The Conspiracy of Thought

30  2017-12-04 by sweaty_clitoris


One of the largest and most important conspiracies to control the masses was through the formation of a controlled, standardized education by the progressive education movement.

Prior to the 20th century, only a small minority of children received a formal education. The children who did get educated were usually from the middle and upper classes. Poorer families did not have the luxury of education and often were putting their children to work in the fields, trade, or business. By 1870, many states had tax subsidized elementary schools, and by 1910 many had secondary schools as well. By the 1920's, over 90% of children had attended an elementary school.

But what changed?


The 1890's was characterized by a progressive push by social elites to reform and implement a bureaucratic system to control the public education system. They claimed their motives were to remove political control from the school system, for the greater good. But the damage done has proven otherwise.


Philosophy is a word I often bring up in my posts and is what I feel to be one of the most misunderstood subjects. It can be likened to a belief system, or even a religion (in the case of Eastern Philosophy). But that couldn't be further from the truth. In the simplest terms, philosophy is a training manual for critical thinking. It not only allows discussion and critical thinking, it is necessary to understand it. Philosophy is what allows us to question the very things we take for granted. It allows us to see the world from a new perspective, separate from the Ego.

Now, should it come as a surprise that Philosophy was removed by the bureaucratic system that was implemented to "reform" the education system? They CANNOT have us thinking! We all stumbled onto subs like these for that very reason. We put on our thinking caps when watching the news and saw irregularities in their broadcasts and official stories. Then we are labeled "conspiracy theorists". Instead of scaring me away, it just fueled my desire to understand the Why.

In a world dominated by standardized by test scores, while suppressing critical thinking, it is no wonder the one subject that helps develop that skill was removed from the curriculum.

Pawns in the Game

Standardized public education was never about educating the general population. It is a form of conditioning, to prepare us for the immoral system that runs this world. We are taught subjects in a way that makes them ununderstandable.

Take math for example. We are taught to memorize math and science formulas, without any discussion into how those formulas were conceived. Instead of understanding how the scientists came to their conclusions, we are taught them as Law and instructed to solve them with cookie cutter problems. I have always found math easy but struggled with calculus until I looked elsewhere to understand how Newton and Liebniz came to their equations.

Instead of teaching for the sake of learning, educators are pushed towards test scores instead of developing critical thinking skills. This is no accident, and further actions by the Dept. of Education are proving this. Common Core has standardized education even more into the cookie cutter indoctrination system public education was meant to be.

Corporate America rewards the sociopaths, who will crush anyone under them to get ahead while punishing those who genuinely try to help others. The education system is what grooms children into their slaves.

The Psychological Aspect

Group-think is not to be under-estimated. We are highly social beings, and our ego's crave confirmation bias. We tend to associate ourselves with others who hold similar beliefs, and are more likely to agree with something that contradicts our beliefs for the sake of "fitting in". Finally, for the first time in human history, we are able to communicate with others who we would never have been able to before the internet. We started to question some things and found others who do the same. Can this be just a coincidence that we were lucky enough to be born and alive at this point in time, or something more?

Our social programming is what shapes the ego. The public school system parallels the system it is conditioning us for. All the different social groups, the nerds, the jocks, the emos, etc., breeds a sense of fear and hate that molds us into the slaves they need us to be. We hate who we need to hate while reinforcing what we think makes us happy through instant dopamine releases. While schools have become more and more secular (which I am not against), I don't see anything replacing the teachings of morality. Could the answer be Philosophy?

While the moral degradation of society seems to be accelerating, there are many religious people who contribute to the unjust system. How could any Christian promote or support the system? The system seems to clash with nearly everything Jesus said. That internal conflict is called cognitive dissonance. It is the mental discomfort of simultaneously holding contradictory beliefs or values. For example, a pulmonolgist who smokes. He is aware of how bad smoking is, but chooses to smoke anyway.

But what about the Christian who is a banker? How can he hold the beliefs of Jesus while supporting the current unjust system of usury? The ego will always triumph while people remain ignorant of it. It only cares about itself and buries any internal conflict with drugs and alcohol. Could what psychologists call an "addictive personality" just be the desire to quiet the internal conflict we face every day by buying into this unjust system?

If you would like to read more about the ego, here is a link to a previous essay I wrote:

A society cannot be perfect if crime exists. Crime is the result of an imperfect society.


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Well thought out. I think about this regularly since I have kids in school.

| Take math for example. We are taught to memorize math and science formulas, without any discussion into how those formulas were conceived. Instead of understanding how the scientists came to their conclusions,

This is something I like to remind my kids. If I had to describe Dulles Airport or the Sydney Opera House in such a way that you would be able to reproduce it, how would I do that? I would use the language of math.

Just an example of making the information more concrete (pun?). I didn't really figure out high level math until after I was out of school so I have a different take on it than the teachers.

