Can someone please explain to me why it is not worth investigating a past President riding on the Lolita Express 26 times.

316  2017-12-06 by RecoveringGrace


While I believe that it is indeed worthy if will never be seriously scrutinized because this is the very thing which binds the Elite together. Mutual blackmail and destruction. Ritual Magick and abuse. It makes the goddamn world go round...

I'm drunk and in a highly pessimistic mood tonight :\

Ritual Magick


Magic with a (k) was a term coined by Crowley to delineate stage magic from actual Occult Magick. The child abuse of the Elites is intimately tied with ritual Magick, and has been for a very, very long time.

Magic isn't real.

Magick is the manifestation of ones' Will into Reality. It doesn't need a spiritual basis, but the fact of the matter is that the Elites believe this, which is what is important. Doesn't matter if it's "real" or not.

It doesn't need a spiritual basis, but the fact of the matter is that the Elites believe this


"Spirit Cooking" "Moloch", these are just some of the terms and guises used to hide it, and not nearly all of them. This abuse isn't random, it has a basis in ritualistic Occult belief. Look into Crowley and Sex Magick, as well as the idea of Trauma and the Pineal Gland.


Every single one of the Elite who participate in the abuse, the abuse which is evidenced by the Franklin Scandal, Dennis Hastert, the Dutroux Affair...none of it is random, all of it has meaning.

Spirit Cooking

Performance art isn't a person.


Never existed.

Crowley and Sex Magick

I used to be into "magick" when I was an edgy teenager. It's all a bunch of crap, and he was a pervert.

Every single one of the Elite who participate in the abuse

Names and evidence?

Never existed.

Doesn't matter. What matters is belief.

I used to be into "magick" when I was an edgy teenager. It's all a bunch of crap, and he was a pervert.

Yeah, he was. Doesn't stop powerful people from buying into it.

Names and evidence?

I gave you an idea of where to start, I will not put names down, because you will dismiss any and all of them, as I can already tell by your attitude. You don't have to believe it, but I ask you you really think this abuse is random? Do you think it has nothing to do with their own spirituality? Do you think it just happens? If so, you are deeply mistaken my friend. Keep digging.

I will not put names down

I know.

So tell us about the conspiracies you think are real...

Jesus H. Christ... performance art.


I like to smear myself in blood and write 666 on the walls. I am not into Satan at all. Just how I express myself. Hahahaha. I suppose the cannibal party with Lady Gaga was also art?

It's just way normal people do, donchaknow!

Please, pass the cum-breastmilk-blood pudding.

Don't forget her involvement with Jay-Z. So how does a performance artist seem to know so many famous people? Jay-Z, Gaga, and the Podesta brothers. Think about that for a second.

Love him or hate him, Beiber himself admitted to his church group the Elites were pushing him to snuff out a kid at a party. Even the Bieb's was like, fuck that.

So has Reddit just totally forgot that Hollywood and Washington are crashing and burning before our very eyes?! What fucking timeline is this? Are 98% of the users here bots or fucking asleep zombies?

Jesus H. Christ people.

Yeah, it is fun to watch people support an obvious Satanist with deep ties to both music and Hollywood. Look into Katy Perry a bit and you will start to see a pattern among pop stars and pagan symbols...

Satan isn't real and Satanists don't believe in deities.

Well, you are describing one branch of Satanism but you already know that. Have a nice day bud.

I can prove that LaVeyan Satanism exists. Can you prove that some wacky ex-Mormon who makes albums for teenage girls is sacrificing goats to the Lord of Darkness?

Try Wiki sometime.

So, you can't.

Try Wiki. Are you retarded?

So you'll refuse to name one single person, cop out with "Wiki" with no specificity whatsoever, and resort to name calling.

You definitely won this debate, man. Great job!

Here let me help you old man. Use this thing called a computer. You probably call it that weird black box on your desk. Go to Wiki and type in Satanism. Read the third paragraph down. Your welcome.

I'm on a phone, lol.

I looked up satanism on Wikipedia. No mention of Katy Perry.

Your welcome.


Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.

I disproved your claims. You don't win anything by failing to provide evidence. That's why you've never won anything in your life.

You don't get another try. Game over, no continues.

Haha. Ok. Let's talk about some conspiracies you think are true. Go ahead.

Sorry, man. Sometimes it just doesn't work out the way you want.

Actually worked out exactly the way I thought it would.

If that's what you have to tell yourself.


Government propagandist.

10 Feet higher!

So you've given up on discussion and you're just having a meme tantrum?

Well, that was easier than I expected. Keep spreading government propaganda.

His name is Seth Rich.

Don't shoot up a black church, now.

Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!”

Imitating a pedophile

  1. “I really just see the bigness of it all, but also the responsibility. And the human responsibility.” (AP)


  1. “You're really into your own little cocoon, because you have such massive protection that you really can't go anywhere.” (Reuters)

I've destroyed you

Because you would be in jail.

You're really triggered.

We are going to have an unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout for the inauguration, and there will be plenty of movie and entertainment stars. All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.”

Imitating a pedophile

“The one thing I would say — and I say this to people — I never realized how big it was.” (AP)

Obama's cock that he needs so badly?

  1. “I thought it would be easier.” (Reuters)

I've destroyed you

They are not sending their best.

You're really triggered. I think I permanently destroyed your brain.


Trump quotes, ever 1. “Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!”

I hope you survive this meltdown. I'll pray for you. God bless you.

  1. “Making business decisions and buying buildings don’t involve heart. This involves heart. These are heavy decisions.” (Politico)

Do you consider yourself mentally healthy?

  1. “I like to drive. I can't drive any more.” (Reuters) </script>

I've destroyed you

Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn’t these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.” Read more

Imitating a pedophile

  1. “This is thousands of times bigger, the United States, than the biggest company in the world.” (AP)
  1. “I loved my previous life. I had so many things going.” (Reuters)


It doesn't matter if there is an actual being named Moloch, this is lazy dismissal at best and it's being upvoted.

Dismissing fictitious beings and debunked theories isn't lazy. It's having respect for facts and science.

Dismissing fictitious beings and debunked theories isn't lazy. It's having respect for facts and science.

Saying "nuh uh" isn't debunking anything. You wouldn't know science if it bit you in the ass.

You wouldn't know science if it bit you in the ass.


We get it. Your ego is too over-inflated and your time is too precious to engage with all these simpletons who lack the perceptiveness to bow before their clear intellectual superior.

The breeze must be so nice atop your ivory tower, yes? One is left wondering why someone of your exceptional importance continues to dedicate so much of their precious time trolling this thread.

You think I'm a lot more important than I do.

I appreciate the flattery, but I'm just a regular dude.

A regular dude who is adept at missing the point, yes I agree.

If that's what you want to believe.

It's an observation.

It's your subjective observation. Enjoy it.

That's not what you're doing though...what you're doing is simply denying that people believe in certain rituals and in magick itself, that's akin to saying people don't believe in're not debunking anything, you're just saying no.

Some people believe in Xenu, too. Believing in magic is like believing in Scientology.

Again though, that doesn't change the fact that powerful people do indeed believe it. Understanding this and understanding what Magick is is important to piecing together the abuse and the motivations behind it. And again, using Crowleys own definition, Magick doesn't need to be "real", it is simply Will Manifested into is a form of Magick, based on that definition, because it creates thoughts and emotions in others minds that may otherwise never have arisen. Birth is Magick, because it changes the base nature of the universe by adding a new consciousness being to has a very wide definition that doesn't require a spiritual aspect.

that doesn't change the fact that powerful people do indeed believe it

Like who?

It's not a group that I am going to define individually. You need to look at symbolism- the dollar bill, who designed it? Who commissioned it? Look at Freemasonry. Look into numerology...then ask yourself why these events happen on these days. Look into secret societies like Skull and Bones, which has several presidents as members. Look into the symbolism in the Vatican, the Popes Audience Hall, the Keys of St Peter. Look at the people participating in that "performance art" as you call it, that is Spirit Cooking. Look at the record industry and the messages behind the music, the studios and artists who produce it. Look at Bohemian Grove and the owl of Minerva and the rituals surrounding it.

And you still ignore everything else I stated in a vain attempt at getting a specific name that you will immediately dismiss. Well if you read my comment closely and look for yourself you may start to find some names.

you will immediately dismiss

How do you know this?

Deleted my comment before I saw this, because I saw it was redundant. What has been debunked exactly? The concept of the paranormal? The current science isn't wrong on every account, but it doesn't cover the entire aspect of all that is.

What you've done, imop, is set the bar already for what's possible.

I have seen enough to consider it personally.

Spirit cooking.

I have seen enough to consider it personally.

I have seen enough to disregard it, so we're even.

I guess it's not about debating, it is a contest then.

There's nothing to debate. The rumor that "spirit cooking" is some kind of Satanic ritual (what is this, 1988?) was disproven, and you cannot prove that magic, outside of Vegas and the trading card game, exists.

Doesn't mean they believe, it means that someone is making them do it. If I were to blackmail someone with pedophilia and shit like that I'd add some crazy ritual magick thing so if they ever come out they will will be seen as crazy, or maybe they will even think it's real - therefore fearing "me" even more.

grimmoire = grammar. spell = spelling of words. propaganda is magic. it makes me do things for free


Prove it. Let's see an etymological record.



