Ban hammer coming down on /r/conspiracy -- Beware

0  2017-12-04 by abillionhorses

If you disagree with mods or if they find any slight, small, tiny reason to ban you they will. Just an FYI. I urge people to start moving on to other subs...please share them here. They've started banning people in this thread: among many others. Not to mention the blatant vote manipulation the other day of a top post


That's just totally untrue. Yes there's vote manipulation, but the mods don't pick people to hate just because of their views.

That's just totally untrue. Yes there's vote manipulation, but the mods don't pick people to hate just because of their views.

Nice logic buddy.

I've had plenty of dissenting opinions and have only caught one ban because I was stupid enough to doxx. Other than that, the mods have been fair, despite their biases.

Are you saying that the mods are manipulating the votes? I think you meant other redditors, but I'm not sure. I just want some clarity before I decide to up/down/no vote you. _^

Realized the ambiguity of the wording after I hit post. The former; I do not believe the vote manipulation is tied to the mods, but I do believe it occurs. They likely have alts, but I don't think it's to manipulate vote counts.

Hey man...I'm not sure if you're just a little naive or what but if votes are being manipulated it's not done manually via a few alts...

That is in line with my comment. I never doubted the vote brigading. I said I don't believe it is tied to the mods. Both can be true at the same time with no contradiction.

Okay, cool belief. Have a sticker.

First you make a disingenuous post, then you break my heart with false promises of stickers :(

Seeing as how I posted this thread with my personal experience and you said "that's just totally untrue"......please explain to me how you're "all ears" lol. Again, your logic is terrible.

Second time you commented on the same comment to criticize my logic. I read the first criticism.

I posted regarding my experience, noting that your observation of someone else's experience is unfounded based on my experience here. People aren't banned simply for having a dissenting opinion.

Nice ninja edit so my comment doesn't make sense. You changed what you wrote (aka "all ears"). Nice try though. I don't care if you're offended: I don't deal with deceivers or dummies.

My "ninja edit" was adding the last sentence without modifying the preceding sentences, and the edit was performed before you commented back.

Hey guise I'm brand new here! First comment ever! What's a "banhammer"?

Its a powerful hammer made of metal from an ancient meteorite. It was turned to hot molted metal and spun for a century creating the all powerful BanHammer used by our Mods. You should test the power.

You seem very trustworthy. I can only hope others here are so reliable!

Good luck.

Yeah, it's like the literary edition of Thor's Hammer: it can only be held by the mods, and it smites all who go against the will of Valhalla.

Thor's hammer is nothing close to BanHammer. BanHammer is 2.0 version of Thor's.

What is the deal with Thor? Our Mods are gods compared to Thor.

Only Thor or mods can pick it up.

And our Mods can pick up everything!

Mostly, we just pick up the trash though =/

I'm thinking it's like "dropping the hammer" with bans. I'm not sure what coming storm OP is referring to though. Usually bans aren't something you have to worry about unless you're being deliberately antagonistic.

Learn and understand the site wide rules read the Side Bar for the r/conspiracy rules - follow them.

Though not widely read and understood, this is what r/conspiracy was intended to reflect:

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

If you get a shadow ban you might not even know it - you will see your comment but you'll be a shadow in here. A shadow ban means a mod (may or may not) hasn't contacted you to say "Hey, u/BushSr_Groped_me, you broke a rule!"

Do not doxx yourself and do not doxx others. Don't be a jerk. Have fun and grow thick skin.

So its ok to joke on here?

Thor loves to joke around just don't fuck with the mods.

I dissed both sides, got top comment. I'm still here.

Ooooh I guess if you're here nothing is wrong.

you sound like, your trying to create division against the mods. are you ok? do you need to talk to someone? did the mods harm you? dont feel you are alone. there is half a million users here, we can support you

I don't know any of the mods, so no division necessary. Just sharing my experience. In that thread alone there were many saying they were treated the same (not sure if the comments are still there). You can always see what was deleted by using btw if interested. It's not that big of a deal for me, personally, I will move on, but I wanted to let others' know what is really going on here (especially seeing as we are a conspiracy sub). Honestly most of the critical thinkers know this so I guess the motivation is just to warn others. I can see that almost nobody wants to be warned.

yes, let the sheep be sheep.i mean, you would have to be a sheep, in a conspiracy sub, that couldnt deal with the daily shilling, on a sub, that is highly regarded in a negative light. conspiracy to most sheep means "bullshit". for others, it means "probably truth involved". which is sad tbh. what do you think will happenwhen you move subs, do you think you will be safe from these specific people who make a life of discrediting free thinkers? sure, temporary solution, but long term, is just making the best of the current climate

+1 I agree.

