To anyone claiming Pizzagate is "debunked" because Comet Pizza "has no basement":

30  2017-12-01 by Question_History

Copying from a comment I made:

The basement is in Buck's Fishing and Camping, where he stores "tonnes" of pizza sauce. That's coming from Alefantis himself. The "pedo ring in the basement" angle was manipulated by media outlets to discredit and instantly "debunk" pizzagate.

Did you know Alefantis also has a diner in Berlin with a Pagan inspired menu?

Did you know he owns Pegasus Museum, which is closed to the public? What kind of museum is closed to the public?

Did you know James Alefantis was implicated in a blackmail lawsuit involving Media Matter's David Brock?

Did you know he attends dinners with Rothschilds?

Did you know one of the properties he owns used to be a Rothschild's?

Did you know Carole Greenwood, ex co-owner of CPP left due to "urgent family issues", which was actually Alefantis abusing her 16-17 yr old son, who was an employee. Did you know he did an AMA on Reddit?

Did you know Alefantis threatened the life of Ryan O'Neal for finding the location of the "kill room" in Pegasus?

Did you know James is close friends with someone who manufactures children sized coffins?

Did you know the street cameras were turned away from CPP a day before the shooting? Why is there no footage? Did you know the shooter also hit the computer tower? causing $10,000 worth of damage (according to the official report), allowing quick disposal of evidence.

Did you know Alefantis commented "nice!" On a painting of a naked infant statue with it's rear end in the air?

Did you know Alefantis also owns multiple properties not mentioned by him EVER? How does a self admitted college drop out who "only knew how to cook pizzas" accumulate so much wealth and property?

And this is just scratching the surface. NONE of this is mentioned by MSM. Why didn't Megyn Kelly ask about any of this.


The art alone is enough to question what is going on.

And notice how almost nothing I posted had anything to do with the art, other than the naked baby statue, that is very messed up.

The "debunkers" and shills latch on to the "there's no basement", "lol go shoot up a pizza place", and "it's just art" arguments.

All of which can be disputed by the facts I posted.

I Think the next phase with Qanon will be Pizzagate. He talked about blackmailing/Cia/playboy.

Almost the same thing here

I am leaning towards Alefantis being a honey pot for DC blackmail. A more undercover, Epstein-esque operation.

This. Alefantis is essentially the Pedo pomp of DC. That's why they protect him because he has dirt on EVERYONE.

Also, Q anon needs to be taken with a grain of salt. That guy could just be a larp making shit up.

He has dirt on everyone, yes, but they also have dirt on him. He's not the one controlling this shit, he's just a tool.

I just want to see evidence for the alledged code words

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

LOL please tell me what that means, and go and look for the pedo words that FBI put out there...

Will he play dominos better after eating cheese rather than pasta. Maybe they played dominos after he ate pasta and he didn't play well?

This is what happens when you read emails without the full context of them, you can read your own meanings into everything.

The simplest explanation is usually correct.

Lmao, I'm not English or American! And if I wanted to email someone what you just said I wouldn't have said it like him. Wake up ^

That's because you're unfamiliar with common American phrasing.

No one in North America says their "on" food.

People do say they are "on" drugs, though.

It makes a lot more sense given that context.

People talk about doing things on an empty stomach all the time. They also talk about food as if they're drugs all the time. Done, email explained.

No, it's way more plausible that it's coded language.

I think you're the one unfamiliar with common American phrasing.

No one says they're "on pasta" after they've ate a meal.

People say they're "on" cocaine after snorting lines.

You're simple wrong here. I might choose not to ride a rollercoaster "on a full meal" in fear of puking. Very common phraseology. In fact, this whole email chain was legitimately explained as being totally benign. Yes, it's actual pasta, dominoes, and cheese.

You wouldn't say "I'm on pasta", you would say "I just ate some pasta". You would say "I'm on a full stomach".

This is a ludicrous argument in general, but I think if you ate a bunch of pasta and went to play a game of dominoes, you very well could and may describe the situation as "...playing dominos on pasta." It is a totally valid statement, and given background it raises no suspicion. Your argument is purely semantics, and fails in even that.

How is that a ludicrous example? It's true. Not once in my entire life have I heard someone say "oh, I can't go for a swim, I'm on chicken and rice".

I've heard someone say "oh, I can't go for a swim, I'm on a full stomach'.

I'm not hear to discuss about what could be a poorly worded email.

Would you like to have a conversation about Dylan Greenwood, Ryan O'Neal, or Jeff Smith (friend of Alefantis who makes children's coffins)?