You okay there, pal?

Chin up, mate. We are in the Great Awakening/Unveiling. None-the-less, here is a drink to you. I too am forever pessimistic (and jaded). Just the way I is, after all deez rabbit hoes....

It just gets hard man...everything...but I appreciate the kind words. Of all nights, tonight I needed's one to you.

It just gets hard man...everything...but I appreciate the kind words.

I know it does (truly), and you're welcome.

here's one to you.

Take back another swig, and watch this. Cult of happy (under 7 minutes)., then, check out some Alan Watts.

Peace and love...

Where da wabbit hoes doooo?

Because they're above the law?

Don't you think we can yell loud enough to fix that?

The Clintons will bring out their static noise machines. Or they will systematically suicide each and every one of us. ...But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try!

Screw that! I want an explanation as to why the Clintons were on that plane so often.

Deep State are well prepared if anything goes down, they have about 20 plans there, just waiting in case. Clintons will never go down.

They're made guys in a criminal organization, they protect their own, nothing will change without a revolution. Hopefully peaceful but I fear American bloodlust will demand that blood is spilled.

Full Disclosure: I am a jaded pessimist.

Better investigation.. why it’s called Lolita express.

The MSM coined it that. Try going on an MSM site and calling it that, now, though.


Donald Trump is a rapist.


It's a 15 day old account that hangs around anti-Trump subs and attacks the mythical power of the "alt-right", the also dismiss Crowley and the potential for Elites to believe and participate in ritual Magick, and defend Spirit Cooking as "performance art" won't get any explanation from them my friend.

Lol Spirit Cooking

You can always prove me wrong with empirical evidence.

Very strange that happened along this post.

So, tell me, do you think we should investigate what Bill Clinton was doing on all those "Lolita" flights?

If the evidence is there, sure why not.

But that’s the thing, there’s 0 evidence and I get what the OP wants. Riding in the Lolita express 20+ times, he was most likely doing some shady shit. But there is no evidence or testimonies to back any of that up.

there is no evidence

Well, there is no legitimate investigation to uncover possible evidence. That doesn't mean there's no evidence.

Evidence leads to investigations.

... no... evidence is uncovered by investigations. before that, it's just rumor.

I heard a rumor you raped Trump. Should we start an investigation into you?

Accuse your opposition of what you yourself are guilty. Classic obfuscation technique

Goebbels would be proud.

Yeah, that's what happens with all those /pol/ pedophiles. 4Chan is just crawling with them, so of course they see it everywhere they look. Classic projection. Same with the Voat users, how many pedophile subs are on Voat? Another classic projection case.

So that would make both Trump and Clinton rapists since people from both camps have accused the other of being a rapist.

cried the liberal for the 117th time this year.

Cried his ex wife after being beaten and raped.

Oh please a scorned woman during an ugly dividce is not a credible victim like humanity Broderick. Trump and his ex wife are great friends and she even voted for him. How old are you? You seem very naive, Ivan's trump never filed a criminal charge she simply made an accusation to increase a pay out during an ugly divorce. Victim credibility is important. Willingness to prosecute is important especially in a situation where you can only take the victims word for it.

juanita Broderick

Retracted her testimony.

Lie. Clintons are proven to use intimidation tactics against victims.

She retracted her testimony.

One of us can prove our claims.

Please do so. We all saw her and 2 other victims confront her rapist at the 2016 presidential debate. We all her saw her interviewed on fox. We have all seen multiple victims make claims and provide evidence. There are questions that have surrounded the clintons for decades that have never been put to rest, Clinton kill list for example. Reputation comes from who they associate with and the rumors that surround them.

Clinton kill list for example.

Reputable source on that?

Reputable to you is cnn. I myself look at the facts and the coincidences that surround the clintons. Based on the pattern of mysterious and convenient deaths of key witnesses and enemies of the Clinton it is very SUSPICIOUS. As for you I suggest you research if you are interested.

Reputable to you is cnn.

You know this how? When have I ever said anything about CNN? Or are you just assuming as a cop-out?

As for you I suggest you research if you are interested.

That's three people now who have used the "do your research" cop-out when asked to provide a source. Hm.

I think that's because it seems you are here to enter into a debate or conflict. I have no interest in convincing you of anything. But your point on this thread seems to be to sow discord. And raise doubts about many accepted conspiracies. I find anyone who displays partisan loyalty in today's political climate suspect. I am sure you can understand how people on a conspiracy forum would be suspicious?

Why won't you provide one reputable source?


Because I don't use reputation of a source to judge facts. Nor will I step into a silly debate with u. Facts stand on their own regardless of who says them. People come to this sub all the time just like you. You use the same tactics, reputable sources? What do you consider a reputable source? Lead by example, show me a reputable source that team Clinton are honest and trustworthy career politicians. Except guess what? I don't believe sources. Lesson here use facts and learn to rely on your own judgement.

Because I don't use reputation of a source to judge facts.


What do you consider a reputable source?

You already claimed to know this. Do you not know?

show me a reputable source that team Clinton are honest and trustworthy career politicians.

Did I claim that?

I don't believe sources.

I know.

learn to rely on your own judgement.

Believe me, that's exactly what I've been doing during this conversation.

It seems Donald Trump may have sexually abused Ivanka when she was a child. There is something no right about that father / daughter relationship.

I was unsure of this conspiracy until I saw this video. Where Trump states that the strongest bond him and Ivanka share is sex. Not to mention the multitude of weird/creepy groping photos of Donald and Ivanka when she was a young teen.

Baron also exhibits similar signs of trauma that are common among children who have been sexually assaulted.

The above, coupled with Trumps unabashed support for a pedophile, Roy Moore, definitely makes this conspiracy worth investigating.

Lol. I am sure Trump has done a lot of creepy things but that video does not have him say they share a sex bond. Did you think people wouldn't watch it? Roy Moore could very well be a pedophile but it seems odd this is coming up now after what..30 or 40 years? Both sides are dirty but you seem to want to push your agenda.

you seem to want to push your agenda

Lol, good one. Didn't like getting called out?

Doesn't really bother me.

Good. Try to post accurate videos next time. Trump does a ton of creepy things that actually happened.

I didn't post any videos. Do you know who you're actually responding to?

You jumped in for your little butt buddy who posted fake vids. Try to keep up.

I don't know who you're talking about. Nice homophobia, though. Very mature.

It is obvious you don't know what is going on.

You're being homophobic for no reason?

Try to stay focused bud.

So that's a yes.

Let's talk about some conspiracies you think are true. Go ahead.

Nice try, NSA.

Oh man. You were entertaining. Thanks man.

Sorry to see you give up.

I was hard on you and being a dick. I didn't realize you stumbled into the conspiracy forum and your super liberal. You probably think conspiracy is just here to push a political agenda and I get that. That is how is seems to a lot of left leaning people. I think both political sides are retarded. Anyway, have a good day.

your super liberal.

Stay in school, kids.

Wow...Let's talk about some conspiracies you think are true. Go ahead.

My thoughts exactly!

Nice edit.


What are you talking about? Gender? Babies?

Did you reply to the wrong comment or are you just having a buzzword tantrum?

Lock her up!

Government propaganda.

Donald Trump is a rapist. for more info.

Fake News. A failing pile of garbage.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

“Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.”

Imitating a pedophile

  1. “You have to love people. And if you love people, such a big responsibility.” (AP)

You love a pedophile

  1. “A lot of good things are happening. Really good things. We're very proud of the job we've done.” (Washington Examiner)

I've destroyed you

Hmm, you realize you have been talking to a bot I set up with Javascript for the last half hour right? I created an array out of the top 100 Donald Trump quotes.

What a surprise, Trump supporter is a bot. Just like the rest.

  1. “But I don't want to set the 100 days as a standard.” (Washington Examiner)

Donald is a rapist

  1. “Have you seen the tremendous success? ... That's another thing that nobody talks about. Have you seen the tremendous success we've had in the Middle East with the ISIS?” (AP)

What? Did you actually watch it? That's EXACTLY what is shown in the video. It's actually impossible to miss.


Donald is a rapist

Off topic. Distract.. detract.. nice work!

Talking about Clinton is a distraction from Trump. Bill isn't president.

Doesn't make him any less of a rapist. Who says we can only talk about the president? You don't think MSM talks about him enough? Look at any main news station. It's all they talk about.. all day.. every day.

Because the president is a rapist.

Proof? No? Bye.


More accusers than Clinton has.

So what, you're just here to state that the president is more of a rapist than the Clinton family? How is that in any way relevant to the topic of this post?

How is former president Bill Clinton relevant in the midst of the scandal involving current president Trump's numerous accusers?

Do you believe trumps accusers?

Dude, you understand how threads work right? Different topics, different threads? You want to talk about Trump's accusers, go find a different thread and stop detracting from this one. You are off topic.

Do you believe trumps accusers?

Yes or no? Refusing to answer is saying no.

"But (insert x) isn't President"

This is the weakest, stupidest, fucking inane response I read on Reddit.


Old news, and Trump won. He's literally Hitler, and I'm shaking.... /s

So, you think it deserves looking into, or no?

Of course I do, did you missed the /s?!?

