I'm Going to Be Arrested For Exposing Child Killers & Paedophiles - Proof Inside - Possibly In Danger

4390  2017-12-04 by R1CK3O


Hi guys,

Some of you may have read my posts here on /r/conspiracy in the past, for anyone who knows me or have seen my posts (some were removed by the mods due to reddits rules) then you'll be well aware that I run a blog that exposes VIPs who work in government and entertainment or high profile cases that are involved in paedophilia.

I posted 11 days ago to tell you all about Jon Venables a man who at the age of 10 killed, raped and murdered a 2-year-old boy, he mutiltaed him, poored paint into his eyes, threw rocks at his head, sexually assaulted him and stuck batteries in the two year olds anus and mouth.

He was released from prison as an adult in 2002 but given a new identity for the rest of his life. Twice now he has been recalled to prison for downloading and distributing images of children as young as two, the courts keep letting him go free and live in society where he poses a serious risk to the general public and children.

I exposed his identity and as such will be arrested, people were skeptical last time I said this but the press have issues this today the Guardian describe my website here perfectly.

  1. My website was the first website to show on Google search for jon venables new identity, it got that many hits my servers crashed.

  2. I specifically mentioned in my article that I knew what I was doing was illegal but I needed to do something to try and ensure this sick pervert wasn't released onto our streets again.

  3. My website also exposed Maxine Carr.

The guardian article explains my website perfectly without naming it directly.

In short guys I'm due to be prosecuted and could face two years in prison for trying to expose paedos and keep the general public safe.

If there's anyone out there who can help me please let me know, I'm scared but eager to do the right thing.

Please keep me in your thoughts, I do not trust the government, they have already blocked my website via alot of UK ISP's. I have also exposed a lot of MPs in the UK for child abuse and paedophilia.

If this account goes dark, please do something, act, share my story and case, I don't want my work to be for nothing.

Any and all help and advice would be greatly appreciated.


Forgot to add I started my website as I was abused as a young boy, you can read more here.

After I started the site a month or so later mail to my house started going missing, credit cards, government letters, bank letters, all mail I knew I should be getting but didn't turn up. Some mail also seemed to be tampered with.

I also made this video about Prince Phillip and his links to Epstein. I shortly recieved a notice from YouTube saying they had a legal complaint and would be removing the video for bullying and harassment.

Shortly after that I started to get emails from readers in the UK saying that my website kept saying it was blocked by their ISP.

I know I've rustled some feathers as I post a lot about politicans who I have outed as paedophiles as well as some celebrities. I always knew I'd possibly face legal action one day, that's not what scares me, what I'm worried about is because of the abuse I suffered as a young lad, I suffer from depression and have self harmed in the past (not anymore) I am also on anti-depressants, so it's all too easy for the authorities to make it look like I killed myself.

I know that sounds over paranoid but everything is coming together, I hope I'm wrong.

Just let me go on record now and say I'm NOT suicidal in anyway shape or form and would not kill myself.


Thank you kind stranger for the gold.

05/12/2017 08:31am - I'm safe and sound at the minute, it's hitting the news and all mainstream media in the UK about the story, considering a few things but limited to what I can say at this point, thank you to all you lovely people for the help and support.


I have removed the GoFundMe page because there's some armchair detectives who are trying to discredit the work I'm doing by bringing up the fact I advertsie web design and digital marketing work on my own personal website, which may I add is very inactive. I've designed 2 websites this year each for £100. Not sure how this discredits the work that I do but as I feard I don't want to make Free & Fearless about the money, it has never been about that.

If/When I'm arrested thanks to the help from Redditors today, I have found out that I will likely recieve free legal support due to my health and not working.

Anybody who does wish to give financial support can do so by my website donation page here. Please though don't feel obliged and note this is not for legal fees, it's for those wishing to support the work Free & Fearless does. One of my aims is to get the website located on a server that the government can't access, offshore, if anyone can support me with this please do get in touch.

Please if you're going to give, give because you support the work I do on the website and the website in general.

Thank you so much for all your help and support, I couldn't ask for more, people are really getting this out there by sharing it, I chose /r/conspiracy because you guys have always been amazing. Honestly I am overwhelmed by the support from you guys, thanks to each and everyone of you.


Have to go dark, not been arrested yet but things are starting to kick off, this has put a huge strain on my relationship, had to come of FaceBook and everything, I will try and post back here when it's safe to do so and let people know what's going on.


Are you in america yourself? No matter what if he has already served time it is going to be really difficult to build a defense.

No I'm based in the UK

Get a lawyer and appeal to the public ASAP to gain attention. Your best bet is to expose these criminals and not back down, cockroaches scramble when you shine the light on them.

I'm based in the UK have no money for a defence lawyer, I'll have to defend myself unless I get legal aid which is doubtful.

Start searching and have your story at-the-ready. There has to be a lawyer willing to take something like this on for free.

You don't have the right to an attorney in the U.K.?

It's very complex, certain cases yes others no.

Not always a guarantee, in my case I'm not sure but it won't be long until I find out.

Move to america after this. It might not be perfect but at least u have rights. Unlike over seas were u can be arrested for using a racial slur (not that im defending racial slurs. But freedom of speech is freedom of speech)

only rich can afford legal representation. a public defender isn't going to do much for you.

Sometimes they are good lawyers who just need to get their name out there. They are usually less experienced but doing a good job will help them get hired for bigger cases so they will try. I would bet on something the deep state wants to go their way tho they send a lawyer on their payroll

A public defender isn't going to do a ton of extra work and research for you unless you hire them privately, but the advantage of having one is that they are almost always super familiar with the judge, the prosecutors, etc. if you live in a small town this can be a blessing, trust me.

So yes, 99% of the time they will try to get you to just take a plea deal and be done with it so they can get their $198 or whatever it is the government pays them per case, but there are some who really do fight for people, and the bonus is that they can give you honest advice on how they think a judge will rule based on their past experience with him/her, and also they trade cases with the DA's. They all sit together in chambers and review the cases before court starts, so the whole actual court appearance is really just for show. But I know for a fact that occasionally they'll ask the DA to cut them a break on one case and offer up a loss on another case. I can't imagine this is legal, but in small towns these people work together all day, it's not like in the movies.

yeah I have to say, even in situations where your getting a plea deal no matter what, a lot of times a private town lawyer will have the same connections and fight harder for you.

whereas the PD will make a case for you and get you something less than max charge, a private lawyer could potentially really fight for an even further reduced charge

Isn't a place in Europe such as Iceland or Switzerland also better then the United States ?

The us and Canada have some of the strongest freedom of speech laws in the world. So in that specific reguard they are better than pretty well any other country.

in canada they are severely restricting free speech. You can be jailed for using incorrect pronouns. I respect the right to free speechand see this as a huge problem, If we dont give the right to free speech to everyone, then we dont really believe in free speech.

I know... I'm a Canadian and had quite a few debates that got a little heated over my defense of free speech. On the note of pronouns I'm pretty sure we already had a law that would cover that type of thing called verbal harassment.

might have more luck in Canada..

Or Scandinavia, Switzerland is also good places

Everyone has right to a lawyer in the UK. If you can't afford to pay one privately, one will be appointed for you.

Have you considered sneaking to France through the Chunnel and living with a nomadic group of gypsies?

its a state sanctioned peado-fest here in the uk. the current government had awellknown famous peadophile as their poster boy for their campaign, who was also, a BBC star. i could list so much coming off this one topic, but its just too much to type. the current government members, lost the peado dossier, naming many of themselves,and their associates,as peados. the uk, is in a sad state of affairs, that dates back decades. its a shit show. i think the chunnel and nomadic gypsy thing is a good idea tbh

If you do this, apply for as much credit as you can, and use it to buy bitcoin before you go..

I agree, more importantly start accepting donations in as many different cryptocurrencies as possible. Don't let the rich and powerful take down OP without the community willing to start showing its muscle to protect our content generators who are delivering the truth to us.

Have you considered sneaking to France through the Chunnel and living with a nomadic group of gypsies?

LOL plenty of pikeys in the UK

Going rogue ...interesting suggestion

I mean what else are you gonna do? I'm not saying go off the grid, he should stay online and build up a following. He seems to be genuine. But I'm afraid he's right, it's so easy for the powerful to detain him, murder him and paint it like it was a suicide.

Makes sense

i knew gofundme.com would come in handy sometime

I don't really want to ask people for money, I have a donation thing on my website but have never forced or asked people.

I feel that if I set up a gofundme or anything like that and advertise that it will take away some credit for what I'm doing and make it more about making money as opposed to stopping dirty scumbag paedophiles and child abusers.

Truth be told I've not received one donation on my website to date, I was even considering removing the donation sections because of that fact, I fund the website out of my own back pocket and out of a passion for the cause.

I could definitely use some help moving the site to an offshore server though, I think that's the next step for them to get my web host to take it offline.

I love you dude. I would gladly donate to you and I never really donate to anything. I think you should start a donation page if shit really starts to hit the fan for you.

I wish you the absolute best luck and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You can do this, you just have to be strong like you have been. If they really go after you, don't go down without a fight. This shit is absolutely insane.

I agree. If they do arrest you, start a legal fund. You'll have more supporters than you can imagine once the real story gets out. The people are sick of this shit--hurting children--and it being covered up by people in power. Think of it as allowing you to fight the good fight, not asking people for money. The kids need you, and so does the rest of society. You're using your voice to wake people up to the reality of rampant pedophilia. This is a very important work.

Couldn't the old bill theorotecially sieze all of the raised funds under the Proceeds of Crime Act? The funds have been raised due to him breaking the law (a fucking stupid law I might add, he's doing the right thing and the Venables and Carr shouldn't be given this legal protection for what they did)?

I'd have thought it would be better to donate bitcoin etc rather through GoFundMe etc which could easily be seized.

I love you dude. I would gladly donate to you and I never really donate to anything.

I have a donation thing on my website

talk is cheap.


set up crypto currency donations, the value it brings will be complemented by a sense of solid community. and it costs nothing.

And by the time OP gets out of prison it will be worth enough to buy a house!


Hey, I went to donate, but then got a little uncomfortable just popping my credit card in a random site. I assume I am not the only one. You may be able to get more donations if you setup something with a reputable site. I know it sucks they take a cut, but if people are more comfortable they may be more likely to donate. Go create a gofundme, paypal or something. This seems to be getting a bit of traction and you may be able to help fund your defense. Go create something on a site known site and I will be the first to done. :)

Good luck man!

Some things are bigger than your pride. Start the damn go fund me

The Matrix Chambers have a record of taking on, for free, cases that are of interest to them. They are a collection of the best lawyers in the UK, they specialise in defending human rights and people's rights. Worth a phone call perhaps https://www.matrixlaw.co.uk/

Thank you very much, I really appreciate this!

No worries, updated it a little :-)

aren't those two living in Australia under different names?

I have heard this but only one of them.

Yeah I heard it was only one of them. I thought maybe it was a red herring to throw people off. And the people here were outraged when it was mentioned. We are no longer a convict colony, and we also have a history of getting pitchforks out for rockspiders.

I cant find the article but an infamous Aussie pedo Dennis Ferguson got found to be living not far from where I live in Brisbane and people went to his place and wouldnt leave until the cops took him away and didnt let him back. They moved him to Sydney after that I think.

I think you're right about it only being one of them, iirc he's living in Western Australia, Perth I think

Good luck, update us with how it goes.

You da real MVP.

Cheers. I’m a lawyer myself (not practicing) and take access to legal representation seriously.

an honorable lawyer. whoa nice.

There are more of us than you think but there are far fewer than we need :-)

How do you feel about soulless lawyers

US lawyer here, and I have never met a lawyer I respected.

There was a strong emphasis on community service at my law school. I specialised in constitutional law so there is not much practical advice I can give most people. I know some right bastards in the law but then they exist in every profession. I also know solicitors that volunteer their time for all sorts of charitable activities, from sitting as school governors to charity marathons etc.

even yourself?

Whoa, really? What field of law are you in? I've met a lot of great lawyers that I respected in the non-profit, public interest sector.

People like you are awesome. I wish you the best of life mate.

WOW, amazing sources good work.

Helluva solid effort to help a stranger.

All props to you for doing so.

Ask for neo. He is the best.

This is cool man! You clearly are educated and actually took time to offer genuine helpful advice for OP! Submitted to /r/bestof

dude you are amazing and may have saved this guys life.

If you're in the UK, save the right thing for someone else and stay out of trouble. I don't wanna see a good man in jail.

Contact the daily mail. They might love this shit.

Oh yeah a tabloid rag founded by literal fascists is definitely what OP needs to cement his legitimacy.

Yeah, you're right going to prison for two years is way better than a shit rag writing a story about you.

That's not my point. If op wants to do something about his story, let's be real he's playing yojflr suckers, the Daily Mail is not the way to go. Try and actual newspaper or something. Go with the fucking guardian. Something that reports news. Not how awesome Oswald Mosley and Hitler are.

Well, guardian was kind enough to publish this. What does it make Guardian then? Admirer of the admirers? https://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2011/dec/06/dailymail-oswald-mosley

hahahahahaha no

Fuck The Daily Fail.

I'd be happy to send a donation in Bitcoin, PM ur address if you have one.

Tweet Donald Trump and Donald Jr IMMEDIATELY



do you think trump doesnt care about pedophiles? Everything I've seen has shown methe contrary.

He loves pedophiles, he surrounds himself with them.

Ha ha

He doesn't exactly go out of his way to make their lives hard. Anyone can say they want to go after the pedos, but people like him that say they want to and never do are just the worst. And just so you know exactly what I mean, I'm going to put this in caps.


o ok, so anyone who disagrees with you is brainwashed, got it.

Prove me wrong, homie. What has trump himself done to specifically target pedos?

its just ridculous to assume he is propedo. its like when you guys call him racist for wanting to send back illegal immigrants.

Hey man, I wasn't one of the Jeff sessions cheerleadong squad that said over and over that the day he was sworn in all the pedos in our govt would be locked up! It's been nothing but crickets since about pedos since then, but everyone acts like he's done something grad in that arena.

So in a way, you are asking for money. Tread lightly my friend.

Start a go fund me. Look at how much corey feldman got for the same thing.

I'm sure some kind souls here would help you out https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/

a lot of mens rights guys are fighting to get those identity shields in place for sex crimes in america

you broke the law, you got to jail

thats on you man

Go fund me. Soread on here.

Easy enough. Answer every question in the form of a question. Respond only to friend and be everywhere and anywhere to help. You’re a witness. YouTube iambatman57 to red pills

Start a go fund me

Your fucked , but thanks for doing what's right

Hey man there's always the Ecuadorian embassy

You got money for a ticket to the states?

Don’t do that, find the money somehow.

Well, I'll state that if UK prisons are anything like US prisons you'll be alright. You are making a nobel cause, I'll give you that. Pedos are the most hated people in prison, they tend to never make it out of gen pop alive. This guy is the making of a serial killer in the worst way and for the government to try to hide him is despicable. Do the time with your head up high and yell his name from the top of your lungs, you'll probably save someone's life or help someone find their lost child.

I can see it, I've got word that the police will be soon making arrests, so this account will probably go dark soon, I'll try and keep everyone updated if possible.


We are in this together friend,

If you don't have money for a lawyer then that is exactly what legal aid is for.. unless you make a decent amount of money in which case.... you'll have money for a lawyer soon

You should set up crypto wallets so that people can donate bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin to you

Learn how to survive in prison. Don't tell people what you're in for. Don't accept gifts. Don't trust anybody. Work out and keep your mind occupied productively with books or hobbies.

