I see a post with over 1500 comments on this sub all claiming to be experts on a 479 page bill that they never read.

65  2017-12-02 by RocketSurgeon22

The politicians that passed it didn't read it. Yet somehow over 500 people got a copy and studied it. Amazing work. I'm certain 1500+ comments are 100% organic.

I wonder if they are aware that California let an undocumented immigrant that is a convicted felon in possession of a firearm walk yesterday?


you really need to take trumps cock out of your mouth so we can understand what you are saying.



Look they are counting together! How cute! I bet these two live with their mommy.

Shilled quick bro, real quick.

I know. They are so triggered about something they know absolutely nothing about. When Affordable Healthcare bill passed being unread as well, these shills celebrated.

"Affordable" ..always gets me

You .ean that thing that was discussed, debated, and worked on for almost a year?

Yeah everyone knew the bill forced single mothers and low income people to pay $200 a month for insurance with $10,000 deductible. Like they could pay 10k in deductible. Obama got on TV with celebrities explaining how great that would be in detail.

You just completely changed your argument from "it was pushed through without time to read it" to "it sucked"

/s = sarcasm durr hurr

So you're just going to keep deflecting and not acknowledge the fact that you're straight up lying and Obamacare was not pushed through in the same way?

How can I deflect something you created in your head? I never said pushed through. Learn how to read or shut the fuck up.

Answer the question then

What question mountain giraffe?

Well. It wasn't pushed through for once. So why did you deflect?

I didn't deflect. You misunderstood my comment. However healthcare was pushed. Pelosi wouldn't negotiate nor listen to the opposition. It was a 1 party bill that failed miserably. It is one reason why we have more R's than D's today.

How did all those republican amendments get in then? Gnomes put them there? Stop trying to change history. Republicans had plenty of time to discuss and amend the ACA. And it failed because of those R amendments.

It wasn't just R's not voting on it. It was D's as well. The amendments were revised multiple times by D's. Backroom deals were made to get votes.

Only in the house. Not the Senate. And it wasn't backroom deals. Read up on your history. All amendments were well discussed. Not scribbled in the corners in the last moment

History? I lived it. Worked for the implementation of ACA and sat on the Strategic team. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. There were backroom deals and scribbles and lots of open gaps that were never figured out.

Is that the straw we are grasping? I was there man, you can't possibly know man.

So you were "pretending" to be retarded. Cool.

Wow man. You are dropping some elementary 1 liners. Think that one up all by yourself or did little bro help you?

Oh please, like you give a shit about those single mothers 😂

Health insurance costs were rising faster before are ACA, but you don't care about that.

The ACA forced insurance companies to accept people with preexisting conditions, but you don't care about that.

Health insurance rates and deductibles aren't forced on anyone by the ACA, its dependent on insurance companies and how many people States can enroll in the programs, and red states purposefully failed to enroll enough healthy people. But you don't care about that.

You only care about yourself, and would be more than happy to let a single mother bankrupt herself or lose their child because the kid had a preexisting comdition and can't find insurance because if it.

You're a joke

They don't accept pre-existing coverage they decide what conditions they accept. I will not go further because you my friend don't know what you are talking about. Go talk to a single mother and ask how great ACA is. Since you obviously care about them.

Do you get paid to spread fake news?

No why? Is your boss hiring?

I mean, you just make threads about others knowing things you don't know that you could with a simple google search. Then to discredit the smarter people more you bring up a murder trial to try and appeal to emotion.

It's called liberalism tactics. Like it?

Liberals tend to go to the experts, not "have faith" in what they are told. That is why the liberals voted no after reading the CBO report and the conservatives voted yes after not reading it.

Forgot liberals go to "the experts" like Bill Nye. CBO is a partisan organization. No wonder the liberals are losing. Media Matters controls their talking points on social policy and CBO controls their economic policies. Puppets

CBO is a partisan organization.

Prove it

Bill Nye

Where does He claim to be an expert? He uses the knowledge of others to teach children and now young adults about the scientific world. Do you follow the instructions on boxes or do you ignore them and hope for the best?

Lol, youre just vomiting random talking points.

You havent said anything of substance tonight. You having a bad night? I feel like a 10 year old jacked your account. Everything cool?

Projecting much?

Prolly have 6500 upvotes by now if that was there case. Or theyre getting smater.

What he said is pretty blatant. Whos cock is in your mouth is the question.

he really didn't he complained about the other thread while completely exaggerating it. how are there 1500 comments all claiming to have read the 500 pages in a 1200 comment thread??? and then brought up something unrelated as if he was making some point.

So Trumps dick is in his mouth?! Gotcha!