And let's not forget that John Podesta was William Clinton's Chief of Staff through all of that.

The whole czech mossad Maxwell operation needs looking into but it won't be because Israel has control of the elites.

I'm strictly asking whether we should look into the former President William Clinton and his time on the Lolita.

What do you think? Look into it? Or blow it off?

You have to investigate everything and everyone involved or it would just be a partisan shit show. It's the people still in the government being blackmailed that are the biggest threat to global security not an ex president. Although if evidence is found lock him up with the rest of them.

Folks are already being thrown to the wolves.

I think we should find out what Bill Clinton was doing on that plane 26 times.

Seems like you just don't like the Clintons. I'm not American and just want to know the truth. Both Trump and Clinton are balls deep in this blackmail scam. The Zionists have material on both.

Not at all. I'm trying to figure out how anyone could go forward and not want to figure out why the fuck Bill Clinton was on that plane so many times while John Podesta was his Chief of Staff..

we know damn well why.

Ought we not demand an investigation?

we ought!

Bill would rather have someone look into it..and blow it off.

Should probably investigate the current president who rode on the Lolita Express first. And who appointed the prosecutor who let Epstein get away with it all to his cabinet. Then we'll start looking at other presidents who were involved.

Trump is the only one that matters now.. Fitting now that Democrats are no longer in power.

Maybe you can explain and provide some proof.

The current President rode on the "Lolita Express" how many times?

Who was on the plane?

Where did he disembark?

Can you find the testimony to back what you have stated?

There's dozens of court cases detailing Trump's involvement, go look into them since you're so interested in finding out more.

Trump's a disgusting pedophile who raped little girls. Do some research on what went down at the Wexner Mansion, that was one of Trump's favorite hangouts.

Trump said Epstein and him were great pals and he had great taste for beautiful women, especially the young ones.

Trump has put millions of dollars into trying to make all the evidence go away and even hire people to say it didn't happen.

You are a liar. There are not dozens of court cases about Trump, lol. If I am wrong, please submit your own OP and we can discuss it, because that sounds horrible!

In the meantime, would you mind giving your input about the OP? Bill Clinton on the "Lolita Express" 26 times while John Podesta was either his Chief of Staff or his wife's campaign manager.

Anything to add?

In the

How naive of you to think that "millions$"would stop the huge machine of elite and media who are desperate to get trump arrested on anything. Trump is one billionaire, how does that work against the Rothschild, & the saudis, & Mossad & Busch family, of course there are many more enemies of trump and combined they are richer than the majority of the middle class. The term follow the evidence applies the trail leads to Clinton and from there you keep going. Is trump complicit? Without exposing and prosecuting Clinton it will simply be another ridiculous witch hunt just like the mueller investigation. You can't cherry pick evidence and choose suspects on political bias. Sorry criminal investigations are supposed to be unbiased.

another ridiculous witch hunt just like the mueller investigation.

I see.

lol a flagrant comment calling our president a child rapist with 37 points.. riiiiiight. Totally organic

Believe it or not, most of us are pretty keen on what the right wingers have tried to turn this into. They thought everyone was as simple as them, but turns out most people are actually much smarter.

Thank you!

Just because this isn't a fucking safe space like t_d doesn't mean that this isn't organic, /u/MusicMagi

Maybe, just maybe, this sub actually thinks Trump is a piece of shit.

Na. Regular users here know the problems of the world escalate much higher than the US presidency. Blaming Trump is a scapegoat and a narrow vision. In the last month or so is when all these anti-Trump comments started popping up. Trust me, it's not organic. Reddit has ways of making its agendas known, as we've seen.

In the last month or so is when all these anti-Trump comments started popping up.

Are you serious? My account alone is full of plenty of Trump bashing, in this sub, dating back to long before the election.

I don't know how often you're here, but this sub has been used to push partisan, political attacks since before the 2016 election.

In their defense, I don't think that it's a concerted effort. I find that people tend to "wake up" when the other side is in power, because it forces them to dig deeper and learn the hidden history. Just in the case of Trump, they've latched on to so many partisan conspiracy theories that they've lost sight of the fact that the left/right paradigm is an illusion, and instead they focus on all of the horrible things "liberals" have done while ignoring the identical actions of the GOP.

You may be right, but I personally don't think so. I've had my finger on the pulse of /new for some time and something manufactured seems to be going on in here.

Dude, please. We know exactly what's going on in /new. TD sits there and tries to suppress any negative article about trump. They also spam TD crossposts and shitty blogs and then upvote them.

We know exactly what's going on, and twisting that to fit your narrative isn't going to keep working.

LOL. What makes you think folks on TD give a fuck what's discussed on this sub? I don't have a narrative. I just observe and delineate, my friend.

I get it; we're supposed to think /r/conspiracy is /r/the_donald 2.0, but lately it's looking more like /r/politics based on the number of partisan anti-Trump posts. I miss the days where we talked about real conspiracies instead of the ones the media wants to push. Just my two cents.

We're not fucking idiots. Stop acting like we are. No one is buying it.

I'm not saying anyone's an idiot, which is why they know what I'm saying is not out of left field. Why are you getting defensive?

Because it's so obvious.

That you're an idiot?

If you're truly curious as to what's fishy, I think there are bots upvoting posts but ignoring comments.

There's plenty of posts that are heavily upvoted, but when you pop into the comments everyone attacking OP's partisan post are highly upvoted, while those defending are highly downvoted.

Yup. Exactly what I'm seeing

There seems to be a lot of "inorganic activity" in this thread.

Who here is blaming Trump for the problems of the world? We mostly mock T_D for thinking he actually cares.

The magic of having a box to put someone in, like "shill" or "astroturf", is that it means you don't ever have to listen to their points! You can interact with sane people and just calmly tune them out as you continue with your day.

Eh, I've been reading all the comments and discussing. What is clear to me is that an extraordinary number of people really seem to not want to talk about the OP as presented. They want to talk about Trump instead.

Maybe you can explain and provide some proof. The current President rode on the "Lolita Express" how many times? Who was on the plane? Where did he disembark? Can you find the testimony to back what you have stated?

Are you the Sphinx who can only speak in riddles? ...or do you legitimately have difficult stating your opinions because you're too insecure to just say what you want to say?

I've stated the facts elsewhere in the thread.

Next time skip the theatrics.

Maybe you should read the comment that I replied to. That is where the theatrics were set.

Epsteins connections need to be investigated without bias, it starts with Epstein and expands from their. Clinton supporters are too partisan to be objective and would prefer allowing a criminal who has a known history of abusing victims and a long kill list and distract with anything or anyone else.

beauty pageants

What the hell do you think those are for?

Not saying Trump is innocent, but there's a hell of a lot more smoke around the Clintons, whether in regard to Lolita or other things.

... maybe start looking for smoke machines

Trump told radio host Howard Stern in 2005 that he would often go into the dressing rooms while the contestants were naked, saying in the recordings that he could “sort of get away with things like that.”

Viewing naked women at a worldwide even you put on. 'I.E. Sexual Misconduct'


Going to an island owned by a notorious billionaire pedophile and allegedly having sexual relations with underage persons thanks to the availability of such persons on island. AKA Statutory rape.

Although if the relations occurred outside of an American jurisdiction then who's to say what's illegal, and what's not.

But honestly, why would you try and do this weak of a false equivelancy? I mean, it's the most fragile argument you could come up with, yet you have upvotes?

I think your patented response should just be some version of a 'grab em by the pussy' joke. It's a double-speared attack. Maybe even triple-speared. You get the reader thinking about the joke, the thought of trump actually grabbing pussy, then you get people thinking about white men in power. All in a few key strokes. Idk man I think you can do better.

But Trump reportedly made visits to the island too, so...

Actually, its public record that his name never appeared on the flight logs. I'm not defending Trump, I'm attacking the false equivalency you put forth. Trump and Epstein were friends, and I'm sure you can recite the Trump quote regarding Epstein as well as I can.

The facts we are left with are that Bill Clinton definitely was on that island. And that through Epsteins hearing, there was confirmation that Trumps name does not appear in anything incriminating regarding Epstein.

Everything you are saying is hear-say anyway so I don't know why I would think you'd be receptive to me setting the record straight.

I'm not saying they are equivalent. I wasn't giving an entire case history of scummy Trump stuff either. Other than Clinton going to the island everything else is conjecture too.

Are you trying to steal my point?

If thats what you think (it sounds like we mostly agree) then why did you come up with that false equivalency bullcrap in the begininng?

It was meant in regards to the context of the previous comment about "what pageants are for."

There is no winning in a morality contest between Trump and Bill Clinton.


I'm sorry you don't understand context.

Depends on who you ask. Some people it is a way to make money and gain fame, for others it is a way to objectify women. Owning a beauty pageant does not equal rape to me. Sorry if that is not what you are getting at. If solid evidence is exposed on any abuser hang em. But a political smear campaign because you are unhappy that your candidate lost is not part of the democratic processs. Evidence of rape is not owning a beauty pageant.

It's not a contest.

He's also known for importing beautiful young Slavic women for his modelling agency. :) Because that industry has never been prone to abuse.

Today epstein was a hot topic on twitter coincidentally.

Trump’s been accused of alot and he’s spent plenty of time with Epstein. You can’t exclude dotard trump.