Why should I? I'm not the one claiming it is code for sex with children.

Those who make the claim need to provide the evidence.

Here you go.

A thread with multiple examples, including chat room screen shots of "pizza" and "cheese pizza" being used by pedos online.

Cheese Pizza is never used in the emails.

Try again.

You're splitting hairs pal. Guys like podesta are seasoned pedos. The words cheese and pizza are used several dozen times in those emails in very strange contexts. It would be redundant to have to say "cheese pizza" every time in every email, plus it would be suspicious.

So they shorten it to just "pizza".

Also, couldn't cheese be a way to denote a certain age or ethnicity of the child?

Why are you not asking these kinds of questions and digging in deeper? You are a conspiracy theorists correct?

What exactly do you think that Cheese Pizza or Cheese or Pizza is code for?

I'd like to hear it from you.

And then post one of the mails where you think thhis code is used.

Let's do this, shall we? Show that replacing the code words makes actually sense.

No connection to the emails.

No Cheese Pizza mentioned in the emails.

Try again.

Yeah, didn't think that you would

So? What do you think pizza is code for?

Whatnis it with you pizzagaters? You claim there's code but when asked what exactly the code means and how it makes sense in the emails, you never provide a clear answer.

Why is that?

Just tell me what the code words mean and then post the emails with the code words replaced with the clear meaning. Do they make any sense?

Go ahead, try it. Show the results.

It could literally be anything within the realm of pedophilia. You could exchange 'pizza' with 'pedo' and it'd work.

"Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over"

would translate into

"Would love to share a kid for an hour? Or come over"

Suggesting it might not happen in their homes by default, which would be smart in case feds or cops get a warrant for those places.

Then we have the email '815 dinner at Marta' , wherein Tony asks John;

29 st between park and Madison right around corner

Let me know

Or I could bring a pizza home


I don't know where Marta lives, but the Podesta's live in DC, right? Well, I'm not from DC and this email chain by now is over a year old, but I couldn't find a 29th St near anything Madison (st, hotel, LLC, etc), only 1 was near a park, but not near anything Madison. The only Madison related locations I could find are nowhere near 29th, (Madison Hall on 22nd St, Madison & CO LLC on the corner of I St and Connecticut Ave, Madison Place NW across Lafayette Square, Madison St runs from 1st to 16th St, The Madison Washington DC Hilton hotel on 15th). Suffice to say,

you'd be lost with those directions. Someone on their side however, they might know what else to do with them.

The way John replies is eerie too,

I'm going to pass. I have too much to do before heading to Michigan tomorrow. No need for pizza.

He has so much to do, he can't even eat a slice of pizza before leaving for someplace tomorrow. Unless, y'know, they're not talking about that kind of pizza. As a matter of fact, he has no need for pizza, and unless he had no other plans for dinner, he has no need for eating in general.

So, by my crazy conspiracy theorist logic, these mails would translate too:

Here are coordinates for tonight

Let me know

Or I could bring a kid home


To which John's reply would make a bit more sense, at least imho.

Then we have the handkerchief emails, which are just weird.

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related.

How can a simple square, black and white handkerchief have a map that might 'seem pizza-related'?

Mind you, all the realtor really said was

I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island.

It's a pretty big jump to deduce from that line that it 'seems pizza-related', unless you know what you're talking about.

Why isn't he worried about it? Perhaps he left it there on purpose. Perhaps, as with the 'directions' earlier, it might be useless to randos without insider knowledge, or the map has expired, hence not being of concern to Podesta.

For me it translates into

The realtor found a handkerchief, I think it might have co-ordinates/code related to pedophilia.

A lot of people are arguing over whether 'pizza' means boy or girl, or whether that's supposed to be 'hotdog' vs 'pasta', but I think that might be up to the smaller circles to decide. I don't think there's a 'National American Dictionary for Pedophiles', or whatever. I think this angle is being treated a bit too autistically.

"It's not exactly 'cheese pizza' so it doesn't mean that at all!"

Yes, because talking in code with like-minded people requires you to speak out everything, you cannot drop a word whilst maintaining context lest all is lost. (/s)

What else was there... Right, Urban Dictionary listed 'pizza' as a pedophilia related word in 2010, the emails came out in 2016, some going back to '08, though not all seemingly related. It suggests it's been wiped prior. This is where some people tie in the Madeleine McCann case, but that's a whole other can of worms. I'm not equipped to do more intensive searches, lest I want visitors.