Sorry, every dick of the republican congress, corporate donor base AND trumps dick is in his mouth. Perhaps some are up his ass, I mean he has a big mouth but I don't think it's that big

Removed. Rule 5

I mean, does anyone at this point honestly believe anyone in Congress cares for the people? All of these bills end up benefiting their ultra-rich buddies in the end. The only real difference between the two is that the GOP are just outright bastards while the Dems attempt to hide their true intentions.

They truly are a bunch of cunts

Explain what's in the bill and how it is garbage?

I haven't read it, but if it wasn't garbage why wouldn't they give people the time to actually read it?

They did.

A few hours?

You sure do love and trust the government an awful lot. Interesting

The bill had hand written notes in it. It was so amateur it's not even funny. Typical republican bullshit though

How long did they give them? Why didn't they type up a final version instead of leaving unreadable hand written notes in it?

You think that's the first time it has happened?

Oh that’s right, I always forget. “If it happened before or someone else has done it then its okay.” Amirite???

Nope. But nice try.

Huh? The problem, by and large, is that they didn't read it and we're not allowed to read it. It was bullshit when they did it with Obamacare and it's bullshit now.

It's really an incredible phenomenon, shit that used to be so on-its-face-unacceptable by everyone in conspiracy communities is suddenly nuanced because Trump is daddy to these kids raptured by a "strong man" trope.

They didn't read it because they were promised votes for the Amnesty Bill if they voted in support of the tax bill. It's how they work.

And it's bullshit

I agree. More than half probably couldn't comprehend the legal language in the bill if they did read it.

Yeah but CNN read it. It's illegal to read it, but it's different for journalists. Just trust them! What are you a fascist, racist, KKK Nazi?!?

Was this written by a child?

You caught me. I am a toddler.

Removed. Rule 10

Removed. Rule 5

I'm 5 and a party fulfilling their campaign promises is a conspiracy

Maybe they read the many many many summaries put out by the CBO and other experts in the field.

I wonder if they are aware that California let an undocumented immigrant that is a convicted felon in possession of a firearm walk yesterday?

They are, because unlike you they are educated and aware.

Hahaha yeah educated in social justice? That's why DOJ stepped in.

The DOJ stepped in to arrest a lady who laughed at Sessions and wants to crack down on legal weed.

You think they might want to arrest him not for a crime he was aquitted of but because he is an illegal?

Let me explain something you may have missed. This illegal had in his possession a loaded Sig Sauer P239 40 caliber pistol in a state with strict gun laws especially for felons (which he was). This pistol requires a 10 pound pull to fire (that's a lot), it has 4 seperate safety implements and has no history of accidental discharge (this is documented on every gun accident). There has been 0 safety recalls on this weapon.

Why would a convicted felon who has been deported only to return again illegally but was protected by a sanctuary city, be in possession of a gun illegally? Not to mention it was loaded and was in his hand. I'm sorry but if he was deported like he should have been, a beautiful young girl would be joining her family for the holidays. To answer your question, yes because he is here illegally.

Why would a convicted felon who has been deported only to return again illegally but was protected by a sanctuary city, be in possession of a gun illegally?

He probably worked or lived in a rough area and wanted to defend himself as he didn't have a record of violence in the past, just drug use.

There isn't a reason for him to have killed her, it was an accident and he's still getting deported as he should.

As for the reason he had this gun, the US has a gun problem and it is getting worse as more guns are allowed to be sold in the US. It is insanely easy to get a gun anywhere, hence why an illegal was able to get one in cali.

California made the Gun laws. They prefer you to depend on law enforcement. It's against the law. Are you pro gun rights? If so you would not appreciate this man's actions.

How do you know it was an accident? Accidently crossed the border illegally or killed her while on drugs and not trained how to carry a weapon?

You totally contradict your stance. You believe it is okay for an illegal immigrant and a convicted felon to have a gun to protect himself but then turn around and say the US has a gun problem. I shared stats about that gun and it's perfectly safe. The gun didn't cross the border. The gun isn't a felon. The gun didn't protect this criminal with a sanctuary city. The gun didn't kill The young lady. The man with a gun illegally in a country illegally killed the woman. How stupid can you be?

  1. California is only a state, it cannot supercede the 2nd A, he could have just bought it off a private seller as well or even found it.

  2. How could he have planned to ricochet a bullet and hit a lady 80 ft away. It isn't illegal to not know how to use a gun, which is a problem. He crossed the border because he can and wanted to, nothing could have stopped him.

You believe it is okay for an illegal immigrant and a convicted felon to have a gun to protect himself but then turn around and say the US has a gun problem.