I don't. But the evidence has pointed to podesta and alefantis. And many more. We don't have wiki leaks emails on trump so rather than spin our wheels and get distracted lets focus on facts. Simply being associated is not enough but it does shed light on where to look. Podesta matches eyewitness descriptions of maddie mcanns kidnappers. Add known associates, and pizza code words in his emails and canibalistic spirit cooking and a collection of child torture and rape art works.... well there is probable cause to conduct a deeper investigation. What is there on trump? Known associates. Still need more unfortunately for probable cause. If anyone finds more i would love to see it. I remain open minded predators, all predators including republican and democrats need to face justice. Yes? That goes for the podesta crew too.

From what I heard, he rode it once and it was heading to NY

That's correct, Trump used to fly down to Antigua on his private jet and then "sneak" to pedo Island via a secret network of rape boats (apparently Trump prefers to call them "golden yachts" but I don't know what that's about really, possibly to do with the golden bull).

This should have its own post. This is big.

It doesn't have its own post because it's made up

Are you sure? It sounds pretty believable, and it's too specific to be made up.

What about 'a secret network of rape boats' sounds believable to you?


You're right, this was debunked - he was just in Epsteins black book as a contact - he's not in the flight logs

The flights were debunked, but not the rape boats. Trump knew about the flight logs, so he took steps to bypass them. Boats don't have passenger logs.

Didn't know about this one, have you got a link to any 4chan posts or /r/conspiracy posts that I can look at please?

Here's the post where I read about it.

Jeez, thanks stranger :)

Is that reply a joke? You linked to a comment in the chain. A comment that entirely lacks evidence. I would like to see evidence of these claims too.

In the two hours since /u/55_55 posted that comment it has yet to be debunked. The burden of proof is on you, not him.

My post went from +35 to - 2 in about 3 minutes. Seems to have settled now.

Actually, the burden of proof is on the person who makes a claim, unless that claim in well-established. Shifting the burden of proof is a logical fallacy. I wouldn't call people shills either.

You're the one making the outrageous claim that trump doesn't use rapeboats to travel to pedo-island. This is well established by both /u/55_55 's comment, and the fact that the golden letter "T" that he puts on all his buildings is a well known code among boaT rapers. What proof do you have that he doesn't?

Do you have any evidence of this?

Some of it is being wiped but I managed to archive a little, there was a thread on 8chan some time last year but I'm afraid I can't locate the bookmark.

The Trump Princess (now named Kingdom 5 KR is a 86 meter (282 ft) motor yacht built at Benetti.

The Trump Princess was built in 1980 for Saudi Arabian arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi, who named her after his daughter Nabila Kashoggi. At that time, Nabila was the largest yacht in the world.

Adnan Kashoggi is a close confident of Trump's and has for many years profitted from the trafficking of sub saharan and Asian women into the Bahamas and wider USA.

Ok, so Trump has a yacht. Not surprising.

Was Kashoggi convicted of these crimes? Is there proof Trump was connected? Your second link didn't work for me

Check out

 Trump Princess 

And Trump sold the Trump Princess to, wait for it, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. That's why Trump had to rig the election, so he could take out bin Talal, because bin Talal had found evidence of his rapeboat parties. It's all starting to make sense now.

It's certainly related but just how, I don't know.

I found this story too. How can people deny that people are raping people on boats? It's right in front of their faces in the MSM. Denial isn't just a river in Morocco.

Chris Tucker

Didn't that lead to Epsteins banning from Trump properties?

I think that was the daughter of some high profile guest, not a worker.

It was a towel girl. Apparently her father flipped his lid and Epstein was banned.

Epstein is banned from Mar a lago as a result of this.

Super duper late to the party but wasn’t there a Law & Order episode on this..?

I mean there's no reason why we can't go after multiple suspects.

They actually did. You can find the court records online.

Trump never rode on Epstein's plane. Show the proof or shut the fuck up. The flight logs for Epstein's plane have been on the internet for years now and Trump wasn't on it.

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m

mad. You’re mad."

"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Who is a wife?



Not understanding your question. Please rephrase.

Just a question from "Q".

did he say it in a star trek episode?

STAR TREK, THE NEXT GENERATION The original series of Star Trek had lost money, but in September, 1987 a new series called Star Trek, The Next Generation was started with $1 million dollars budgeted for each of its 24 episodes. The episodes pushed the Illuminati's agenda in every show. People were being aroused to bombard Paramount with requests for a new Star Trek. Bob Justman who worked with Roddenberry said, "When I left Star Trek in 1968 it was a disaster. It was a failure as far as the network was concerned." That is because it didn't make money. Hollywood tells us it makes these movies because they are what the public want and that they have to go where the money is—the closer truth is that Hollywood makes movies that push an agenda—Hollywood makes movies that Hollywood wants to make. And since Star Trek was part of the NWO's mind-control, the show and it successors had to go on. How important is Star Trek? A witness has talked about Boeing workers sneaking off their jobs and hiding in the tunnels underneath the hugh Seattle Boeing plant so they could watch Star Trek shows. This enormous Boeing plant is used for rituals and mind-control. This Boeing building is enormous, for it is where they have assembly lines to build the hugh jets, like the 747s, 707s, etc. An extensive maze of tunnels lays underneath the main building, large enough to accommodate all the tens of thousands of workers on any shift. It is interesting who was associated with the production of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Script writers for the Next Generation had a Star Trek Bible to write from. These script writers included such persons as Alan Adler, Dennis Putnam Bailey, three Grays, Debra Mclntrye, Ronald Moore, Grant Rosenberg, Randee Russell, Bryan Stewart. These are common names within the llluminati. Coca-cola, an Uluminati-run corporation, was one of the major advertisers for Star Trek, and the god-man Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is a Star Trek fan, visited the cast of Star Trek in 1988 in Hollywood and got his picture taken with members of the cast. Probert who worked with Star Trek productions also worked with Walt Disney's Imagineering subsidiary.

and where is that quote from?

I neither believe in a christ or an anti-christ, don't blame god for what you people do. There are no saints here, only sinners. I'm not brain washed, but you drink another's words and only accept what reinforces a predetermined view and I see most everything. Open up your eyes and let the light in, or build an umbrella of conspiracy to keep in the shadows. Don Quixote will slay his dragon, but are sure you're not hallucinating?

Projection, your honor.

you're reading bad harry potter fan fiction. Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard. These days, Danny Masterson wishes he was Hyde, a malcontent instead of a cult member.

From the user who quotes Alice In Wonderland. This is gold! By the way, did you forget to take your meds today, honey?

I wasn't medicated from birth like most of you little pokemon junkies. Gotta collect em all! Obviously you've never read it like you claimed. Nothing in there about molesting kids, but Trump brags about seeing teenager titties at his little casino and rides on a lolita express and you're shining his shoes, use lots of spit and tongue, get in the cracks and lick it out pawn.

You mentioned Star Trek so I replied with a blip from a book about Star Trek.

Your agenda is showing.

I grew up watching star trek fuckface, you don't know what you're talking about. Just another bootlicker. Just following orders.

lmfao I'm printing this shit out to show my friends. I was called a creationist today! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

pseudoscience isn't science and even science is wrong half the time, so keep the faith superstitious monkey man, but when you stop dragging knuckles and stand upright, you'll see we've been before. It all comes full circle.

The Smithsonian, and friends, are responsible for destroying evidence of us being here before. If history can be wiped away, the people won't be able to trace their roots. Brilliant.

But I want to go back to me being a creationist. That was too fun. More please.

I smoke weed

You ever visit WA? I'll smoke you out and teach you some things.

Nope, never been. I don't need indoctrination. I don't join cults. My brain doesn't need a scrubbing. Go do shrooms and meet the universe and see what it says about your ideas. Life is but a dream, don't spend it chasing shadows. Cause on this row row row your boat ride, you all go over the falls.

You're having a very hard time putting me in a box to classify and then berate and insult me. Very hard. Awe cute!

Pedo In Wonderland by the dodgy Charles Dodgson who would've enjoyed himself a flight on the Lolita.

Leave him alone.

Umm, why??

Did you ever read the book? Cause if you haven't, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Guess you won't read this either then. If he's a pedo, then so are all you folks lusting after nickelodeon and disney kids. Back then people got married at 14, so all you folks can gossip, but your great grandpa probably popped out kids at 15.

Yes, I've read his book. Have you ever seen his Charles's photography book containing nude photographs of young Alice and friends?

Cause if you haven't, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Even the article you provided is inconclusive:

The nature of his relationships with Alice, with other girls and with women may never be established with certainty. But then, uncertainty is a consistent theme in the Alice books.

Exactly. Inconclusive. Shall we burn witches next?

The problem is, the Smithsonian is not any more reliable. They've been caught destroying historical evidence. Like I give a fuck what they have to say about a pedophile lol

You've signed up on the dumbshit express, might as well ride it to the end.

So is this what you're referring to?

So, this is you?

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

sorry dude bot.





Holy fuck my sides! aahahahahahahahahahaha

Gee, where does the money come from? Hmm!

Ever been there? Nope. No real world experience, just illuminati everywhere on every web page you read cause you're too busy reading weekly world news!