be strong. they want you to do exactly as you propose, so the sub is splintered, and whilst i dont doubt, dedicated subs regarding a more narrow scope could be better, there would be so much stuff we could miss out on. you just have to ignore the idiots (yes, il include myself in that, make your own choice, as you will, as a critical thinker). im fairly new on this sub, but i was drawn here, by repeated references on YT to stuff on here, and this sub seemed to have the head start on other things that would hit YT. after a while of just watching YT referencing links from here, i just made an account. ince i been here (maybe 1-2 months), i have learnt so much, whilst seeing people sharing things i already knew about, with a nice dose of political pushing, which is no different to me walking in my local shop and taking a glance at the newspaper rack. but all that aside, there is so much gold in this sub, it would be sad to see the people actually contributing and giving this sub its standing, leaving. imagine with half a million members, and all the legit theorists leaving, and newcomers coming here, taking the numbers involved as credibility. its up to the real thinkers to keep on top of this sub. which is going to be hard as fuck. but, its a battle that must be waged. if i had of come to this sub, post all the legit people leaving, (say, 2 years time, if people give up now), i would just be in a propaganda machine disguised as the community. dont give up

Nice comment. I will stick around underneath the surface. There is a lot to learn here, regardless, as you have said (even if the atmosphere has changed radically over the last 1-2 years). I agree that splintering makes things harder and is a tactic. Part of the problem is just the structure of Reddit. I look forward to the day when Reddit is not the top platform "of this type".

Pointing out that the idea of 'sides' is ridiculous, is a lot more constructive than blindly following the blinkered ideology of another man.

So I just looked at the comment that you were referring to. You are referring to the sides being democrats vs republicans. I thought you meant you dissed both those who were being censored and those who were censored (which is what I was referring to, not that they are conservatives being banned). I see how you could see that's what I meant based off of what I linked, though, so my apologies I suppose.

Yes, I agree that the republican vs democrat construct is unhealthy and idiotic but you must also understand that just because a user has posted on a certain other subreddit doesn't mean that their whole character is defined by being a "supporter" or "blindly following". Sometimes it might mean that other people on that subreddit share their same views (ie maybe some were even from this subreddit) and so they are able to discuss like-minded things there. Unfortunately now that means they are just "jokers" or "clowns" to you? People who used to be your conspiracy-kin? Maybe not to you, but to some indeed. Stereotyping whole groups of people is not a smart thing to do, regardless of where you stand. Reddit has promoted this. Likewise, even if you personally don't stereotype these groups like're view of being "above" or "outside" of current leaders comes off with the sort of style of a detached hipster (excuse my language). This perspective can become a problem because even if someone does come along that can actually help change the world for the better and fix the "conspiracies", you will deny them that possibility. Stuck in the mud forever.

Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion... Even if it is weirdly intricate.

Quality diss, even though most would call me one of those jokers. Dont even mind the shills, I never ever see top posts on conspiracy, like ever. Its usually some mainstream article about nothing exciting.. just stay in new and u all good bois

Yes, and if anybody ever tries to help the world to make it a better sure to call both sides jokers or clowns so you can remain as the most all-knowing and Godly hipster of truth. Our world will definitely have a chance at fixing our problems if we just deny the possibility of ever happening, right?

Super spooky Scoob.

This seems like the type of thread TopMinds would use to get more content.

I hate to burst your bubble but the whole of /r/conspiracy is their playground ya dunce.

If I may inflate your bubble a bit, it's mine too. That's the beauty of a public forum; it's everyone's playground. That they are so interested in this place is a testament to this sub's ability to (very) occasionally get some dynamite information.

I am yet to see a mod act unfairly tbh. I guess I am not ombi present though.

despite my highly unpoopular views, that i would perfectly accept a mod to be pissed with, i have not recieved a ban, or many warnings. i had a warning, for accidentlywriting a post, in letters larger then tolerated (i still dont know how that happened).but mods, have been noneexistent in my experience here. someone earlier go 2 rule 10s, in their replies to my comments ( i didnt see their comments, so dont know what they contained, i just saw the mods message of "rule 10". i think its pretty laid back here. i have ben banned, for far less, in many other places on the internet. so maybe people should take not of font size, caps lock,and other little wierd things. after posting this, i guess il be permanantly banned as mods scour through my posts/comments lol

This is no longer r/conspiracy ya hit the new tab and all ya get is trump/clinton/russia. Bugger off back to r/politics where it belongs, shite is getting boring.

Eh? That sub is trash.

I didn't mean you, I was speaking in general.

Gotcha...yeah I totally agree man.

Disagreed with a mod in a comment, got a 7 (or so) day ban. 5 minutes later got a perma-ban, been commenting on this sub for over 5 years on that account. Kind of a bummer.

I found this post by browsing by 'controversial'. There are 52 comments here now. And the score of the post is....... exactly zero.

This sub has become so anti-Trump it's crazy. Sad...

Good luck.

Hey man...I'm not sure if you're just a little naive or what but if votes are being manipulated it's not done manually via a few alts...

I don't know any of the mods, so no division necessary. Just sharing my experience. In that thread alone there were many saying they were treated the same (not sure if the comments are still there). You can always see what was deleted by using btw if interested. It's not that big of a deal for me, personally, I will move on, but I wanted to let others' know what is really going on here (especially seeing as we are a conspiracy sub). Honestly most of the critical thinkers know this so I guess the motivation is just to warn others. I can see that almost nobody wants to be warned.