4892 posts of Flynn lying started up, wow!

20  2017-12-02 by BandyBanana

.... but for all the anti propaganda savvies here, well, this is really nothing. It's going to FALL FLAT on their faces again, yet AGAIN.

That's all they have, one lie. ONE lie. LMFAO. About meeting with diplomat. Nothing. For a whole year. Shocking.

Your only hope is that Mueller flipped Flynn. This is as likely as there are more than 2 genders in the world.

Can't fool us. Stop and keep it out of r/conspiracy and keep junk news in r/politics where it belongs


Yeah all that happened is a former National Security Adviser just plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his relationship with a foreign adversary, suggesting he's rolling over on senior members of the White House if not the President of the United States. No biggie.

lmao yea but is that really gonna happen

Who knows, but it's way more likely than it was two days ago.

It's funny because that is literally the line anytime remotely one thing happens

Because it was also true then.

Im not trying to beat a dead horse but this is literally the next line spouted right after what you just said. I've had this conversation a million times, I will stay pretty convinced that trump will stay in office. This is a liberal pipe dream to get mike fucking pence in. You know, the dude that wants to electrocute gays. I don't give a fuck about this investigation because it's all corporate media driven. The warhawks that are for the GOP tax bill, the people that sold the US on the Iraq and yatta yatta. Do I need to go on? Liberals only care about process and never an end goal. They're pointless

I don't think Trump will be impeached. I don't really care about that. What I care about is that enough comes out about his corruption, lies and treason that the out-party takes a chamber of Congress, so we can arrest the slide to being a corpofascist dictatorship before it's too late. I already fear we've crossed the point of no return, and the country is lost beyond repair, but I hope it isn't the case.

I can agree with you on that. If something does happen with the Russia stuff I do think the blue wave will be imminent but I don't think it's just trump and that trump made this country bad. It's been a shit hole for the last 17 years really.

I agree with that, Trump is the symptom not the disease. And 2000 is probably a good place to start for when everything went to shit -- that's around when politics truly turned completely into team-sports/horserace bullshit, which has only gone into hyperdrive in the Internet era. I have no idea where we go from here as a country, but something major needs to change.

Thank you for recognizing that. It's both parties, who have worked together like you said. Politics isn't supposed to be nice and friendly.

Hey Hillary is expected to win the election by a land slide. Get this. ABC news just admitted fake news. Trump gave orders as president not candidate.

Thanks I should have shared a link. Look at those comments. ABC will pay a hefty price for this one.

Yeah it is insane how fucking terrible the media is. Did you see the markets when they dropped their bullshit today?

Yeah. It's market manipulation. Fucking bullshit.

Shit like that could potentially cause a black swan event given the right circumstances. Fuckers should hang for their propaganda.

Why roll on the guy that is going to pardon you?

There's actually a lot of speculation into how Mueller might be structuring things to weaken Trump's ability to pardon. For instance, it's known that he's been in contact with the New York DOJ -- pardon's can end federal prosecution but not state action. It's also unclear that the president can issue a preemptive pardon, and there's people suggesting that Mueller is being strategic in what charges he's bringing in indictments and guilty pleas -- Trump can't necessarily pardon what hasn't yet been charged. So, for instance, Flynn might have strong reason to make a deal if Mueller has indicated that New York State would prosecute his son.

IRS needs to investigate mueller and all of his family and bankrupt them.

Fuck it, this is no longer a nation of law and hasnt been for decades. Trump should do as much damage as he can. Pour gasoline on the place, light a match and walk away. Lol

Sure, let's abuse power to punish the one guy that's actually draining the swamp.

Do you want to fuck shit up or not?

It's going to FALL FLAT on their faces again, yet AGAIN.

And then you woke up

The only thing he is guilty of is not having an Ace lawyer present when talking to a corrupt FBI.

3 years probation ,no jail.

Oh and a nothing burger for Trump.

Too bad he didn't get a sweet deal like Hillary where the FBI let her have multiple lawyers(even a co-conspirator), took no notes or recording, didn't verify her statements, etc..

Or get immunity before questioning and still didn't have to give any answers like others involved in Hillary's case..

She gave the FBI smashed Blackberries and Hard drives. (At a minimum this is obstruction of justice) She didn't have any "Intent" to commit a crime - Comey.

They gave immunity out like candy to her staffers and the deputy director said Fuck Flynn and Fuck Trump in a meeting.

The whole department is compromised ,Flynn didn't have a chance.

I mostly agree. Slight correction, she said she smashed the blackberries, I don't think she turned those in. The top brass of the FBI surely looks corrupt but I wouldn't put that on all of them. Surely there has to be some good noncorrupt guys in the rank and file.

No definitely 90 something percent decent people ,the top is a mess.

I couldn't believe Comey's speech where he basically said she broke all these laws but because she had no "Intent" she get's a pass.

What a monumental waste of tax payer $$.

Yea man, that Comey speech still bugs me. He listed all the ways she broke the law and should be charged then let her off the hook. That was around the 7th time he was involved in letting the Clintons off the hook, going way back to the 80s and the Marc Rich case..

Comey is the Clinton Fixer plain and simple.

Everyone in law knows that you can get a speeding ticket, even if you didn't intend to speed.

Such corruption and it's all at the top.

Lynch meeting on the tarmac with B.Clinton?

If that wasn't a direct deal for a supreme court seat deal to kill the investigation into Hillary I don't know what is.

You don't need an ace lawyer to tell you not to lie to the FBI. Anyone who works in government knows that--especially security community folks!

Lying about Russian contacts was either epically, baroquely stupid or an act of desperation to cover something else up. I don't know which, but right now Mueller does.

CORRECTION of ABC News Special Report: Flynn prepared to testify that President-elect Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians during the transition -- initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria, confidant now says. (link: http://abcn.ws/2ixWHDL) abcn.ws/2ixWHDL

fuck obama

Some people never grow tired of being disappointed lol

With all the coverage of this, how can you not understand how a plea deal works? This charge isn't all they have, or Flynn wouldn't have pled out. This is the charge he agreed to plead guilty to, in exchange for not getting charged with other offenses. (FARA liability most likely, given the Manafort charges, and maybe other lies to investigators or even the Turkish thing.)

gawd, these meta posts are becoming insufferable

Thanks I should have shared a link. Look at those comments. ABC will pay a hefty price for this one.