Yeah, if we had strict gun laws he couldn't have passed a background check to get a gun or bought it from a private seller legally.

The gun didn't kill The young lady.

Yeah it did.

The man with a gun illegally in a country illegally killed the woman.

And he got away with it too! He got away with it because guns aren't safe and can accidently go off due to the fact you don't need to know how to use one to buy one.

Now just imagine every other grieving family in the US that lost a loved one to a gun. Do you think it really matters who was holding it? Clearly not, trained or not, drugged or not, legal or not, they go off and kill all the time. Get rid of them or train people how to use them.

He crossed the border because California and Obama allowed for it. When captured California stepped in and would not allow his deportation.

Gun doesn't kill anyone. That's like saying a car killed someone who was hit by a drunk driver. The man who should have been deported and who had possession of a gun (for good intent according to you) shot the gun and killed the woman.

Who is to blame? It wasn't an accident. He was I'm America illegally, he wasn't deported by officials, he had a gun because he is a man of criminal history, he had the Gun in his hand and pulled a 10 pound resistant trigger in a loaded gun purchased illegally. Yet he walked? You are defending the actions that killed and innocent woman.

He crossed the border because California and Obama allowed for it.

So he isn't an illegal immigrant?

He was in America illegally, he wasn't deported by officials,

He was deported like 5 times

You are defending the actions that killed an innocent woman.

No im literally just criticizing the govt allowing the situation to happen by allowing guns.

Your argument that if the government had stricter gun laws this wouldn't have happened. That is a hypothetical assumption. You would lose everyday. By taking the political path you are defending the actions that caused this innocent woman to die. Would you ban cars to prevent drunk driving? No. You would convict the drunk driver who stepped in the car illegally drunk.

Yeah but cars are useful, guns can only kill. I'm not defending him, but people will buy guns illegally or legally if it is easy. Instead of trying to root out every single bad behavior so they can't get a gun and kill someone just get the gun out and save some trouble.

You are saying human nature is the issue. That means if no gun they will get a knife or use a car or make a bomb. The problem is letting convicted felons deported 5 times come back into the country. The problem starts there. Have you read about the rapes that occur from illegal immigrants? How do you prevent rape from occurring with illegal immigrants? Do you change the way we dress and segregate people?

Great! With just knives being used for crimes this lady would be alive and many others that get caught in crossfire or killed when a gun accidentally goes off. People aren't committing mass stabbings or accidentally stabbing people to death. You can't just prevent every crime, it is part of society, you have to learn that these things happen and as you said, they will find another way. Either we learn to accept that illegals will enter no matter what and we accept that as part of being the best country to move to or we start taking away freedoms.

Do you know how many lives are saved by people with guns? Do you really expect us to depend on the "racists" cops we hear about daily to save our lives when someone is threatening to kill our family? No way man. SCOTUS said in 2005 that police are not required to protect citizens.

0 lives are saved by guns, they are just tools right? Inanimate objects. How does Japan or England survive without their pistols? We have more crime than them but also way more guns, wtf? We live in very peaceful times regardless and shouldn't worry about someone coming to murder our family as it rarely happens and like you said, they will just find a different way. Also yeah fire all the racist cops and start over. Our cops are fat fucks with no standards who are taught to just pull their gun when in trouble.

Total switch-a-roo. Way to support my view when it fits your narrative. I think you are wrong and live in a bubble. Nothing is peaceful. 2,000 kids are reported missing daily. You don't hear about it but over 1500 people have been arrested for pedo network/trafficking just this year. MSM doesn't tell you. Ever been to a border town? I grew up there, having a gun saved my life 3 times. You can't open your borders to convicted felons and people with radical religious views and expect peace. Especially with shitty cops. Yet we have this happening and you want to take guns away? Better change some items before people will buy into your views.

We are a country of 300+m and you want me to care about 3k? It sucks and it happens but if we are playing number games it feels like we should care about the 28m uninsured. Heart disease kills 610k a year and that's way more preventable than preventing a crime from occurring. It's already illegal to come here illegally and we already spend billions trying to stop it. Also what religious radicals?

Wait. With Obamacare we went from 24 mil to 28 mil uninsured. Way to throw some fake numbers out. Maybe we should open our borders and let more uninsured people into the country? Yeah that will solve it. We should allow politicians to rake in millions in personal income while in office. They should only fly private jets. The border will be fixed and we will have voter ID's. You will see how nationalism is great. You can always donate more money in taxes if you want. Or you could work in ACA daily and understand the real complexity and that softball buzzwords won't solve it.

With Obamacare we went from 24 mil to 28 mil uninsured.