Ever hear of go fund me to raise the cash?

Yeah uh... if you're serious about this you need to get in contact with law firms that defend whistleblowers.

There are lawyers out there who believe in people like you and have made it their career to defend you.

These are things you should have thought about already.

You might be able to find a lawyer who will want to do it for free for the publicity, if the cards can be played right where publicity is an option. Don’t give up or let these seeming limitations stop you from seeing other possibilities that might be present. Other options might not be available, but they also could be there if you find them. Don’t give up. Sending good vibes and positivity your way.

Why has no one asked the question of WHY these people aren’t rotting in a cell or zapped in the chair, especially after having their identities changed multiple times?

Doesn’t anybody notice this? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!


I think it's becuase they were very young when they did it so not old enough to be legally responsible and tried as adults or something like that. It was a long time ago so I may be wrong.

They were 10 when they committed the crime.

I believe they were both also abused.

Idk but in the states, there are places where if you plead guilty the death sentence is immediately off the table.

There are specific legal issues with trying children as adults. Here is the wikipedia entry.

We also have no death penalty in the UK.

I don't know why everyone is rushing to defend OP. Sure, what the killers of James Bulger did is horrific in every form. They have, however, served the court given sentence and been released. That may or may not be right, but allowing people to extricate revenge isn't justice, it's vigilantism in it's highest form. OP is wrong, and should be held accountable for his actions.

Found the pedo.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

The point is that one of the killers continues to re-offend, especially relating to young children. He is a danger to society and he brags about his true identity - knowing fine well it costs the tax payer £250,000 every time to give him a new identity.

Yeah, and he absolutely should be sentenced to life in prison. He's a sick sick fuck, and I'm not disagreeing. OP's solution costs the taxpayer that £250,000 as well, and may well get innocent people harmed.

Op is an arsehole (he's British). And a drama queen

It's idiots like you with such attitudes that make it easy for the beasts.

Nah mate. He should have life in prison for his continued reoffence. I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm disagreeing with 'outing' people. Especially when it's entirely possible that he'll out an innocent person and get them killed.

I'm more concerned about innocent people unknowingly being around folk like venables. I think they more have a right to protection than he does. The 'justice' system is completely inept, there's an epidemic of sexual abuse so obviously what they're doing isn't working.

What about the innocent people who might be exposed with false information? Does their safety not matter?

People like you disgust me. Hitler and Mao's genocidal actions were "legal" - what is legal is not always moral and what is right is not always legal. What OP is doing is right and the fact that you're upending his actions and defending pedophilia, and getting upvoted for it, is absolutely sickening.

In no way did I defend paedophilia. I even called it sickening in another comment and recommended life in prison. What you're attacking is a straw man.

What OP is doing is NOT right. He's advocating and enabling extrajudicial justice - attack those who have broken the law. In that case, what law do you follow? If I think it's wrong to be muslim because being muslim hurts others, should I be allowed to kill muslims? (I don't think this).

If the law is the country is deemed obsolete by the country's inhabitants, the methods to change are via protest or public vote. Not outing them to advocate assault and murder.

Citizen journalism. He's not going to murder anyone and if the police aren't going to put the guy away, then we as citizens shouldn't just stand idly by. You don't advocate assault and murder but you appear to advocate abusing and sexually assaulting children. Since, obviously, the justice system isn't working.

Again, I said he should have life in prison. Your argument has no basis.

The justice system isn't working, I agree. So campaign to parliament. Start a protest. Start a march. Make your beliefs known. But publishing their information IS illegal, and him being arrested for it isn't wrong, as he is putting citizens of the UK (no matter how heinous their crime) in danger.

Citizen journalism can be great. But it's not as reliable as actual journalism with sourced and reviewed arguments, and it's entirely possible that he releases information on innocent people, and ruins their lives. Is that something you're okay with?

Except in legal terms OP hasn't got a leg to stand on.

He did technically breach a Crown Court injunction. Regardless of your motives the courts won't just suddenly accept OPs agenda because the man in question has already been tried and charged for these crimes.

The courts will look at this as OP witch hunting.


"I knew what I was doing was illegal"

Because it is witch hunting.

His website could quite easily lead to murder.


You realize that he could very well be wrong about the identity of this person, right?

No he's honorable, assisting vigilante justice has merit if you're helping murder pedophiles.


The murder of pedophiles. Quite tragic.

Do the European courts recognize jury nullification?

If it goes to trial because OP doesn't take a guilty plea then a jury will be brought in and yes it is then down to his peers.

cockroaches scramble when you shine the light. Fucking prophetic mate.

I can't speak for the British public in their entirety but I get the feeling most of us prefer to allow the courts to judge on these matters.

Op hasn't got any information that is protecting children, he's a gossip merchant who now wants people to donate to him.

If I may be so bold, after viewing ops video, I would suggest he is missing out on real relationships in life and uses his online presence where he feels like a detective to bolster his self worth.

This guy is an e-scam / beggar and over 4000 people fall all over the upvote button, or do you, like me wonder how many are bought(bot) upvotes?

At least he shut down his tin cup.

Would be nice to see the upvotes peel back and go neg.

Also try to gain the attention of alternative media, expose the scandal and control the narrative.

I've tried, nobody seems to want to touch the case because of high court injunctions not allowing the press the expose the paedophiles. Two people four years ago were handed prison sentences.

Someone will surely pick it up. Have you contacted The Intercept?

Find someone with a large following, like the Honeybee on Twitter

Honeybee would be decent. She's on youtube too.

Richie Allen Show might be interested in your story

Then contact american outlets. Your friends overseas have this cool thing called a Constitution that lets them write whatever they want

I'm curious about the legality of this, but regardless, under fed. law, the person would be relocated and given a new identity faster than you could blink.

as a matter of fact, I bet they already have been.

Hate to be that guy but you can't write whatever you want in America. The protection of speech is likely similar. I doubt you could expose someone's identity in the witness protection program.

You could have them omit the names of those in WitPro while also discussing the site takedown and possible persecution for something so genuinely necessary. There's still a story here even without directly exposing some of the people he's investigated.

Fox news (the republican basr HATES pedos right now. Specifically contact tucker carlson)

hmmmm, maybe you haven't heard of a guy called Roy Moore that the republican president just endorsed, is leading the polls, and the RNC has just re-committed funding to...?? Hard to argue the republican base hates pedos for anything besides partisan reasons (pizzagate + lots of hollywood pedos being exposed which is known to be a very liberal place).

I have. Roy moore stands against the pedophile doug jones

I cant wait for him to win and then kiddie porn gets discovered on Dougs laptop

This is absurd even by r/conspiracy standards.

Not really

Democrats have a history of being predators and pedophiles

And usually when they falsely accuse republicans it turns out the opposite

I'm confused, please let me know which of the women who accused trump turned out to be sexual assaulters? Please let me know which of the women who accused roy moore turned out to be pedophiles?

Not the women. Just the dems

The women who accused trump turned out to be hookers and strippers. And one who worked for hillary

The republican base is currently electing an admitted serial pedo in my state, it only matters the letter that follows your name . Party over everything

No theyre not. And no hes not

Two lies at once. Nice job earning that paycheck

They are electing an honorable man. I wont be surprised when it comes out that his challenger had kiddie porn on his laptop. The left ALWAYS projects what theyre doing onto the Republicans

You're disgusting

Don't bother, guy you responded to is either trolling hard or legitimately delusional and hopeless.

try Luke from We Are Change.

Why would you go to prison? Please explain.

He does in his post...

Should give case numbers to identify what we are supposed to address..

What law does he break?

Because the UK is no longer a free country.

Hasn't been for some time

What exactly are you being charged with?

I've not yet been charged, they're onto me though ISPs have started to block my website search free and fearless on FaceBook many people in the UK complaining of not being able to access the site or getting a blocked message.

When I do get arrested and charged it will be for contempt of the high court and I'll face up to two years in prison.

My friend, what you need is 4Chan.

Site works fine for me.

How can they be after you through your ISP if you have your name on the site, or is that a false name on the articles, as the domain lookup provides the same name, along with an address. They wouldn't need to go through your ISP to find you, you're pretty visible unless everything is fake.

Your site could be being blocked by ISP filters due to other hosted content, not just this article.

Go to 4chan my man, they're your only hope tbh

Please help me 4chan. Your my only hope.

Tits or gtfo

This is actually absurdly funny. I believe people really do want to help.

has this story taken any hold in the 4chan comm?

I don't know if this is overboard or not but if I was you I would back all your information on to a portable hard drive. Then ditch whatever computer you have and get a new one. Start setting up tails which kind of like a Tor OS and use WiFi VPN. So ISP can't see what you're doing anymore.

This would make no difference whatsoever. Unless he uses a false name, his name is all over his blog site, and as the owner of the domain registration with an address.

Anything he does now is irrelevant, they know who he is and where he is. If they want to arrest him and charge him they will. I really don't see it as a big deal as he admits he is in contempt of the banning order and the last person to do this for a suspended sentence.

So you think you're about to be arrested because your website is experiencing technical difficulties. Uhhh.

No, he thinks he's about to be arrested because it is ILLEGAL to reveal the identity of that guy. It happened before to someone else, and is sentences as 2 years in prison.

The last guy got sentenced to 9 months but it was suspended for 2 years I believe.

8ch .net/pol

8ch .net/baph

That's where all the real work gets done. Godspeed anon.


Ironic considering so much of the content of that site.

Well, different people go to different boards. But yeah I suppose it is.

2 years is not a long sentence in my country.

What country

USA, Texas. Getting caught with a sack of marijuana here will get you 180 days in jail and a class a misdemeanor. I see people doing large time here (10 - 30 years) for small amounts (personal use) of illicit narcotics (cocaine, speed, heroin). Imagine what they would do if you actually went against the government like in this sub. The USA has millions of people incarcerated. We are a police state in Texas. The USA likes to put their young adults in jail because they are the most defenseless and usually have parents that will come with big pockets. Like all else, it’s about the money and the privatized prisons that they must keep full. The prisons get state and federal money for each inmate they are incarcerating. It’s a vicious cycle.

Probably naming the killer of the boy.

Publication of the images has alarmed officials, who fear they may be used to track down individuals who have been granted anonymity by the courts. Those publishing information seem to be aware in some cases that they are defying the law but persist nonetheless.

There is a concern that if the latest breaches are not pursued then the practice could spread to undermining the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, under which certain offences no longer need to be disclosed after a set period. About 11 million people have some form of criminal record.

The attorney general, Jeremy Wright QC, published a call for evidence earlier this year to assess the impact of social media on criminal cases and establish whether extra reporting restrictions are needed.

At the time, he said: “Our contempt of court laws are designed to prevent trial by media. However, are they able to protect against trials by social media? I am looking for expert evidence on whether the increasing influence and ubiquity of social media is having an impact on criminal trials and, if so, whether the criminal justice system has the tools it needs to manage that risk.”

He's not being charged with anything, this whole post is a marketing experiment by op.



Have you posted this plea on Voat? I would do so, if not. They have a pizza pedo related area that has lots of people like you (researchers and people who want to help make a difference). There might be someone there who can help you.

I don't have enough comment karma or whatever you call it to make a submission on Voat.

I archived this post for you and whoever likes to save things offline.

Thank you, I've just provided an edit with a little more info as well.

I've never heard of that. Is that something new with voat? When I was a brand new account, I was able to make submissions (but that was months ago).

Same, yea it's a fairly recent change I think.

Okay, I just went there. Someone else posted a post for you, linking to this post on reddit. So that is good!

As much as they make fun of reddit, im sure they would take your reference from here. And yes, as much as there is racial retardedness, there are really good people researching over there. Maybe someone from here could cross post who does have clout over there.

I'd really appreciate that, if anybody could help with that and get that done for me, that would be amazing!

PM one of the moderators of the appropriate subverse, link back to here in the PM and I'm sure some kind of accomodation can be made to help you post there

thats why you use VPN or even TOR. you have to be careful when you're dealing with these people, im gonna post this on twitter for you

Thank you, any and all exposure helps.

I started all of this because I was abused as a kid and wanted to expose abusers but first my mail starts getting tampered with, weird stuff happening to our post at home, I wasn't 110% sure there was anything sinister to it though.

Then my website starts getting blocked, now this.

I'm 99.9% sure I'm screwed. I'm not worried about legal repercussions as I expected that, I'm worried because I have a history of depression they'll bump me off and make it look like suicide.

I know that sounds over paranoid but I'm on edge so many strange things have happened now this, it all adds up.

I made a video about Prince Phillip and his links to Epstein and the video was removed from YouTube with a message saying they had a legal complaint and had to take it down for bullying and harassment.

It's clear that I've rustled a few feathers, especially since I've been exposing paedophile mps and politicians.

Try the matrix lawyers linked above, I think this could interest them.

He has nothing to build a defence case on. He admitted that he knew what he was doing "was illegal".

Revealing Jon Venables new ID was a step too far, it's a stupid move and unnecessary. Honestly, what was he expecting to happen? What could good could possibly come out of exposing his new ID? Was he hoping a member of the public would hunt him down and kill him? As a result ruining another families life. It makes no sense.

I also think the fact a video about a British royal family member was taken down indicates that he's most definitely caught the attention of the British security apparatus. OP will be made an example of unfortunately.

As for mail being tampered with etc this wouldn't surprise me at all, he should expand on this and document images / videos of what's going on. Set up security cams in the house. Evidence of intimidation / harassment might give his currently non-existent defence some legs to stand on.

Revealing Jon Venables new ID was a step too far, it's a stupid move and unnecessary. Honestly, what was he expecting to happen? What could good could possibly come out of exposing his new ID? Was he hoping a member of the public would hunt him down and kill him? As a result ruining another families life. It makes no sense.

This is nuts to me. Maybe he just wanted other people to be aware of a potential risk to their children living within their midst. i do not understand this desire to protect criminals more than protecting INNOCENT CITIZENS. If this person hurts anyone then the government should be sued to hell and back. I don't know if the backwards system over there even allows you to sue the government but fuck me.

Side note, the court issued a "worldwide injunction" against anyone in the world posting his new name or photo. The idea they think they can enforce such a thing globally is adorable!


Before Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were released from custody, a court ruled that their identities should remain secret. The court granted an injunction which prevents the media or individuals from publishing images which claim to be of Venables and Thompson (whether or not it is them). The injunction is worldwide and applies equally to the internet, social media and mainstream media.

A breach carries a sentence of up to two years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. The High Court Judges said the men knew what they were doing was wrong and it was no excuse that others were doing it.

He has nothing to build a defence case on. He admitted that he knew what he was doing "was illegal".

Defense lawyers don't just exist to get not guilty verdicts. If the client admits to breaking the law the lawyers are there to make sure his rights as a citizen aren't trampled by the prosecution and to try and get the best outcome possible.

What could good could possibly come out of exposing his new ID?

I'd probably want to know if my new neighbor was a sociopath who is being recalled to the courts regularly because they're still a sociopath. If they want to protect Venables and everyone else, put him in a mental institution where he can get care.

Don't comment on the things they're doing just to make you sound crazy. Btdt. Think positive. It's game on. Follow up with the above contacts. Cheers.

It's just been on uk breakfast news about venebles identity being compromised.

Have someone in another country expose it, or get servers hosting off shore. As it is, I can't find the identity posted or your website, only reports that his ID has been leaked.


Its ironic the guy who is encouraging vigilante justice against a criminal is now worried about extrajudicial killings when he perceives a threat to himself.