I'll show you my passport if you show me yours :)

Except I've come back from the island. You've chosen to stay there. Stare into the deadlights, but they stare back into you.

I bet you're fun at parties.

There are many more stories to the world, than baby jesus and the mother mary and evil satanists eating babies. Christianity and all these religions causing strife today were babies when older religions ruled the world, a layer painted upon layer upon layer.

We don't need giants and fairies, when there were many of walks of man walking on the same globe, but the stories entertain and sometimes twist fools into taking them literally. You're a bunch of savages, what can I expect, but you'll evolve or die, that's life.

Now I gotta go, cause there's more to life than arguing madness. Go down the rabbit hole Alice, but you're probably only going to find rabbit turds and bats with rabies.

Take your ball and go home.

So you're fine with signing on with a guy who's now openly against gays and his lapdog is coming after weed to make it fully illegal again except for the pharma companies and that's freedom to you, eh? You're a contradiction of contradictions.

I don't get it.

Follow the White Rabbit

Which one?

Because they looked into the crimes already and nailed Epstein and gave him a lax sentence.

You can't prove he did anything to underage females like no one can prove Trump who knew Epstein longer had anything to do with the underage females.

Trump knew Epstein "longer"? Longer than whom? And closer? Please tell.

That's the part you fixate on? Figures. Put your head back in the sand.

My post is about this blatant portion of US history that seems to be accepted or ignored by the populace. Do you not want to know what the Clinton relationship with Epstein was about- while he was President? And John Podesta was Chief of Staff?

Lemme guess.. You want to let that all go away..

I already answered that. Epstein was investigated and so were is actions and who he was with.

I said you can't prove Clinton fucked underage females. Like I can't prove what Trump means when he says Epstein is a lot of fun. They both him and Clinton certainly thought so but where's the evidence? This isn't a fascist nation no matter how badly you want it to be.

You're going off a Podesta accusation which also has no proof. There's not an official list of food code words, only symbols.

Lemme guess, you want the Trump connection of Epstein to go away and not Clinton. Right? I know I am.

My OP has nothing to do with whether Epstein was investigated. I'm wondering why Bill Clinton hasn't been investigated for his 26 trips on Epsteins private plane.

Absolutely, we can discuss Donald Trump's one time on the plane if you want, but make your own post about it.

I'm specifically asking about Bill Clinton's 26 times on the pedo plane.

And I just said... you don't have evidence of a crime and Epstein didn't give him up. So his connection to Epstein is in the same place as the current president.

Do you have the DNA evidence off his dick? Or are we going to investigate and jail for guilt by association?

Clinton has much more credible things to go after like the rapes he was accused of doing to adult females. Apparently Clinton wasn't a big enough of a star yet to land something consensual like Monica.

Can you get more disgusting?

I'm not talking about politics, I'm talking conspiracy. Is this nonsense something you are ok with, a President spending that much time with a industrial child trafficker? You don't think it should be looked in to? Especially because his Chief of Staff was also working for Obama and then for Hillary Clinton?

That sounds like a lot of years of debauchery.

Is this nonsense something you are ok with, a President spending that much time with a industrial child trafficker?

OMG the hypocrisy

As I'll say ONCE AGAIN. He was probably investigated with every single one of Epstein's associates when he was busted, but there's no evidence of anything other than him riding on a plane. For all you know he went to the island and drank mojito's all day with the nearest child 200 miles away.

Your linked photo. That was from thirty years ago at a public event?

Can we please discuss Bill Clinton traveling with Epstein on his private jet while being the fucking President???? That is what my OP is about.

Already did. Just because I won't circle jerk with you calling Clinton a pedo doesn't mean we weren't discussing.

What exactly do you want? An investigation? By who?

Why are you assuming that about Bill Clinton though? Why are you defaulting to innocence?

Well if you ask me Both Clinton and The Donald are chidl rapists. Still don't have any proof of either, just Epstein. Funny how two presidents are connected to Epstein, yet you all only want to talk about one being guilty.

Dude, this user once said that it was good trump spent time in teen beauty queen locker rooms because he was there to protect them from predators.

Found the exchange

Can you get more disgusting?

Is what I believe RecoveringGrace said to me. I remember listening to those talks on Howard Stern. He also says sick stuff about his daughter. Imagine defending something like that.

Imagine defending something like that.

I can’t. I work and have worked with too many children and adults who have been abused. I see it as a multigenerational issue as it affects victims’ core sense of self, intimate relationships, and ability to parent effectively.

I initially saw her as just an impassioned but politically biased person, rightfully disgusted by child abuse, but after that exchange I was really put off. There are some users that I wish were getting paid because to believe they truly have it that distorted is depressing and kind of scary.

That's the ultimate, "redpill". Understanding how many people get abused in their lifetimes and how they never see justice.

To me the worst part is when victims family’s don’t believe them, don’t go to the authorities, and sometimes even choose the abuser over the victim. It’s really sad.

Your restraint in that conversation was more than I think I could have managed. That person is fucking delusional. I am disgusted.

Thanks. I think it’s the best we can do, online at least. If I find myself actually angry talking to anonymous strangers, it’s time to take a break from the internet, haha.

I definitely agree with that! I'm just a very expressive person though, most of the time I just freely speak my mind without actually being angry. I'm a pretty difficult person to anger.

I think that particular convo just shocked me.

I feel you. I've felt that a little too often lately, things have been nonstop crazy.

I'm afraid I misinterpreted your previous comment.. I thought your "time to step away from the internet" comment was directed at me and my previous comment for some reason. So if my second comment seemed strange, that's why.

Sorry about that! I think when I start taking things too personally, it's my turn to step away from the internet! :)

Oh i didn’t interpret it negatively at all! No worries :)

I'm a little more worried about the current President selling the country to Russia one bribe at a time.

Why do you only want to talk about Clinton and not Trump?

We can talk about Trump in a different thread, can't we? This thread was intended to speak exactly about the topic in the title but it seems it is impossible. The "whataboutism" is hilarious.

Why can't we talk about Trump and his relationship to Epstein in this thread?

The OP is specifically about a former President that flew on the Lolita 26 times. What does that have to do with a person that wasn't President flying on the plane once? We know the facts about the flight. What we don't know is the facts about the 26 times Bill Clinton flew on Epsteins plane.

Yeah, and I agree that Clinton and Epstein relationship should be investigated. But, Trump is also the current president and there is evidence he used his services, but I never heard of him only using it just once.

So why do you only want us talking about Clinton using the pedophile service and not Trump? Using the service at least once is just as bad as 26 times.

Only reason why I think you don't want us to talk about Trump using pedophile services is because you don't actually care about the children, and are just using this as a partisan attack against only one side.

But Trump didn't "use services" on Epsteins plane. According to testimony, he hitched a ride to NY once. There were no other passengers except J and M Epstein. So, ok, we've talked about it. What else is there to say?

How do you know he didn't use his services?

Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”

Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once. Meanwhile, message pads from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004.

Back in 2010, Epstein admitted to “socializing” with Trump, but when a lawyer representing an under-aged victim of Epstein’s asked if he has “ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18,” Epstein curiously pled the Fifth

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump? A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir? Q. Have you socialized with him? A. Yes, sir. Q. Yes? A. Yes, sir. Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18? A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.

Virginia Roberts, an alleged victim of Epstein’s, "was recruited to perform a massage for Epstein while working as a $9-per-hour locker room attendant at Mar-A-Lago.”

I'm talking about the plane. What is so difficult to understand? My OP was clearly stated and I don't get why it is so impossible for some people to stick to the subject.

Again, why do you only want to talk about Clinton using his services and not Trump as well? Why didn't you even include Trump in your original post?

They are both clearly pedophiles but you only wan the focus only one politician and not the other, and as soon as Trump is mentioned you defend him or deflect.

I'm asking why that is the case?


No answer?

What proof do you have of Trump being close to Epstein at all? Theres plenty of concrete evidence that Bill and him were very, very close. Epstein co-founded the Clinton Foundation. Bill made 26 trips to his private island, shedding his secret service guards for a majority of them, they worked together on dozens of fundraisers and many parties. I could go on, but you cant without steeping so low as to defend the right to ask questions when concrete evidence shows a possible abuse of power. The evidence is there for Podesta too, what did he mean when he asked "what should i perform dominos on later, cheese or pasta?" Why would they want children to entertain them, specifically by them being in a hot tub? Who is Laura Silsby? Why did she work with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and claim 33 children she was caught trying to smuggle out of the country were orphans when most of them weren't? Whose 'Heavy Breathing'? What artwork would they use for their posters? What symbols are in their videos? Where would they perform? How did his single bullet go through several walls and exactly into the PC's hard drive exactly where any incriminating evidence would be?

Why are you a coward?

You biased fuck. Way to leave out the rest of the quote.

"It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Trump was outing right him right there in public. He did the same thing to Larry Silverstein after he bought the World Trade Center towers days before it was hit. He said "Larry is one of my good friends, I feel so bad for him because he just bought the lease to the trade center a few days ago"

Show me Trumps artwork, emails, instagram's of his employees posting about pedo/Satanism & then maybe you can compare him to podesta.