No? http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/blog/2016/sep/2015-census-data-insurance

We went from 41m to 28m

This type of shit is what I'm talking about. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4908376/Wisconsin-mother-says-profanity-son-free-speech.html We focus on convicting a woman who berated her son over burned popcorn but won't deport and let illegal convicted felon walk.

It was good debating with you man. I can appreciate your view regardless of our disagreements.

Why are you saying we won't deport him? He is getting deported again. Accidentally with guns will continue to happen to illegals and legals alike. Thousands have died to this shit and the only thing we can do is make safer guns and make safer owners.

Again - you are defending the murder of an innocent girl. It wasn't an accident. Why wasn't he deported right before the murder? Because officials prevented it.

How about the illegal that killed a young black man and his two daughters last weekend. How would you resolve that one?

It wasn't an accident

Then why did he murder her? Why did they find him innocent? Why did he decide to murder he by ricocet? Why not rob her or rape her? Was it personal, cause they didn't know eachother.

How about the illegal that killed a young black man and his two daughters last weekend. How would you resolve that one?

A father of six children and his two youngest kids were killed by an illegal alien in a head on collision last year.

Lol so you want to ban cars now? I want to deport him and have him jailed in his country.

Also, I can't find a crime that matches your description so I'm just going with this one.

I believe it was in the Carolinas last weekend. It was kept hush hush but the victim was military.
You want to live in peace and safety? Guns are less hazardous to our lives than cars. Yes ban cars. Do you know how many people die from texting and driving daily? Way more dangerous that guns. It is the biggest risk and our lives would be much safer.


Nah, you heard it wrong or something, it doesn't exist.

Cars actually do something though and you need a license to drive one. Cars have brakes, cars have airbags and cars are designed to save lives. Guns don't do anything but shoot, they don't help our economy much. And even with many more people owning a car than a gun the death rate is the same.

Ha, why because you can't find it on the internet. Its there buddy.

Cars kill more people than guns. Guns protect us as a nation. Imagine an army without guns? They certainly help the economy.

Yeah but we aren't talking about an army, we're talking about random civilians with no background checks and no training.

You have to have a background check to get a gun. You also have to go through training to carry a gun. You should learn more about it.

You have to have a background check to get a gun


Not to mention how easy it is to just steal one.

You also have to go through training to carry a gun.

For a conceled carry you need a license but who the fuck can see under your shirt? Without training you can still buy a gun many many places https://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/gun-shots/2013/03/how-much-does-it-cost-own-firearm-state-state-breakdown

It’s a racket. This plan is total garbage

What's in the plan?

Why you ask me? There’s nothing it for me or anyone in my social level in this country. It isn’t helping out the lower class or muddle class at all.

You are complaining about something you don't know anything about. Explain how does it hurt the middle class a d lower class?

My taxes are going up this year, the tax plan doesn’t simplify anything.

I'm sure it's the end of the world for all of you dramatic liberals. The biggest tax cuts in History and this guys goes up.

My taxes are going up this year,


How do you know? Right now we have to wildly different bills between the house and the Senate, and nothing has actually been signed into law.

Both bills signifcantly fuck over anyone living in the northeast and california.

Basically, because we pay so much state taxes (my single mom pays nearly 50% of her salary to taxes), we can deduct up to 10k a year from out federal taxes.

Both bills remove the ability to do that, meaning if you live in a place with high state taxes, you have to fork over another $10,000 each year so the RINOs can give kickbacks to their bribers lobbyists.

Well, you are completely uninformed. The Senate Bill still allows a deduction up to 10k, and if your mom makes so much that she saves more from itemizing than he does from the standard deduction, then she doesn't really need the cut anyway.


The final bill doesn't even exist yet, but rest assured that that won't be read either.

YouShallKnow is sending me private messages claiming he has been banned for his OCD behavior of calling people Russian shills. So he sent me a private message calling me a Russian shill. Ha you can't make this stuff up.


So scary!

you counted all of them? wow

You know what else is great? Acting like the document has only existed since it was handed to Congress... They've published drafts throughout the weeks, and if Congress took their job seriously they would have only needed to read the additions to the Bill they were handed today.

It's been changing consistently over the weeks

I get that, but their job is to be up to date on this shit.

Yuuup and less than a year later WWI started....

I wonder if they are aware that California let an undocumented immigrant that is a convicted felon in possession of a firearm walk yesterday?

Yes I'm aware.

The politicians that passed it didn't read it. Yet somehow over 500 people got a copy and studied it. Amazing work. I'm certain 1500+ comments are 100% organic.

