How did Paul Ryan get to be Speaker? One of the few “Republicans” who get financial support (compensation) from GeorgeSoros?

65  2017-12-08 by CivilianConsumer

How do the rest of the GOP allow this? I’m disappointed they allow guys like Ryan, Mcconnell, and McCain to monkeywrench their entire platform.


Paul Ryan has been an rising star for many years, he was a failed VP and this cemented his position as a roadblock for Democrats.

Speaker gainz

I'm so conflicted by how much I dislike Paul Ryan and how attractive I find him.

Really? I just dry-heaved. Attractive? I hadn't thought of his being anything remotely attractive, barely human.

I can't help myself. I'd climb him like a tree and then never call him back

Well, you go for it. Leave him an emotional wreck.

That's my Forte

Break up his marriage also, and destroy his relationship with his kids.

Ok this will take a little more time, preperation, and a strategically timed phone call.

Start a gofundme. I'll pitch in for some new Choos if you can make this happen.

I don't need anything like that. lol

Just let me be myself.

You probably need glasses.

I wear glasses and my lenses are as thick as a coke bottle

He actually did not want the speaker position. Many republicans convinced him to.

Interesting I did not know this.

I remember watching him respond to reporters questions and him telling them they are rumors he is not running for speaker. There were also rumors at that same time other politicians were really pushing for him to run. About a week or two later one senator said if he runs he will be unanimously voted in. A few days later he announced he would run.

Not sure why you have Republican in quotation marks. Paul Ryan is as Republican as they come.

take your upvote...he sure is.

Nah. Conservatives are taking back the Republican Party from the Susan Collins/ John McCain and eventually Speaker Ryan/ Senate leader McConnel.

I am a libertarian. If the Republicans could shake off the yoke of neo-conservatism, it would be better for all of us. If the Democratic party would go back to being liberal instead of leftists, that would help, also.

When you used Republican and Ryan in the same sentence, I felt assured you had meant phoney Republican, not real.

Ryan, McCain, Collins and McConnel are the worst of the worst, as bad as Pelosi, Kaine, Schumer and Warren on the left.


Trying to fund DACA in the tax cut bill kinda says otherwise.

Yeah wtf is up with him I don’t get this move

Its a move to either get DEMs on board or GOP get to point the finger at the DEMs for not supporting DACA something they claim to support.

Reagan did things that made DACA seem conservative. Being anti-DACA is not a requirement to be a republican.

No he’s not he’s 100% for completely open borders, exactly what Soros wants and pays him for.

He is like a slimy version of Kermit the frog.

Two wings on the wretched beast of American Illusion.

All star wrestling at this level needs its heels and refs.

I’m surprised you don’t remember it. Boehner was the speaker, but the tea party caucus forced him out. Boehner resigns but the rest of the house couldn’t center on any specific person that was running for the position. I think it was down to two people and everyone had a reason for hating either one of them. They were just very weak. Then they tried asking Paul Ryan to run, who was very well respected at the time by the house. He really didn’t want to run because he wanted to run for President and it’s hard to do that when you were speaker. But they practically begged him to run and he eventually did, and he was voted in by very large margins.

Trump has taken 100s of millions from Soros.

Some of any sources:

So has kushner and Ivanka:

Conway is a personal friend of Soros.

This Soros shit is dumb. Soros pays whoever has power. It gives him influence. Lots of billionaires do this. It's not a leftist thing.

Almost like the wealthy don't give a shit about left vs right but about money and power.

For the most part ya. But politicians still have to consider their base at least a tad when they cast a vote in the house or senate.

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.

This video gives a quick rundown of their findings – it all boils down to one simple graph:

The main reason Trump ran for president was because the Obama mocked him at a Press Club Dinner and the elite establishment laughed along with him at Trump.

For the most part ya. But politicians still have to consider their base at least a tad when they cast a vote in the house or senate.

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.

This video gives a quick rundown of their findings – it all boils down to one simple graph: