Is the biggest conspiracy of all that no one actually hates the Jews?

2  2017-12-08 by [deleted]



You must be new here.

What an average thing to say

No, it means that if you hang around here long enough you'll see that there are people that hate the Jews.

Like bots? And state powers that benefit from pretending people hate the Jews?

I guess all the evil Palestinians don't have internet...

So any and all anti-Jew content is fake? There's nobody in the world that would dare voice their unpopular opinion here?

All anti-semitism is false. It is not possible to hate a Jewish person: Fact.


How is it not possible to hate Jews?

How can a person hate fresh air and cool water? Same principle. Jews are Truth and beauty.


Can we stop talking about Jews?

What attack?

The attack to make conspiracy theorists look like we hate jews dude...

You know this is part of their MO.

Did I say everyone here hates the Jew?

No, I said that if you hang around here long enough you'll see there are people that hate the Jews.

I said that because its true.

you'll see there are people that hate the Jews.

Thats fake. You made that claim. Why?

I made that claim because it's true.

Even the Daily Stormer listed this sub as a 'fertile ground' for recruitment.

Stop promoting Jewish hate on this sub

What are you talking about.

You're assisting Jewish hate if you pretend it doesn't exist.

I've never experienced it, and I'm 50.

your garbage

Still not anti-semitism, because I'm not Jewish.

Good for you

No. I wish I was one of the chosen ones, and I'm not.


Well that settles it then. Wrap it up, 2 month old account has never seen Jew hate on this sub.

Or anywhere else, that's right. Implanted memories.

What attack?

What attack?

Sure, you guys aren't coordinated...

Nah I just did that to mess with you. I saw 2 people say the same thing so I followed suit. lol.

I'm pretty sure to are full of shit. Or ignorant.

This post is retarded....


No one hates the Jews. Period.

That is an ignorant point of view. Ever heard of a dude named Adolf Hitler? I'm pretty sure that guy hated Jews.

And the backlash was so great, now everyone in the world either loves them or just doesn't even think about them.

What the fuck is your point? What great conspiracy are you failing to reveal? Try harder.

10/10 nice troll caught there

Who the fuck are these idiots on this formerly legitimate sub?

I don't even believe YOU hate the Jews. Without a doubt, you're faking it.

I don't hate anyone unless they fucking piss me off. I think I might be starting to hate a Jew. You just destroyed your own argument by being a dumbass.


We've got an autistic self hating Jew over here folks. Stop shit-posting on this goddamn sub.

You seem brainwashed. Just an observation ...

I've never been treated with anti-semitism. I'm 50 and it's never happened to me. So where's all this supposed "hatred" that never happens?

You seem to be asking for hatred...

You protest too much. Liars always do.

I guess the mods removed my comment. Take your ignorance elsewhere. You are not welcome here. Not because you are Jewish, but because you are a shit posting dumbass.

Yet again, I meet someone who doesn't hate Jews, proving my point further. Told you so.

I might start hating Jews just because of this retarded post.

Zing! You clobbered that one, Danny! Kapow!

Go shove your month old account up your ass. People like you are ruining this sub.

I once sat on an elephant and fed him some hay.

I'm done.

No shit, stupid

People hate Jews alright, others hate religion, for some it's money (banks), certain others ethnic cleansing, whatever the crime you can be sure a politically fueled religious doctrine is in violation of most if not all of the above.

People are people. Some are good. Some are bad.

some just do bad things in ignorance but are overall good. Life can't just be there are good people there are bad people. Because people have the ability to change.

I don't HATE anyone as long they are kind and don't hurt anyone/anything.

Ahy are you so focused on the religion?

I'm not focused on them; that's the point. It's 2017. People care about Jews to the same extent they care about gays. They don't give a shit, in my experience. This is the most I've ever talked about them...

Lots of people hate other people.

Plenty of conservatives hate blacks, gays, Muslims, Catholics, 7th day adventists, etc and so on. Judaism is just one other religion some people don't like. Why single them out here in your question?

I would venture to say more people in the US hate muslims than any other religious group.

Shit post

I'll play devil's advocate here. I think the conspiracy could be calling people anti-Semitic just for mentioning Israel or the corrupt sect of Zionism.

How is it a conspiracy when the hatred among nations vs. Jews is not only well documented, but well, reality. Have you ever been to Israel? I have. You should see the security they have. You can see the building rebuilt from suicide attacks. You can see building devoted by mortar fire. Somebody hates then.

Have you travelled throughout the Middle East? I have. Immigration in those countries won't let you in if you have Israel stamps in your passport.

Have you ever watched interviews from leaders of muslim nations speaking about Israelis / Jews? They hate them with every sole of their body and enact legislation that is antisemitic. Have you wanted people around the world rioting in the streets due to their hatred of Jews and the Israeli state?

I applaud you for promoting controversial questions and questioning the status quo, but there is far too much documented evidence and too many millions of people who demonstrate their hatred for it to be a conspiracy.

It's like a Mandela Effect with everyone suddenly remembering history and current events as anti-semitic. You're just wrong. Totally. No one hates the Jews.

"My greatest joy is inconveniencing others. Whether I'm taking my time ordering a bunch of shit at the drive-thru and then canceling it all for a water and some sugar packets, or staring blankly at people until they say something and then I let 'em have it, or destroying the self-esteem of the children I seem to have had along the way, being an impediment to others' movement forwards is my fundamental reason for living." Okay...

Just spend 10 minutes on /pol/

Shit posters like this OP

Truth is,

These shit posters have a lack-luster post-history of being trollish and annoying.


The progressive left uses tactics like this kind of shit-posting to sow discourse about antisemitism, in the hopes it will emerge as proof of such, in an attempt to shut down subs.

When ever you see some dumb ass, "the joooz" post, without any reference to context or content, consider it a means to garner 'casus belli' against the forum.

I see you have not visited recently. That place is turning into a serious racist anti-Semitic shit-hole.

So you're saying Russia has been active lately in the PR game, in other words.

Why do you assume I'm saying it's Russia?

It can't be anti-semites, because no one hates Jewish people, so there has to be the geopolitical motive by America's enemies, seeking to destroy our special brotherhood with Israel. It's not hate; it's a tactic nations play against each other.

Eeeerrrr, not in this sub I think!? Although hate seems portrayed on more than just head here. Ignorance is everywhere.

Yet again, I meet someone who doesn't hate Jews, proving my point further. Told you so.

Stop promoting Jewish hate on this sub

So you're saying Russia has been active lately in the PR game, in other words.