Agreed. I tried to keep the post somewhat short, but I could have kept writing until I had a book. I did not even mention sometimes the blatant misinformation. What made me start question what the teachers were teaching was a calc physics class. The best student was not the one who was able to interpret the theories we learned, but the kid who was the best at memorizing formulas.

Additionally, any question about the validity of the equation or question was ignored by the professors. You are not allowed to question the “science”. Either you become indoctrinated with beliefs of materialistic physics as your God, or you become ostracized for questioning it.

Commenting so I can come back and read when I have the time later. Looking good from what I saw so far!

good post

on a related note there's a reason why pop-culture mouthpieces of scientism implicitly or explicitly make the self-contradictory claim that mankind is now in a "post-philosophy" era, while also doing what can easily be called political activism

It’s more like we are back to a pre-philosophy era. Prior to a standardized education, you could explore those topics on your own even if you couldn’t afford a formal education. Most sociology and history textbooks call Buddhism a polytheistic religion, when it is just a instruction manual for internal peace. Control language and you can control thoughts.

We aren’t supposed to think. The opinions are already made up for us, right vs. left, pro choice vs. pro life, etc. We are just expected to pick the lesser of the two evils.

We all are here because we picked option c, NONE OF THE ABOVE.

well said again

now I don't know which way of thinking about it I like more - pre- vs post- philosophy (I'm interpreting pre as an attempt to make Mankind's self-image into a Rousseau-ian "noble savage" myth, and post as Huxley's materialist transhuman)

Now you’ve got me thinking... but isn’t that the point? We need to think. Nothing is concrete. Our entire false reality is based on a materialistic perspective of consumerism, physics, consciousness, etc.

I like to imagine a world where questioning things that we regard as “universal laws” was not only allowed, but it was taught.

School is listen, memorize, regurgitate. The kids who obey and regurgitate best are rewarded. Creative, critical thinking types are scolded and beaten down until they submit. When the kids become adults now you have a working force of brain dead zombies to slave their lives away for corporate interests and government programs.

I agree with most of what you're saying here. At least, the part where standardization is created as a social engineering tool to mold people to join the corporate rat race. No argument there. But the part that I'm missing is the beginning of your argument, where you say that prior to the 20th, children of lower socioeconomic class (a large majority of children) didn't get an education, as they were born into labor. Then the elites came and set up the education system.

In no way am I advocating the education system, but without it, these kids wouldn't have even learned how to read and write and do basic arithmetic. They wouldn't have had even a basic exposure to history (as flawed as that exposure is). They wouldn't have had the opportunity to structure their thoughts and arguments through grammar. The mere exposure to these subjects allowed entire populations and generations of people to have the basic backdrop of knowledge to even inquire on philosophy to begin with. Sure, every person has their own work of "waking up" to do if they ever wish to individuate. I may be wrong, but given the binary choice, having a population of literate programmed labor machines is more beneficial than having illiterate ones. At least with literacy you have the chance to study philosophy and wake up from the programming, which you couldn't do without it.

The way I see it, there was a good motivation in there somewhere, at some point. That motivation was infiltrated by the elites, once discovering that they could socially engineer even better with literate people. It's a lose/lose either way.

In no way am I advocating the education system, but without it, these kids wouldn't have even learned how to read and write and do basic arithmetic. They wouldn't have had even a basic exposure to history (as flawed as that exposure is). They wouldn't have had the opportunity to structure their thoughts and arguments through grammar. So I just think OP is suggesting that schools could be better, and which could be a relatively easy thing for our society to pull off, rather than as they are. Being grateful is commendable, but when our gratefulness becomes a sort of stupidity, overlooking basic flaws in how things operate and not doing what we can to 'fix' them, then that has to take a break. No?

I don't think anyone would argue that it's more beneficial that a child be put through basic schooling, rather than not be put through basic schooling. It's a positive thing, but it could be even more logically set up, which would result in a brighter, more unified, genuinely curious society, I think, especially once people became aware of the fact that most human beings exist as the thinker of their thoughts, that than understanding the inherent unity in literally every thing.

To write this I had to do some research. Literacy rates in the United States was the highest in the world prior to 1890. Schooling was organized by communities with education decisions coming directly from parents.

The progressive education movement moved school control to a bureaucracy. That is the issue with public schools. Time has just centralized its control to people who are not even using the system, they go to private and charter schools.

Could what psychologists call an "addictive personality" just be the desire to quiet the internal conflict we face every day by buying into this unjust system?

Yes! Nailed it! As I know from experience, an addictive personality is simply a human being who is perpetually escaping the truth of his true nature. He is escaping fear with substances, consumption, fulfilling desire. But right behind that desire sits a truth that will fundamentally crush the illusion of being a separate something, separate from consciousness, or who and what each of us truly is. Thank you for writing this. Another critically considered post.

Now you’ve got me thinking... but isn’t that the point? We need to think. Nothing is concrete. Our entire false reality is based on a materialistic perspective of consumerism, physics, consciousness, etc.

I like to imagine a world where questioning things that we regard as “universal laws” was not only allowed, but it was taught.