Other btfo

Lol saying someone is a bias fuck and yet you write a passionate and dumb response to defend him. No self awareness.

lol you're still a bias ridden fuck though

Lol talk about projection from the Trump crowd

I have stated on many occasions that I cannot stand Trump & a lot of what he stands for. At least I'm not enough of a coward to let bias corrupt me though.

Lol nice meme

no meme here, just you failing to have any sort of legitimate back and forth

Considering you don't even have an opinion on the thread... whose really the failure here. It's you, friend.

uh .. what ? don't think I would like to be friends with someone who defends pedophiles;sh=6c1e8790

I think you are to focused on Epstein rather than the operation that was started by Robert Maxwell (Czech/Ukrainian mossad) and then carried on by his daughter Ghislaine with her boyfriend Epstein. These animals recruited oligarchs and left leaning billionaires from the former Soviet Union using girls trafficked from the Czech Republic/ Ukraine. Donald Trump and his czech mossad wife Ivana assisted by setting up model agencies and pageants to help traffic young girls out of eastern Europe. (Later marrying one trafficked from Slovenia). Donald was in the game pre Epstein. Clinton came along later. Ties to Czechs and Israel is the key go after the traffickers first and the johns will follow.

So many down But they don't have an agenda, no they are looking for the truth. Pathetic.

Crazy, isn't it?

Nothing can be proven without an investigation. An investigation uncovers connections, bank transactions, witnesses, and victim. The issue is there is NO investigation. Why would you endorse not investigating?

The issue is there is NO investigation

is this actually true though? i'm not familiar with the epstein case, but did victims come forward? if none of the victims identified him as being involved, then what else is there to investigate?

Juanita Broaddrick came forward.

Yes, the FBI had many Epstein victims on record and willing to testify, and the FBI violated basic procedures even closing the case without first notifying the victims which apparently is a huge violation. The parents of the victims were also politically connected and wealthy and forced the Investigation which was conducted relunctantly and the judge also helped conceal the evidence. They settled the case and gave him immunity regarding the videos epstein had of powerful elites. It's a HUGE scandal. I am all for investigating and criminally prosecuting dems or republicans. Including Epstein and then his "close" associates and then spreads out. The FBI is in a lot of trouble right now and they seem to be the arm that cherry picks who they investigate for political withchunts. This also applies to how blacks get singled out for prosecution. It's important that justice is blind to status, color, gender. We all have a stake in non biased investigations.

It wasn't the FBI, it was the Florida state prosecutor.

A man by the name of Alexander Acosta.

If that name sounds familiar to you, it's because Trump appointed him to his cabinet.

Weird and swampy.

Too much cognitive dissonance, they won't hear you.

Then Wikipedia is lying? Actually it was a female investigator who emailed epsteins defense and recommended they file in a different jurisdiction to reduce public attention and scrutiny. I won't disagree about Acosta at all. But there is more to the story and supposedly Acosta was forced by the Florida governor Jen bush to shut down the investigation.

I am always sad when I encounter someone who ptioritizzes a political smear campaign over the truth.

Because they are so desperately partisan they'd accept children being raped than lose an argument in order to virtue signal.

There are more (R)'s not running for re-election than (D)'s. Each one stepping down needs a complete and full investigation.

Moore is the current target, and if concrete proof hits he was the pedo as shown, lock him up. But, just like the innocent child rapist Pedosta, he's an innocent child rapist until proven a guilty child rapist.

Do you know what probable cause is ? There has to be some evidence for probable cause. Not running for reelection is not evidence of a crime nor is it probable cause. Do you realize that by acting illogical and hysterical you discredit yourself? Please try to be logical. I still wonder why you endorse not investigating.

Nothing can be proven without an investigation.

“they looked into the crimes already“ = investigation

Since when is investigators emailing the defense on personal emails and actively working to suppress and Stifle material facts an objective investigation?

Hey was Trump (great whataboutism btw) on flight manafests of the Lolita Express with Kevin Spacy?

Because rapin' Bill Clinton was.

Trump called him a guy who is a lot of fun. I wonder what kind of fun they had.

So the bar you've set for rapin' Bill is evidence that would lead to a conviction but the bar for our current president is some offhand comment he made one time?

So, like, I'M NOT CALLING YOU A SHILL but do you see why some people might? How do you settle those double standards with your gods?

No I don't. Considering Trump would hire PR firms to defend him and call others shills for pointing out his predatory behavior.

Want an answer to the thread question? Because Donald is a part of it so they won't investigate. He was buddy buddy with Clinton.

No I don't.

It's because the bar you set for Bill (a democrat) is "was he convicted in a court of law?" and the bar you set for Donald is "did he say this thing one time?"

That's a more severe double standard than the test to join the army for men and women.

Obviously you didn't read the rest of the thread. You've fixated on defending the POTUS and calling me a shill.

Please. PLEASE answer the question.

Why are the bars so different?

I didn't set any bars. You can't even read can you?

I said both of them could be child rapists but we have proof of neither, just a connection to Epstein. Like 50 times in this thread.

OP's question:

Can someone please explain to me why it is not worth investigating a past President riding on the Lolita Express 26 times.

Your answer:

Because they looked into the crimes already and nailed Epstein and gave him a lax sentence.

So did you just avoid talking about Bill completely and I missed it?

Oh do you have the DNA off of Clinton's dick that he fucked underage females on that island? Or naw?


I require airtight legally admissible evidence to entertain the idea that Bill Clinton was a child molester, but DID YOU HEAR what that TRUMP MOTHERFUCKER said that one time?! Who could assume he's innocent after that shit?!

What. Is wrong with you.

More Trump defense hysteria. Proof that Clinton raped little girls or naw?


You don't see why people think you're being disingenuous.


So no evidence? Just a feeling?

You don't see how ridiculous you're being?

But Trump, definitely that guy. The Russia thing too, is absolutely true. Totally.

No insanity there, because fuck that Trump guy.

All these trumpers talk about draining the swamp though. One of the reasons I believe the whole pedogate thing won't be blown wide open is because Trump is just as guilty as the rest of the elite.

OMG go back politics you leftist CTR shariablue troll bot, Donald dindu nuffin, he's a good boy, he's a good boy, he gonna MAGA, woo yeah git er done, Hillary is going to prison bois. Now watch this obviously paid troll shill astroturfer shariablue CTR bot cry his liberal cuck tears as he clearly can't even, literally just can't even the amount of winning we are! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

He's been here 7 years you've been here 13 days man

Whoosh. Fucking eh, here it is again. People in this sub don't get sarcasm. It's really a strange phenomenon among the users here. One user explained it to me that it's something that afflicts people that don't have interaction with people. That makes sense.

I'm the biggest sarcastic bastard on the planet so I'd agree with the no interaction part.

The entire time I was writing that I was thinking "should I add an /s? Naaaah, I mean no one would think I'm being serious... Right?"

But I guess context is meaningless to some.

Ha, I did not know that. Makes sense. I did make a rude joke a few days ago about the level of autism required to post here must make it impossible to understand sarcasm.

Makes them terrifiangly easy to troll. Maybe the anti vaxxers are right about autism considering how easy it seems to manipulate people now a days. I could create an elaborate LARP about how I'm an agent related to Hillary and I've got inside dirt and if you follow me I'll give you BIG REVEALS and oh my God im scaring myself with the possibilities. I mean just look at the stupid Q anon shit, he literally just says vague shit like

Look to the sky

What is sky

Question all

44=33. The 33 of the degree

Who graduated?

Find the goal, find the gold

Duetoronomy 2:33, god speed brothers

Just random shit but people like u/lightbringerflex don't realize they are being trolled by some kids and buy it all up.

2 days... lol

To me, it seems fairly obvious that he was never invited to the inner circles of the wealthy elites. He has always had to buy his way in. He was not welcomed by New York real estate, the Florida country clubbers, and now he is not welcomed by the Washington pedos. The elites, for decades, just invited him to events for donations and talked shit behind his back. Look what happened when he ran for President. All the people that used to want him at their dinner parties and next to them in pictures are all of a sudden his #1 enemies, attacking his character, insisting they were never friends. He has heard the gossip and knows what people are up to. Looks like he is getting the last laugh now.

Never invited to the inner circles of the wealthy elites! Keep fighting the power, Trump!!! Er, wait a minute, I found these . . .

Trump with Clintons and Guilliani and Bloomberg

Trump with Epstein

Oh dang, again?

Oh you mean the trump that owns modelling agencies that get girls as young as 12 into the country? Naw, he is clean.

Oh dam watch out this guy has pictures of them posted together, clearly they're guilty /s.... Fuckin idiot

To me, it seems fairly obvious that he was never invited to the inner circles of the wealthy elites.

Really? That should be easy to prove/disprove...looking at the net worth of his friends should show us that Trump hangs out with middle class and poor people.

Oh wait. All his friends are millionaires.

Well, not his friends since he doesn't have any. His "associates."

Funny little tidbit about that- did you know that Epstein's staff testified that when Trump accepted an invitation to dine at Epstein's mansion, he refused to eat at the table? He instead ate in the kitchen with the cooks.

No he's not. You guys are so brainwashed into hating him it's sad.

Trump flew there once and didn't even leave the plane.

Clinton flew there 26 times. You guys are pathetic

im actually impartial. i want him to do good and drain the swamp. just waiting to see it actually happen

Downvoted for posting facts. Unreal.