Twitter has a soft spot for pedos, they have a past of banning accounts that try to expose pedo accounts on their platform. fyi

I know, believe me

In all seriousness, you can relocate to anywhere in the EU right? Why not flee the country before you can be charged? I'm sure you can find someone who will let you couch surf while you get back on your feet.

I literally have no contacts with anyone overseas and also have very little money, around $400 in savings that's it.

My website hasn't received a single donation since I set it up, I run it out of a passion because I was abused and wanted to try and do something and expose paedophilia carried out by high profile figures. :\

I also mentioned above I'm not so worried about legal action or even prison (I figure people will treat me kindly for what I'm in for) but I'm more worried that something more sinister could happen and make it look like I was bumped off.

That sucks to hear. If I didn't have a renter already I'd let you live in my back house. Slightly worried that you might get killed in prison like the guy who left bacon at a mosque.

Thanks for the kind gesture, hopefully something will come up, if not I'm hoping prisoners will have my back, most can't stand paedophiles.

What sort of ways do you allow people to donate? Consider setting up a bitcoin address.

How sure are you that you have the right person? Have you met him face to face? This is why they were given new identities in the first place. Mobs of people were ready to kill those kids at the time. No doubt some still want to.

I'm 110% confident but can't give my source away.

The images aren't a huge secret at all, when he was first released there was a false image of him being spread around, these however are the real deal.

One key reason people know these are the images of the right guy is because he worked at Pizza Hut in Warrington and actually bragged about his real identity and as such had to be removed and given a new identity for his own protection. This will be his 4th new identity.

My whole aim of exposing him was to force the judges to lock him up for life for his own protection, I'm sick to death of this guy being given a slap on the wrists he's a serious danger to the public and children.

That's not going to happen though is it? He'll just be given another identity at further expense to the UK taxpayer.

More than likely :( but at least I know I tried.

£250,000 for a new identity every single time, it's disgusting, he needs locking up for life.

I CANNOT BELIEVE that they will go to such lengths to help a fucking baby killer...one identity...from then on you are on your own!! This cost to the public for HIS SAFETY is unreal!!

So sorry you are going through these troubles...I will pray for you whatever that is worth.

It's worth a lot, thank you!

If you can't believe it then clearly you don't know what planet you're on, this is vampire world

This idiot has posted old news and is doing all of this for attention. Nothing he posted is of any interest at all. Nobody is looking for him, it's just dumb.

You can't rehabilitate a pedophile either. It's far more of genetic issues than an environmental one.

I agree you can't rehab. But it is.more environmental. Look at most pedos and they were abused...cycles

The abuse triggers it, but evidence shows genetic deformities like earlobe attachment, shrunken jaws, left-handedness, and lower IQ average.

Lower IQ is something that can be modified. Left handedness? Are you joking...these don't sound like a.causel relationship but rather odotties

I truly don't get why the government(?) is helping this man?

4 times now from what I have read at 250K a piece...unfuckingreal!! Meanwhile children are going hungry somewhere...

They were abused childrens when they committed the crimes. Do they deserve death for that? Because if the wrong person sees OPs website, that is what they will get.

No way do they deserve that...The real victims deserve justice and its NOT THE KILLERS!!

£250,000 for a new identity every single time, it's disgusting

And he needs one because of people like you. Tax payer money is being wasted because you're knowingly breaking the law. He is being processed accordingly to legal process and you've decided unilaterally that you know better.

the cunts bragging about what he did. fuck him.

google this shit, its the realest thing i've seen on r/conspiracy ever.

He also got caught with child porn this year....

If only there was some kind of legal process to deal with that...

God bless you. You have a great heart and I hope your goal is accomplished in this. You are doing the right thing at your own sake and its beautiful to see people still fighting for what is right.

Worth a shot. Literally.

Is there a link to him now?

poored paint into his eyes, through rocks at his head

Sorry grammar.

It's fine, it makes sense really. The rambling, grammar issues, witch-hunt based on personal motives.

What is your website so I can check it out?

Linked in the original post but it's Free & Fearless

I specifically mentioned in the article that I knew what I was doing is illegal

Well, that settles it? You know you were breaking the law. Actions have consequences. I agree with and support your work 100%, but you knew this was illegal. You admitted it on the website and they now have the upper hand.

If you knew it was illegal, why not take every step possible to ensure they can't, or would have trouble, tracing it back to you. It's like those people who post pictures of drugs and guns on FB then wonder why they got raided.

You're 110% right, I agree with you.

I was hoping to get some more support from the alternative media, my idea was power in numbers. While it got a lot of attention from individuals, alternate media didn't want to touch it with a ten-foot bargepole due to the injunction.

I'm not worried about the legal action per-say I'm more paranoid they will bump me off and make it look like suicide.

Your idea was you hoped to rustle up a lynch mob that you'd use to shield you from having the follow the law like the rest of us.

Personally I think it's unlikely. Confide in family and friends, let them know that under no circumstance would you ever commit suicide, nor place yourself in life threatening situations. Tell them what you have been doing and what they need to do if anything does happen (don't worry though, it wont. Worst case senario is some jail time). Hopefully opening up to them will allow you to feel more at ease.

You're doing a good thing, but I think you've made some mistakes in how you have gone about it. You could always back up the blog, remove it and host a cheap domain through someone trustworthy? Could pay via bitcoin, always be behind a VPN and use an Alias for the contact details. Also could have a few mirrors up if the main site gets taken down.. Just a few ideas :)

I'm sure many in here will tell you you're some kind of hero. You're not, you're actually worse in my view than the man you're harassing.

You knew what you were doing was illegal, knew that the Police were dealing with matters, but chose to expose the man because you don't agree with his punishment - now you want freedom from the consequences of your actions.

I hope they throw the book at you.

Sometimes the absurdity of laws needs to be taken into account. Especially if this guy was already recalled back to jail he's obviously a danger to kids yet OP is the one getting shafted by the law for doing the morally right thing.

What if they make breathing illegal. Should we have the same mindset as you did in your comment? Sometimes a line needs to be drawn and we need to start asking questions when things start going sideways yet it's suddenly okay because "it's illegal"

This is the UK, no freedom of speech. Its sad, but that is the country he lives in.

The UK is a free country. Of course he has freedom of speech.. America judt uses it as a catch phrase to make it seem like that is what sets then apart from the rest of the developed world

You are completely wrong as far as the law is concerned. For example, in UK you can be sued for libel and/or slander and all they have to do is prove that what you said damaged their reputation and you are guilty for damage - truth is not a defense. In the United States you CAN use truth as a defense, and as long as you can prove that what you said is true you cannot be sued for libel or slander. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of speech (in law if not in practice). There is no such law in the UK.

You are wrong here, truth is a valid defense in defamation cases, however it must be proven rather than the plaintiff prove it is untrue.


Allowable defences are justification (i.e. the truth of the statement) [...] A defamatory statement is presumed to be false, unless the defendant can prove its truth.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of speech (in law if not in practice). There is no such law in the UK.

This is also wrong, the UK has the right to free speech covered by article 10 of the ECHR.


If they have the right to free speech the why can you go to jail for singing the wrong song on a train or something like publicy denouncing Islam?

A "free country" is an entirely different concept from "having freedom of speech".

The UK does not have a right to free speech. Fact. You can have your own opinion as to if they are a free country or not.

What is free speech exactly? If you think it is the freedom to say whatever you want without consequences then you are wrong.

You are free from prosecution for your statrments, ie; I cannot go to prison for saying something negative about the government

Too much interpretation in that. What about perjury? Or copyright laws? People abuse free speech thinking it should give them carte blanche to be a massive bigot.

Lies under oath are very specific power of the court system. Then again there are also things like it being illegal to lie to the FBI.

Copy right is theft, not speech.

Free speech protects individuals from the government punishing them for speech. Society and the public can feel free to judge the individual however harshly they choose.

didn't that guy go to jail for turning his dog into a nazi?

And recently an 18 year old girl went to jail for telling her 18 year boyfriend to kill himself too many times. Freedom of speech is rapidly eroding in this country.

It's protection from the government punishing you for speech.

When did i ever imply it means no consequences? It should just mean no legal/government consequences, society and individuals can react however they choose.

In the US military, to paraphrase, enlisted men and women take an oath to take orders and obey the law. Officers, their leaders, take a very different oath. Again paraphrasing, the officer’s oath is to simply uphold the constitution. The difference is that an officer’s oath allows for disobeying. Also codified is the officer’s obligation to take due diligence through official channels but allowing for disobedience considering constraints. I would argue that what guy and others are doing is knowingly putting their asses on the line for what is right and asking for our help in the face of the expected aftermath. He is like LT Calley who took action in the My Lai massacre during the war in Vietnam. He is doing what’s right without deliberation and he hopes but does not expect that people are good enough to rally around him in order to affect change.

What keywords do I search to read more on this

Officers: https://www.army.mil/values/officers.html

Enlisted: https://www.army.mil/values/oath.html

(There is a slight variation across services for enlisted men and women but they all oblige the enlisted man or woman to the same thing: obey)

Short editorial about the difference: https://www.google.com/amp/s/netwar.wordpress.com/2007/08/19/the-officers-oath/amp/

My Lai: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre

For an exhaustive description of western military values describing the difference, dig into Carl von Clausewitz’s “On War”.

Is it morally right though? Was he hoping someone would find him and kill him? Is that the morally right thing to happen?

Because if someone did that they'd get locked up for life and their family would be destroyed. As much as I loathe that bastard, it accomplishes nothing, there was no potential for a positive outcome from this act.

I saw it as him bringing awareness to someone that is not to be trusted. The guy was literally released from jail and was already back at it trying to harm kids.

That's fucked up.

Parents and people should know this man is on the streets or atleast know his location so that people can keep their kids safe.

OP isn't advocating murder. He's advocating awareness to keep kids safe.

He's desperately leaping from "I did something illegal and I knew it was illegal and now I'm getting arrested for it" to "someone is going to try to kill me" for attention and sympathy.

if he really did it knowing it was illegal he should be prepped to represent himself, give some long winded speech about how people need to wholesale butcher these pedos and he feels no guilt and never will and will do it again and again and encourages copycats.

but no, he's a pussy.

if you don't wanna do the time, don't do the crime.

It's literally armchair vigilantism , he thought he'd be protected from the repercussions of his blatant and repeated crimes by the fact that he's safe behind a monitor, not recognizing the irony that he was trying to take down people who likely felt exactly the same about their crimes.

Where the rabid righteous indignation of the pedo-warrior collides with the actual rule of law.

Maybe try to get intouch with the people in the UK who research this type of stuff. There's a guy called Rich who has a popular radio show and Youtube channel who works a lot with David Icke, you could contact him and he would probably interview you and might be able to put you intouch with other people who might know what to do? I cant remember what his channel is called, but if you do some online searches for Rich and david icke i'm sure you'll find him. There are the people who investigated the Hampstead SRA thing, I think they helped the mother who had her kids taken away and was trying to expose what their father was involved in, maybe try looking into that group and see if they can offer you advice?

The Richie Allen Show.

Yea I'll try, I did contact David Icke via his website directly around two weeks ago before sh*t really hit the fan and he never contacted me back but I'll certainly try again.

I can use all the help I can get.

Paul Joseph Watson my man, contact him, also post on 4chan

I have done, thank you for the suggestion.

I was thinking Paul Joseph Watson . Maybe he could get you some attention.

Without sounding doom and gloom, like you said on your website, you knew the consequences of doing this action but you still wanted to pursue it. Instead of feeding you some fantasy about “say this” or “talk to this guy,” I think the best thing you can do now is accept that you will likely be warned or face a small time in prison. It doesn’t look good for you as you confessed that you knew what you were doing was illegal.

Just do lots of reading on other similar cases with the expectation that you may be the only person to defend you in court.

I personally wouldn’t try and fight. State your case but don’t look to one-up the police or courts. It will likely only make it worse.

Wait, why should he be a martyr for pedophiles? There's plenty of things to take a bullet for, but this isn't one of them. He needs the 4Chan Army-- they can and do work miracles on this kind of thing.

And he probably should take a quick holiday to a country that thinks pedophiles are worse than people who disrespect a judge.

Just make this as public as possible, when people learn that a convicted pedo is being protected by the courts its going to create a huge storm.

You'll be getting lawyer offers by the hour, as they would all gain from the publicity.

Again just make this as public as you can, post here often conspiracy as well, send the guardian, daily mail, the sun, the intercept, infowars, dailywire, washingtontimes, huffpost emails about this.

You should also contact youtubers who cover politics like Paul Joseph Watson, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, Louder with Crowder, Milo Yuanopolis, etc... Creating a huge media storm and a huge international backlash is the way you defend yourself from the government who are in the business of protecting criminals of the highest order.

I have tried, not all of those people granted but I have tried.

A lot of people wont touch this with a 10 foot barge pole because of the high court injunction, it lands people inside a cell pretty quickly.

Most of these publications and journalists and personalities are not even in the UK, they are not subject to its absurd laws.

Contact all of them and be persistent, the more people talk about you and cover the issue the better.

It's a worldwide injunction, anyone who resides in America, Canada or Australia (especially) are bound by this law.

It's absurd that they've given this despicable excuse of a human being this level of protection :(. I was shocked when I found out too, that's why other news sources around the world haven't revealed his identity as there's a worldwide injunction.

The Australia thing has always bothered me. Seems we have one of those pricks here and nobody thinks our kids are worth protecting.

They are not. UK laws don't work in the USA, plus the USA still have the constitution, free speech and journalism generally still win in US courts!

We need to get this on r/all

Holy shit dude thats amazing honestly. I've spent years wondering the current IDs of those boys and check back every once in a while to see if they've been identified in any way. Would it be too much to ask a pm of their name? Completely understand if it is.

Wow it's been a few years I guess. Last I checked he'd changed his identity twice, now it says four.

I don't know his current name only his former one that he went by, he's been given 4 new identities at the cost of £250,000 per time, funded by the British tax-payer. Bit of a joke at our expense really.

Ah, well I'd still take that if you're willing lol I used to read about this case all the time but the most I could find was that a pizza hut employee could've possibly been him.

Yea it was him he was living in Warrington and working at the local Pizza Hut join where he would have been around families and children.

He bragged to his work colleagues and friends about his real identity forcing the police to move him and issue him with a new identity for his own protection.

What a waste of time/money. Seems pretty likely he's just gonna do it again. I understand protecting people but people like this shouldn't just be moved right next door to someone with them having no way to know that someone like that is living right next to him. I wonder how Robert Thompson turned out.

I have it on good authority that he works as a traffic warden, is in a long-term relationship with a guy and has (as far as I'm aware) been keeping his head low.

That info is all pretty much public knowledge published by the mail and the sun, I know they're not normally to be trusted BUT the news of the world had his phone hacked during the phone-hacking scandal, so their publications were likely accurate given that fact.

Ah alright thanks for giving me a place to look up more info. By the way I looked into your website and read your post and admire what you're doing. Seem like a good dude who wants to do the right thing. Take care.

How long ago was this?

Sorry, late to the show.

Here you acknowledge that it is costing the taxpayer a lot of money each time he’s exposed... so why are you trying to expose him?

The authorities are aware of the kiddy porn, and he’s never going be ‘let off the leash’, for want of a better phrase. His new identities are most likely already on a sex offender register and other kinds of lists.

I guess what my question is, what’s the end game here? What’s the goal? I thought I read that he’s going to gaol over the pedo stuff, but I don’t get what exposing his name achieves...

