ABC should be held accountable for Fake News!

54  2017-12-02 by RocketSurgeon22

They waited until the end of the trade day to make a correction on Flynn. Lots of people lost money in the market. Willing to bet certain players knew in advance and made money.


All of the Corporate Propaganda Media should be held accountable for fake news. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, WaPo, NYT, all of them are not bu propaganda. Their "journalists" report only what their corporate bosses let them, with their jobs they are patronized with. There is no Free Press left in this country, not on the MSM level.

I agree especially when it impacts the market. Fake news at this level hurts everyone financially. People lost lots of money and I'm sure some may have even lost their jobs. ABC will spend a lot of time in court over this one.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation is ok the other one is a bit Mickey Mouse

Yeah it was just one of those normal, everyday, innocuous guilty pleas by a former National Security Adviser.

Everything is fake news

Everything mainstream CNN ABC WaPo NYT LAT


pointed this out yest when it first broke. my thread downvoted to oblivion.

For all the squishyisests and moosesarefat "CORRECTION of ABC News Special Report: Flynn prepared to testify that President-elect Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians during the transition -- initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria, confidant"

I wonder why they deleted the original version:

Clarification to Correction now.

So this is what the Trump defense narrative is going to be.... Interesting

For me it's not about defending Trump. Every time I see a thread about Fake News or bashing this News Corp or that one, I always have this irrepressible urge to remind everyone that all of the MSM news in the US is Corporate Propaganda and that none of them or their journalists should be trusted at all.

Yes, in all the news that came out today, let's take the time to call out the real villain here, ABC News, for printing a mistake that they later corrected. Surely a part of their fake-news-causing-stock-market-crash-shorting scheme.

It all depends on intent. One could make a case for seditious conspiracy to overthrow the government.

But I thought it was just to play the markets? I think you'd need to settle on a narrative first before you start building a case.

I didn't say anything about playing the markets myself, but the market effect is certainly relevant because negligent reporting can have all kinds of consequences. I'm really only concerned if the manipulative reporting is intentional and designed for a particular political outcome. I can't prove that, but it seems pretty likely.

I didn't say anything about playing the markets myself, but the market effect is certainly relevant because negligent reporting can have all kinds of consequences. I'm really only concerned if the manipulative reporting is intentional and designed for a particular political outcome.

Considering they corrected it the same day, the long term political outcome would be negligible. The only theory I've seen that makes sense would be the market manipulation explanation (not that I think that's necessarily true).

I can't prove that, but it seems pretty likely.

Well, at least you're going into it without any preconceived notions.

No you can't

People lost BILLIONS of dollars. Yes they should pay heavy fines and the reporter should lose his job along with the editorial staff. They should be sued until they go bankrupt. This wasn't 1 little correction. That 1 correction made it a bombshell that caused ABC to make a LOT of money. Without that 1 aspect the story is news we were already aware of. Meaning it is NO story.

Cool. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Start a lawsuit against them.

I bet you also like to post that "if you have evidence of this conspiracy go to the police or you are complicit too" line.

THIS IS RIDICULOUS. YOU STATEMENT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL. Enough with the fake news crap already. If you think the WSJ, NY Time and Washington Post are fake news, and that Breitbart is factual, well, I have a bridge for sale................

Just because you say it is "fake" doesn't mean it isn't true. I have yet to see one story in those papers that were "fake". But InfoWars and Breitbart, well, I have yet to see one story that is factual.......................

ABC said it was fake, dumbass. "CORRECTION of ABC News Special Report: Flynn prepared to testify that President-elect Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians during the transition -- initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria, confidant now says. (link:"

That is not FAKE. They corrected it MORON!!! Trump saying his inaugural crowd was the largest ever...............THAT IS FAKE NEWS!

Confirmation bias much?

Jesus Christ, take a chill pill

chill pill? stop posting stupid, moronic things. If people don't call this stupidity out, then it continues.....................

...this is a far bigger deal then how many people went to the inauguration. If they were wrong about that? Well then there were less people. That's all.

This cost people money. It will have a lasting effect on people's livelihood. They should be called out for putting out a report when they didn't have all the facts. Giving people the facts is supposed to be their FUCKING JOB. And people (for some stupid reason) trust them as gospel.

the laundry list of "fake" information from Trump is so long that I chose to pick one that was so obvious, a two year old could understand. This isn't fake because it was a MISTAKE that was CORRECTED. has Trump corrected any of the lies he has thrown out as "facts". NO. NEVER. When that happens, then maybe you could take anything he says seriously.

