Trump's strange speech

111  2017-12-06 by 81308130

During his announcement today he was talking through his teeth often, even slurring the words "United States of America."

Am I the only one that noticed the distinct change in speech today?


No, the chans are lit up with it. The thought even passed my mind he was poisoned for a second. I was waiting for him to slump over at the end. Something was off for sure.

Why would they poison their own puppet?

It's very easy to poison anyone.

Those are just shills trying to distract from the monumental decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital in Israel. Also, it seems like his bottom denture is popping loose in the last few minutes of his speech.

I thought it was no big deal because Congress was behind it for decades now.

Nothing to see, just a small stroke

Or someone is using some sort of tech or chemical to fuck with him.

This is what people will believe if he has a stroke. Will they blame Dems or Republicans?

They will believe it's the establishment, which has both Democratic and Republican members.

Or maybe the fact that he's incredibly overweight and old, which probably isn't doing his body any favors?

No, it's much more plausible that someone is messing with him, because nothing is ever Trump's fault, right?

My Grandmother is 85 and she's sharper, more conscious and full of life than all her kids and grandchildren, and almost everyone I know.

Is she as grossly fat as Trump?

He's pretty fat. He's been fatter before in his life.

And Nothing in the same ballpark as someone like Chris Christie tho.

And Nothing in the same ballpark as someone like Chris Christie tho.

That's great, but nobody was talking about him. Is it possible for you to say something negative about Trump without saying something worse about someone else to make it seem like Trump isn't so bad?

I would just consider him regular fat.

I used the comparison only because I don't think he looks extremely fat. I just don't think the adverb extremely fits.

Well Christie isn't 71 years old with a family history of Alzheimer's and a bizarre doctor who obviously lied about his health. He also doesn't have the crushing stress of an investigation closing down around him.

You sound like you have an agenda.

Have I said anything untrue about either Trump or Christie? I'll make my bias know, I hate Trump, but did I lie?

Trump is 71, his father had Alzheimer's which is genetic. Trump also showed America a letter from a quack doctor that just said he was the healthiest man to ever run for President, which doesn't even sound like a statement a doctor would make.

Severely overweight yes, way more that "drumpf is done by new years"

He's gotta be grossly unhealthy, perhaps the stress is seeping into his brain.

I dunno, hes got enough money to have some secret shit only rich people have. Like Magic Johnson. Gets HIV in like 1991 and still doesnt have AIDS in 2017.... yeah okay. Theres something there the general public doesnt know about.

I hope it was the weight of knowing what he did today.


More like the weight of his dementia medication

draining the swamp

Lol bullshit

Just to confirm, pandering to AIPAC is what passes for draining the swamp now?

Fucktards just spew slogans, don't expect them to know what they mean

When they said "draining the swamp", they were probably referring to the thousands of mysterious sealed indictments and the law enforcement activity in DC earlier today. We don't know what law enforcement was doing and we don't know who those indictments are for or why, but theories seem to be that those thousands of indictments are for corrupt politicians or something. That's probably what they meant rather than the Jerusalem capital thing I assume you're referring to by mentioning AIPAC.

I hope it was the weight of knowing what he did today.

Maybe, but it could be worse, much worse.

He's been showing symptoms of Chronic Zionide Poisoning since before the election.

Seems like dry mouth and a tight jaw. He could be having anxiety attacks or some of that pharma grade blow.

edit: CIA-grade

CIA-grade is still brick powder. Some rock stars like the Rolling Stones actually used to get pharmaceutical liquid cocaine and put it in their noses with long q-tips.

When I took a drugs class as an undergrad the price for pharma cocaine was 12 bucks an ounce. It'd be like 2k on the street. OK stuff is like 1200.

Sounds like his tongue was getting in the way when he closed saying God Bless the United States

The last minute was a full on slur fest.

His Brain literally exploded from reading. Any script over 140 Characters is like an over blossomed growth on a brain tumor.

So I watched the last minute and a half. I liked his closing statement, where he blessed Israel and the Palestinians. I didn't think his speech was so slurred it was super noticeable, sounded like Trump's funny accent to me.

If you haven't noticed, certain people are obsessed with ragging on Trump at every opportunity, real or imagined. They don't exactly try to hide their bias.

If you didn't catch the slurring then you weren't paying attention. You can argue the cause of it all you like, but it's super super obvious in the video.

