing on mobile). If you're not careful they'll find out about the Hillary tattoos we all share simply by tracing your cloned responses.

oh please Hillary loves taking that corporate 12inch moneycock. She would have flipped on NN like she always does

just like Sanders wouldve beat Trump? please

You can't even deny it. You're entire post history is tonguing Trump's taint.

This, this and this.