Just need to say this
60 2017-12-08 by mooterfooker
As regards politics atm.
Don't get bogged down in what is, essentially, shadow play. You control your energy and others disagreeing with you is not a cause for hate, but an opportunity to understand.
Don't know if this is the right place for this, but the ppl here are far more open-minded.
Love is constructive, hate destructive...
Yes, I am an aging hippie.
Much love, to you all.
1 bradok 2017-12-08
What we choose to give our conscious thought to, our hopes, fears, anger, and anxiety, is also tied into mass ritual magick. Don't feed it, as you say. One must focus on what is important in life- Family, Friends, Community, Human beings in general.
Politics is important because it effects our daily lives, but it should not be the center of ones life. Only when one has a grounding in what is truly important, is it good to begin to give energy towards politics, in my opinion.
1 TheMadQuixotician 2017-12-08
That's pretty profound. Couldn't have said it better
1 mooterfooker 2017-12-08
Ok, your reply is much better than my post. Bravo! Dear sir/ madam.
1 kanye5150 2017-12-08
Fear is the big one. Lose your fear of the future and the unknown.
1 mooterfooker 2017-12-08
Thing about fear, that many don't know : You can refuse it.
1 forgottenbutnotgone 2017-12-08
Plant a garden, teach the children. Create and love!
1 paypayspeepee 2017-12-08
1 Habanero_Eyeball 2017-12-08
Could not agree more.
We like to think that we're responsible for our actions but not our thoughts. Once we understand how truly creative and powerful our thoughts are, we will be much more mindful to guard them. Our thoughts quite literally create the world in which we live.
Stay positive brothers and sisters. Don't let all the bad news get you down and when you're really bummed, just remember that childhood song:
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Live is but a dream