Don't worry OP. There's obviously bot shills in here. R/conspiracy hasn't been the same since Nov 8 2016. Shareblue owns Reddit now

The whole post was a bit of an experiment. My hypothesis held true.

Your comment presented the shillblue armada with quite a quandry. Do they upvote for the plug that says they are winning, or downvote for the reality of the content?

I had to save this post to.view it, it kept going to a reddit sucks post. Weird shit

What about the current president who rode on the Lolita express?

he didnt ride on the lolita express? he was in epsteins little black book tho

that's "whataboutitsm", so your argument is invalid.

How about we investigate the current POTUS about his rides on the Lolita express first. We'll deal a former POTUS later.

Why just Clinton? Don't forget the rapist Trump too.

Or the current president for that matter.

bill gets to get away with it since trump did it a few times too

it is, but people have a way of dying early when investigating the clintons, so there’s that.

and from investigating trumps too

Cause you won't find anything if you are not looking for it.

And while you're at it, explain why some many conservatives support Roy Moore and Donald Trump (both sexual predators).

Why is it that victims of republican "rapists" always wait 40 years, until the person is running for office as a republican and has won their primary, to come forward?

Trump has been battling sexual assault charges for decades. In 1997, he settled a suit concerning "sexual assault, including attempted rape".

Because it will destroy the RINO gridlock and Trump will pass everything he wants.

So they will overlook the pedofilia for their "political greater good".

But, as much as I hate the innocent child rapist John Pedosta, he's still an innocent child rapist until proven a guilty child rapist. So to does the same Standard apply to Moore here.

I agree We also have to get to the bottom of what the current president of the US knew and what he did on that plane to teenage girls.

As far as I know, and according to testimony, Trump was on the plane one time and the only other passengers were Mark and Jeffery Epstien. He didn't deplane at the island with the Epstiens- he flew on to NY.

Do you know anything beyond that?

Probably because Trump will be caught in the investigation as well.

No, but can you explain to my why you use this sub to push your partisan attacks?

If you really cared about children, or about what Epstein had done, you would have included Trump in your title.

But this isn't about children or pedos, this is just you hiding behind a question to push a point of view.

Epstein claimed he started the Clinton foundation. Get out of here with this bullshit false equivalence

Trump got sued by a chick claiming he raped her while she was underaged at one of Epstein's parties. His name shows up in Epstein's little black book. He's on the record talking about Epstein's parties and his taste for younger women. Why blind yourself to either side's wrongdoings?

I'm taking it you aren't aware of everything that's happened with Trump regarding the Epstein case. Because if you were, you would know the attorney who was going after Epstein called Trump and after discussing matters of the case with him determined it wasn't necessary to call him again. In my mind that indicates Trump's innocence regarding this whole matter.

There's no "bullshit false equivalence". That would be if I tried to make light of Clinton's connections while accusing Trump.

What I pointed out is that OP is jumping on the Epstein bandwagon, but only to attack one side of the political spectrum. In other words, OP doesn't care about the children Epstein abused or allowed to be abused, he only wants to trash WJC.

I'm seriously curious why so many people aren't demanding to know why Clinton was on that plane 26 times. It has nothing to do with political parties- I'm a libertarian.

This isn't my opinion, but I'm answering your question: it's because he's irrelevant.

Over and above the fact that we should all care more about the actions of those in power, because they currently have influence, the Bill Clinton saga was hashed out for years.

It's akin to the DNC robbing the primaries for Hillary. There were so many partisan attacks against her that any legitimate criticism was lumped in to one big attack in the minds of her supporters. Once the MSM claims a few times that the DNC story is bullshit, most people assume that it's been debunked.

Similarly, Clinton's sexual escapades were the subject of years of reporting. To those that remember Ken Starr's investigation, they probably feel as though the accusations against Clinton have been examined and deemed false.

But again, the main reason is because Trump is in power, and Clinton is not. Same reason why people talked about Obama's war crimes during his time (droning US citizens without due process), but had stopped talking about Cheney and Bush's war crimes, which were objectively worse by orders of magnitude.

See, I don't think it makes sense to just say, "eh, whatever, he's irrelevant." Do we only care about investigating those that are currently in office? What about uncovering past corruption and the system that allowed it to happen? Do you not worry that we are doomed to repeat the past? Do you think people should get away with crimes if they got away with it and happen to not be President any longer?

Again, I'm pointing out what I believe the popular opinion is, but not my own.

The other thing to consider is that you need to take a step back. Take the news, for example. The cable news networks draw a couple of million people at best. Even if the total viewer is 10 million who regularly pay attention, that's still a very small portion of the voting population.

I mention this because there are very few people who actually pay attention to what's going on on a daily basis. Within that group you already have people that are emotionally charged, either because they want to support their politician, or to attack the other side. This alone is enough to explain why most people don't care about things that are in the past.

To further compound the issue, the current administration is generating significant news stories on a daily basis. If it weren't hard enough for the average citizen to keep up before, it's gotten a lot harder still.

With all of the obstacles stopping the citizenry from caring about the issues of the day, it's no wonder people have no energy and/or desire to tackle issues that are decades old.

Lastly, insert divisive, partisan politics. While both sides of TBTB are busy collecting donations from the exact same companies, the electorate is made to believe that it's "left vs. right", despite the fact that ~80% of people agree on most social and political issues. It's hard to care about real crimes when you've been led to believe that they are, in fact, partisan lies.

Even if the total viewer is 10 million who regularly pay attention, that's still a very small portion of the voting population.

I mention this because there are very few people who actually pay attention to what's going on on a daily basis.

Totally, and anyone relying on cable networks as their primary source of information is probably LESS informed than people who are ignorant of an issue; at least they have an open mind.

Lolita Express is something that should be examined more closely.

Air F*ck One as well.

Two words. National Security.

This sub has become way too partisan it’s so annoying. I just want to talk about aliens, 9/11, JFK, and other conspiracies. /

I think a former President riding on a convicted pedophiles plane 26 times is of the same magnitude of JFKs assassination.

Yes but it begs the question as whether or not you're completely forgetting that Trump has also been directly accused of pedophilia in the rape of a 14 year old girl. All I'm saying is this sub has become pro Trump.

People bring up those accusations all the time. There is nothing pro-Trump about wanting to discuss Clinton riding on the Lolita Express, often ditching Secret Service, 26 times.

Wow.. a whole lot of "but what about Trump??" in this thread.. telling.

He is the current president, is friends with Epstein, ran a modeling agency and pageants, has multiple accusations of rape (one from his ex-wife). So yeah you are going to hear some "what about Trump" because he currently holds a position of power.

Only in the last month and never in specific threads on the topic. I've only seen them when people start bad-mouthing the Clintons

I don't support the Clintons, I would support an investigation. I think we should investigate the people who are currently in power first though.

Ok but what if that takes 4 years and he's out of office. Should we stop? We all know that people of power seem to be good at.. stalling

I don't see why we would stop an ongoing investigation, I also don't see this investigation lasting 4 years.

And the very people saying "What about Trump!" are the first to throw "whataboutism!" at you the second you even think about bringing up Clinton.

I need to see a USMC JAG please. I'll be at the bar later.

Bill Clinton is implicated with Epstein, and so is Trump. They should both be investigated.

I'm pretty sure Trump was investigated and cleared.

Where did you even see this? Trump has denied allegations and reached settlements in lawsuits, but nothing was ever investigated.

He was subpoenaed during the Epstein investigation and was cleared. It is also in testimony.

Yes he was subpoenaed for his involvement in Epstein's case, who was the one being investigated and found guilty (Trump and his lawyers deny the subpoena). Worth noting Epstein's outrageously light punishment:

Trump’s nominee for labor secretary, former Miami U.S. attorney Alexander Acosta, whose Senate confirmation hearing began Wednesday morning, cut a non-prosecution deal with Epstein a decade ago rather than pursuing a federal indictment that Acosta’s staff had advocated.

Other facts: * Epstein admitted to knowing Trump under oath, and curiously pled the fifth to Trump attending sex parties with underage girls. * At least one of Epstein’s underage sex victims was recruited from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago — which he frequented often. * Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once * Trump quote: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." * Trump was named in Epstein’s “little black book.”

There are so many connections between Trump and Epstein, that you have to be incredibly ignorant to ignore them. Same for Clinton.

I'm fully aware of all those things, but it is not the subject of my OP. I am specifically wondering about the 26 times the former President was on the Lolita Express.

Sure, absolutely worth expressing concern over. But Trump is the current POTUS, which carries a lot more weight. Bottom line, my point is that there shouldn't be anything partisan about this. Both Trump and Clinton are very likely guilty of nefarious activity involving Epstein.

Btw, Trump and his lawyers don't deny that there was a subpoena, they only maintain that Trump willingly volunteered to questioning before he was served. I've yet to see a denial that there was a subpoena. Do you have anything to back your claim up?

Trump's president, he won, he has control of the DOJ and can prosecute the Clintons. He's not prosecuting anyone in D.C. though.

Instead of draining the swamp, we're giving billions to globalists.


These things are instant, you're aware of that? For example, we recently found out the DOJ has been investigating the FBI. So there is stuff being done, unfortunately, it takes time. Specially when trying to take down some of the most powerful people in America.