Now, stop posting stupid things.................

WSJ- 50/50

ABC/WaPo- fake fucking news

It is people like you that make everyone who has the ability to think and reason afraid for the future of humanity.......................

Have a nice life. Go back under the rock that you live...........

Are you seriously saying that Flynn didn't plead guilty to lying to the FBI today?

Cuz I kinda think that little tidbit might'a had something to do with it

Yeah but far as we know we already knew about the lie so... Tell me what was new?

The guilty plea and the fact that he has flipped and is now working for meuller.

I mean yeah but everyone is taking this a certain way that I'm just... It is not hitting me like that.

The way I see it is he has plead guilty to the stuff that there was irrefutable evidence for and now he's going to be giving them evidence on other things in exchange for not facing the kidnapping charges that would have been assumed at him and his moron of a son. I remember this story about Flynn meeting the Russians and telling them not to retaliate for Obama ejecting all the Russians at the time it was reported so yes that isn't new, but the fact that Flynn is now going to testify against the trump campaign, and that the stuff he's offered meuller is spicy enough to get him off the hook for the other stuff he's done. That's the new part of this, he was a very key member of the administration, he's probably got some really good info.

Here's an update for the breakdown.

Another comment though. In all reality we already knew he was "guilty of lying" if not he wouldn't have been fired. Like I said it still seems just continuation of what already happened not a bombshell or revelation like some would suggest.

Fnarley, he lied about making calls that were not illegal. By not flipping means he would plead the 5th. By pleading the 5th in Federal court means he cannot be pardoned. Flynn is doing the right thing by supporting Mueller in his investigation. Flynn has to do what is right for him. By supporting Mueller means he was cooperative and can later be pardoned. At this point that is all we can assume. If he has dirt, great. He will share the dirt. Special Counsel has all the information they want because the entire Trump team was unmasked. The dossier has proven to be a political smear campaign paid by Clinton and FBI. A lot of people on both sides will be in trouble over this but most will be at Flynn level.

The dossier has not been proven to be a smear at all. That is simply not true

Really? What pieces are credible? Who paid for it? What was the intent of the dossier? What facts of the dossier has indicted Trump?

It was paid for by a republican donor as opposition research against trump then when trump won Fusion sold the project to the Clinton campaign.

This WaPo article is a good summary, most of the dossier claims are unverified, but that doesn't make them untrue either

Nice try Fnarley and WaPo? Clinton Campaign paid for it in April! Trump had not won the primaries until May. After Clinton paid we have Obama Admin, FBI and Podesta Group paying for the dossier.

They took what Bush paid for a year earlier which isn't the Dossier with Russian elements.

Can you point out in my post WHERE I stated that? No. Yet you have 20 up votes.

And yet, you left it out of your post completely....hmmm.

you have 20 up votes.

Cry more.

you're calling ABC fake news for a mistake which they fixed whereas you post Fox News. Hypocrite much?

Yes. Fixing a mistake after the market closes is total bullshit. ABC made 1 very important error on a major story that impacted the market. People lost money and people most likely lost their jobs. FAKE NEWS on a story this big has major repercussions. Cry all you want about Fox. I'm not a fan of Fox either but they didn't break the story ABC did.

I think people need to step back, and look at the situation. OP is saying it was intentional, whereas I think it's willful ignorance. The news isn't about publizing something arrcuately, it's about publizing it first(immediately) and what tackles a back seat is quality and all distorted titles unrelated to the article. The consumption of media has changed, so how can you not expect the mainstream media to be altered as well.

I do agree with the partisanship displayed by ABC and believe this post is warranted under this subreddit because it evoked critical thinking.


I don't see it as willful ignorance. We have a veteran reporter involved. We could certainly blame the media for not condoning journalist integrity to support a narrative. That has lead to these types of stories. The one little IMPORTANT aspect of that story is what made it a bombshell. Without that key piece of information - its news everyone expected because it was already known.

I missed this, what happened? Why did people lose money???

Absolutely, this is fraud and sedition against democracy.

That is not FAKE. They corrected it MORON!!! Trump saying his inaugural crowd was the largest ever...............THAT IS FAKE NEWS!