The Deutsche Bank subpoena for Trumps bank records fake news?

21  2017-12-05 by RocketSurgeon22

Trying to find CNN article that dropped the story first and cannot find it. Then I keep looking and see many of the sites have deleted the story. Then I search on Google and see stories that Deutsche has not received subpoena. Did I miss understand the story and it was a "plan" or is this another CNN Fake News effort?

UPDATE: White House is claiming it is not true.


The old lost in he mail trick

Can we take Trump's lawyer at his word though?

Who Ty Cobb? That poor guy.

Wow I missed that one. Instead of correcting they just delete the story now?

It depends on who was the source of the article. If they wrote it they have to retract. If they didn't write and were sourcing another lie merchant instead, just sly delete it. Sanders just confirmed in the press briefing today that it is bs too

Wonder who will catch the blame on this one. It is mighty quiet.

Drudge Report is reporting that it's true. That's odd.

I found it on Drudge and Reuters but CNN and major MSM sites I cannot find it. I noticed Bloomberg as well.

The original source that several articles have pointed to is the the German newspaper Handelsblatt. I don't know anything about how reliable this paper is, but they have not retracted or deleted their story. In the article they site several unnamed "sources familiar with the investigation" along with a spokesperson for Deutsche Bank.

Thank you. I'm seeing a lot of different stories now. WSJ for example focused its story about previous subpoenas from lawmakers going back to June that were denied. Either this is strange as fuck or I'm losing my shit.

No, this is definitely strange as fuck. The Fox article that someone else linked says Trump's lawyers are claiming the bank told them there were no subpoenas. Someone is obviously wrong here but I have no clue who it is. This seems like a really huge story for one side or the other to be wrong about. If it does turn out to be false, it makes me wonder if someone is intentionally leaking false information to let the media embarrass themselves. If it turns out to be true, either the bank is lying to the lawyer or the lawyer is lying to us. Kinda crazy no matter which way it goes.

Is a bank required or even allowed to respond to requested information regarding subpoenas if a defendant asks?

That is what I'm wondering as well. I haven't seen a definitive answer yet, but that would be quite the story if the newspapers found out before their own client.

It's a bit late, and you may have already figured this out on your own, but I just found this linked in another thread. It is entirely possible that the bank did receive a subpoena but told Trump's lawyer that they didn't.

Wow thanks! I didn't expect that.

I appreciate your effort!

I feel like they were looking for a reaction. They want to drive some behavior or action by this. No way somebody just fucking makes this shit up and it hits the wire like it did.

When you say "they" do you mean the investigators? That's a pretty big gamble, isn't it? If it isn't true, you've just convinced several huge, mostly reliable newspapers like Reuters to report a lie. If they didn't know it was a lie, they are going to be pissed. If they did know it was a lie, this'll really hurt their credibility.

They meaning CIA deep state. I doubt the media would be pissed. The push lies and delete them later when they report on another story. Noticed it last week didn't You? The only difference is the media outlet in this situation isn't located in US.

White House Press Brief just said it was not true.

Then that proves it! I can rest now.

You cannot rest. You're wrecked

It was first reported by the german Handelsblatt by sources presumably within Deutsche Bank Source

Afaik the rest just reported the Handelsblatt findings.

Time stamp is weird though. What does yours say when you click on it?

December 5 12pm. But the german article is from December 4th 9:30 pm cet Source

Yeah this is fucking CIA shit man. WH Brief said it wasn't true. CIA went to Handelsblatt then CNN ran with it. They had to find another agency because CNN is getting buried with their reputation. The WSJ article is the one that threw me off because it was pitching the headline but when you read it - it was talking about shit from June. I think they were trying to ruffle feathers or get Trump team to say something stupid.

Why would the CIA go to a german paper? That makes no sense. It's more likely the Handelsblatt has sources within Deutsche Bank and got their info from there.

Either the source lied or Trumps lawyer is lying. At the moment I lean to Trumps lawyer lying to protect his client. And based on past experiences I expect Trump to tweet soon and contradict his lawyer

But I can't imagine the Handelsblatt will just make shit up for the CIA.

Makes perfect sense. People are tired of fake news so why have a US media agency break a story that is false? I doubt Handelsblattt has sources. Trump has a lot of money in that bank. If a subpoena was handed - he would have been the first to know.

Why shouldn't Handelsblatt have sources within Deutsche Bank? It's an investment and stock paper. The name literally translates to "trading paper". It for sure has sources in banks and corporations. And Deutsche Bank is one of our largest banks.

What would it help if Trump knew about the subpoena? He surely wouldn't admit it publicly right?

Banks leaking to the media is very well coordinated. Higher ups would have known first. Level of security to confidentiality is a costly mistake in their world.

1 it is about Trump and his family. Not Trump the Prez but Trump and family. By Trump knowing would allow him and his family to prepare for potential loses. Leak can cause loses of money like Brian Ross's stunt last week. I doubt he would admit before taking preventative measures. Never know with Trump. He could come out of the closet tomorrow.

Yes, even the daily press beating today said it was

Why listen to SHS?

Because I'm turned on by giant women with hillbilly accents?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Damn liberals so desperate for a win they just make shit up, AS USUAL. That half of the UNIPARTY is just fucking nuts and have lost all credibility..

19 day old account. Trump cheerleader. Surprise

lol, salty aren't we snowflake?

Instead of belittling my account (LOL) you could offer some sort of a thoughtful retort, but that isn't in the left's play book now is it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Damn liberals so desperate for a win they just make shit up, AS USUAL. That half of the UNIPARTY is just fucking nuts and have lost all credibility.."

You think that comment warrants any kind of thoughtful retort? Especially when it comes from a 3 week old Trump rally account?

Maybe you're brainwashed, maybe you're shilling, either way you've lost in whatever agenda you have

agenda, spoken like a true tool. you make it too easy its time for me to move. buh bye

You do have an agenda. Just the quickest browse through your comment history shows how deeply brainwashed you are.

lol. believe what you will little one. Just know you are a sheep and I'm don't with whatever this is. buy bye

19 day old account. Trump cheerleader. Surprise

Why listen to SHS?

agenda, spoken like a true tool. you make it too easy its time for me to move. buh bye