Then there's the whole Alefantis angle, the R-rated musicians performing at his 'family friendly' establishment, the creepy art in his house and on his insta depicting underage people or very sexual(ised) images related to pizza, or McCauley Caulkin's band The Pizza Underground and their imagery, we all know what allegedly happened to him.

When you put it all together, it's pretty messed up to say the least.

But this is just my p.o.v. of this particular part of the theory, even I think the whole 'Alefantis = J'aime l'enfants' for example is far fetched.

It could literally be anything within the realm of pedophilia. You could exchange 'pizza' with 'pedo' and it'd work.

"Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over" would translate into

"Would love to share a kid for an hour? Or come over"

No. If pizza means pedo, it would mean "Would love to get a pedo for an hour? Or come over"

How would that make any sense?

So you cannot actually say what the code meqns and you just make it up so you can twist the emailsminto something pedo-related.

You are literally just making this up to make it fit your bias. You can neither show that there is any code nor assign consistent meaning to the alledged code. You actually admit that it means whatever it needs to mean so you can reinterpret the emails in the way you see it fit.

Here's a pizza related napkin.

Right, Urban Dictionary listed 'pizza' as a pedophilia related word in 2010

No it didn't. The entry for pizza lists nothing pedo-related. Why are you claiming this? It's not true.

You are literally making shit up.

I'm kinda curious what the jpeg used to be, aren't you?

Surprise, it's a totally not creepy picture.

According to many it's encoded with another image. Supposedly no one's been tech savvy enough so far as to actually crack it, many saying it requires a password, some saying it's only been superficially altered. If you think you can, let us know.

You tell me.

Also, who the hell gets 'pizza for an hour'? Don't you just take as long as needed?

What do you think it means then?

Who the fuck are you, shitwad?

I'm your worst nightmare

we already heard all of those talking points. do you have any solid evidence to support the pizzagate narrative?

Jeffrey Epstein, Dennis Hastert, spirit cooking, etc. All lend a lot of credence to the theory.

And to anyone claiming "where's the victims?", Dylan Greenwood and Ryan O'Neal are victims who have come forward, with zero attention from any media outlets.

Jeffrey Epstein, Dennis Hastert, spirit cooking, etc. All lend a lot of credence to the theory.

Ummm what? This is the most ridiculous logic..... if you don't mind I'm going to borrow that logic, how about Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, Dylann Roof, and Stephen paddock, etc all lend a lot of credence to the theory that all white people are mass murderers? See how dumb that sounds.....

And to anyone claiming "where's the victims?", Dylan Greenwood and Ryan O'Neal are victims who have come forward, with zero attention from any media outlets.

Link to the stories of these "pizzagate" victims?

Do you have any solid evidence to disprove the "pizzagate narrative? whatever that is.

Ummm call me crazy but I prefer to see someone such as yourself provide the public with solid evidence to prove their claim, and no, it's not the responsibility of your audience to provide "solid evidence" from to disprove your claim....... you think they are doing this shit, you prove it..... as Im slightly opposed to joining any circle jerk really, but seriously opposed to joining a circle jerk that accuses people of the most vile shit possible, its wild allegations like this that me happy to live in a society where it's the burden of the accuser to prove the accused is guilty and not the other way around....

All lend a lot of credence to the theory.

Can you actually say what exactly the theory is?

I'm not following, did you mean that for the comment above me?

Yes, replied to wrong comment.

All lend a lot of credence to the theory.

Can you actually say what exactly the theory is?

Ryan O'Neal? How is an old-ass wife and child abuser a victim of child sex trafficking? I could definitely buy that he was a trafficker.

wife and child abusers

usually start out or have a youth as

a victim of child sex (trafficking)

It's more commonly known as a 'vicious circle'.

This is true. Are you familiar with Ryan O'Neal at all though? He had a great acting career in the 70s, but blew it with his addictions and terrible temper.

One of my favorite films of his is 'Paper Moon' which he starred in with his young (8 or 9 at the time)daughter Tatum. He was abusive with her, her mother(they later divorced and she had several other relationships with abusive men) and her brother and eventually hit on Tatum at his wife's(Farrah Faucett) funeral, claiming he didn't realize it was his daughter even though she'd lived in his home off and on through her childhood. Not to mention that she was also famous and the average person at the time would have recognized her, let alone her own father.

Give him some brief research and see if he seems like a credible source or someone grasping at a chance to get back in the spotlight and/or the public's good graces.

Wrong Ryan O'Neal bud... do some real research

Lol, it is a different one. If he has a middle name, he should switch to it.

