Possible reason for the impotent TMOR influx today

30  2017-12-02 by IanPhlegming

Boy, lots of instigating shitposts today, amirite? Did Hitler kill 6m Jews? A Historical Guide to the Joos! Is my neighbor a Vampire? Why does TMOR stand for Tiny Manhood Organ Representatives? [okay, I made that last one up]

Anyway, pleased to see these impotent morons sussed out so quickly, to the point where a couple deleted their comments in humiliation and went skulking away, tiny thumb dicks receding into their oversized guts.

But.....why? My guess, which comes in tandem with kid rapist Bryan Singer's disappearance (is he dead?), is that there is some big bad shit coming this week for the folks who might fall in line with the TMOR types. So they're trying to make the subreddit look crazy, anti-Jew, vampire crazies.

As usual, they will fail. Because they are failures. Impotent failures.


get em

Amen pal. Scum. Tired of having to engage these scumbags...

this sub needs a rant of the day thing

also, you know things are weird when ^((they))^ work on the weekend

It's very interesting, I used to only get a decent peek during weekends while I'm off work doing other things that keep my attention and use up my time. I always noticed that 6am-12pm threads about similar subjects were vastly different than the same topical posts when they took place during the weekend vs week. The usual suspects and their kin were not as prevalent with their condescendion and mockery of all topics throughout the sub during the weekends.

I've recently transitioned to working over the weekends about a month and a half ago, along with still working some days during the week, and there has been a major transition over the last month in the type of behavior of the average Saturday/Sunday user. Far more vitriol and low-effort character attacks from more and more accounts I've already tagged for previous activity.

The tides are definitely shifting in response or in preparation to some sort of development, that is for sure.

i assume everyone ha commented up dooted so that means at least 4 lurkers downvoted thas a pretty large influx you are right

I like everything you said here, but ill also add that as well as impotency, they also suffer from CGGS (Chronic Grandma Gossip Syndrome)

When I look at their pissy gossip columns, I feel genuinely embarrassed to be from the same race as them.

I'd say that about 70% of them are pissy little bitches, whilst the remaining 30% are misinformation/disinformation personnel.

LoL. The Cheney dildo is a nice touch.

lmao, I thought so too! It really ties the whole picture together.

But I thought Jews were smart? TMOR: not smart.

The shepherds are the intelligent ones, not the sheep ;)

Yes, I'd agree with this. I've not been to that subreddit in a long time, but a couple times when I've checked it out---usually because they namedrop me, trying to instigate me into engaging with them, not realizing I think they are impotent and not worth my time---I've found their content really unimpressive. Close-minded, not very bright, mean-spirited. They probably suffer from numerous inadequacy problems, is my guess.

It takes a weak person to search out people different from them so they can ridicule them.

It takes an even weaker piece of shit to use alts to come here and invent anti Jew content in order for them to have something to talk about.

Surely their time would be more useful doing productive things rather than try and tear others down.

Excellent post, I couldn't agree with you more!

Yup, ghuizfhh and TrumAssange are likely the same user

Those 2 got banned finally, I think. That particular network was born on Oct 16th.

Damn I wish I saw who the original user is to add to the list. Weirdly I can’t find it in the mod logs. At least 3 other alts I named yesterday are on that vampire post though. Guess the mods didn’t snag them yet.

Why does no one make posts about the Donald like this? Lol don't bother.

i thought posting or commenting in here was a breach of TMOR rules? i hope they are not ignoring the very important rule book? their admins need to serve them some punishment.

We just have to catch them using their accounts on both subs

They are opening some indictments on Monday. Huma, Chelsea Clinton, DWS

Probably retaliation for Flynn.

Timing wise, considering the tax cut, that would make sense. The anger from the Trump base over the tax cuts (and maybe even gutting net neutrality) will disappear fast if DWS and Huma get arrested.

Do we really think Chelsea's bad? She seems vain and deluded, but i never caught actual evil from her. Then again, her dad fooled me for a long time.

the apple never falls far from the tree

Nothing happened. What now?

Beats me!

None of this will happen.

Well? Why did nothing happen?

You mean like this one....


Literally a thread debasing the whole of /conspiracy users as Jew haters.

I think these assholes are playing both sides of the argument. First posting about "holocaust denial" and then following up with posts about the community being antisemitic all of which is a scheme to make /conspiracy users look like they people they are...Shit bags of the human race.

Just look at the thread I posted and heres my initial comment...

200 comments and a questionable 2 antisemitic comments which after checking there history have a 99.9% chance of being troll comments meant to just piss of the OP for being a generalist. OP then proceeds to repeat how half the comments are antisemitic and pats self on back.

And then I noticed this right after...

Edit: Then I see your post and karma count and the inactivity all of a sudden ending so you can post this garbage. And the fact you linked this to a web site to use as a smear campaign. How long ago and how much it cost you and what are they paying you?

Nuff said there folks..

Man, what a convoluted intestinal tie-up that post is. Ugh.

The subreddit is under assault, but we seem to be holding up okay. On the "compromised mods" front, from my impression + the people who study such things and clandestinely contact me, I'm sure there's at least one traitor for sure, one likely, and one I give 50% odds. There may be more, IDK.

Allot of my trustworthiness behind our own mods comes from former and current actions that they have taken and or lack there of. The being paid to promote particular sites was something a former mod here told everyone before leaving.

I can't prove one way or the other since I didn't save those links and comments and accounts were deleted.