I didn't really deny the slurring, just said it wasn't that big a deal. Sounded to me like he didn't know the speech that well, and was trying to keep up with the prompt and do his typical emphasis and hand gestures at the same time. It was pretty amusing.

It sounded unlike any speech he's made before, noticeably so. Then the White House blamed it on dry mouth, which doesn't make shense.

He said "United shits" thats what I heard anyway.

Sounds like a teeth problem to me.


It seemed like his mouth was refusing to cooperate with him, less of something fumbling in his mouth.

Could be dentures or his tongue was swelling up from allergies or nerves. I think dry mouth though. Not uncommon during public speaking, and we have seen him need to take a break and drink water before while speaking.

Can we agree that dry mouth does not cause you to speak through your teeth though?

I agree that it is very odd. We did not see any of this sort of thing during the campaign. - Lower dentures yes. They're almost falling out while he's speaking and he's trying to suck them back in or adjust them with his lower lips.

Nice, zoomed in too. I've never considered Trump wearing dentures before. I still think his significant change in enunciation is large enough to make me think that some health event has/is occurring and effecting his speaking ability. Thank you for that link!

Around 10 second mark

No? To me it looks like his mouth can't decide whether its got an over bite or an under bite.

too much coke. but at least hes not doing that thing with his nose this time

Wow... good catch. Dentures for sure. You can even see into his mouth where his real teeth end and the dentures start.

It almost looks like a rap video with Trump freestyling and Pence in the background going "yeea boii, you got served". Someone dub in some gangsta rap.

This looks like that facial recognition technology where you could talk for someone else in the video. It's been a while since I seen it posted. But his mouth does not match his face. It looks like cgi from another mouth.

I think it's strange he doesn't have implant dentures because he can definitely afford them. Then you never have to worry about them falling out.

He could afford a decent toupee too but for some reason he doesn't go for it.

That's actually his own hair, as terrible as it is.

Trump definitely can't afford implants. Those things are like 30 grand.

Yeah, I don’t think someone who has filed for bankruptcy several times could afford to throw around 30k.

Try closer to around $50k for an upper and lower. If you need a sinus lift, tack on several thousand more. I can't tell if this is sarcasm but a dude worth $3.1 billion dollars can afford fixed dentures.

Being worth money and having money are not the same thing.

Can not stress how important that fact is.

Doesn't really matter. Pretty sure presidential healthcare would cover something like that.

Definitely seems really odd.

If his dentures slipped out while he was talking then he would never be able to live it down. I imagine he tried to minimize the risk of then falling out because he's seen videos on YouTube of dentures slipping out, I saw a hilarious leader of it happening to some speaker guy in India.

I don't see anything loose. It seems very unlike Trump to not simply purchase and install something permanent. He painstakingly avoids humiliation and this kind of thing can be humiliating as fuck.

Trump needs a set of dentures with his portrait on each of the teeth. Better yet, a light activated video so when he opens his mouth each of his tooth portraits smile.

Damn. If his dentures had fallen out on live television I would have pissed myself. Plus, he’d never live that one down. Has he never heard of Super PoliGrip?

It looks to me like he’s got something in his mouth, tucked against his left cheek.

He could just have a cold and he has a Sucrets in his mouth. Those things are strong enough to numb your tongue.

But why would anyone in their right mind give an address to the world with shit in their mouth, sick or not

Right mind?

We’re talking about Donald Trump here.

because he has dementia.

Trump has a habit of doing dumb things, he's cultivated a public persona as a blunt, stupid jerk. In the grand scheme, giving a speech with a lozenge in his mouth is not that bad at all, assuming that's what caused what you're talking about.

A 70 year old who’s at least 100 lbs over weight doing even a little coke seems like his heart would explode. But who knows.

If you type 'Trump Slurring Speech' into Google it comes up with dozens of news sites that noticed aswell.

Lol. Even if it is just dentures, I am 2/5 a bottle of JD Honey whiskey deep and I literally just said out loud alone/// "the fuck is this guy president for? Waving his hand around like some Beyonce dance extra..

I mean he does eat two big Macs and two filet o fish.

How could anyone eat fish from McDonald’s.

It’s delicious. Best thing on their menu.

I am sad for you.

Well, ya know.. Don’t knock it till ya try it. I’m not saying it’s a 5 Star fish sandwich, but it’s the only thing I’ll order from McDonald’s.

Fish. From McDonalds. Sad.

You. Talking down to someone for liking what they like. Sadder.

This is obviously a play on Trump's old tweets

woah hold on dude what're you gonna tell me next the sky is blue?


So it is a gateway drug...

Weed, the gateway to fish

Well, Phish, certainly.

Their tartar sauce is the best

Yessss.. The fish is so, so minced alaskan pollock, but that tartar sauce is da bomb. I haven't found another kind that I've enjoyed as much as theirs.

How likely is it that McDick's is funding a shill army that responds to mentions of the corporation?

They have a point. The only thing worth ordering at McD's are Fish Sandwiches and breakfast burritos.

Don't forget the fries

Those soggy strips of fried rubber?

When they're fresh they're good

Always ask for no salt.

Highly possible. McDonalds is an international corporation with big money. Pretty much any company has shills now-a-days. It can range from just one or two people working as their social media coordinator, or a whole division of PR and damage control like Monsanto.

Never been called a shill for anything before, so it’s quite funny to me being accused of being a shill for McDonalds because I said their fish sandwich is good. First time for everything I suppose.

And a Russian, too. ;)

You, sir, have no taste in food. Stop eating poison.

It's beautiful that's why.

How can anyone eat anything from McPoison?

Honestly doesn't anyone else think politicians use xanax or drink alcohol before speeches?

It's probably pretty nerve wracking to have to lie and play a character in front of millions of eyes as a politician. I'm sure they're all fucking pillheads and drunks, like John Boehner. Hell, even obama smoked ciggarettes and probably popped benzo's before his state of the union addresses...

great post you rattled some trump supporters lol

Lol apparently!

There's only 1 reply to his post other than yours

If anything they would use beta blockers, not BZDs

Shit I would

He's the president. He can do what the fuck he wants. For evidence, see Trump doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Don't forget his Chocolate Malted.

Man, I honestly am kind of looking forward to seeing Trump go the full 8 years. It's going to be extremely interesting to see what he looks like afterwards.

I noticed the on the speech where he went for the drink of water that all the MSM freaked about. He seems like has some serious cotton mouth. Maybe him and sessions are sparking doobs in the boys room :)

Now this is a theory i can get into.

If you wanna go the drug route, amphetamines cause it as well and there's been rumours about it before.

That would explain all the late night tweets.

And the weird things he was doing with his mouth and tongue (although I'm new here and haven't been watching his speeches. Meth is just where my mind immediately went, after having a history with it myself)

Was addicted to meth for years, these are definitely methy mannerisms.

I don't understand how people believe Trump actually writes his own tweets.

Because it sounds just like when he talks off the cuff.

off the cuff

You mean the talking points that are obviously given to him by his advisers?

Lol. He goes off those talking points so often its ridiculous. You can literally see his chief of staff facepalming and grimacing at times.

This, I would guess adderal.

It would hardly be the first time a guy who made a lot of money in New York in the 80's used stimulants.

He was wired as fuck during at least one of the Hillary debates, especially the first one I think. It was surreal to watch. Everyone I know that's done much drugs was pretty sure coke or meth was involved.

Something was definitely fucked up with him. I thought he might have something in his mouth like others have suggested, but that doesn't really make sense to me. Either he was jawing hard or some kind of mind control/high tech fuckery was going on.

I think he gets dry mouth. This happened in his last speech as well. If you remember, they made a big deal about him drinking Fiji water lol.

Because he made fun of Rubio for his dry mouth. lol

If you remember that was a "sign that he's going after Hillary".

He looked alert and animated. Maybe he was heaving a tooth ache. At his age I would expect some dental problems.

There are two Trumps, blue tie Trump, and red tie Trump.

Pay attention!

You, sir, are a genius. Upvote from me.

Expand please

Red tie trump is when he speaks to his base. He knows they'll eat up anything he says, theres no filter - just rhetoric and fake promises. Twitter Trump is mostly red tie trump

Blue tie trump is when hes actually playing at president. He knows hes gonna be scrutinized and his cult members arent there to all blindly cheer and follow.

Red tie Trump is seemingly more authentic and less abridged by the Trump filter standard compared to blue tie Trump who is seemingly the political White house president Trump that has to fill the illusion of the presidency and politics.

The divide and conquer partisanship fluff that is pervasive in both camps is an artificial intelligence neural network that exists in both camps technological and spiritual, and provides distraction as well as immersion from the breakaway civilization[s] which have stolen/subverted trillions of dollars worth of wealth and has used hidden technologies within the last century but occult knowledge for millennia.

Akin to saying Trump like your common celebrity has been cloned, is managed and protected like such, and there is much more taking place on the surface of earth that meets the eye.

the man is clearly very capable, rather he believes it or not, he seems to make some good moves, hes either got some good intuition or divine intervention

I don’t believe in the devil, so it’s not the latter.

Well, he's driven, I don't think anybody can argue with that.

Eh thats too generous. I dont think Trump ever really wanted to be president, he just wanted the publicity and now hes in over his head. He cant handle the criticism, the same kind he constantly dished out to Obama. Thats why he spends so much time shitposting and golfing to get away from his real job.

I whole heartedly disagree. He's been talking about running for president/office for years, publicly, but has never done it. He's doing it because this country has been overrun by the establishment and seperated from the heart of the American people and middle class. He handles the criticism very well, half of what you hear on tv 24/7 is trump bashing. Frankly I'd be worried if he didn't respond to it. Obama can't handle the criticism , nobody ever criticizes him, and if they do they're black balled . Trump doesn't spend much time at all golfing, and he plays because he loves to and he's good, he's entitled to a little leisure time, and he also has important meetings and builds relationships on the golf course.

Oh come on. He wanted to lose. A loss meant he'd get another 4 years of bashing the president and getting those Twitter followers, living the easy life in his tacky gold penthouse. He's not some establishment savior, hes just another rich douche trying to get his.

You don't strike me as a very deep thinker.

No I just call it like I see it.

you see what you want to see

They are the same trump!!!

Just did a quick video search, this impeccably true. Rallies he's wearing a red tie, press conferences, speech at UN he's wearing blue.

They probably think it's very clever that they have him wear the more passive blue when speaking to everyone, but like Obama speaking with that fake ass southern accent it's completely transparent.

To be fair it is just a tie vs an accent...

Red tie trump is Catholic Christian. Blue is zionist Talmudic Judaic.

There is also red hat trump and white hat trump. One was for when he’s in a bad mood

Was his left eye drooping?

He's got that Weinstein eye.

He does say "United Shhchates of America" at the end. I voted Trump. Somebody in the youtube comments says its cocaine because it makes your mouth dry and your jaw clenched. Wouldn't surprise me. Rich people love cocaine.

Poor people love it too... I just don't have the money to do it everyday.

Trump despise alcohol and drugs, its probably related to his teeth in my opinion.

Despises alcohol.

Trump despise alcohol and drugs

According to Trump.

His brother's death was largely in part to alcoholism. Wouldn't be surprised if the guy really didn't drink. Reminds me more of Adderall.

Donald Trump hosted wild parties with sex, cocaine and underage models: report

I think the dentures explanation is the most likely. They are not exactly uncommon at his age.

It's his teeth. Dentures most likely.


Yes. I’ve seen it before. But this is was the worst example. Something is up. We need a medical opinion on this. Might be mini-stroke?

His signature today was fucked up too, dentures don't make you write like this:

Here's a comparison shot from the beginning of the year. It's definitely a way sloppier signature.

And the sloppier one is written on what appears to be a larger piece of paper. He could have tried to make his signature bigger to fill the space. But really, who knows.

Stroke or Parkinson’s or poison.

I thought he looked drugged.

I did notice. Maybe he needed a few to drink to make this troll announcement, it's going to be interesting to see how Israel's muslim friends react in the Arab world.

Isn’t it common knowledge that he doesn’t consume alcohol?

It's because the lizardman that replaced him is young and still learning human speech


Polygrip is coming loose.

I know this will probably come off as unpopular here but I've been thinking Trump could have dementia to some degree. I've watched alot of my grandpa descend into it and a lot of what I've read about Trump's personal habits seem to suggest something there.

He’s 71 years old and fat. Most overweight men his age start having serious health issues in their early 60’s, at least...

Obesity may increase adults' risk for having dementia. Obesity increases the risk of dementia in general by 42 percent, Alzheimer's by 80 percent and vascular dementia by 73 percent.

My grandma makes some of those noises when her dentures move, I think, because she's afraid they will fall out.

My vote goes to coke. He sniffs a lot, has a dry mouth, slurs and babbles. Plus he is a rich white businessman who doesnt drink alcohol but stays up late, doesnt sleep much etc.

Not indicting him, because frankly idc, but yeah that has cocaine written all over it.

Yes, a person who doesnt even drink or smoke is a coke addict. Hit the nail on the head bud

Lol this was mostly in jest.

Its a common thing where I doubt all of them are joking

He doesn't look drunk. He looks like he's on coke.

Betablockers and a mild amphetamine

Betablockers make you very calm. They are frequently used for speech anxiety.

Source: I've taken betablockers.

Black people dont do cocaine

You’d think that from the way the US locks them up differently to white people yeh. Now thats a conspiracy for ya.

I was mocking this morons comment that he had to claim only WHITE successful people apprently do cocaine

And where does it say that?

The centuries of conspiracies against black folks is completely ignored in this sub.

I read awhile back that one of Trumps former campaign members claimed Trump is in the early stages of dementia and they are trying to keep it quiet. If this is true, that would explain some of this behavior.

Nonsense. Trump is perfectly normal and healthy. Who pays you pieces of scum to invent these phony conspiracy theories against the President? Give up

I was actually driving to work listening on the radio, thought this might be worth discussion.

I think he’s being poisoned from within, slowly. Once the tax cuts are signed into law, I can see the establishment trying to get rid of Him really quickly

It's his lower dentures. His lips are trying to keep them in his mouth because they're almost falling out.

Porcelain veneers don't shift around like dentures.

Are you saying a billionaire can't afford quality dental implants?

Too much fluoride for him.

Trump has Xerostomia. People with Alzheimer's are at higher risk for dry mouth. They tend to not drink enough water. Some medication can dry out the mouth as well.

Wont be a stroke. Hes in far too good of shape.

Can someone explain to me what the significance is of today's announcement about Israel? How does naming Jerusalem the capital affect the area?

East Jerusalem is recognized as occupied territory. To accept Israel's claim to Jerusalem is to ignore the Palestinians claim (backed by nearly every country in the world) to East Jerusalem

So is he basically telling Palestine to fuck off?

Yes, and siding with the occupiers

Disinfo shills want you to chase this herring instead of questioning the move of the capital.

Maybe it's him just eating junk food everyday at his age


he was talking about the terrorists they still support when he said reconsidering old assumptions, he or should i say Israel wants the US to go to war against Assad

Sounded to me like he was sick with a cold or something

Looks like the Russians hacked his mouth.

Mike Pence is telepathically controlling him!

The Gay-electro-shock therapist time travelling mind control christian mastermind is at it again!!!

His dipshit son was being grilled by the senate at the same time. Maybe he was anxious about him saying something stupid.

LOL! His mouth was dry, dipshit. If you ever get out of your mom's basement and have to make a public speech of any length of time, you'd understand. What a fucking idiot.

Exactly, who the fuck makes fun of someone for dry mouth while giving an important speech to millions?

it's yet another genius trick.

Go ahead, make fun of him while he stands under a portrait of George Washington, for wearing dentures.

Go crazy dems, say he has Alzheimer's. Say he had a stroke. Make fun of his dentures. I'm sure that will play over well with the elderly mid term electorate. All of those theories are easily dispelled with some good speeches and performances by Trump. Meanwhile the dems will be tarnished as the petty scumbags who attacked a President for wearing dentures, something George Washington himself is famous for doing.

You guys sure came together quick and coordinated with the "dentures" explanation. Almost like this was all planned or something.

the dems will be tarnished as the petty scumbags who attacked a President for wearing dentures, something George Washington himself is famous for doing.

So THATS why Washington is famous. TIL.

Stroke, stroke, stroke

I know what’s wrong with him, Trump is a low energy beta-cuck. I’ve seen the symptoms, definitely a valid diagnosis, believe me, I’m a doctor.

Well, ya know.. Don’t knock it till ya try it. I’m not saying it’s a 5 Star fish sandwich, but it’s the only thing I’ll order from McDonald’s.

Can we agree that dry mouth does not cause you to speak through your teeth though?

East Jerusalem is recognized as occupied territory. To accept Israel's claim to Jerusalem is to ignore the Palestinians claim (backed by nearly every country in the world) to East Jerusalem