I feel for you there is just no winning against the sickos with a public that remains ignorant to the system that empowers them. Try having a psychotic one become infatuated with you thats even crazier. That is why I put all my investigations awareness spreading etc behind me nobody cares about the type of word that they life in anymore it seems.

You cant beat them because they are the system you report to they will not police themselves. I mean your spreading awareness to who? a public thats more fascinated with kim kardashians ass then people who decide the rules that govern their very lives raping killing and molesting innocent children.

You hit the nail on the head there.

Then we matter x2000.

In reddits case, the most downvoted comment is EA's recent lootbox controversy. last i saw it was -500k downvotes.
I am beginning to agree with my mom. Vidya is a problem.

Fuck your down votes. Vidya shills. Vidya got you by the balls so hard.

I can hear what your thinkin' All your doubts and fears And if you look in my eyes In time you'll find the reason I'm here

And in time all things shall pass away In time you may come back some day To live once more or die once more But in time your time will be no more

You know your days are numbered Count'em one bye one Like notches in the handle of an outlaws gun You can out run the devil if you try But you can never out run the hands of time In time there'll surely come a day

In time all things shall pass away In time you may come back some say To live once more or die once more But in time your time will be no more

So you're doing something illegal. Great, deal with the consequences.

I think what you're doing is noble, but deal with the consequences like a man. You know what you're getting into. It's illegal dude. Pretty basic repercussions that you should be prepared for. Lol

Totally agree with you, I'm not trying to dispute that, I was well aware beforehand.

I'm more worried they'll try and kill me off and make it look like suicide, especially since I exposed politicians, mps and celebs and their paedo rings.

I'm also posting to try and get attention to the cause, it's a joke they're still defending this scumbag, they keep releasing him and he keeps reoffending.

While Venebles should rot in a cell for the rest of his life, i'm not buying this 'expose' of Venebles by the op. R1ck3o poss some images of someone he claims to be Venebles, but offers no proof and then claims Venebles was working in Warrington in a pizza outlet.

No way would Venebles be so close to Liverpool where he killed that little boy, and no way would he be working in a pizza outlet where he could easily come into contact with James Bulgers parents / family.

Story does not add up.

Secondly, R1ck3o provides no proof that those images are Venebles, and in presenting them that way he is putting people who may look like whoever-it-is in those photo's in danger.

Yes, Venebles is a monster who deserves never to see the light of day again, i'm sure few would argue differently - but this amateur vigilante-ism is not the way to go.

It's the same with Maxine Carr - R1ck3o offers zero proof of the claims he makes. And, so what if Carr is working with vulnerable women - she is in fact in an ideal place to help vulnerable women as she has been where they are, in a bullying relationship living with a monster. Who better to help women than a woman who has been a victim herself?

R1ck3o's request for donations to fight legal costs that may ensue from his unsubstantiated claims adds another dimension to this.

Looks to me like R1ck3o has taken to two of the most emotive child abuse cases in recent history, made up some unsubstantiated bs and then asked for donations to fight a legal case which as yet has not been made.

Lets face it, if R1ck3o really had published images of the real John Venebles, the police would have his site shut down and R1ck3o charged with perverting the course of justice or contempt.

The images are still up, as are R1ck3o's unproven, unsubstantiated claims - no case has been launched by either the CPS or police.

And R1cj3o's requests for donations 'to fight the good fight' are still live.

R1ck3o is a scam artist peddling lies and deception with unsubstantiated claims hoping to get people to give him £.

Most of his posts on this are deleted, his account on Dif has been deleted (and they don't usually do that) so the mods there are on to him.

Investigate it yourself, see if R1ck3o's claims add up - i have, and i have found that his claims don't hold water.

Ask why R1ck3o has a number of websites, all registered at different addresses and ask if someone who posts unsubstantiated claims, then asks for £ to fund a legal case that 'might' be bought because of those claims is genuine.

Slavery was legal too, doesn't mean its the right thing. This guy has courage and is a hero

He is an amateur vigilante, at best.

need more of them

Are you an idiot?

see a bad law break it

Good luck.

If you're really on their list watch out for gangstalking. Most people think it is just a bunch of paranoid nutters, but look at Harvey Weinstein and what his little group of satanic mutts were doing to people like Rose McGowan.

Gangstalking is very real, and something they will use on you if you end up on their list.

Careful who you trust.

Keep fighting the good fight brother. That's all kinds of bullshit.

This is the time

You've gotta get outta that godless country, buddy

Holy fucking shit....the dark ones truly do rule us.

The prob is in the UK you can't say anything about someone without detailed proof. In the US you can say what you want. Rolf Harris and Jim will fix it are prime examples. Keep a secret diary of your thoughts etc should something happen to you in a hidden location

Fucking ridiculous these people are protected.

I think I may be missing a point I sure as hope I'm not but HOW THE F do criminals like these get a new identity and have injunctions?????? This makes no sense to me

I cannot at all fathom the ridiculousness of the legality of a WORLDWIDE ban that prevents anyone anywhere in the world from identifying monsters for who they are. It’s blowing my mind. How is this possible?

I don't know, trust me I was shocked when I found out and couldn't believe it. I didn't know such worldwide laws/injunctions could even exist.

Apparently, Venables, Thompson and Mary Bell all have these worldwide injunctions, I think some more do as well but there the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.

Mary Bell was the first that's why in the UK they're nicknamed the Mary Bell Injunction or Mary Bell order.

It only applies to UK citizens.

Its not really to protect the monsters, its to protect everyone else. OP is small fry but if a national paper or something got hold of a picture or facebook profile for someone they thought was a monster, published it and oopsie it isnt them...well there you go.

This law is not mainly about protecting pedo killers, it’s about protecting innocents.

those "monsters" were 10 year old kids at the time they commited the crime. something op very much likes to omit. which is the exact reason for the identification ban and with that context in mind, it makes op also a truly despicable human being.

they knew right from wrong. expose em.

You say in your article that your are positive enough that this person is who you claim he is that you would face prosecution and conviction. You also say you are doing this to force law enforcement into a brick wall and take care of this issue with people power. What do you want to happen? Are you willing to accept responsibility if someone physically harms the person in the image believing it is who you claim? What if you are, in fact, wrong in your claim?

I'm not wrong, pure and simple. Already explained this in many comments here. I know 111111110% I am right.

Ok, supposing you are right, what do you want to happen?

Life in prison. Read the other comments. Who are you defending here??

He's just asking questions. Sheesh.

Feel the need to add more? Anyone who is asking stupid shit questions like that, is detracting from the conversation and basically shilling.

I'm not defending anyone other than someone who may or may not be completely innocent. Op claims he knows the guy is who he claims he is. If that isn't true, that is fucked up of op for putting that information out there. Even if it is true, I must have missed op's comments saying he wants the guy in prison and not released. In his article he mentions people power and putting law enforcement up against wall, but I haven't seen any ideas for legislation to do such a thing as forcing repeat offenders into jail für long periods of life I'm just worried that even if the person is who op says that someone might use that info to find and hurt the guy. Outside the law, vigilante justice isn't good. This isn't a Hollywood movie.

Are you daft? OP isn't responsible for what the public does. Laws still fucking exist and that should be enough. They should not be forced to pay over $1,000,000 to keep some scum pedo safe. I don't think any logical person would go through all this trouble and risk imprisonment if they weren't sure.

Are you sure? Reading the articles it seems like UK laws are saying he is. As for him being certain, I don't know. He says multiple people have told him, but unless they are multiple people who have differing first hand accounts I'd be wary to believe him. Sorry. I'm a skeptic.

Then it's time for reform, OP obviously can't go to the police because they are protecting him and of course I get that your wary of this. But the past post where OP mentions this and the website and the post tonight isn't enough? I genuinely feel for OP

Plus the guy was 10 when he murdered that kid. I can't imagine locking anyone up for life for anything that they did that young.

Hand the info off...to someone in the States. Have them expose him. Someone selfless 7 enough to risk what your risking.

You know? For the greater g0od

You realize that people are sometimes 110% sure that they're right, and yet . . . they're still wrong, right?

And the consequences of you being wrong would be enormous given that you'd accusing an innocent person of the most heinous type of crime and subjecting him to whatever vigilante "justice" might follow.

I'd say you didn't think this through, but it actually appears that you did and you a) don't care about the consequences and b) are doing this to get free money from gullible people and to promote your business.

In short, hopefully the police will arrest you and you'll maybe learn that there are consequences for this kind of behavior.

just to let you know, one of the james bulger murderers was moved on to the bomber estate, maidenhead, berkshire uk, into a block of flats overlooking the park (blenheim road over looking onto oaken grove park), il show you the the block here : https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Blenheim+Rd,+Maidenhead+SL6+5HD/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x487662a3e35e9c47:0x5dff19745f0f6257?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw5sCdzPHXAhWFL8AKHVscBRQQ8gEIMzAB

anyway. the bomber estate is what could be described as a rough council estate, housing some what some might refer to as "gangster" families. well, when this killer was moved there, the police actually went to the gangster families and told them who had moved on to the estate, which i dont know why, but it happened, and the reason i heard, was in case something really serious happened over this, and they were genuinely worried about the shit storm that would follow (if you know this estate, or the "older" families there, you will probably understand what i mean. do you know anything about this? it was common knowledge on the estate. and the block was directly over looking oaken grove, which happens to also be directly next to a primary school (wtf, i know). my uncle lives on that street, and has done for 20 years. hes lived in that town his whole life, so he knows what hes talking about. its one of those estates, thats never really changed, the families, that have lived their, have always lived their, with the exception of a few. if you know anything about this specific detail, please do let me know. you never know, you might even be able to use this as evidence with thames valley police (who are the police of the area). of course, take this info cautiously, but i hope you already know about this. this info is at least a decade old. anywhere from 8 years to 13 years plus. because i livedwith my grandmother around that time, and spent alot of time on that estate (which i never really have done in my life since, or before then). make of this what you will

also, maidenhead, berkshire, is also the constiuency of our current prime minister, theresa may. dunno if she was mp for that time frame then, but probably, cos the conservatives are connected with all the peadophiles

Start a GoFundMe when/if you get charged.

The pictures that you exposed on your article are from 2013 though according to this? https://mobile.twitter.com/jonvenablespics

I just was reading some of the recent news articles that have been around lately and saw this image on a Google search.

After searching reddit for venables I came across an archive of your deleted post. It's intriguing (as it is to most of the nation) to know his identity. But if your sources are so correct and your willingness to expose him, why not expose the name? I'm just questioning you're not just digging up false info for traffic.

But, I don't exactly disagree with you, it was a horrific crime and I still question who was the 'leader' and thier lives now and the motivations behind it all. It's still worthy of public discussions, why wouldn't it be.

The name is exposed on the blog post, his new name? I don't know it, nobody does.

Already explained this one a dozen times in the comment section, the pictures aren't new by any means that's how we know they're correct.

Not giving up my source who is highly credible but I don't need to, Venables had the nerve to brag about his real identity to his PizzaHut colleagues and friends in Warrington. That's how the pictures are known to be true and not fakes, there was a fake of a read headed guy floating around years ago but these are the real deal.

His did himself in by giving away his identity, this is common knowledge and reported in the mainstream media. Trust me if they weren't all these years on they would have been debunked by now like the old photo which was a fake.

The fact is this guy boasts about his real identity and has on FOUR occasions now had to be handed a new identity that costs that British tax payer £250,000 every single time.

Gotcha, well you're right on that about his boasting. Honestly I'd mostly forgotten about the case until it had hit the headlines again recently and that is nothing but his own doing. The 'social media' sharing phenomenon is more rampant than ever, so it may have a tougher time being kept down if true.

Perhaps your answer lies in becoming so big that they can't touch you. Maybe you could make YouTube videos of what your're doing? Record yourself telling your story and say stuff like if I'm killed, these people are responsible. etc. You could give it to a friend to release if anything ever happened to you. But if you're doing all this without real evidence, then I'm against what you are doing. If you have evidence that some kids are in danger then go for it. But if you're just condemning people for crimes they've already paid the price for, I don't know if I would agree with what you are doing.

Yup, this is a good answer

Pull a Snowden bro

Trump would have your back on this. Go straight to the top.

Trump's a pedo too

Try to setup a go fund me for your legal fees. If not you someone close to you.

Good, serves you right for being a snitch.

are you serious

Found a pedo

Not possible; I'm a Republican.

So does Donald Trump

Exactly, and his accusers are all liars.

Just like the ones for Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Bill Cosby./s

Wow, three guys who've been convicted of nothing? Great sleuthing there.

Another solid sarcasm joke. I enjoy you

I thought it was funny.

Don't trust your car man. They seem to try the car approach first.

Just want to say thank you for everything you've done. Must just sit and complain about what going on and not do anything. But you actually did something by risking your life and exposing them. I wish you luck on your journey my friend.

To be clear, I'm 100,000% behind you and in support of your cause.

However, you should be smacked for this:

I specifically mentioned in my article that I knew what I was doing was illegal


Edit it ASAP

Probably too late anyway. Once its on the internet, it stays on the internet.

Wayback machine.

Never ever admit and never provide a statement or answer their questions, they are just trying to trick you into saying too much and getting a confession - answer everything with a simple “no comment”.

Will share your information. Will be praying for you, also. This needs to get out to the public asap. Are there any journalists there who might be able to get your story out? I think you should get your story to Paul Joseph Watson. He's watched by a lot of people here, too. And you might attract a lawyer to your cause pro-bono.

Good lucky. The universe is on your side.

could face two years in prison for trying to expose paedos

Longer than Maxine Carr served for providing a false alibi to a murdering pedo.

Listen, you need to go to the right place for this. It's going to take time to find someone. A junior barrister may risk it but handling something like this is career suicide for them. Older barristers will be expensive and unless you want to go to someone who is know for this kind of work, it could be difficult. Ever hear of exero news? They were shut down but were pretty big. They may have some ideas. If not, google similar cases and find barristers or Chambers that have worked on injunctions. Look for family court Chambers.Not sure if your have previous offences but depending on the judge may get a slap on the wrist. Also, know that most barristers will take the case if they find it interesting enough and then work on paying them off over time. Finally, when you find people who you think might work, contact clerks not the barristers directly. They are too busy. It's the clerks who do that work. So, basically.... Google previous cases or find the guys from exxero if you can and then go from there. Target solicitors and junior barristers from family law chambers... Contact the clerks and see if they will touch you. Then, they will see you through. There are some out that will help you just keep searching and do it quick.


More people need to see this.

You have broken the law and you have known that you were breaking the law when you did it, and you comment so in public. You will probably be found guilty and have to pay the price for your actions. You seem to have desired this all along so now you have to pay the piper. There is little help for you.

As far as the mail problem goes, you should contact the police and mail service.

He should be taken into custody right now since he seems to consider running away

Do you think I will be Tracked if I visit your website?

Don't know how this works in the UK, but are pedophile killers usually given new identities? Or was this particular to the case? Why would the government want to hide these people?

In the USA, sex offenders are required to register in a database, and, iirc, in some locations even have to alert their neighbors of their crime.

Yeah thats different here. Once you served your time they assure that you can reintegrate into society.

Get in touch with Tommy Robinson!

I remember reading once about a guy living in Australia?

Nothing to do with this story of course, so I can't be arrested, but I just remember reading a story about a guy that lived in Australia.

Perhaps try contacting Paul Joseph Watson? He's in the UK, has a huge following, and works for Infowars. Seems right up their alley...

Not my favorite, but whatever gets the word out, do it!

No. I know he has a big following but the inforwars brand is tainted. Most people think it's All tinfoil stuff ever since the gay frog thing. I fear people would not believe this if it was featured on that channel

flee, go on the run.

This is so fucked up. Start a defense fund we can donate to and get a lawyer!

Spend money on getting the highest profile lawyer you can afford. Lawyers with clout are the surest way to make sure these stories wont die IF THEY ARE TRUTH.

Tweet Donald and Donald Jr immediately. Milo Might be good too

Get to the US ASAP.

how can they have a worldwide injunction on Venerables identification?

As other commenters have said, other countries have different laws, especially the USA which have the first amendment.

What stops you from sending this info overseas?

How can the British courts control places outside their jurisdiction?

How many years did he serve in prison?

Wow i remember this story from back then. Good luck.

The injunction prevents the media or anyone anywhere in the world publishing photographs of them, information that could lead to their being identified or soliciting such information.

how can this be enforced anywhere on earth? how would this court order bind someone living in another country?

It just means they will attempt to pursue legal recourse no matter where you are, it doesn't mean it will work. Talking on your phone while driving is also illegal, doesn't mean you magically go to jail every time you do it.

That doesn't answer my question.

If I live in the USA, I'm not subject to Mexican or Canadian law.


Consider going to the US embassy in London and requesting political asylum.

NoScript detected a potential Cross-Site Scripting attack

from https://www.freeandfearless.org.uk to https://s7.addthis.com.

Suspicious data:

Whats this?

NoScript is a Firefox Addon which stops scripts from running on pages you load unless you have 'given permission' for them to run

this is a copy of the warning I got when the page loaded informing me that there was some kind of script from "in the middle" wanting to run which it deemed "suspicious data"

It will do the same thing (bring up a XSS warning and block it) with things like Disqus too, but that's just becoz it's a 3rd party script, it doesn't suggest it's "suspicious"!

Thank you for doing what you do.

MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA! You need them more than ever to get you interviews and publicity. Most are corrupt and fake so find one you trust to tell your story honestly. I will share your story on insta with over 12,000 followers to help. I can message some big youtubers that would love to bring publicity to you. Contact Tracy Beanz and Liz Crokin on youtube and twitter DM. I WILL as well. Also contact David Seaman who was a real reporter and exposes pedogate/pizzagate for last 2 years. Will be praying for you in the meantime. Have faith and if you are not saved by Jesus now would be a good time to seek Him. Have faith and be positive. They want you to be afraid and live with fear and depression. You are a real brave HERO!

Good for you, you are incredibly brave. The world needs more people exactly like you.

I don‘t get what this has to do with bravery. This people he „exposed“ were already prosecuted by feds. They get what they deserve and thats that. since he lives in a civilized country, they do their time and some of them may be free after that and should be integrated back into society. There is no second or life long punishment like in savage countries by stigmatizing them or something like that. vigilantes like this guy are criminals.

Exactly. OP is asking to be allowed to enact vigilante justice. If we let people do that shit then it totally undermines any system of law and order we have.

Although what the people OP is talking about did is horrific, we live in a civilised country where people are given a chance to do the right thing after punishment. There's no 'conspiracy' to let people out of prison early, I suspect there are a lot of highly knowledgeable, highly experienced people making these decisions.

If people agree with OP and think people should be able to ignore these sort of systems, set up to protect human rights, might I suggest they move to a country which doesn't have such protections and see how they get on.

Are you fucking serious? The sick cunt has breached his parole THREE TIMES including distributing cp! He's had three extra chances and fucked up every time and you're defending him. Up over 30 people have upvotes you. Fuckin hell.

Yiu don’t know if this is guy on the fotos and you donNt know if it happened the way the guy is writing it. its the feds work anyway wether the guy is a danger to society or not. we have a constitution and laws and we elect politicians to make them.
no need of vigilantes taking power in their hand.

All this goes away if you can provide us proof that the dude is who you say he is or at the very least provide us with proof he's violated his parole three times. As it stands you're as me(a total stranger) to take your(a total stranger) word for it and send op my money. Tits or GTFO.

Hang on a sec, all you've shared on your website is a few images that have been out there for a while online. Nowhere do you mention the name of his latest identity?

Did he say the current ID though? Genuinely asking. I saw him say his name was Paul Williams before it was changed again. Either way, he just reposted photos that have been around and hasn't posted the new ID. Not really sure what he did wrong or why he's so worried. Unless he's looking for his page to get more attention.

I spent quite some time looking through his site to find the info he claimed was there. Didn't find anything more than you did.. I agree with you that it's most likely someone just trying to drum up hits for their site.

Call me stupid but wouldn't the first step be to take the offending website offline?

nah first step is to drive more traffic to it /s

Just let me go on record now and say I'm NOT suicidal in anyway shape or form and would not kill myself.

in before he has a weight-lifting accident

No offense but I think you're missing the fact that regardless of this law being a bad law you are still breaking it. You are doing something I guess that's commendable but it's irrelevant to the fact you're breaking a law. To me if you really believe in your website and your cause you defend yourself but you must understand you may go to jail. I say it's commendable I guess because I live in the USA and I don't really know anything about most of the people on your website. So I have no knowledge about these cases except what you provide. I do think you're a bit conspiracy whacky. But that's ok. I kind of compare your case here to this. If I were to beat the crap out of a pedophile here in America people would certainly say I did the right thing or he deserved it. But I still assaulted someone and I'll likely go to jail. It's just the facts of committing a crime. If I'm caught I must pay the penalty.

goes to job interview...

"so, before you do the background check, I just got out of jail for assault with a deadly weapon. Its okay though, I saw a pedo try to abduct some kid and beat him half to death with a lead pipe. the parents thanked me!"

Hey police get in here!

Go fund

Not to be rude, but you're not that important. Killings are reserved for high profile targets. The worst you can expect is maybe your site hacked and taken down or a campaign against you to discredit you. This sounds like delusional paranoia, a side effect of medication, or lack there of. Go get some help my friend.

You have to go to a news station that would possibly put this out in the public, they will be less likely Rio harm you if you plaster yourself all over the news channels,news papers, & online, & make it clear on there that you ARE NOT suicidal in any way,nor plan on hurting yourself in the near future. If this is a true story, & you're not just spinning a yarn,then that'll AT LEAST buy you some time to figure out your next move.

Guess you shouldn't have violated a court order. In Canada we have the same laws and they apply to all young offenders. Maybe fight to change the law if you want to make a change. I agree with you in principal, these scum bags should have this haunt them for life no matter how young they were. The law is the law, knowingly break it and there could be consequences. The legal system frowns on this type of vigilantism. I remember the James Bulger case it was beyond horrible, they should have been locked up for life. But like I said the law needs changing, its not up to you

Mmmmm... This is the type of conspiracy I love to read about.

I want to help but I don't know how, I'm on the other side of the world.

Salute to you brave few left in the UK willing to die for what's right. Someone get them some guns so they can have a fighting chance against these satanic pedophiles who have been running things entirely too long.

Your best bet at survival at this point might be to "convert" to islam. Best of luck and God be with you!

How was venables ever released from prison? I seriously don’t understand. Torture and kill a baby and get out of jail???

Hope you don't get re molested in prison. I imagine you wouldnt.

Your best bet is to get a layer, and maybe a pr rep. You need publicity. Your doomed and will get swept under the rug if you dont make enough noise about this. When the charges are filed, essentially spam social media with your story and cited sources. Maybe use bots or pay some people to post for you.

What's your website? How are we supposed to know if you're suicided if we don't know your website? Maybe it'll be obvious

What is the website? Is it still up? Good on you, fucking legend.

So I was wondering why in the hell they would be protected.

From the Wikipedia article:

Shortly after the trial, and after the judge had recommended a minimum sentence of eight years, Lord Taylor of Gosforth, the Lord Chief Justice, recommended that the two boys should serve a minimum of ten years,[7] which would have made them eligible for release in February 2003 at the age of 20.

So, they were 10 years old when they committed the crime, so that explains a bit the reason for the new identities initially, but that should completely go away with the subsequent charges later IMO. Sorry, this was just the 1st I ever heard of this and needed a little more background.

Try coinhive and let people donate that way. They can simply visit a site and their computing energy will be paid to you in $$.

Well, not matter what the outcome, thank you for your work.

Reading the story of what venables did to that innocent toddler is soul crushing. The part about how he followed the killers when they left the scene initially, just such an innocent little being that wanted to be with the "grown ups". Fucking disgusting. I hate that people like venables exist. I hate that other psychopaths think it's funny to laugh at those who care.

Hopefully you get to keep exposing these demons.

In short guys I'm due to be prosecuted and could face two years in prison for trying to expose paedos and keep the general public safe.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It wasn't your job to go against the courts and expose someone's identity (regardless of whether or not you think you're doing the right thing) so if you end up going to prison you have no one to blame but yourself.

Ill repeat this quote... "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

If an identity change is needed to protect an evil and disgusting person then the laws that 'protect' us have failed.

I don't want to condone protecting evil people because you're right, the guy that OP described sounds like a nasty piece of work. But he was also a 10 year old boy at the time he committed the crime that he was imprisoned for. I can't really comment much more on the issue because I'm not familiar with the circumstances (and if he was distributing child porn then that's also fucked up) but nobody asked OP to take justice into his own hands, he decided to work outside the realm of the law and didn't protect his identity so now he's apparently scared for his life.

Now I don't think his life is actually in danger, he's just shitting his pants because he knows he committed a crime and could lose 2 years of his life in prison for what he did, and I have trouble feeling bad for him since he knew full well that he was involving himself and creating trouble when he decided to get involved and identify someone who was under a witness protection kinda scheme.

I don't agree with many court decisions myself, but I'm not stupid enough to go against the law in the way that OP did and jeopardize my own life in the process.

What do you mean "if he was distributing cp" ... do some fucking research you muppet, or even a simple google search and you will find its true. The cunt clearly should be locked away for good, it isn't the first time he's been released and broken his parole arrangements..

I’m not going to do some research because I honestly don’t care enough to. It doesn’t matter if the guy was the scarface of the kiddie porn industry, OP chose to take the law into his own hands and is now regretting his actions. Don’t fuck with the law unless you’re ready for the law to fuck you back, it’s that simple really.

Well Jon Venables can clearly fuck with the law seeing as he has broken his parole three times!

Are you an alt account or something mate? If you have evidence of his law breaking behaviour you either go to the cops, to go to a lawyer.

If you don't like either of those options then you either

a) go on with your own life and live within the realm of the law, or

b) do what OP did and seek your own justice but realise that since it probably doesn't involve the grind of becoming a lawyer (or at least trying to work within the law as it currently stands) , that repercussions are likely to occur for taking shortcuts.

And boy is OP shitting bricks now that those repercussions from choosing b) are catching up with him 😂

You care enough to comment to how OP fucked with the law but not enough to care about a murderous rapist (WHICH IS THE MAIN TOPIC OF THIS POST), fuck off you pedo sympathiser.

Like I'm not an officer of the law or anything like that, but if I was a detective who had just experienced the displeasure of reading that above comment of yours, I'd totally suspect you of being a pedo who is using an online forum to try and compensate for the filthy thoughts in your head 😂

... Can you read properly? That's all I have to say to that comment.

Yes, I can read properly.

I read your previous comment and then decided that you were possibly a closet pedo based on the fact that you went out of your way to not only comment on how much you despise pedophiles, but also accuse me of sympathising with them?

Age doesn't make it more accepting, if anything it's more disgusting another child could do that.

Dwell on your own words mate. Think about the sort of person you are, you filthy sicko.

Actually yes, I can read properly as a matter of fact, and I realise I said something incredibly rude to you which I should not have, and I apologise for that.

It's incredibly easy to forget that there's another human on the other side of this wall of text that I type to, and I shouldn't have insulted you in the way that I did in my previous comment.

So yeah, you're more than welcome to continue visualising me as a big lump of smelly shit because I was way out of line with what I said, so my apologies once again, I got caught up in the moment and know it was stupid as fuck of me.

As an internet stranger I can't give you much more than that shitty apology that I typed above, but I'm sending my well wishes towards you for having a good day and shit like that, if that helps and such :p

Yes, I agree. Paedophilia isnt something easy to talk about and it boils my blood, so I apologise for any insults as well.

Regardless of whether OP is in the right or wrong, nobody likes a paedophile. however for something as heinous as stated they should be name and shamed, nobody should get a second chance after that.

Those pictures have been around for a few years now. Nothing new

You have posted an old identity. Not his current one.

Nothing new

Your website hosting is slow. Hence why some people will get timed out when trying to load your site.

This whole post is just a way to get more hits

Maybe. Maybe not. And also.

Also, he set up a GoFundMe.

Please do not ever say "hence why" if you want to be taken seriously by is intelligent, educated people.

What’s a paedophile?

so the government goes after bloggers? isn't it logical to ask how a random person is able to find out identities that are sealed by a court order?

Prince Andrew - not Prince Phillip yeah. Take care of yourself mate, and yeah, lie low and pass on whatever you have to the media. Exposure is your friend. If you have information, real journalists ought to take it seriously.

Post on r/legaladvice. Thank you for doing your part to protect the public. God's speed and good luck.

Maxine Carr wasn't a pedophile and represented no ongoing danger to children. Nor did she ever hurt a child. So why did you expose her?

She perverted the course of justice and was an accessory in the attempt to conceal the murders.

And she was convicted of such and has served her time.

I think I might’ve misunderstood and answered a question you didn’t ask, for that I am sorry.

Has her whereabouts been exposed since she was let out? If that is the case then sorry for my misunderstanding, again!

As you say, she’s served her punishment for that and she can get on with her life... if people she interacts with don’t want anything to do with her if they even recognise her.. that’s on them.

But she's just stupid. She really believed Huntley at first. If she poses no further threat, she should be allowed to crawl under a rock till she dies of shame.

Yes, absolutely. I didn’t realise she was being hounded after her release.

My mistake :)

This is what I want to know. If anything, she's a victim of Ian Huntley too.

Not to piss on your chips mate, you didnt have to put those images on your website. You can find them with a Google search they aren't are to find.

Contact as many newspapers and media outlets as possible. Local and national.

Please post bidaily so we know you’re all good.

This situation is so fucked up. I can't offer advice or financial support but hope and love that you beat what is being thrown at you bro.

I don't have any advice to give but thankyou so much for not staying silent. Good luck.

/u/R1CK3O Let's be honest here, you want him to be killed.

You know exposing his new id is only going to force the government to give him a new id and cost UK tax payers more money, bringing the total cost of keeping him safe after release to upwards of 1.2M.

I know you're trying to act official and not just look like you're trying to incite violence, but you know there is no other way this can end other than by you exposing him so someone still caring enough can find and kill him.

I don't really have any other point to this other than telling you while I find what you're doing makes sense and people like him shouldn't be protected like this after release, at the same time the ONLY reason to do this is because you want him to die.

Actually, to the contrary I want him to be locked up for life and not released onto the streets of the UK again, he's a danger to the public and our children.

Not going to get into the debate about capital punishment, my idea was that if enough people seen his photo the judge would be forced to lock him up for life for his own safety. I know that was probably naive in hindsight.

If anything happened to him in prison as a result of my post (doubtful as he's kept in solitary for his own safety) then I'd live what that guilt, this man is a monster.

he's a danger to the public and our children

If only we had some kind of legal system that was a better judge than a random guy on the Internet

Our legal system doesn't have the money to keep all dangerous people in prison indefinitely, that is why people are able to reoffend. He should be seperated from the rest of the population, plenty of people like him should be. However, there just isn't the money or trained staff to deal with people currently in prison

Our legal system doesn't have the money to keep all dangerous people in prison indefinitely

The point of prison is rehabilitation.

