If Trump is talking with Russians i'd say its a good thing.

0  2017-12-01 by [deleted]



It's not about talking to them, it's about conspiring with them to influence the election.

They didn't influence the election.

Also America will look fucking stupid AF if it was true, because it means another country didn't even need to fire a single bullet too beat America.

They didn't influence the election.

Yes, they did.

Well then. Good riddance of the old America.



Facebook are the biggest lie.

Facebook is the biggest lie.

What does this even mean?

They didn't influence the election.

oh you are extraordinarily naive if you actually believe that

Are you on Mueller's team? What secret or undisclosed information do you have? I'm all ears.

I'm on my team. Not anyone elses team.

...but "influencing" someone or something is totally subjective though.

Would YOU be charged by authorities for "influencing the election" by simply having a political conversation with someone. That conversation influenced them to vote otherwise! OMG what a crime!

In reality, that's not a crime.

I'm not a representative of another country though. I never said it was a crime, it's some shady bullshit. Putin gets away with literal murder all the time anyways.

Let's just say you WERE the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency...and you spoke with any foreign person....STILL not illegal. I know you never said it was a crime, but that is the whole point of all of this, to FIND a crime and pin it on Trump and oust him. That is the whole point. They are saying the Flynn lied to FBI. That IS a crime...for Flynn. Trump fired Flynn. Flynn could have been setup for all of this, but at this point...no one know for sure.

Putin gets away with literal murder? Please post proof. I hear this all the time from the left, but I have seen nothing to confirm that Putin is bad. His approval rate is very high and the Russian people overall love Putin. We SHOULD have good relations with all. Or else, we are enemies...

How does Trump's dick taste?

Way to answer his questions and refute his points!

There's no point.

How would you know without trying?

after the election was over. makes perfect sense!

Which didn't even happen. Where do you come up with this stuff? Have you been reading fake news?

Ok then shill

Removed. Rule 10.

His name has Shill in it.

And yours has "baked" in it. Are you a cake? A muffin?

His username is irrelevant. Don't call people shills.

No contact! No contact!

Oh, contact?

Contact is a good thing!

Bingo! You win.

we knew Flynn discussed sanctions with ambassador Kislyak and lied about it to the fbi back in february, what are you even talking about

I know, and Flynn just took a very obvious plea deal, meaning he's singing like a bird about something yet to be revealed.

The goalposts have achieved Ludicrous speed at this point, what with their constant moving.

How do you know what he's talking about? Could he not be talking to the Russians about how much they'll pay him to impose sanctions on Russia's oil rivals? If he's talking to them, he could be selling out US democracy.

2 party system in America

Meaning what?

No democracy in America. It's all rigged.

Trump was only telling everyone the election was rigged because he and Hillary Rigged it.

anyone who thought HRC wanted to start WW3 is a moron. really just that simple.

Shill. She wanted WW3.

Why do you think she was banging on about Russia.

Because they were actively influencing our election maybe?

It's payback. For all the times America meddled with other countries elections.

So fuck you

I'm not contesting that, but doesn't mean we shouldn't try to stop it.

Yeah and think about all the poor people who tried to stop America from meddling in their elections.

Dead. Raped, left to starve. It's disgusting actually.

It absolutely is. But We can only do what we can, so I'm donating to democrats who I think would change those policies, and cut out the cancerous piece of shit in the White House

You should donate to the indie parties. They get little funding. They are also willing to change things.

I wouldn't trust the big 2 parties.

lol, wat?

Dude why don't you move there then. I'm sorry they shut down incels but don't take it out on America.

Your 2017 American Republicans, folks.

I'm not even sure you could call it that. There is no evidence that they had any influence on our election whatsoever.


no point talking to you any more.

but at least you proved my point for me.

Rule 10. This is your final warning, next time will be a ban.

Ban me then you fucking ass holes

Why are TPTB still spending money to protect and defend HRC from facing the consequences of her actions on Reddit?

Because Hillary is playing her part in the game.

All of you people who think Russia influenced the election are thinking ass backwards.

Hillary Clinton is corrupt. She got exposed because our pathetic American media won’t cover it. Wikileaks did. That is why she isn’t President.

Your logic makes no sense. It’s like getting mad at the person who told you that your wife or husband is cheating on you instead of getting mad at your spouse.

I guess I asking too much for people who drink sodium fluoride and GMOs to think clearly.

So woke

Lol, the coward deleted it.

Facebook is the biggest lie.

What does this even mean?

And yours has "baked" in it. Are you a cake? A muffin?

His username is irrelevant. Don't call people shills.