What's the significance behind Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel capital?

21  2017-12-08 by amateurrocketbuilder

What's the significance behind this move? What's the historical significance? Is there anything biblical about this?

What's the real motive behind this? Someone redpill me please.



It's just another excuse for Islamic Extremists to yell "Allahu Akbar".

Startling ignorance.

So startling.

Also for democrats who were for it 20 years ago to freak out and be against it now...

Trumps gonna start WW3 just to please a few zionists that backed his election.

Why is it different now than it was 20 years ago when they passed this?

Jerusalem Embassy Act.

Never said it was.

Nobody was claiming the start of WW3 back then, why are you claiming it now?

Because they are moving the embassy now

So what? It was part of the bill. It should have been moves 18 years ago. Again, it wasn't a problem then, why now?

Why ask again when i already answered. I wasn't following 18 years ago it's not really relevant to me. The embassy is moving now.

So if they moved the embassy before Trump everything would be fine?

No it's a fucking stupid thing to do.

Instant downvotes. Good way to be.

It has been used as a negotiating carrot by presidents for 20 years to get Israel to the table. Now one of the carrots is gone.

Question is what he got for the carrot imo.

I heard it is significant because Jerusalem is still contested between the Israelis and Muslims. I read months ago that the NWO globalists want Jerusalem to be their world capital. I guess it is were Lucifer is supposed to sit on his throne to rule the Earth.

I heard it is significant because Jerusalem is still contested between the Israelis and Muslims

This is the only guess we had in my house - that it would solidify Jerusalem as belonging to Israel for good.

This is the biggest geopolitical news since 9/11 and will prove to be bigger in the days ahead.

This is speculation on my part but here goes: World peace is what the headlines will declare because there is no feud deeper and longer running than the Hebrews and Arabs. Therefore this announcement and change will force the hands of both parties to the negotiating table. Not yet but it is coming. For now people will rail on this policy, etc but it will cause a forward movement to the peace process. I don't think the peace will last but this will cause forward progress in the negotiations. The Arab world will capitulate part of the Temple Mount for the Jews to rebuild their temple. For a time all will be well but cracks in the peace will start showing and then the dam will burst and an all out war will take place. According to biblical prophecy... I'm not a bible scholar but my understanding is Russia, Iran and probably china will go to an all out war at some point with Israel, and Jerusalem is the focus point of it all.
If you look at the power of the middle eastern (Arab) countries it's because of oil and I imagine Israel will find some oil too and break the Russian/ Arab oil reserve domination which could cause them to align to attack Israel. It could be a proxy war with the US since Israel is the main ally of The United States in the region. Regardless we know Iran and Israel have bad blood and have been at war... Iran using hezbollah as their fighting force for now.

As a precursor to this and probably due to a series of events- war? Plague? Alien invasion? There will be a one world government power rise up that will basically force the hand of the peace process and get the ball rolling to however my speculative scenario plays out.

Take my scenario or leave it, regardless, Jerusalem will start to dominate the news and focus of the world in the days to come... this could be days, months or years away but Jerusalem will become a flash point for all the world at some point.

Interesting. I need to spend some time researching this, but there are several other topics I am looking at. It is interesting that Putin approves of this move, so I am really not sure of what to make of it. I know that Putin and Russia are threats to the NWO globalist agenda. I believe you are right. It will get interesting.

They want control over the temple mount bc supposedly when you rebuild there it's an indication that the apocalypse will begin. Guess thats why they don't care about tax cuts or health care right?

Yes, I was thinking it is related to something like that. I wonder if Trump made some sort of deal with the Israelis. Trump better get information about all the fuckery going on. I know that the Israelis know...

It’s another illegal land grab by the Jews occupying Palestine, this time with the US president’s signature on it.

Instead of just supplies and funds...

I spent a whole day reading about the Foundation Stone, Well of Souls. The brutal Jewish wars against the Romans which resulted in them being banned from Jerusalem. It's pretty interesting stuff. That area has been a focus of the world for a long time.

Jerusalem is home to a half million Arabs. The Temple Mount is home to an Arab religious complex. Jerusalem was "taken over" by the Israeli military in 1967 an to avoid outrage they spared these two things. But Israelis want Jerusalem. It's their spiritual capital. 2,000 years ago. So what they have to do is incrementally take over Jerusalem. This kind of thing is a increment. They couldn't move the embassy until the West Bank security barrier was built. This is all incremental. Plans to do this are at least 20 years old. They actually have a portion of the Al Aqsa Mosque partitioned off for Israeli soldiers. They just wait and wait and gradually they're able to make these place bigger and bigger and eventually theirs. Extremely passive aggressive. Really ugly stuff.

So now, if anything happens to the new American embassy, (which their will) then Israel can use it as an excuse to start dealig with the hundreds of thousands of Arabs in East Jerusalem.

Why does an American embassy move to Jerusalem, an Israeli city, make the Arabs so mad?

Are they angry because they now that they have to fight US too in a war to get back Jerusalem. I don’t know the end times scenario in Islamic faith but don’t some of them believe in waging war on Israel again?

Why should Americans want those type of people to take over anything? The historical scoreboard for them isn’t to great.. It sounds like they are in a very hard situation after losing the war in 1967. After losing wars, the winning side usually gets to set the rules of the treaty and then force the losing side into signing it. That’s just how it works and a sad fact of life..

Israel is definitely not helping I’m sure.. but I don’t think Palestine is doing all the best either with a final solution not yet in sight.

The people that are offending are descended from Holocaust survivors ( i.e. not from the Middle East). How's that for a scoreboard? They're a non middle eastern people with nuclear weapons destroying all of their neighbors through sneaky subterfuging plots. They need to push more than a quarter million people out of their homes in East Jerusalem. If they can do that to Palestinians, they can do that to anybody and that's not going to happen. If Israelis had their way the entire planet would be a police checkpoint. That's not going to happen. We nail Israel to the wall for their shit now or we'll have an unnatural situation later.

3rd most important city to Islam, number 1 to Christianity and Judaism.

As mentioned by others, the Bible references re-construction of the Jewish Temple (#3) on the “mount” where Temple #2 used to exist (Romans torched it AD 77, as Jesus predicted), and presently a grand mosque sits. Prior to Mohammed’s death/ascension, Muslims prayed toward Jerusalem.

I think if Trump was really smart. (Unlikely perhaps) He'd build his new embassy half in Jewish jerusalem and half in Palestinian Jerusalem. Right between them. Hold their hands like petulant children and told to get on with their brother. Come together, right now, over Me!

This is import because the Bible says that the Third Temple will be built during the Tribulations on the same location as the First Temple of Solomon and the Second Temple of Herod which archeologists believe is on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Prophecy says in order for the Third Temple to be built the Ark of the Covenant has to be recovered. At first, the Antichrist will show himself and then 3 1/2 yrs later, Christ will return. Check out this article about the Ark of the Convent being in Yemen.


Nobody was claiming the start of WW3 back then, why are you claiming it now?

I heard it is significant because Jerusalem is still contested between the Israelis and Muslims

This is the only guess we had in my house - that it would solidify Jerusalem as belonging to Israel for good.

They want control over the temple mount bc supposedly when you rebuild there it's an indication that the apocalypse will begin. Guess thats why they don't care about tax cuts or health care right?