So you think if there's no chance of rehabilitation then there's no other point of an offender being in prison? Most of those who work in the legal system would disagree

u/iAm- Let's be honest here, that fucker deserves worse than death

Can I just ask why we need to spend money to keep scumbags safe?? They first got new identities because they murdered someone at a young age, so fair enough, but why the fuck are we covering up adult paedophiles who keep comitting the same crimes? They should be getting life imprisonment or death row. If this is the law then we need to riot against it, not just sit back and accept the fact that pedos with new identities are living amongst us and our children.

Don't forget that it's entirely possible that OP is wrong about the identity even though he's "110% sure he's right" and this could easily result in violence towards an innocent person.

Aren't these people in Australia now?

Why does the UK hate victims so much? And these are the policies of their Conservative party, correct? I can only imagine the type of social wasteland the UK would devolve into should their liberal Labor party ever get ahold of the PM seat.

You have no idea what you're talking about, absolute idiot

Goddamn my lying eyes, right?

These laws have been in place regardless of the party in power. There is no party saying they want to change these particular laws. So not a conservative policy for a start. I highly doubt you have any actual understanding of UK politics or laws. So no, your eyes are not lying, your brain is just mush

So regardless of the party in power, the victim is fucked? Jeez...

shows parties are in collusion. break em up. like how blair with labour sold out and supported bush's illegal wars.

Can't think I could be of any real help, but I admire what you are doing and as someone already said a go fund me page might help you, I would definitely contribute. My oldest is 9 and he knows right from wrong how could they not at 10?

God bless you brother, I hope it all goes well for you

Thank you so much!

Hi! I'm interested in your story, and absolutely believe in a pedophilia-ring of the elite, but I'm interested as to why your posts were removed in the past. Was it just doxxing (since you're revealing the identity of an individual)?

Yea, /r/conspiracy have always been kind to me but always expressed they can not allow some of my posts to stay since they break wider reddit rules by revealing identities and could result in the whole sub being banned.

The injunction prevents the media or anyone anywhere in the world...

How is this globally enforceable?

Bulger? Isn't that the dog from the Baron Trump 1800s book references?

GOFUNDME! Create a campaign to get donations from others so you can hire lawyers and expose those people to the public! Im sure you’ll get money really fast! People of Reddit we need to cooperate with this man.

Possibly, always been reluctant to do anything like this.

Don't want people to think I'm doing what I do for the money, I do it because it's the right thing to do and I have a passion for it.

Bro even if you do go prison, mention what you did and how you tried to expose a child killer/pedo and you will be respected highly in there. Also you will be given 2 years but probably will have to do 1 year. Hope all works out bro. Love from the UK

I'm not sure I understand, what are you being/going to be charged with? Some sort of Doxxing laws?

Praying for you. You've done nothing wrong x

Thank you so much.

Lmao guess you’re still here. You get a lot of clicks for your website though?

You expose information with your name signed on them? Smart!

Can confirm your website's blocked by Virgin media UK ISP

I'm getting emails from several people saying the same thing.

Free and fearless? Sky ISP is allowing access still

Virgin allows access as well I had no issues viewing

Get a lawyer, and next time hire a private instigator to do all the dirty work. Don't put yourself in danger.

if people who rape children are going to have you killed, maybe you should do something about it first.

Have fun in prison, moron. Nobody gave you the right to ignore the law, no matter how 'noble' you think you are. You're no better than any other criminal. Don't drop the soap.

You have the balls to say that someone trying to expose a rapist and killer is as bad as them? You're scum.

amen its amazing how many people are trying to defend this pedo....guess how thats how you guys get down in the UK

People are defending the law and the society we base it around. It's not perfect but I'd rather have this than random internet people deciding what punishment offenders should have.

People in general are dumb, that's why there is an official way to go. So what he knows it's Venables, people have got it wrong before. Anyone now who mildly resembles anything OP let out could be in danger. I am all for killing murderers and rapist but there is a proper way to go about it and not let the great unwashed make decisions. Don't you get that? Or are you going to be happy if an innocent man is beaten up or even killed by idiots? There is a reason we don't do vigilante in a civilised world.

I am all for killing murderers and rapist

The innocent executed people wouldn't agree with you there. I would say, a life long sentence is way better than killing someone and find out later that the sentenced and executed person was the wrong.

I didn't say I will go out there and start a petition for the death penalty [which we don't have here in the UK]. I said 'I am all for it' as in I couldn't care less if they died. Back to the actual meaning of my post: I all for doing it through official ways [yes even if they have been wrong before]. The reason is that far less people get killed wrongly than if you let the peasants loose with torches and pitchforks. Or do you think that an uneducated mob is right more often than a jury after listening to evidence?

I'm not in favour of a lynching mob nor do i think any jury or court is surely 100% proof to make the correct decision on guilt. That's why i reject lynch justice and death sentence too.

So you think this ten-year-old should have been put to death?

I refuse to answer you, as you clearly don't get my point of view at all.

Oops--I replied to the wrong thread. There was a dude saying this guy should have been put to death and I was reminder him that the dude was 10 when he committed the crime.

He's been exposed and arrested and charged and convicted and served his sentence and is in prison again for breaking the terms of his probation.

Op isn't exposing anything except his desperation to feel involved and solicit 'donations'.

Easy to say what it hasn't happened to you or relatives. You're telling me you would be happy with a 10 year sentence (guesstimate) if a guy rapes, mutilitates and then kills your son?

Stop trying to act like you're on the moral high ground, because you sound more like a sympathiser. No one suddenly repents or becomes a good person after looking at their cell well for x amount of years.

The point is, a pedophile/rapist has costed over a million when they should just be hanged for sociopathic crimes.

P.S OP never asked for money, he just stated that running a website comes out of his own pocket, stop selectively reading.


We don't have the death penalty in the UK and venables has served his sentence for murdering James.

Op has posted a gofundme link and a link to the donations page on his website.

I really do hope he faces some consequences for his foolish vigilante website.

Ops site also has a cross script for adware per noscript

I know there isn't as I live in the UK, but I believe a special exception should be made for truely remorseless human beings.

The gofundme was edited in after the post was made, sorry I don't have precognition :)

Furthermore I hope you get tangled with the law one day and get a shitty sentence or someone else does for wronging you, then you will realise how flawed it is. If you think it is fair and absolute every time then you're in for a world of shock ;)

P.S, you still couldn't answer my question. If you show no lack of sympathy why the fuck are you commenting on this post?

The edit on the post was from before you posted your comment.

I click on my inbox and it takes me straight to the comments :)

Also more selective reading, I said "or someone else for wronging you". Fucking hell mate, you couldn't put more effort into replies if you tried!

when they should just be hanged for sociopathic crimes.

Hanging 10 year old kids is your solution? Chapeau!

Should we then chop off the hands of 6-10 year old kids that stole? Wouldn't that be a lesson they never forget and that leaves you satisified?

Since when did i say a 10 year old? Theres been plenty of capital punishment cases where its done when they become of age.

If I did somehow mean that, then in general. A 10 year old cant be a pedo lol

That guy was 10 years old when he committed that murder. I can't see an 10 year old being fully responsible for his actions. Of course the guy could likely be a potential threat, but he should be monitored and get psychological help or if that does not help should be put behind bars in a mental hospital.

No one is born evil.. this kid didn't accidentally do that, nor does it make him less responsible for his age, thats ridiculous. I can understand maybe having a troubled childhood but thats no excuse to torture and kill a baby.

Since when did i say a 10 year old? You didn't but did you read the OP? To quote the post these comments are on:

I posted 11 days ago to tell you all about Jon Venables a man who at the age of 10 killed, raped and murdered a 2-year-old boy, he mutiltaed him, poored paint into his eyes, threw rocks at his head, sexually assaulted him and stuck batteries in the two year olds anus and mouth.

And would you like to hear about Maxine Carr, the other person OP is claiming to expose? She's not even a pedo. Is perversion of justice really a big enough crime that you people are willing to go to jail for exposing her, even after she's served her sentence?

No, if you're arrested it will be for breaking the fucking law, idiot.

Well, I vaguely remember someone else exposing Jon Venables (turns out it wasn't actually him but some random other person) and the person that did it got three months in nick for his troubles.

This was several years ago, it was a guy called Alan Johnson who was wrongly accused.

This was before Venables bragged about his true/real identity to his friends (reported by the mainstream media) so the pictures of their of him now are real and they're out there through his own doing because he bragged not once but several times about his true identity forcing police to move him and give him a new identity.

There was another guy who was wrongly accused. He killed himself. You don't think this through, do you?


I totally understand and respect where you're coming from, this IS Venables though.

Totally different set of circumstances, Thompson hasn't gone around boasting about his true identity, Venables has.

I can't give my source away but it's highly credible, plus this is no secret like I said, he himself told people his true identity which is how these images got released in the first place.

Eh, this is a dangerous road to go down.

So... You have nothing as far as any real evidence, that says you’re being targeted. This is the same as me claiming “Guys, I went 10 mph over the speed limit on my way home. Surely, the cops will break through my door anytime now.”

To be honest, it sounds like you’re neck deep in some LARP or just going for website traffic with the sensationalism.

Your title says you exposed people, but (by your own admission, in the comments) you never posted anything that wasn’t already viral on Facebook. You were reporting on pictures that had been shared over 120,000 times before, not exposing some big secret. Just jumping on the bandwagon, except you wrote a blog post instead of “sharing” it.

The news link you posted is obviously referring to the same Facebook posts referenced in the hundreds of other news stories about the same thing. Of course they say “social media,” but it takes about 30 seconds with Google to find better articles with clarification.

So on the factual surface, this barely registers as here-say.

Speaking on a general level, and not specifically to this case, it blows my mind that people don’t see the damage they can do posting an innocent person’s name/image all over the Internet, tying them to a brutal murder. Who cares what your 110% positive sources say, who you can’t disclose? That’s childish.

Even if you were right sometimes, it is about establishing and maintaining the precedent. Even if 999 of 1000 “public convictions” are correct, it’s seriously fucked that last 1 person minding their own business, then being given a label like murderer or pedophile.

While the end goal is understandable, it’s NOT okay to risk innocent peoples’ livelihoods with public witch hunts. Which is EXACTLY why there are laws to prevent that happening. It’s not a case-by-case basis where you pick and choose when to follow the law, either.

I just emailed his Web host to advise they are hosting illegal content.

Perhaps now his site really will disappear.


Sent you a message mate about hellolocal

Such bullshit, you have a website you cant post?

Thr website is being blocked by isps?

This website has all of your proof ?

And you admit to being heavily medicated.

I've posted the website several times throughout the comments and even in my original post, blatantly obvious, you haven't read it for that reason.

I've never said I'm heavily medicated, I'm on an anti-depressant that's it, I wouldn't call that heavily medicated.

You should ghostwrite and ghosthost shit like this my dude

I'm in the UK and I have been able to access your website, just know. Thought you would like to know. I really hope all the best, I assure you your work will not go in vain.

Thanks, I know some ISPs aren't blocking it but some people have mentioned here their ISPs are. Virgin Media specifically is one that keeps popping up.

That's understandable. I'm on Virgin media aswell. I'll keep checking and I'll keep sharing your site, get it out there as much as possible if that's something you want my dude. Anything to help the cause.

Convert to Islam and they won’t touch you.

The U.K. is going insane. It’s like actually 1984. Get out while they allow open borders. Good luck man. Sorry to hear.

My suggestion is video everything. Every interaction you have with the state.

Your website is timing out. Is it mirrored anywhere?

There are archived links, it's the amount of hits it's getting, it's breaking all over the mainstream news channels in the UK at the minute, the traffic coming from Google is insane, servers can't cope.

"Hello Kitty"? Awkward.

You should go to prison.

We have a justice system for a reason.

Maxine Carr served her time.

Venables got caught by his probation officers.

You're not big or clever, enjoy the clink.

do i smell a pedo sympathizer?

Can you smell yourself?

shucks you really got me there didn't ya, still don't change the fact you sympathize for child predators

Justice is handed down by the courts, not by random websites.

Removed, violation of rule 10.

I don't think this injunction would stand in the US. Under the First Amendment, I don't think they could block this. Can you get someone in the US to mirror your website? This is fascinating legally, particularly in light of the new allegations of him downloading child porn. You could contact media in the US, but I am not sure how interested they would be in defending the First Amendment, most of them have become corporate shills more interested in money than principle. This also would fall in the ACLU's purview. I don't know UK law but I don't see how they can make this an offense "anywhere" Where does their jurisdiction arise.

Time to lawyer up. You poked the bear now the bear will try to eat you. That's how this works unfortunately

That's how this works

Break the law, get arrested. Yep, definitely how it works.

Assuming you don’t have a family (ie wife and children). Take a train a to the channel, fairy across to mainland Europe, find some odd jobs to keep you in euros and try to fly under the radar.

Do what you have to do to preserve your freedom.

Wait, so do you know his new name and where he is? I remember the James Bulger case, especially the paint in the eyes sticks out to me, I was 7 and it gave me nightmares for a long time; I had heard they'd be getting released when they were ~21 and given new identities which I thought was not fair at all; finding one or both of them and just snatching them off the street became a sort of daydream of mine for a long time... Are they still in the UK?

Wait what? Why are pedos getting new identities? Shouldn’t they have to live with the results of their actions? If people ostracize them because they’re child murdering fucks so be it. That’s on them for acting on their shitty urges as shitty people. Does the US have laws like this too?

Because the perpetrators were minors when they committed the crimes it is UK law that they should have remained anonymous. At the time of the crime it was so heinous and shocking that there was hourly updates on the case for weeks on end. I can't tell you how big this was here in the UK.

Due to the gravity of the crime and the public outrage (rightly so) the names and details of the perpetrators was made public, despite them being minors. This was unprecedented I think.

I can't be sure of how this next part came about but I am sure the wiki page should be able to clarify. I think what happened was, one of the boy's lawyers argued that due to them being minors thier identity should have remained anonymous as per the law as it stands. The judge agreed and said they deserved the same rights as all other minors that commit crimes. The judge had a caviat though. He said he wanted them both monitored for a set amount of years in case they commit crimes again (Jon Venebles has continuosly been found to have illegal porn despite being monitored, making me think he is beyond redemption and is possibly of very low intelligence. . .)

Not saying I agree with the judge, just saying it's similar to the US constitution. If they were not allowed new identities then all minors would have to lose their right to remain anonymous. It would have set a new precedent which they didn't want to do as most minors that commit horrific acts like this are themselves victims and it's harder to rehabilitate a minor when the have to live in hiding from the public.

I wouldn't have liked to make the call that the judge did. It's an ethical dilemma. I agree with OP. He is clearly a danger to children and people probably should have the right to know his new identity if it helps keep their children safe.

Thanks for the synopsis. So would they still get new identities if their names weren't released to the public during the trial? Cuz its still fucked then. You shouldn't be able to escape from that sort of thing once you've done it. There are some things that you just have to live or die with that result from your actions. In the US I thought that if you commit crimes against children you end up in the sex offenders database so that people know where you live and can avoid you. I used to live right above a old dude who was on that list for exposing himself to a kid and there were kids that lived in the apartment building too. I'm not sure if those parents knew about him but at least they would be able to find out if they wanted to. Yikes as a parent I would definitely want to know something like that especially given that guy's crimes.

Why back in new que

What's the website? Can someone PM please, thanks.


I just contacted your Web hosting and we marketing companies to advise them they are hosting illegal content.




