Does this community want totesmessengerbot banned? Wouldn't it be more honest to see in the thread when a post has been X-posted?

43  2017-12-09 by RecoveringGrace

I, for one, think that we should be alerted when a thread is X-posted. I argued this for over a year and was told that totesmessengerbot was disabled because it could leave the sub open to accusations of brigading.

We had a fairly organic experiment with this- after the Las Vegas event, totesmessengerbot was enabled. Only recently it was banned again. I didn't see or hear of any brigading that resulted from this sub during the months that the bot was enabled. Has anyone else?

Anyway, I feel that it is important that folks know who is "participating" in the conversation. I'd be willing to go back to (as our lurkers call it,) my "hall monitor activity" of alerting a thread in the comments when it has been X-posted, but I would prefer we let the bot do the work.


i have no probs with it

I agree that it’s a good tool to know who’s here, but I also see the potential for retaliation by brigades.

Ultimately, I’d appreciate knowing if a thread is being filled artificially with users will ill intent.

The problem is that voting and commenting on np links can get you shadowbanned. And maybe I'm wrong, but my gut tells me the people in this sub would be much more likely to face the consequences then those linking here.

I didn’t realize that, I’m not super familiar with all the rules. I guess I should read those to make sure I’m not in violation. I just always assume that because my actions are never malicious intentionally, that I’m not breaking the rules.

But yeah, I think this sub would be likely handled with a heavy hand.

The thing is, though, totesmessengerbot was enabled since LV. Did you witness a single issue?

Brigades will happen here regardless. We've had too much to think.

Now you need a wife

steady as she goes

YES yes yes yes yes!

Topmindsofreddit is jam packed every day with conspiracy post they've lifted for ridicule. Plenty of TMOR have alt usernames they use here to disrupt any conversation they disdain.

We need to know what they're targeting for brigades. Totesmessengerbot would at least be a heads up.

You're worried when people say not nice things about you. Who the fuck cares? All it does is satisfy whoever you are worried about, and cause direct fights within the communities.

Why didn't you just ask the mods directly? They've refused everyone else whatever they ask for, but I'm sure favorites will be accommodated. They usually are.

You're worried when people say not nice things about you. Who the fuck cares?

I'm not "worried" about people that say not nice things. I feel that knowing who is influencing discussion, even passively, is critical to understanding the tone of the conversation.

All it does is satisfy whoever you are worried about, and cause direct fights within the communities.

We fight anyway. Your comment is evidence of that.

Why didn't you just ask the mods directly?

Because this community belongs to the users as much as the mods. As I've stated in the OP, I was given the reason that we didn't want to be open to accusations of brigading, but it has been shown that that isn't an issue.

They've refused everyone else whatever they ask for,

Like what?

but I'm sure favorites will be accommodated. They usually are.

Again, like what?

When you are attending church, do you expect to hear the ninnies in the third row comment on your ugly hat? No. There will always be ninnies in the third row gossiping because it's what people do. Worrying about them is exactly what they want, but I don't expect someone like you to see that. Carry on. I look forward to the needless BS this will bring.

It is odd to me that a conspiracy theorist wants available information actively withheld from them in a place that they come to communicate.

"information actively withheld..." What the hell? You seem to be confusing gossip with information, but you do that on the regular.

Look, I no longer give a crap. Enable the bot. That's fine. Over and out. Bye bye. Sayonara.

So, you are worried about being exposed to "mean words" and downvotes at the expense of restricting yourself and others of knowing who is spying? That seems contrary to the spirit of this sub to me.

You never get what people try to tell you.

I'll have my popcorn ready.

I like TotesMessengerBot. I think it is good to know what posts r/TopMindsOfReddit x-post right in the thread. It also gives other community created subs exposure.

The whole argument that it opens our sub up to accusations of brigading is really silly to me considering what TMOR gets away with. I have not seen a single r/conspiracy brigade and have experienced TMOR brigades on multiple occasions on r/conspiracy where posts/comments of regulars are down voted to like -40.

I feel the only downside is that TMOR causes people to feel bad. People can decide whether they read the TMOR threads.

That said, I wonder why TotesMessengerBot is currently banned.

I feel the only downside is that TMOR causes people to feel bad.

Every totesmsgr I saw from TMoR I went over and scorched earthed them. That lasted a few weeks til they banned me.

I like the bot so we can torch TMoR but also don't mind forgetting they exist.

Some like yourself are more resistant than others.

I feel the only downside is that TMOR causes people to feel bad. People can decide whether they read the TMOR threads.

I'm OK with that. I think it's important to see how people outside of the community interpret what is said. Obviously TMOR is going to be more critical than an unbiased observer, but I still think it's valuable.

Sure. No different than dropping an orange cone next to some shit on the ground.


No, I think it is absolutely vital to being able to identify when a post/conversation/discussion/debate is not only being watched but influenced by groups that link to this sub for whatever reason they may have.

Btw, folks, this thread has been linked to TMoR in the comment section of another X-post.

No, it does more harm than good.

I was so pleased to see totesmessenger bot in action and would go as far as having it stickied at the top of whichever post has been x-posted.

Come on mods, it’s good to see when we’re being referenced!

It really only serves as a way to let people know they're being mocked, so if knowing that is so important to people, sure use totesmessenger.

I think most of you are paranoid and overblowing how much brigading and bot use goes on here.

You're worried when people say not nice things about you. Who the fuck cares?

I'm not "worried" about people that say not nice things. I feel that knowing who is influencing discussion, even passively, is critical to understanding the tone of the conversation.

All it does is satisfy whoever you are worried about, and cause direct fights within the communities.

We fight anyway. Your comment is evidence of that.

Why didn't you just ask the mods directly?

Because this community belongs to the users as much as the mods. As I've stated in the OP, I was given the reason that we didn't want to be open to accusations of brigading, but it has been shown that that isn't an issue.

They've refused everyone else whatever they ask for,

Like what?

but I'm sure favorites will be accommodated. They usually are.

Again, like what?