Getting downvoted hard at 18% already. Wow, some people just can't accept uncomfortable truths. I guess they'd rather stick with comfortable lies. Shame.

It's worse than that. Some people will take a payckeck to defend this shit. Even if i didn't believe Pizzagate i couldn't be paid to defend against it. Just the fact that someone is paying for that would be enough suspicion to keep me from sinking that low.

The sheer amount of effort put into discrediting the investigation by news outlets (conservative, right leaning ones too) was a large indicator that there's something sinister there.

Benn Swann was the only one with enough guts to touch on it, and he didn't even scratch the surface in his Reality Check segment. He lost his segment because of the coverage as well.

It isn't just the paycheck. The elephant in the room is exactly how vast the pool of pedophiles is. It looks to me like its own parallel society or something. It is huge, there are tons of them, there don't need to be shills, we might just be dealing with actual participants that are substantially organized in the little sewers they run around in.

I wonder if we get visits from NAMBLA

That is exactly what I mean.

Yeah but there's definitely paid shills that come out here to defend these people.

I'm sure there are. Well, we got shit like Elgin that I am pretty sure just latches onto anything that can make us chase our tails. But I think the bulk of them are organizing off in some NAMBLA discord or something to brigade.

Lol your one of the few that knows about that base that brings it up.

What do you mean? I thought Elgin was common knowledge around here?

I don't really ever see anyone state it in a comment. I know they are here.

I think most of the users that were here before the politics raid that started a year ago are aware of it.

So, like 10 of us. There has got to be at least 10 actual users left, right?


welcome to the desert of the real

Correction he knows 2 people that make child sized is Caris James dad and the other is the freak that makes them into tables in the creepys ass adopecere soap factory place. Who knows TWO CHILD SIZED COFFIN MAKERS THAT ISNT A FUCKING FUNERAL DIRECTOR?

And one of the guy's Instagram names was "workinonmahnightCHEESE"

Weird, to say the absolute least. The guy also fitted his cube van with concrete flooring. But it's completel normal and harmless, right?

Right so when I hear that smarmy slimeball Podesta say its DEBUNKED to that I arent asking him the right questions people...

Also when Alefantis was asked by the guy whose life he threatened his answer was...ITS ALL TRUE EXCEPT I DONT LIKE KIDS...

Also notice Podesta's hand movements, his stuttering, and squirmy body language.

He knows Pizzagate isn't CLOSE to debunked. He's lying to himself, it's so obvious.

You must not have watched 30 rock because that ig username is a reference to a scene on that show that is what im referring to

Hey, don't watch that show, thanks for pointing that out. Still, doesn't defeat the fact he's crafting children's coffins...

its creepy for sure but someones gotta do it I mean unfortunately children do die sometimes

Did you know, perfect lead in.

Dear John "Skippy" Podesta:

Please debunk these facts, then you MIGHT be able to say Pizzagate is debunked.

Did you see his weird body language when answering that question.

First thing I noticed is he took 2 sips of water and got all jittery as she was asking her question, squirming thinking of some kind of response.

He's guilty as FUCK. Alefantis too. They all need to go down. Keep the pressure on them.

Hillary Clinton email chain:

"I will be sacrificing a chicken to Moloch in the backyard"

Alefantis instagram post:

"Chicken lovers"

Chicken is another term for child.

Yep, well specifically a young boy. They refer to each other as "chicken Hawks"

Chicken is another term for child.


Ask South Park... or y'know read the link I posted

I would like to hear it from you

The link I posted is from me...

None of the claims are bullshit, I deleted it because I realized the person in the email chain was most likely making a joke. I would rather not spread misinformation.

Here's the link again, proving James Alefantis is a "chicken lover".

And another?

Try and defend that

Anybody got the address to Buck's Fishing and Camping? Or the museum?

Link to Greenwood's son's AMA?

Yea, surprise, Republicans are just as corrupt as Democrats. Flynn was a liar to begin with, that much was obvious. I'm glad they're going through with it. Take them all down. I'm not partisan. I'm for justice.

This would be way better with sources on each assertion. Feel free to add them!

All of them are provable with a quick google search, however i might compile a "Pizzagate facts" list, with all sourced info. Notice how no one said any of those point are false...even the shills know its true

I understand the power of search engines. What I'm trying to say is that these points (which I know are true) would come across much stronger if each was sourced aka upboat heaven.

J bet JA also has a micropenis.

What's wrong with Pagans?

Yeah but there's definitely paid shills that come out here to defend these people.

He has dirt on everyone, yes, but they also have dirt on him. He's not the one controlling this shit, he's just a tool.