Richard McKeag


Unit 8477 PO Box 4336 Manchester Greater Manchester M61 0BW United Kingdom

Fuck off you scum



In order to preserve your and our financial freedom AND privacy a Monero wallet is far superior than a GoFundMe campaign!

Simply share your address with us.

Any cryptocurrency donations can be sent via my donation page on my website here.

There's a section down the page to donate via altcoins.

Thank you!

Why has this post disappeared from the front page? Can anyone explain? When I search for top in the last 24hours it isn't there. . .I have to go to my upvoted page to find it

I know a few big time lawyers in the states. I have ZERO clue how law is practiced and if it’s legal for them to help/represent you but I will FIND OUT TODAY!!!!

In his second edit I read " 5/12/2017 " and wondered why he's posting such old news until it hit me.

Wow.. you’re are a great person.. I wish you the best of luck.. we need more people like you in the world

1000000% FAKE.


Because it's a self post.

dang it

Hero, doing what most don't have the balls to do. Respect. I hope true justice is done.

I don't doubt that your intentions are well-motivated, however you've admitted that you know your actions are illegal and you've revealed nothing that hadn't already been publicly leaked (illegally). I can't see what you hoped to achieve. Venables has already been set up with at least one new identity since his images were first leaked, you've added nothing new about his identity, and you've also put yourself right in the firing line. I can guarantee you're not going to get bumped off, but they're gonna throw the book at you man, and to be honest you've only really got yourself to blame. Jamie Bulger's dad has been pushing for a change in the law for years, but he's never broken it, and you can't tell me you're more emotionally invested in this case than he is. Last time the people linking the images got off with suspended sentences, considering you've been far more in your face about it you're liable to get treated far worse. Good luck to you, but I'd start taking your tactics from people like Aangrifan, Spivey and Bill Mahoney, I'm sure you know of them, they cover the same subjects but stick to the law, we all think it's bullshit, but we all have to follow it, or else we end up in the shit like you.

I'm curious (OP, and concerned for people who want to follow in your footsteps), why you wouldn't line up legal representation BEFORE you make wild accusations against public servants, valid or not?

Too bad James Traficant isn't alive. Lol

You also should contact Project Camelot for a documented interview. Spreading the word

  1. Get a lawyer. Any lawyer. Tell him the entirety. No lies, omissions, or such, tell him everything.

  2. "I specifically mentioned in my article that I knew what I was doing was illegal but I needed to do something to try and ensure this sick pervert wasn't released onto our streets again." Delete this. redact. Let THEM prove it. Off course, if you have allready published it, expect the punishment to be harsher than you not realising what you did. Didn't kno shit. UNless you of course posted it previously, in quoted articles, and the people ask you, did you or didn't you "know that this would get me in jail, but fuck it, come on, show me what you got"

  3. Pray to the gods you gave a perfect history. Meaning, no silly side experiements, no "I can't proove he is a pedo, but so I have to post this. ". You would get away with this if you were a female poting about rape, not otherwise. Expect one count for everytime you knew it was insufficient evidence. Possibly slander. Gonna get expensive. try to keep it low.

  4. Best strategy? Appear like damaged goods. Have a history of seeing help for your own problems, tell them you could never forget how you were molested as a boy. Th side you want to show is that you are so fucked in the head, you didn't mean anything by it, you just tried to maybe help an other boy or two from having to endure what you had to endure. Most likely, your lawyer will try somnething similar. Try to stay calm about it.

  5. If you even think about going "Well, it's flaunting the law, but I don't give a fuck", don't count on this being handled softly. they will NEED to make an example out of you, and it's going to hurt. Imagine asbo, but roughly, from the ammount, one asbo per incident. And that is when they have the idea that you DON'T do it gain. IF you do continue to flaunt the law, or even make it seem so, expect some creative shit, like being unable to own or operate a computer. We live in the age of internet harassment, and anti online trolling laws. If you are lucky, all you get out of this is asbos.

  6. So, most likely, you will go to jail. Since you have a social media platform that paints you as unapologetic and ready to do it again, you will go to jail, and if you have a website that is registered to you, and have openly insinuated even "fuck those laws that kick in, fuck them, and I will allways disobey them" you will go to jail for a LONG time. And if you try to make a last stand in court, going to argue your point, and hoping against all odds that maybe, this will change that law, because it is unjust, please: If you have ANY leads on your website where it is not crystal clear, those leads will be upgraded to attempted witchhunt. When you are read that this could lead to false arrests, and false public convictions, and then go, but someone has tampered with "MY" mail, try to swallow that this is what it will be like. And they will make a cutesy remark on how this follows you around, even if you get freed of jail, and will destroy your chances of finding employment, and how this is why they have LAWS like the one you broke that kills this after a time.

  7. One ray of hope. Most likely, you will be popular in jail. Too popular for anyone to off you. Because noone in there did what they sit for.

If you're in the UK look into getting in touch with the team that worked with Pete Townshend of The Who when he was arrested for collecting evidence to use against pedophiles. Or try to reach out to him directly through twitter or something. I know that he was facing criminal charges for bringing the evidence to the police and the case was ultimately settled or what ever they do in the UK, but a high profile figure fighting the same cause as you couldn't hurt to have on your side.

As a victim of multiple sexual assaults as a child, I wish you the best of luck, and that you will eventually be able to live the life you deserve to live. Im in the US but if there is anything I can do, Im here. I will be donating anonymously to your gofundme repeatedly, so that you can continue your fight.

The world needs more heros like you.

So explain why these savages got out and get new identities and protection from the government?

I'm curious, is this just self-promotion for your digital marketing business? (That you kind of failed to mention)




For those calling me a scam or a con-artist because I own a 'digital marketing agency' why not do your proper research and have a look at the reviews, the 'agency' is just me, my personal website advertises that yes I do some web design, I haven't had any work since the beginning of the year look at the reviews and see that for yourself. Why do I leave my website up? Why wouldn't I? If potential work comes in, the issue is I design a website for £50 or £100 once in awhile to top up my income because I can't work due to illness, come on guys you're really calling me out for that.

If anyone had bothered to ask I would have been clear on that it's not something I'm trying to hide, if I was, I would have taken my website down. To be clear, I never started this thread with a GoFundMe Links and stated several times to people in the comments that I'd rather not make it about money as then things like this happen and people start accusing me of doing this to make money when actually running Free & Fearless has ALWAYS been about trying to do something about child abuse.

Why some feel a need to investigate me I don't know why, nobody is forced to donate, I recieved 1 donation out of all the dozens of people asking me to setup a GoFundMe I'll just take it down it's not worth the hassle.

You'll see that this isn't a scam once the police finally do come, please point out to me any other website that the guardian article describes, I know no other site or journalist who has exposded venables and admitted they knew what they were doing was breaking the law and has exposed information about Maxine Carr at the same time.

Mate. If you do get sent down for expsosing nonces you'll be looked after inside. Obviously you dont want it to go that way though. I'm from Warrington and there was a rumour of him working at a MacDonnalds until he was recognised.

The thing is, before you show real proof all you are saying could be lies. You could be destroying a normal persons life for all we know

You need to setup a dead man's switch ASAP.
It's the only thing that will really keep you safe.

So basically you are breaking the law to beg for crypto? You can bollocks

Laws are put in place for a reason. Just because you don't believe in them doesn't mean you can disregard them. Life is hard. Life I'm prison is probably a lot harder.

Is this the whole truth? I understand their rules but these guys are monsters and should be dealt with accordingly. I'd be setting up some servers via a Tor connection and start mirroring this content ASAP! Will do some of my own research on this too.

Set up a web canary so people can track you daily safety via RSS

Yeah having looked into this you are clearly a bit of a fucking liar mate. You run a marketing business at rickeo.com, but in your video you claim to be ill and unable to work, you've been promoting your business heavily all over the web, you've revealed nothing new and now you're asking for money. I kind of felt sympathetic for you before but I'm about 99% convinced your a scam artist now.

Came here to say this. Upvoted you. It's really strange how this got so many upvotes really quickly, he's manipulated this post to get to the front page.

I found this a while ago from a comment on the video, I've now found that the people 'suggesting' he set up a gofundme are fairly two dimensional accounts too, wouldn't be hard for a 'digital marketing expert and SEO maestro' (his words not mine) to set up a few accounts to suggest he set up a gofundme, this kind of scam preying on well-intentioned people makes me sick.

I wouldn't call the people who are supporting what he is doing well-intentioned, there's a reason mob Justice is illegal.

Everything pedo is gold right now. If you can monetize it in the right channels well done. I personally think doing something of the sort is fucking devoid of morals. But, i can see how it works.

For those calling me a scam or a con-artist because I own a 'digital marketing agency' why not do your proper research and have a look at the reviews, the 'agency' is just me, my personal website advertises that yes I do some web design, I haven't had any work since the beginning of the year look at the reviews and see that for yourself. Why do I leave my website up? Why wouldn't I? If potential work comes in, the issue is I design a website for £50 or £100 once in awhile to top up my income because I can't work due to illness, come on guys you're really calling me out for that.

If anyone had bothered to ask I would have been clear on that it's not something I'm trying to hide, if I was, I would have taken my website down. To be clear, I never started this thread with a GoFundMe Links and stated several times to people in the comments that I'd rather not make it about money as then things like this happen and people start accusing me of doing this to make money when actually running Free & Fearless has ALWAYS been about trying to do something about child abuse.

Why some feel a need to investigate me I don't know why, nobody is forced to donate, I recieved 1 donation out of all the dozens of people asking me to setup a GoFundMe I'll just take it down it's not worth the hassle.

You'll see that this isn't a scam once the police finally do come, please point out to me any other website that the guardian article describes, I know no other site or journalist who has exposded venables and admitted they knew what they were doing was breaking the law and has exposed information about Maxine Carr at the same time.

I found one comment suggesting you open a gofundme - from this user https://www.reddit.com/user/09dany09 A user with four other comments, a suspicious account that could easily be prepared by an 'SEO expert'

You claim you're too ill to work, but you've done lots of work recently, within a few minutes I found a number of articles by you within the last 3 months - several of which are on sites which pay for submitted content (Source : am a freelance writer). One of which - your medium article about elsagate, was published less than a month ago https://medium.com/@Rickeo/what-is-elsagate-why-you-should-be-concerned-a0470668b6e8

It clearly promotes both your 'whistleblowing' website and your digital marketing agency and we both know that articles on Medium are paid through the claps system, another lie you've been caught out in.

You claim you've exposed Venables, you've exposed nothing, only re-printed previously printed photos of him and offered no further information than what was already (illegally) published. All you've done is broken laws that are there to stop the sort of vigilantism that you seem so keen to promote. No-one else has broken the law and then admitted to it because no-one else would be that fucking stupid. The mere fact that you're likely to be arrested doesn't eliminate the fact that this is a fairly transparent self-promotion tactic for your own online business. None of us like the fucking law, but doing what you're doing isn't going to change it.

OK well you're entirely wrong.

Medium pay for work? Wasn't aware, not been paid a single dime of them show me the way to prove this and I'll show you I've not earnt a single cent from Medium or any other place my articles are posted, I post across multiple websites to keep copies of my work/backups if I site got took down and to get more people reading my work.

How many claps have I got via Medium? Hardly any if any at all, plus you need to sign up for their partner programme or something which I am NOT apart of and will prove this to anyone who recommends me how to provide that proof.

As for one person mentioning I start a GoFund Me, read all the comments and sub comments you're totally wrong, there are several people who mention GoFundMe and there are several others who just ask for a way to donate financially.

As for your personal beliefs on what I'm doing so be it, your own personal opinion, I'll still keep posting about paedophiles and keeping them off the streets.

Seems like you have a personal vendetta against me, I wont be justifying myself to you any longer, 90% of the work I've done has been my own work for my own websites that I haven't received any payment for, use blockchain explorer on the bitcoin address' zero donations since the website started, I've designed two websites this year, granted I've designed logos on my Instagram but 99.9% of these have been for free to build up a portfolio or for friends and family.

Carry on with your little investigation into me, I have nothing to hide, message the people I've done logos for or their companies you'll find they've either been for free or part of contests I haven't won.

Don't know what it is with your little witchhunt against me, if people like I'll remove the GoFundMe and take the donation pages offline if enough people request me to do so, I wont on your call as it seems you have some sort of issue with me personally.

I've never wanted the donation section to subtract from what I'm doing, I don't do it for that, like I said I've received one donation of £15 that's it!

More bullshit - Answered point by point

1) Claim you're the victim of a witchhunt when you get called out on your bullshit.

2) Payment on articles such as medium are gathered over time (as you well know) Others are paid by base rate depending on the site, and other sites pay creators a share of ad revenue, seems unlikely that someone as poor as you wouldn't have taken advantage of this considering your considerable output on various sites.

3) You're not keeping any pedophiles off of the streets, only rehashing old publicly available material and contravening a law that anyone with half a brain (aangirfan, chris spivey, pie N mash films for example) have easily been able to easily work around while actually doing something useful against child molesters

4) You offer website design, website marketing, website hosting, blogging & content on various sites, including tumblr, facebook, instagram, your own sites and various other places - Your internet activity is pretty extensive for a guy supposedly too ill to work, and far too much effort for someone getting virtually nothing for it - you work a damn sight more than me

5) I'm not investigating you, or conducting a witchhunt, but I'm started to get tempted, you'll know if I fucking start one pal. You're a scam artist attempting to cash in on a pedo scandal, scam well-meaning people out of their cash and promote your own marketing company. Quit your bullshit pal.

I'm with you mate but if you look at his twitter he might actually just be a moron.

It's hard to tell. That account that suggested the gofundme is definitely suspect though!

Oh I don't think he's an idiot - His first marketing company



Never took off, but he's doing much better now.


He's not what I'd call an SEO expert (Or particularly literate - Those schoolboy spelling errors) but he's a damn good bullshitter


'I am currently a freelance web designer, developer, SEO consultant and digital marketer. I have worked for some of Manchester's largest and well known Marketing companies designing websites for some of the biggest companies in the UK. I specialise not only in web design but in SEO and digital marketing helping companies ''get found'' online.

My goal is to help business' establish a strong online presence making the best possible first and lasting impression.

I work on a freelance basis as apart of a network of freelancers. This gives me the freedom and ability to be flexible with my prices and the projects I work on.'

Doesn't seem like the sort of guy who's going to work 20+ hours a week for charity does it?

Good stuff.

Can't believe he's willing to use murdered children to try and earn money. Came across this little gem

I also hold an unlimited cinema pass, so if I'm not working at home on one of my projects, I can be found at the local cinema enjoying a movie


I can only find one person mentioning a gofund account too, the one the other guy already mentioned, and that account is sketchy as fuck, you're a liar man. fuck off and get a job you fat fuck.

How is this getting so many upvotes, so quickly - fishy as hell.

He says he doesn't work but has a digital marketing agency? http://www.rickeo.com

He's using this for self-promotion in some twisted way.

For those calling me a scam or a con-artist because I own a 'digital marketing agency' why not do your proper research and have a look at the reviews, the 'agency' is just me, my personal website advertises that yes I do some web design, I haven't had any work since the beginning of the year look at the reviews and see that for yourself. Why do I leave my website up? Why wouldn't I? If potential work comes in, the issue is I design a website for £50 or £100 once in awhile to top up my income because I can't work due to illness, come on guys you're really calling me out for that.

If anyone had bothered to ask I would have been clear on that it's not something I'm trying to hide, if I was, I would have taken my website down. To be clear, I never started this thread with a GoFundMe Links and stated several times to people in the comments that I'd rather not make it about money as then things like this happen and people start accusing me of doing this to make money when actually running Free & Fearless has ALWAYS been about trying to do something about child abuse.