They likely read the CBO analysis which had some dire forecasts. I know this will likely be accused as "arguing from authority" or shilling but the CBO has always been an ethical organization for it's history. It's run by a Republican now. The Bill is a disaster economically and designed on a fundamental level to shoe horn in Republican "values" into a tax bill. (I mean does fetal personhood, public land drilling, and healthcare belong in a tax bill?) Every provision that I've read that belongs to the bill is clearly aimed at enriching the pockets of the wealthy while making leaving the taxes of the middle and lower class unchanged and ballooning our nations debt.

CBO run by an establishment Republican means what? Credibility? Hardly

The CBO counts it this way. The new bill gives people the option to not buy health insurance. That doesn't take money from the poor. It means they have the option to avoid buying insurance, so they won't take advantage of TAX SUBSIDIES. But the CBO counts this as a tax increase since the Treasury would increase through a drop in payouts. See how sneaky that is? No. Okay I will explain - The people dropping out of insurance are supposedly on Medicaid - which means they won't drop out at all, since Medicaid is basically free. So your well ethical organization that works for the elite - is manipulating to support the Establishment agenda.

Your criticism of the CBO seems shaky at best. There would still be a large number of people who are left uninsured as medicaid is cut to pay for the tax cuts. and besides, What do the the elite gain by standing to trash a tax bill that is largely slated to benefit the wealthy? I mean if the CBO works for them then why would they trash a bill that give the wealthy so many breaks?

Not shaky it's honest. Medicaid is paid by both state and federal. Nice try. More taxes means more cronyism and way more is made through cronyism than tax breaks. Ever wonder how government makes really bad business decisions? Why pay Verizon for healthcare solution or Seimens for railroad car development? Cronyism but live in that bubble of CBO knows whats best for America.

Lol and you keep drinking that Trump kool aid bro.

I stated the facts and you failed to deliver. The Trump Kool-aid statement is a common excuse.

You stated jack all. You called the CBO an organization with an interest when it's attacked both shitty Republican and Democrat plans all the time. Medicaid is literally the only example that you gave and it's paid for but state and federal funds. The states won't be able to make up all the windfall of the lesser funding but just keep buying into what podcast you hear. I'm sure all that debt the government will take for these tax breaks is just fine. My generation will just pay it off later.

Not to mention your nonsense answer about Cronyism. You didn't even reply to the fact that this Bill is 100% slated to help the ELITE. not the average man. But overwhelmingly the wealthy and powerful of the country. Read like a complete distraction.

Also I didn't even go into the plan to tax grad students on waivers, the cut on taxes literally only for the top 20% of earners in America. Not to mention the allowing public land to be exploited. You are clearly someone with an agenda to push. So go ahead in push it. I won't reply to you anymore.

You missed my major points purposely. You schmucks use the same tactics. It's really ridiculous. Also it's tax cuts for small business who file business on their personal tax returns. A baker with 500k isn't a top earner when their salary is 150k. Read the bill and come back with better points

Every US Senator should be required to read the bill and write a 20 page essay on it before being allowed to vote. If they score less then an A- on the essay they’re disqualified to vote.

Based on number of bills introduced and handed to the senate that would average around 30k pages of essays per senator. 100 senators = 3 million pages written a year that would then need to be graded by someone. Talk about a bottle neck. What they should do is provide a framework that explains and illustrates in layman's the bill. From there it would be drafted using legal language and would be reviewed by A.I. to confirm it matches the layman version.

Don’t blame us for your lack of knowledge. Do some research.

What about the cries for help scribbled on pg. 408? Stating, help dr.phil... Im an unadopted orphan held in your local elite dungeon. They force us to rewrite and read this crap. Help us help ewe!

Let me explain something you may have missed. This illegal had in his possession a loaded Sig Sauer P239 40 caliber pistol in a state with strict gun laws especially for felons (which he was). This pistol requires a 10 pound pull to fire (that's a lot), it has 4 seperate safety implements and has no history of accidental discharge (this is documented on every gun accident). There has been 0 safety recalls on this weapon.

Why would a convicted felon who has been deported only to return again illegally but was protected by a sanctuary city, be in possession of a gun illegally? Not to mention it was loaded and was in his hand. I'm sorry but if he was deported like he should have been, a beautiful young girl would be joining her family for the holidays. To answer your question, yes because he is here illegally.

How can I deflect something you created in your head? I never said pushed through. Learn how to read or shut the fuck up.

The bill had hand written notes in it. It was so amateur it's not even funny. Typical republican bullshit though

Oh that’s right, I always forget. “If it happened before or someone else has done it then its okay.” Amirite???

Why are you saying we won't deport him? He is getting deported again. Accidentally with guns will continue to happen to illegals and legals alike. Thousands have died to this shit and the only thing we can do is make safer guns and make safer owners.