Trump openly called for prosecuting her before the election.

Then he backtracked:

So, now despite all evidence of his backtracking. He's hiding it after being as transparent as he can be and saying she'll be in jail when he's President on national televised debates?

The DOJ is investigating the FBI in regard to the handling of the Clinton email probe. That's them attempting to do exactly what you're talking about.

Yea they're talking about it somewhat now. Trump revived some talk of Clinton only after the heat fired up on his administration.

He's still not going after her. Why discuss mishandling of the case by the FBI only, and not Clinton herself? The emails and FBI handling of it isn't the only criminal charge that can be brought against Clinton. This is obvious from everyone watching Fox.

She murdered people, rigged the primaries, etc. All arguments against her by Trump and the right-wing media.


But we'll investigate the FBI?? What happened to draining the swamp??

Your source even says Trump tweeted:

"Bernie Sanders supporters have every right to be apoplectic of the complete theft of the Dem primary by Crooked Hillary!"

But I guess investigations are only worth it when it deflects from what his administration is doing.

Actual justice and arresting Clinton hasn't been a priority, or they'd be investigating her and not the FBI.

First off, you said my source? What in the absolute world are you talking about? I didn't post a link to any source.

Secondly, things still have to be handled by following the correct legal process. They know there's evidence that she's guilty with the email probe, without a doubt. So they know for sure they can get her on that. They can't charge her on a closed investigation, so they have to get the investigation reopened. That happens by showing it was handled incorrectly the first time.

You only get one attempt to prosecute a high power individual like HRC, that attempt has to count.

Sorry you're right not your source. I was reading a different article and hadn't had my coffee yet.

Do you have any inkling of proof he is investigating Clinton after explicitly saying he's not going to go after her?

You keep asserting a connection to Clinton even though Trump said he's explicitly not going after her.

I'm surprised this sub became so uncritically accepting of mainstream government and stopped questioning everything. Anytime Trump does something wrong it's "all part of the plan".

I guess I shouldn't be that surprised when all the brainwashed T_D brigaders came here.

It's literally everywhere. Iirc it was even at the top of this sub when it first came out.

Also, what's the point in bashing? I raised a counter argument to your statement with facts and you start to birade with name calling and stupid shit. Completely pointless and adds no worth to the discussion. That's not the point of this sub...

I asked for sources and made a counter-argument.

I've repeatedly asked for evidence for your counter-claims. I am willing to be persuaded.

I'm just shocked that this sub has become so uncritically accepting of the government.

When it's our guy in charge, things are okay.

Source or evidence please.

The reason the media doesn't bring it up is because it would also bring up the names of many other powerful people in politics and entertainment who they want to protect. Plus it wouldn't go anywhere. There's no direct evidence of anything. Everyone already knows Trump is a womanizer.

Because the Deep State leadership is untouchable. They get their evidence destroyed by FBI and have special investigations/treatment.

Think of all of the things that Trump brought up about the Clintons during the election, and the things he continues to bring up about them as president. Now consider that one of the most damning things Trump could have brought up is Clinton's association with Epstein. Now ask yourself why Trump wouldn't have brought that up, and continues not to bring it up.

Maybe he didn't bring it up because he was planning on bringing on Acosta- the one guy that has has seen all the evidence, even that which was inadmissible.

You mean the Acosta who gave Epstein a sweetheart deal whereby he was sentenced to a year in prison where he was let out on work release to his mansion every single day of the sentence? The Acosta who agreed with Epstein's defense to not tell the victims about the deal until after it was made public? The Acosta who chose not to charge Epstein with obstruction of justice after he "convinced" one of the victims not to testify? It's amazing to me that Trump picks the guy who let Epstein off easy and your response is to twist it so somehow this is Trump using 3D chess to coral the Clintons. Even if we allow your premise, it fails because a) Acosta is there now and Trump is still silent, and b) Acosta is the Labor Secretary . . . not a criminal prosecutor.

Here's some things people said about Acosta's deal with Epstein:

"Acosta is pretending the failure to prosecute was routine, But that’s bullshit. What happened here was completely and totally out of the main. Prosecutors wanted badly to prosecute this guy because he was an unrepentant perpetrator and child molester who was not going to stop absent significant incarceration. That Acosta overruled his prosecutors and didn’t notify the victims cannot be justified." - Kenneth Starr, hardly a Clinton fan

"I think it is absolutely appalling that he gave Jeffrey Epstein such a sweet deal in light of the number of accusers that were out there, I think it should disqualify him for any other government job. If you don’t take the sexual exploitation of minors seriously, you don’t have the fundamental decency to be working for us.” - Attorney for one of Epstein's victims

“That wasn’t an appropriate resolution of this matter . . . the charges leveled against Epstein were very minor, compared with what the facts called for. . . . justice had not been served." - Michael Reiter, Palm Beach County Police Chief who investigated the case and later testified in a civil case against Acosta.

What does any of that have to do with the theory that Trump didn't bring up the Clinton/Epstein connection during the election because he was planning on bringing Acosta on because of all he knows?

I have absolutely zero answers to give. It would be completely worth it to investigate everyone visiting a child trafficker, even if one of those people was a homeless man.

On the show Breaking Bad, the DEA did a better job doing the crackdown looking for meth than our government does with any investigation.

The insanity is amazing, it's astounding, it's awe-inspiring, the mind almost doesn't know how to deal with blatant stupidity/evil/apathy/brainwashing.

Man, you really blew the shill dog whistle with this post. You'd think they'd try harder to seem organic.

He is a Democrat

Magick is the manifestation of ones' Will into Reality. It doesn't need a spiritual basis, but the fact of the matter is that the Elites believe this, which is what is important. Doesn't matter if it's "real" or not.

The MSM coined it that. Try going on an MSM site and calling it that, now, though.

It just gets hard man...everything...but I appreciate the kind words. Of all nights, tonight I needed's one to you.

Where da wabbit hoes doooo?

grimmoire = grammar. spell = spelling of words. propaganda is magic. it makes me do things for free

Trump has been battling sexual assault charges for decades. In 1997, he settled a suit concerning "sexual assault, including attempted rape".

In the two hours since /u/55_55 posted that comment it has yet to be debunked. The burden of proof is on you, not him.

You think I'm a lot more important than I do.

I appreciate the flattery, but I'm just a regular dude.

Some people believe in Xenu, too. Believing in magic is like believing in Scientology.

Even if the total viewer is 10 million who regularly pay attention, that's still a very small portion of the voting population.

I mention this because there are very few people who actually pay attention to what's going on on a daily basis.

Totally, and anyone relying on cable networks as their primary source of information is probably LESS informed than people who are ignorant of an issue; at least they have an open mind.

If that's what you have to tell yourself.

I think a former President riding on a convicted pedophiles plane 26 times is of the same magnitude of JFKs assassination.

You mean the Acosta who gave Epstein a sweetheart deal whereby he was sentenced to a year in prison where he was let out on work release to his mansion every single day of the sentence? The Acosta who agreed with Epstein's defense to not tell the victims about the deal until after it was made public? The Acosta who chose not to charge Epstein with obstruction of justice after he "convinced" one of the victims not to testify? It's amazing to me that Trump picks the guy who let Epstein off easy and your response is to twist it so somehow this is Trump using 3D chess to coral the Clintons. Even if we allow your premise, it fails because a) Acosta is there now and Trump is still silent, and b) Acosta is the Labor Secretary . . . not a criminal prosecutor.

Here's some things people said about Acosta's deal with Epstein:

"Acosta is pretending the failure to prosecute was routine, But that’s bullshit. What happened here was completely and totally out of the main. Prosecutors wanted badly to prosecute this guy because he was an unrepentant perpetrator and child molester who was not going to stop absent significant incarceration. That Acosta overruled his prosecutors and didn’t notify the victims cannot be justified." - Kenneth Starr, hardly a Clinton fan

"I think it is absolutely appalling that he gave Jeffrey Epstein such a sweet deal in light of the number of accusers that were out there, I think it should disqualify him for any other government job. If you don’t take the sexual exploitation of minors seriously, you don’t have the fundamental decency to be working for us.” - Attorney for one of Epstein's victims

“That wasn’t an appropriate resolution of this matter . . . the charges leveled against Epstein were very minor, compared with what the facts called for. . . . justice had not been served." - Michael Reiter, Palm Beach County Police Chief who investigated the case and later testified in a civil case against Acosta.

Imitating a pedophile

Imitating a pedophile

Do you know what probable cause is ? There has to be some evidence for probable cause. Not running for reelection is not evidence of a crime nor is it probable cause. Do you realize that by acting illogical and hysterical you discredit yourself? Please try to be logical. I still wonder why you endorse not investigating.

I've destroyed you

Donald is a rapist

uh .. what ? don't think I would like to be friends with someone who defends pedophiles;sh=6c1e8790

I wasn't medicated from birth like most of you little pokemon junkies. Gotta collect em all! Obviously you've never read it like you claimed. Nothing in there about molesting kids, but Trump brags about seeing teenager titties at his little casino and rides on a lolita express and you're shining his shoes, use lots of spit and tongue, get in the cracks and lick it out pawn.

Except I've come back from the island. You've chosen to stay there. Stare into the deadlights, but they stare back into you.