Why some feel a need to investigate me I don't know why, nobody is forced to donate, I recieved 1 donation out of all the dozens of people asking me to setup a GoFundMe I'll just take it down it's not worth the hassle.

You'll see that this isn't a scam once the police finally do come, please point out to me any other website that the guardian article describes, I know no other site or journalist who has exposded venables and admitted they knew what they were doing was breaking the law and has exposed information about Maxine Carr at the same time.

That's weird mate, websites for £50 or £100? Why is your girlfriend Katie advertising your christmas special where websites are only £149 compared to the usual £300 then? (Page is already archived just in case the post disappears) https://imgur.com/a/kxDFJ

I watched your video and you have my sympathy. Best of luck bruv.

Pedophilia? You're a sick, twisted human being. It's not your sexual orientation, you have a mental disorder.

Hebephilia? Basically regarded as just as bad as the above.

Ephebophilia: The primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19. Seeing as the most popular pornography is depicting women aged 18-20, we're talking like 90% of the male population?

I'm not defending pedophilia or hebephilia, but I find it odd how those people are the devil for simply having a predilection for children, when we've assigned an arbitrary age for being "adult" and that is regarded as okay, even though even those 18 year olds are still sexually and mentally immature, and perhaps even just as capable of sexual consent as a 15 or 16 year old.

Obviously pedophilia and hebephilia are bad, we especially don't want grown ass people molesting little 10 year olds, but I think we should have a little more sympathy. If the arbitrary line for sexual consent were drawn at 15, there would be legal porn of 15 year olds, and a majority of men wouldn't be too far from being hebephiles and pedophiles. I'd say a majority of men would admit to being attracted to 18 year old women, and that's still really creepy.

Weak b8 m8

could whistleblower protections be applied to you? youre performing a public service after all.

Holy moly

How is this illegal? The only reason I can see would be slander, but if everything you're pointing out is true, you've committed no crime.

Now they will try and disprove it, as long as you have concrete evidence you will be fine. Its not that what you're doing is illegal, but they will twist it into being something that actually is illegal.

What boggles my mind is that it was legal to give us a monster a new identity in the first place!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK

Revealing the identity (whether the identity is true or mistakenly thought to be) of somebody with a court ordered secret identity is infact illegal. Says so in guardian article referenced. He knows this - clearly a brave man

Well thats that

Maybe court ordered secrent identities should never ever be considered let alone legal for psychopaths

You should start some sort of name collection for people not able to financially help. If it’s done I’ll do everything in my power to help spread word here in Sweden.

Jesus crist. Try to contact alternative UK media, like The Canary, the UK Column, the Morning Star, True Publica, The Truth Seeker, 21st Century Wire (not UK, but may be interested) and Going Underground.

Op says in his headline he will be arrested but actually he's not been charged with anything.

Is that correct op? You're just guessing that you will be arrested?

another fucking scammer trying to cash in on the pedo catching scene. Breaks the law and exposes nothing not already known while trying to raise cash to pay for more pies to stuff into his already fat face.

Despite the note in Edit 3 claiming the gofundme has been removed, it hasn't :- https://imgur.com/a/9eTjt It's still up at 18.13(UTC) -

This is a blatant scam

Im sorry but whats with all you Pedo/Child killer sympathizers ???? idgaf if he "served his time" and i doubt any of you would want him on the streets if it was your child he mutilated and killed or if he had child porn of your children!! if a sick fuck kills/rapes/torture a child if the courts dont do their job and execute or put the sicko away for life im all for him getting what he has coming to him in prison and/or when he gets out! fuck this guy i hope someone find him and beats the living shit outta him.

More media/content creation companies the OP manages and works for :- https://imgur.com/a/tQdVu

More work he (claims he) hasn't been paid for


What a guy, I mean who would write loads of articles for whitworthonline dot com (just one of his many media companies) on subjects such as 'Healey care being rated as outstanding by ofsted', all for free, all while being too ill to work, what a guy.

So in the UK you can rape and murder a baby and then live in anonymity as a reward?

There’s no confirmed sources of Venables putting batteries inside the kid’s ass, I’ve been following this story since the mid 2000’s and that’s always been seen as a false rumor.

That detail doesn’t take away from the good that you’re doing but I felt like it needed to be corrected.

You knew what you were doing was against the law so suck it up buttercup and pay the consequences.

Why not post in a anonymous and censorship resistant way? Like the steem blockchain?

has this story gotten any traction in the 4chan comm?

This...someone go post it

They tend to see through scammers like this guy, considering how much shit he has online, they'll rip him to shreds. Plus he's a part-time SJW, another reason they'll Dox the fuck out of him. Watch his media company site, once that goes down 4chan's onto it.

Shouldn't you really be just going as public as possible with all of this? If you get it on a popular newspaper even once, it will likely spread from there, cause investigation, give you all the credibility and trust in the world to actually seeing the truth and taking your time to get facts and sources on it. People these days appreciate honesty and more or less, 'being different' from the mass. Oh, and the public hates pedophiles. In this situation, it should be your priority to get attention. If someone popular goes missing it will not be forgotten easily.

That's weird mate, websites for £50 or £100? Why is your girlfriend Katie advertising your christmas special where websites are only £149 compared to the usual £300 then? (Page is already archived just in case the post disappears) https://imgur.com/a/kxDFJ

Nice work David, the bloke is clearly a scammer.

Cheers, manged to get the video removed, gofundme shut down, he still made 20 quid but it could have been worse. It's the damage people like this to genuine activists that pisses me off. There are plenty of genuine ones out there, you can always tell them, they don't run loads of media companies, they don't ask for donations and they don't make pointless gestures like reprinting already published facts and breaking the law and then getting all drama queen about it, guys a fucking cockroach sponging off people who really give a shit about this issue.

Another fake campaigner is Belinda Mckenzie, she likes latching onto causes as a way of making cash.

He reminds me of what David Seaman did with Pizzagate. Anything to create a buzz, get attention and they hope money also.

yep, spot on comparison man.

Praying for you.

Thank you and good luck. Will try to post on social media as much as possible.

I know this is a bit late, and may not mean much, but I wish nothing but the best for you. You are doing an excellent job, one that many people would never even dream of doing because of the repercussions. I stand behind you 100% and hope that whatever comes from this, you come out on top.

Oh I didn't want to ask for money... but then I did, because literally millions of people told me too, even though they didn't, and then people found out I was lying, running several marketing companies and scamming the shit out of idiots. And now I'm a victim, even though all I did was broke the law without doing ONE SINGLE FUCKING THING TO HELP STOP CHILD ABUSE You fucking scam artist, you make me sick. Drop dead.

On behalf of parents everywhere... thanks

I tip my hat to people like you and do this:


If anyone is tempted to check out OP's 'last & Final message' be aware that he does visit hacker forums


And one other commenter pointed out he uses cross-scripting on his websites


I would recommend you use noScript or some other script blocker and preferably a VPN if you choose to visit his website.

Why did you pick that thread from the hacker forum? There's one where he admits to logging IP's and installiing adware.

I could only find that one on archive without signing up (Which I don't want to do), can you link the thread you're talking about?

I'm not getting involved buddy, sign up and get it yourself. It's safer there than free&fearless i can tell you for sure, you'll be ok.

Yeah, I'll give that a miss thanks, considering OP's skill at multiple account usage, internet marketing, editing posts when he's caught out in a lie and muddying the waters generally I'll trust no-one and nothing right now.

Wise move

Yep, I've now found dodgy shit he's posted on The Money shed, offering £1 for 300 word posts on his website, talking about how 'Trending' topics are great money spinners, other posts trying to sign people up for his matched betting scam, he's a 24/7 scam artist, it just never ends.

You've certainly done a fantastic job at exposing him for the scam artist he obviously is. Well done.

I hope so man, he's basically no better than a shill, he makes us all look like shit, and he's doing it for money, which come to think of it, is exactly what a shill does.

If I opened the link in a new tab, but never actually clicked over to the tab before closing it am I safe?

yeah, just 'X' it

Posts on reddit - nay, on /r/conspiracy - complains about people calling him out on his bullshit.

Look, I don't care if you're asking for money. What I care about is that you're an amateur who is going to cause violence towards someone who you don't know--despite your "110%" sure protestations--is guilty. Think before you act.

Yo man, stay safe! thanks for the info!

I like your theme would you design my site like that? What price?

Also an Investigative Journalist / Pedo-exposer here.

I recommend you obtain a lawyer to fight against claims from anyone and go even louder with any info you have. The thing that makes people run is the outreach of your voice. The bigger the outreach, the more suspicious it becomes if something happens to you. If you fall silent, you will be targeted.

Friendly advice. Trust me.

You broke a reasonable, consistently enforced law. What did you expect to happen?

I've had a death threat or two, and a few messages asking me why I spent so much time exposing OP as a lying scamming bastard yesterday. Wasn't gonna share this, but fuck you cunts, this is why I went for him, and it's also why encouraging mindless vigilantes is a really fucking stupid idea. https://imgur.com/a/40PxD

I linked this further down. It reminds me of the pediatrician that got attacked for being a 'paedo'.


That's awful David about the death threats you've received for showing folk what this guy is really all about. These vigilante types aren't really bothered about children they just use it as an excuse to unleash their anger on somebody.

Yeah, I'm kind of unimpressed by threats from anonymous internet warriors, kids mostly judging by the atrocious spelling, pity they don't show any empathy for some poor disabled fucker that got beaten up because of Richard McKeag. The kids brother is pretty angry though, talking about sending some people to Rochdale to go 'see' McKeag, hopefully things don't escalate any further. It just totally illustrates the dangers of vigilantes and the problems it causes when assholes break laws that are there for a reason.

This is Harassment. Rules 4/5.

Any updates on this

Sure bud, expose it then to wikileaks


I am a representative of the ((( illuminati )))

I am here to offer both an explanation and an apology for OP's situation.

First of all what OP witnessed was not the rape and murder of children, but a ritual interspecies orgy held between human members of the illuminati and the sparkly vampires that some mormon cunt wrote a book about.

Easy mistake to make, sparkly vampires are often mistaken for children.

You may have also heard that another interspecies orgy we held recently caused the massive california wildfires.

What can I say? We're horny, we're creepy, shit gets lit fam.

However, in keeping with our recent acquisition of the entity known as "Anonymous", we have decided to rebrand ourselves as a kinder and more playful interdimensional, dictatorial entity.

In the future, we will be doing things merely to be playful, mischievous cunts as opposed to designs on world domination.

tl;dr World Domination is gay, we just wanna get high with aliens.

I'm 110% confident but can't give my source away.

The images aren't a huge secret at all, when he was first released there was a false image of him being spread around, these however are the real deal.

One key reason people know these are the images of the right guy is because he worked at Pizza Hut in Warrington and actually bragged about his real identity and as such had to be removed and given a new identity for his own protection. This will be his 4th new identity.

My whole aim of exposing him was to force the judges to lock him up for life for his own protection, I'm sick to death of this guy being given a slap on the wrists he's a serious danger to the public and children.

More than likely :( but at least I know I tried.

£250,000 for a new identity every single time, it's disgusting, he needs locking up for life.

I'd really appreciate that, if anybody could help with that and get that done for me, that would be amazing!

I don't really want to ask people for money, I have a donation thing on my website but have never forced or asked people.

I feel that if I set up a gofundme or anything like that and advertise that it will take away some credit for what I'm doing and make it more about making money as opposed to stopping dirty scumbag paedophiles and child abusers.

Truth be told I've not received one donation on my website to date, I was even considering removing the donation sections because of that fact, I fund the website out of my own back pocket and out of a passion for the cause.

I could definitely use some help moving the site to an offshore server though, I think that's the next step for them to get my web host to take it offline.

He does in his post...

Because the UK is no longer a free country.

Are you daft? OP isn't responsible for what the public does. Laws still fucking exist and that should be enough. They should not be forced to pay over $1,000,000 to keep some scum pedo safe. I don't think any logical person would go through all this trouble and risk imprisonment if they weren't sure.

Worth a shot. Literally.

Plus the guy was 10 when he murdered that kid. I can't imagine locking anyone up for life for anything that they did that young.

Actually, to the contrary I want him to be locked up for life and not released onto the streets of the UK again, he's a danger to the public and our children.

Not going to get into the debate about capital punishment, my idea was that if enough people seen his photo the judge would be forced to lock him up for life for his own safety. I know that was probably naive in hindsight.

If anything happened to him in prison as a result of my post (doubtful as he's kept in solitary for his own safety) then I'd live what that guilt, this man is a monster.

u/iAm- Let's be honest here, that fucker deserves worse than death

I don't want to condone protecting evil people because you're right, the guy that OP described sounds like a nasty piece of work. But he was also a 10 year old boy at the time he committed the crime that he was imprisoned for. I can't really comment much more on the issue because I'm not familiar with the circumstances (and if he was distributing child porn then that's also fucked up) but nobody asked OP to take justice into his own hands, he decided to work outside the realm of the law and didn't protect his identity so now he's apparently scared for his life.

Now I don't think his life is actually in danger, he's just shitting his pants because he knows he committed a crime and could lose 2 years of his life in prison for what he did, and I have trouble feeling bad for him since he knew full well that he was involving himself and creating trouble when he decided to get involved and identify someone who was under a witness protection kinda scheme.

I don't agree with many court decisions myself, but I'm not stupid enough to go against the law in the way that OP did and jeopardize my own life in the process.

Can I just ask why we need to spend money to keep scumbags safe?? They first got new identities because they murdered someone at a young age, so fair enough, but why the fuck are we covering up adult paedophiles who keep comitting the same crimes? They should be getting life imprisonment or death row. If this is the law then we need to riot against it, not just sit back and accept the fact that pedos with new identities are living amongst us and our children.

Too much interpretation in that. What about perjury? Or copyright laws? People abuse free speech thinking it should give them carte blanche to be a massive bigot.



didn't that guy go to jail for turning his dog into a nazi?

I found one comment suggesting you open a gofundme - from this user https://www.reddit.com/user/09dany09 A user with four other comments, a suspicious account that could easily be prepared by an 'SEO expert'

You claim you're too ill to work, but you've done lots of work recently, within a few minutes I found a number of articles by you within the last 3 months - several of which are on sites which pay for submitted content (Source : am a freelance writer). One of which - your medium article about elsagate, was published less than a month ago https://medium.com/@Rickeo/what-is-elsagate-why-you-should-be-concerned-a0470668b6e8

It clearly promotes both your 'whistleblowing' website and your digital marketing agency and we both know that articles on Medium are paid through the claps system, another lie you've been caught out in.

You claim you've exposed Venables, you've exposed nothing, only re-printed previously printed photos of him and offered no further information than what was already (illegally) published. All you've done is broken laws that are there to stop the sort of vigilantism that you seem so keen to promote. No-one else has broken the law and then admitted to it because no-one else would be that fucking stupid. The mere fact that you're likely to be arrested doesn't eliminate the fact that this is a fairly transparent self-promotion tactic for your own online business. None of us like the fucking law, but doing what you're doing isn't going to change it.

Probably too late anyway. Once its on the internet, it stays on the internet.

I'm not in favour of a lynching mob nor do i think any jury or court is surely 100% proof to make the correct decision on guilt. That's why i reject lynch justice and death sentence too.

Don't forget that it's entirely possible that OP is wrong about the identity even though he's "110% sure he's right" and this could easily result in violence towards an innocent person.

Wayback machine.