I created that thread. Fun to be included in a conspiracy narrative I must say, but sadly I don't work for anyone. I don't have an agenda to discredit this sub. This really isn't even an alt account. In the past I have had few different accounts I made just to ask a quick question about a video game or two I think GTA v and the witches 3 on their respective subreddit, but I always forget the login info and account names so I don't use those. I made this account about a year ago for a post I made after breaking up with my long term girlfriend, that's why the silly soppy name :( I can't speak for why it sits at zero upvotes, not really sure how all of that even works. I got nothing to hide fellas.

So you left your account inactive for 8 month to post a thread titled

What's with all the jew hate here?

Which has over 200 comments but has not one up thumb. Yet, you managed to evaded all those same down thumbs throughout your many "half the comments are antisemitic" rants.

I can't speak for why it sits at zero upvotes, not really sure how all of that even works.

Alt accounts and brigading.

I was getting shitloads of downvoted prior to the thread being linked in a separate sub. Not really a conspiracy as to how that changes.

Lol i don't have any, I repeat, not one single alt account posting in that sub. Your claim is utterly false. Send the mods to investigate, call the Reddit police, I don't really care. None of those are alt accounts from me. It got posted to another subreddit and people outside of this sub see how foolish this place can be.

Innocent of what? I don't hate Jews so I guess I'm innocent of that and i didn't post with any alts there so I'm innocent of that too. Also plenty of jew hate here. Use the search bar and just type in either "jew" or "jews". No need to bury your head in the sand.

It got posted to another subreddit and people outside of this sub see how foolish this place can be.

Again, there's that generalizing all of /conspiracy users. So were antisemitic and foolish in your mind but can't even give one source of proof?

I'm not pretending anything. I didn't post it there and i had nothing to do with it being posted there in anyway. My username was tagged and I saw it in messages. Only reason I saw the thread at all. But you want to make a completely baseless claim that I am involved in a conspiracy to somehow tarnish the reputation of this sub? Gotcha. You have proof of this? No, because there isn't any.

As far as my account being inmactive. One what does that even matter? And two, I posted about my fucking original xbox like a month or two before ever posting here. I understand microsoft is probably run by "the jews" but but honestly what does my inactive account have anything to do with this? Was my account bought and paid for!?!?! Why, it had virtually 0 karma, because until recently I barely used Reddit.

The majority of the stuff posted here are completely baseless claims, definetely not what I would call theories. Half of the stuff that gets repeated over and over have been debunked time and time again. I browse here mainly to read some of the stuff that actually is interesting and at least loosely supported by facts. Well, that and some of the bullshit is funny. For example flat earth/hollow earth "theories" or most of the 9/11 stuff.

As far as the hating jews stuff, all you have to do is search for it here and magically it appears. I'm not going to bother linking stuff because you will just say the accounts posting it are trolls involved in a nonsense conspiracy to discredit this sub or something like that. Plus I'm on mobile and it's just a pain in the ass to do so. I don't have a vendetta against this sub.

Why bother discrediting it? What would I possible hope to achieve? Do you presume I'm a paid shill?

Writing a wall of text while completely avoiding all my questions along with your utter lack of wilfulness to support your absurd claims proves your full of shit...

Troll along...

Questions 1. The proof? Look around. Already told you I'm not crawling through and linking posts. You could however find plenty of examples in the thread I created. Such as the guy celebrating jews being burnt in an over until,l becoming "extra crispy". I have also answered this question many times. See also basically ever holocaust denial thread.

  1. Top minds? I answered that. No, I did not post that thread. Nor did I have anything to do with it's creation. I did post in that thread after a user tagged me in said post.

  2. Not really a question by I addressed my account inactivity. Not sure how that's an issue at all. But you seem to think that simply posing a question about this calls into question my legitimacy. How do you think it does So? Why does that matter?

  3. Do I "in hail" my own farts? Yes, it is literally almost impossible not to do so. I don't run away from my farts plugging my nose like a crazy person.

I have no problem continuing to respond and let you "dissect my post history". I have literally nothing to hide. Have the Reddit admins check my ip for multiple accounts if that's possible or the mods here if they can. Admittedly I don't know anything about the process of exposing an alt account but I will do whatever I can to prove that silly theory wrong.

Furthermore, I'm not trolling. There are literally neonazis posting here and people just breeze on through and excuse it as being just some antizionists which is not the case. I'm sure some people are simply against Zionism, but many are simply referring to "the jews" and their plot to somehow control the world.

I like conspiracy theories. That's why I post here, but normally I simply read. I was just getting bothered by the jew comments and thought I would just ask what's with the hate. Also posted here some before that in some 9/11 conspiracy threads. That's another theory that annoys me because a lot of the debunked arguments are still getting spat out left and right as facts. There are very legitimate questions that could be asked about 9/11 but you rarely see them brought up here.

No response?

Man, what a convoluted intestinal tie-up that post is. Ugh.

The subreddit is under assault, but we seem to be holding up okay. On the "compromised mods" front, from my impression + the people who study such things and clandestinely contact me, I'm sure there's at least one traitor for sure, one likely, and one I give 50% odds. There may be more, IDK.

I created that thread. Fun to be included in a conspiracy narrative I must say, but sadly I don't work for anyone. I don't have an agenda to discredit this sub. This really isn't even an alt account. In the past I have had few different accounts I made just to ask a quick question about a video game or two I think GTA v and the witches 3 on their respective subreddit, but I always forget the login info and account names so I don't use those. I made this account about a year ago for a post I made after breaking up with my long term girlfriend, that's why the silly soppy name :( I can't speak for why it sits at zero upvotes, not really sure how all of that even works. I got nothing to hide fellas.