What if Trump getting impeached IS the plan?

2  2017-12-02 by Flytape

What if the whole point of this shit show is to impeach Trump while the emotional instability of 'the people' is at a crescendo. Specifically to cause a massive war here. We already have the weapons, they've been selling them to us for years. Why are we any different than Iran or North Korea in the eyes of the global military industrial complex?

I guess what I'm saying is what if the military industrial complex has evolved into the global military industrial complex? MIC--->GMIC.

How does the CIA or other agencies initiate the destabilization some country somewhere? They take down the leader and destroy the existing government framework, then the country does the rest while weapons are sold, resources squandered and massively corrupted subservient puppet leaders are installed to sign over all the stuffs.


Never gonna happen. Major retractions today on Flynn "Bombshell" according to zerohedge.

ABC’s shoddy reporting affected my 401k briefly today. Not cool.

Out of the loop what happened?

Should be a class action suit against them for financial crimes.

according to zerohedge.

haha is this a joke

I think you’re barking up the wrong tree and really grasping here, especially in light of the revealed facts.

Interesting theory, I get what you're saying how the CIA destabalizes other countries. But if they did that here that would be like a parasite killing it's host.

If they could, I'm sure they want to impeach him somehow, . He's too unpredictable. Pence is predictable and that makes him easier for them to control.

There is nothing new here. This is just a partisan pro-Donald Trump reversal of the original idea: that Donald Trump was put into office to do the bidding of reactionary overlords with their usual agenda of deregulation and tax cuts, only to become expendable if conditions warrant -- to save the Republican Party -- to make the Republican Party and its "deconstruction" agenda move from "conservative" to "moderate" -- to save Republican ass.

As for war and destabilization, those who attack identity groups and support "white" rights are exactly the fools who would take the actions that would insure such a crackdown on everyone. It is hilarious that OP would make such a suggestion and fail to realize that he is the fool who would cause all these terrible things to happen.

Or maybe it is just the usual dishonest projection of Republican partisans that we see so frequently, for example, where

Two years of Pizzagate fizzles upon an actual pedophile running for the Senate -- whose support remains high despite pedophilia, or

A Fake News story by James O'Keefe who receives money from Donald Trump and Robert Mercer -- a story designed to discredit both WaPo and any woman who would make a claim of sexual harassment.

We are well beyond Orwell's dystopia now.

Sorry I won't be warring over Trump getting ousted.

Right wingers will just have to slaughter me in cold blood.

Kinda like that libtard who shot the REPUBLICANS at a softball game, right?

I had nothing to do with that not do I approve of wack jobs shooting politicians or shooting up planned parenthood or pizza parlors.

You have everything to do with it when you want to start making ignorant generalizations.

Lol pot meet kettle

Ive thought about this myself. But I would think they would play up Trump more. I mean like he's not really loved by THAT many. At least from what I've seen. Im pretty suspicious of the Trump vs Nfl (black) players and Nba (black) players. It was just both odd situations. Like that was done to split the country by race. I dunno I've been a "Trump guy" for a little while now but lately I find myself second guessing, but not for reasons most people here second guess him. I feel most people here that are against him are just blindly against him, whereas I am seeing things he seems to be doing right, although there are somethings I'm pretty suspicious about.

Anyway, I think this is a good plausible theory. It could be.

I hadn't actually considered this. I think a civil war is unlikely because the average American would really not easily take up arms against one another.

However. War is very good for those that sell it. I don't think it's controversial to say Trump is sort of a loose cannon about stuff, liberals are already afraid of how he talks to NK after all. What if the plan by the GMIC (and it's absolutely international, I like the label) is to use him to kick off another big one? There's a lot of interest by Israel in picking off Iran and stuff gets posted here all the time about them saber rattling towards them. And both countries would be massive undertakings to fight, requiring years and trillions to conclude. They get a war to start, a scapegoat to blame for it all, and unlimited credit to give to a world at war.

We better hope no one has a clone army.

I don't think the technology is there but DARPA is way ahead of civilian tech so who knows.

or even worse, a modern day version of the Janissary corps

There's this crazy Russian lady who thinks that clones have been used in the past. Live journal banned her.

how far back in the past?

Like super recent

you have a link?

I'm on mobile but I have the link on my computer. They banned her so you can't see the post. There were external places that she posted. It I never saved them. And here's another lady who is friends with that lady post to another site which is shadow banned on Reddit site wide. I can pm you them when I find um.

I can pm you them when I find um.

yea sure do that:)

Stop trying to pin the shit show on anyone but Trump and his associates. If all of his cronies didn't lie to the FBI about working with Russia then he'd never be in this mess. This isn't a set up. Nobody made them lie to the FBI.

Hey man, you never answered me in the other thread. Do you know what happened to






u/Guess_Who_Bitch u/LongSaggyBalls u/ForRealThisTimePlaya u/HereWeGoAgainDude

That's a bingo.

It is more likely trump will start a war yo get the heat off himself.

Civil War isn't gonna happen. The military, police, Veterans and all the 2nd amendment loving, patriotic Americans support Trump. This idea that there's some large contingent of people who hate him is just a Hollywood/msm illusion. Half of the registered voters didn't participated this last election, means they're indifferent. Trump's doing fine, the economy's great, foreign relations are strong... impeaching him would lead to disaster.

You are wrong man, Id say more ppl hate trump right now then any other president has been hated ever. Yes the media has something to do w it, but Trumps arrogance and unlikeable characteristics arent helping

I don't think there is even a tiny possibility that a Republican Congress would impeach Trump, no matter what Mueller says.

Impeaching trump for some technicallity bs would tell the right 'you will NEVER win. even if you really did.'.

And there's only one box left to use...